Wolf Play : Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | Open
12:34:47 Qyu - all pronouns
boo- sure if you set the wager to 0
12:33:02 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
quick PvP anyone?
12:32:14 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)

ohh he's pretty
12:31:41 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
Rocky Road listens to the forest sounds.

Stats: Perception +2
Mood: Alert
12:30:16 Rabbit
Hmm normally I don't like most of the colored noses, but with his eyes it's not too bad.
-WP Click-
12:27:08 Silver
Pm me if you want to rp
 Clear Sky
12:25:49 Sky / Blue - she,her
i need name ideas, im sick of trying to think up something good lol
 Lazy Kingdom
12:25:30 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
-WP Click-
12:16:26 Venn/Venne
Draco - spell your words out please. Thanks~
 Crypto Currency
11:54:22 Ash they/them
draco, it means they get hungry slower
hey what is the survivalism boost?
11:44:33 Vox, Corey
Yeesh, jasmines be spendy right now

No worries lmao I got distracted by duck mugs.

Aww that's too bad :c
 Celestial Saga
11:37:43 Queen / Jo
How is everyone
11:35:02 The Naming Empress
 Mistress Nyx
I poofed im sorry lol. I do have to go, but feel free to dm me if you ever wanna chat!
11:32:49 The Naming Empress
-WP Click-
What to do with him?
Decisions decisionsÂ…
11:31:12 Lil Techy | Techno
i'm tired
How're you today Technition?


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Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 11, 2021 12:37 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9044
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My Second Male

Name: Svarog
meaning: fire god

Age: Five
Gender: Masculine
Rank: Second male
Desired Rank: King

[credit for the image goes to robbobert on da]

Standing at 4.2 feet and weighing in the 500 pound category, Svarog is a menace in both stature and appearance. While not as tall as some other males, he is still of impressive height. His large muscles and intelligence make up for anything he lacks. In terms of his body, he's a beast, with long legs and a wide frame, he can easily match a large opponent.

Svarog's pelt is a typical light tan. The same colour remains on his entire body, not a shade or two lighter nor darker anywhere except for upon his face and legs. His inner legs consist of a lighter tan, nearing a cream, while his face consists of a white upon his muzzle and around his eyes.

Svarog's nose is most peculiar and is a mixture of both black and pink, giving him a unique look. His eyes are a pale yellow, sometimes olive in certain light, and he has long claws. His teeth are also jagged and long, often sticking out from beneath his lips and stained red and yellow.

The male's mane is large and sits regally upon his head like a crown. He flaunts it and knows he's attractive. He also has several scars upon his body from past fights, hunts, and accidents. While some look ugly, overall, it gives him a dark and rugged look. Svarog's scent consists of the sweet aroma of gardenia flowers.

Personality: Svarog is a quiet male. While Gazini and Kumar sit in the spotlight, he sits in the background watching, observing. He acts like their pawn, doing what they ask of him and showing them respect. Svarog, it seems, is gentle and kind towards them, and also teasing. He offers them advice and assists them with anything they need, and is one to crack a joke to them and nudge them playfully. Why, he loves them. They are practically his brothers after all. He would never imagine doing them harm.. Right?


While Kumar and Gazini had a plan, Svarog had one of his own all along.

While they are intelligent, Svarog is even more so. He is and always will be one step ahead of them. The male acts reserved, but behind that lies a cunning and deceiving mastermind. Kumar and Gazini believe that they have won, but my, are they wrong. Svarog was content following them and being the second male, but you see, while he acts content, he isn't. The male isn't and won't be satisfied until he and solely he is King. There aren't room for three, so he must beat the competition, just like they did.

Svarog is deceptive and wise. His intelligence is the most intimidating thing about him. If another has a plan, he'll have a better one. If one has an opinion, he'll top it with his own. You see, there's a pattern here. Svarog refuses to come in second place. He's selfish and greedy in that manner. Does he let it show? No.

Towards others, he's kind and quiet, always offering a small smile or tease, and even acts shy in some cases. He acts like a gentle giant, one that is affectionate and big-hearted. He'll nod to anybody he passes while also containing a tough front. He can be charming and offer advice and favours. However, it's all a ploy. It always has been. Behind his smiles lies a plan to become number one. Behind his kindness lies a cruel, cold individual that has been corrupted by power, but he doesn't let that show.

