Wolf Play : Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]
 Crystal Pines
07:04:30 Phoenix
-WP Click-
My first natural exclusive
07:03:52 skye

thats fair enough then!
at least you're doing something :D <3
07:03:05 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I can only make a certain amount of money for reasons I don't really feel like talking about. It's frustrating, and kind of nerve wracking, but I make do with what I have.
06:59:56 skye

i work so many hours 😭
and because im under 18 they pay me so little XD
06:59:20 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Same, got a job, but I can only work a certain amount of hours. That's okay, I like my job, so it's worth it.
 The lost legacy
06:59:18 Winner
Pvp anyone?
06:58:34 skye

yep i was ment to go college too!
but i never did instead i got a job XD
06:57:50 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

To be honest, I started going to college to be a veterinary technician, but I couldn't afford a second term, and I realized it wasn't actually what I was meant to do with my life. There's so much going on, I don't know if I'll ever end up going to college, and if I don't, that's okay, but I'd like to someday, don't know what for yet, though. I know it'd involve animals, though.
06:57:41 Vox, Corey
-WP Click-

Damn, he just hadda die at 15 :'D
 Sea Coast
06:57:00 Sea/Coast/Beach
Solitaire nooooo!
06:56:53 skye
bye silver 😭😭
06:56:31 The Naming Empress
I might have to be off for several days
Because my mom doesnÂ’t like me on my screen too much
06:56:13 The Naming Empress
I donÂ’t think I wanna go but I have to
06:55:42 The Naming Empress
98 bonesXD
06:55:14 skye

oh haha!
i was ment to do dog grooming but to be honest i couldn't be bothered XD
06:55:05 Lil Techy | Techno
god damn it I need another pup to train
 Tyrannical Raise
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
I need to get these 3 to dg 2/5 complete
06:54:35 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I'd continue onto being a psychologist if I wasn't so darn intent on avoiding writing a 100-page dissertation. >_>
 Sea Coast
06:54:08 Sea/Coast/Beach
oh ok
06:54:02 skye
imagine it being day its 00:53 here XD


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Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 11, 2021 12:06 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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(meaning: great friend)




here's a small drawing of her:

A grand, majestic dragon, Orva is a sight to behold. Her scales are pure white, between them, a soft, eerie neon glow is seen that is able to grow brighter or halt completely depending on both the time and her mood. She's a massive creature, standing at 14ft at the shoulder with a wingspan of a few dozen feet. Her wings are slightly transparent, the material making up her wings being slightly thin, giving her more fragile wings. While her wings are still strong, the thin material can tear easily when compared to other dragons.

Her eyes are two orbs of light, like miniature suns. They glow with a lot of force, and like the glow between her scales, is able to grow or decrease. The colour of her eyes are a light yellow, almost white. Upon Orva's head lay two massive horns that spiral back and turn towards the direction of her snout, like ram horns. Rather than being white, her spikes and horns are gold. Along with the ram horns, several more spike from her head, giving her a regal crowned look. Almost like a mane, but instead of fur, it's spikes. Her snout has a very pointed look, and fur spurts from her chin, giving her a wise appearance. More fur can be seen around her body, such as on her arms, legs, back, and tail.

Spikes protrude from her arms and hind legs, giving her armour. Upon her back, more spikes lay, a mixture of small and long ones that all range in width. Once more, they are golden, not white. Her stature is that of a lithe one, but that doesn't mean that she isn't powerful.

For chested armour, Orva has a bunch that spike out from the sides, but they're white and blend in with her scales, surprising many if attacked. She also has long, sharp claws, giving her good mobility if she were to climb a mountain without the use of her wings. Her tail is long, the tip being surrounded by spikes and fur. Orva has two rows of teeth, though the second are much smaller and less sharp and jagged.

Orva is an extremely wise, intelligent, and peaceful dragon, never one to cause an uproar without good reason. She's a regal creature, from the way she moves alone that part is clear. For the most part, Orva is kind, never one to snap or lash out at others, and is one to come between arguments to prevent further chaos from arising. Peace is something she adores, and has given herself the rold of ensuring peace remains.

Orva is very selfless and kind, her personality and feelings always being openly expressed. She isn't one who hides her feelings, much preferring to let others know of her emotions. Additionally, she is social, always enjoying any company near. She also tends to grow lonely fairly swiftly. Orva is independent, but she loathes being alone.

Both her mind and body are very advanced in terms of intelligence, and she uses it to her advantage when she deems fit. She is, after all, 250 years old, though her intelligence seems to make her seem much, much older. Given by the way she speaks alone, Orva sounds ancient.