Svarog doesn't act like an aggressive or violent creature, but once more, he hides it. In truth, he enjoys inflicting harm to others and causing bloodshed. He enjoys drama and destruction, and he can't wait to see everybody's faces when they realize that they've been played.

Everybody believes that Kumar and Gazini are the bad guys, not knowing that it's been him all along. The coalition has done the hard part, now all that's left is for him to step in and finish the job.

The Queen herself
None, though is plotting

Edited at August 11, 2021 02:38 PM by Tenebris Umbra
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 11, 2021 12:39 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9044
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My Cub


Name: Kibuka
meaning: goddess of war

Age: 3 months
Gender: Female
Rank: Cub
Desired Rank: Queen


[credit for all images goes to robbobert on da]

Buka is an average cub that takes after her mother in terms of colouring and appearance. As of now, she's small, but when she's older she'll stand at approximately 3.7 feet considering her mother and father's height. Her build will also be more lithe and muscular. For now, all she has is baby fat and the odd growing muscle or two.

Her coat is a light tan with spots of darker brown scattered around. She'll grow out of it, but the ones upon her head will remain, even when older. Upon her legs, the spotting will remain as well, though will be better blended into her main pelt. Kibuka ranges on the lighter side of coats. It's lighter than her mother and father's, perhaps obtained from an ancestor.

The cub's underbelly is a creamy white, as are her inner legs and muzzle. Her cheeks are white as well, and will remain so even when an adult. Her eyes are an odd mixture of Crixus and Acantha. They appear to be a form of brown in certain light, and in others, a pale olive. Even she isn't sure which is the correct colour.

As of now, Kibuka has not a single scar upon her. When she's older, she will have several, especially upon her face. Her scent will be of petrichor and rain, and her voice will adapt to a deeper, melodic sound that's both loud and gentle at the same time.

For now, she is an oddly.. intimidating cub, her eyes always set staring at somebody, her body motionless. In truth, she can sit for hours staring, unsettling many.

Personality: Kibuka is still discovering who she is, but if one thing is for certain, she's a determined and stubborn thing, as well as curious. She will ask constant questions and demand to be listened to, making her a pest at times. Kibuka enjoys spending time with her parents, and has naturally begun to obtain some of their personality traits and claiming them. Being around her father, she has learned to be vicious and never settle for less. She has also learned that she enjoys a good spar, even if she can hardly inflict any damage other than a tiny scratch. Around him, she has learned to be playful, yet also serious when needed, and understands the concept of danger.

From her mother, Kibuka has learned to talk back and defend herself with her words, even though her vocabulary is still expanding. Some may say that she has also begun to show some attitude. She has also learned not to trust random individuals. Kibuka is smart for a cub, or at least she'd like to think herself as intelligent. She understands what to do and what not to do, and her constant questions being answered makes her somewhat smart. Kibuka absorbs information easily and will carry it with her, for she has a good memory.

She isn't necessarily adventurous, but she does enjoy exploring at times. However, she isn't one to break rules or go against her parents and their wishes. Kibuka is brave, but in a stupid manner. She'll go against another much larger than her and won't hesitate to try and harm them if anybody she cares for is in danger (which doesn't help much, but it makes herself feel big). She sees herself as fiercer than she actually is, and likes to take charge, even if she doesn't truly have much of a say in a manner. When she's older, she'll become more stern and opinionated, but that's something she'll learn in time.

Kibuka also enjoys socializing. She'll ask questions, and when she has the answer, she'll trot around sharing it with anybody she encounters. The cub is also odd at times, sitting off to the side and practically staring into ones soul. She can sit still for hours, simply watching. Kibuka likes unsettling others, and she also observes, something she learned can help her learn about others. It's rare for a cub, but Kibuka has a lot of patience and hardly grows bored. She can sit, and sit, and sit for hours, simply watching.

Crush: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Her mother is Acantha, her father is Crixus, and her sister is _____

her older:
her and pops

Edited at August 11, 2021 08:37 PM by Tenebris Umbra
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 11, 2021 01:07 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9044
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My Lioness

Name: Keres
meaning: evil spirits

Age: Five
Gender: Female
Rank: Huntress
Desired Rank: Queen


[credit for the image goes to robbobert on da]

Standing at 3.6 feet and weighing approximately 365 pounds, Keres isn't overly tall nor small. Her physique is fairly muscular, especially her legs and chest, which are thick and powerful. The female has a hardened exterior, both mentally and physically. Her body seems to appear more masculine than feminine, given her muscles. While she is a huntress, it's clear that she is less used for running, and more used for launching the attack.

Keres has a typical pelt mixed with various shades of tans and beiges, as well as whites. Upon her face lies a darker tan, which continues up to her back and fades into a lighter one. Additionally, a soft, creamy white can be seen upon her muzzle, inner legs, and stomach. This fades into a tan as one's eyes trail up her body. Her outer limbs are darker, as are her nose and inner ears, which seem to take up an almost liver colour.

The lioness has a defined facial structure that looks almost.. muscular in a sense. Her cheeks are defined and sharp, giving her a menacing form of look. Her eyes, in addition to her cheeks, give off a dark aura. They are often very serious and droop in a manner that makes her seem intimidating. Her eyes are a pale yellow.

Keres has white surrounding her eyes, giving her an even more intimidating look. There is also a hint of black around her eyes, making it seem as if she's wearing eyeliner.

Scars litter her body from past hunting experiences. It's almost impossible not to obtain any while surviving. Her scent consists of something similar to a bonfire; smokey, dark, and overpowering.

Personality: Keres is within the pride for one reason: survival. The pride makes it easier for her to live, thus, she remains within one, feeding off of everybody else's work. Granted, she does her own chores and whatnot, but puts in minimum effort. She never puts in more effort than she must, nor does extra tasks. She works enough to stay within the pride, and nothing more. Keres cares for nobody other than herself. As long as she's satisfied, then nothing nor nobody else matters. She cares little, if at all, about the others within the pride, though she puts up a good show. She will seem sweet and caring at times, but it's all an act to ensure her own safety and survival.

Keres can sometimes slip, acting selfish and greedy at times. She'll forget herself and snap at others, and my, does she have a nasty bite. However, if one thing is for certain, it's that Keres has determination. She longs to be promoted and rise to the top. The higher up you are, the less you have to work. Thus, Keres wishes to become a higher-power. Being a huntress means you must provide, but she doesn't wish to do that. She wishes to be on the receiving end. She wishes to tell others what to do.

The female is intimidating and intelligent, but in a cunning, manipulative way. Keres tends to defraud others by gaining their trust in a deceitful manner. She's a cheater, a con artist, a mastermind, and she wishes to be on top. She isn't lazy in a sense, simply wishes to have power and put in little effort. She wants others to serve her.

Keres is one to never back down from an arguement. She enjoys them and belittling others. It's as if she has a pent up anger within her that she uses to lash out on everybody. She is good with her words as well, and refuses to give up without a fight. She's a confusing lioness, sometimes nice, sometimes bitter, but nonetheless, always in the midst of an act. She's the type to act kind towards one lioness, and within minutes, speak badly about them behind their back. Keres creates drama in her wake, though does so in a planned manner. Nothing can be traced back to her, and if fingers are pointed at her, she'll bat her eyelids and act innocent. She's a scary individual to be around, and rather unstable at times. There's no knowing what she would do for something she wants.

Keres prefers to sit in the sidelines, after all, it's easier to plot things then. She's observant and confident, as well as bold. She can also be opinionated, persuading others to view her side of things. She doesn't care for anybody elses feelings and will use them without their knowledge. There are little good qualities within her, but she can show acts of kindness at times, though it's very rare. Like mentioned before, she only does things if something is in store for her.

While she doesn't do relationships, it isn't impossible for somebody to squeeze their way into her life, whether it be a friendship or something more. It has happened before, and it could happen again. If it does, one may find that Keres is rather.. tolerable in a sense. She may also be loyal, which is surprising to uncover given her personality, and she may show small acts of kindness, though I wouldn't hold my breath.

She craves power, so her eyes will be set upon the Ukufa males

Edited at August 11, 2021 01:45 PM by Tenebris Umbra
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 11, 2021 02:00 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Keres is accepted :)
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 11, 2021 06:09 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Svarog is accepted :)
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 11, 2021 06:58 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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"Bird" in Zulu.
Often called Bird, Iny, or Yoni
3 Months
Desired Rank:

Will be Smol Lioness
About 3.4 Feet in Height when Full Grown.
Even as a cub she's tiny, and on the Thin Side.
As she ages she will become more stout, putting on muscle easily.
More of a Tawny- Biege color. More Hazel Colored Eyes.

Sweet & Shy
Quiet & Observant
Naturally More of a Thinker
Afraid of Thunderstorms
In General: Just Fearful
Likes to Play When She's Comfortable
Never Leaves the Safety of Someone She Knows/Trusts
Loves, Loves, Loves her Parents
Pure and Innocent at Heart

None, Ew.
Definitely None
Her mother is Acantha, her father is Crixus, and her sister is Kibuka.

Credit for all Images goes to Robbobert on Da. Stock Images.

Her and Her Sister:

Edited at August 15, 2021 11:37 PM by Imperial Sands
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 12, 2021 12:57 PM

Former Pack

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Desired Rank:
Cub.Lol no jk.

Stock image credits go to HOTNStock DA.

Faded reddish-brown pelt, battered and scarred. Light brown and tawny on her hips, tail, and legs. Her underside is painted with light golden, crawling up towards her jaw. Her life has been long and fulfilling, however, all good things must come to an end. As she ages, those aches and pains in her body worsen, her ribs show and her hips are bony. Her bones are stiff and creaky, claws weak, and tooth sensitivity has been an issue for her lately. She’s still a lioness you don’t want to piss off, but even she has to confess she's not fresh and spunky as she used to be. Her face, ears, tail, and legs are tipped with gray hairs, and her pelt is unkempt as it's gotten harder for her to groom herself.

Neliah used to be a powerful, nimble young lioness in her prime. She stood at about 3’8 in stature and weighed around 350 pounds. Not only was she tall, but she was also rippling in muscle, firm under her glossy red pelt. Her powerful build and long body made her a fine hunter, however, those days are a mere memory. Her height has shrunk with age and her weight decreased exceedingly, dropping to around 280. Her skin has begun to swag and her amber eyes have lost their shine, clouded over as age worsened her eyesight. Scars are littered all over her pelt from the past conflicts, on her face, ears, chest, hips, and legs. However, her most prominent and permanent injury would be her front left leg, where she suffered from a nasty kick from a zebra and developed a limp.


Stock image credits go to HOTNStock DA.
[honest, wise, bold, insightful, cantankerous, kind]
Neliah acts as any other old, tired lioness would. Old. She is strict, with a sharp tongue but a kind heart. She offers words of wisdom to those that will listen, and scorn to those who choose to be a fool. Many lessons have been learned over the years and influenced her to be insightful and wise. Being one of the oldest in the pride, her pride is everything to her. She watched as life came and went, new beginnings and endings alike, even her own. She’s loved and lost, protected and was protected. That's why she’ll never forgive anyone who sets their claws on her pride with selfish intentions. While most might call it stupidity, she is fearless. Towards the ukafu, all she has is bitter resentment and scorn, her protective nature reawakened by loss.

She’s honest and bold, if honesty hurts anybody she doesn't give a shit. Nobody wants to see her when she is really angry, she knows exactly how to get under your fur and could care less if you don’t like it. In all honesty, she's fed up with everything. From sunrise to sunset she's a grouchy, cranky bitch. She often found grumbling and maybe even snarling at the littlest things. Is it so hard to show some respect? She earned in place in the pride through blood, sweat, and tears! It's not too far to demand some respect for crying out loud! All that being said, she has good intentions and loves her pride dearly. Cubs are her weak spot and she’ll often be found talking softly to them, telling them stories of her adventures. Towards any of her offspring, she considers them as her world and is very supportive and loving.

ew, no.
Eh, probably dead.
Viyan, [talked to Polly]
Isn't teal such a lovely color?

Edited at August 13, 2021 12:26 PM by Caffeine
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 13, 2021 12:27 PM

Former Pack

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I finished my elder, although I haven't proofread it much and it’s pretty much shit, I’m too tired right now.
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 13, 2021 02:43 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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I'll look her over tonight :)
Do you know when you'll have your male done?
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 13, 2021 04:43 PM

Former Pack

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Imperial Sands said:
I'll look her over tonight :)
Do you know when you'll have your male done?

Hopefully by tonight, I've been busier than I thought I'd be. Sorry about that..

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