She isn't aggressive, but rather collective. While some dragons are seen flying around or doing activities, Orva would be found lying upon a flat surface with a content look upon her face. She doesn't play, and certainly isn't one for fighting, however, depending on the circumstances, she will if she must, and my is she a force to reckon with. Do not underestimate her calmness and kindness, for Orva can switch things up rather swiftly. Even she has a tolerance to certain behaviour.

She enjoys offering advice to others and conversing. Her advice is always helpful, after all, she isn't considered wise for no reason. Her species is known for it, and Orva is a prime representation of them.

Sometimes, if Orva wishes to remain unseen, she will hide out, and none will be able to seek her out until she wishes to be found. Overall, she gives off "guardian" and "protector" vibes. However, she also gives off a regal aura that makes her represent that of a Queen, and in a way, she certainly acts and appears like one.


Blinding light ~ Orva is able to use light to her adventage. She has a certain amount of energy charged up that is able to be released all at once, or over the span of a few hours. She is able emit a large and powerful flash of light that may blind or stun opponents for a short period of time, or if she wishes, she may use her powers in smaller ways, such as illuminating herself or using small light orbs. Orva's power is recharged through the sun.

[Strengths & Weaknesses]

Light ~ is able to use light when needed and uses it in different forms (orbs, all at once, for warmth, etc)
Powerful ~ her mind and body are extremely powerful and used to her advantage
Day ~ she feels best in the day, preferably when the sky isn't cloudy and she is in the presence of the sun, after all, she gains energy and powers from it
Fortitude ~ high fortitude
Speed ~ her flight speed is quick due to her long, powerful wings and lithe body as well as fur

Night ~ the night tends to drain her. She is, after all, connected to the sun
Clouds ~ cloudy skies block the sun, and Orva is most powerful when it's shining
Stamina ~ her stamina isn't as high
Brightness ~ her bright body gives her away in dark areas
Size ~ she is seen more easily during the night due to her large figure

[Likes & Dislikes]

Sun/Brightness ~ Orva loves the sun and anything bright
Socialization ~ she loves being social and being in the presence of others
Peace ~ Orva adores peace and order and when everything is united

Disorder ~ she dislikes disorder and chaos. Her species is the peaceful type and dislike being disrupted
Night ~ though she does like the moon because it's bright
Loneliness ~ Orva dislikes being left alone for a long period of time

Alexa Finch - Tyrus doesn't have many friends, which is why he is even more grateful for Alexa, the one individual who he considers his best friend. She has stuck by him through everything, ever since they were children. Her personality seems to fit his rather nicely. He admires her greatly, and is the one friend that he would do anything for. He's like a guard dog, and he's completely loyal to Alexa and protects her as if his life depended on it.

Mircea Cryolar - This is by far the strangest relationship that Tyrus is part of. The two threaten and bully one another to the maximum capacity. It would make sense, after all, aren't they enemies? Wrong. Although the two attempt to verbally and physically harm one another, it's like an unspoken way of saying "Yeah, I care about you and love you." So, while they're always yelling at one another, it isn't because they hate one another. In fact, Tyrus would do almost anything for Mircea and considers him a very. close friend. When around him, Tyrus acts like a child, calling him nicknames and bullying him to the core. The two share a brotherly bond, one that Tyrus is grateful for, as he has never had siblings or family. The bond is special to him, and he can even be seen acting kinder and more compassionate towards Mircea.

Ryia Beaumont - These two have a peculiar relationship. He doesn't have anything against her, and will converse with her at times. They aren't friends nor enemies, but have a small unity between them. He has her back, and she knows that she will have his as well. They protect each other in a secretive, unspoken bond.


Edited at August 13, 2021 08:24 PM by Tenebris Umbra
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 11, 2021 12:06 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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Tyrus Rafferity



Tyrus is a man with a solid stature of six feet and three inches with a weight of over 200 pounds. He has a good build to him, not quite lean, but not quite muscular. It's an equilibrium between the two. In terms of his facial appearance, he's handsome, but in a rugged, mysterious, menacing sort of way. His eyes hold coldness in them that warn others not to approach him, and are rather dark. He's not a likable individual, and his common sneer and hurtful glances don't help his case.

He has a medium length of hair that is curly and ends at the bottom of his neck. It's a dark brown, so much so, that it appears black. His skin is tan, as if he's been out in the sun for too long, which is ironic, seeing as he prefers darkness. He has a sharp jawline with a piercing gaze, his eyes being a deep emerald green that make him resemble a snake, and not in a good way, but in a lying, deceptive one. Tyrus has a nose that has a bump at its bridge, most likely from breaking it when he was younger.

The man has several scars scattered around his body, even upon his face. His most noticeable one is a single scar scratched right across his face, beginning from the right side of his face and ending at his left in a diagonal direction. He was a troubling child, always causing chaos, thus, why he has so many scars (mainly due to his stupidity).

Tyrus is an intolerable individual, from casting dark glances to throwing snide comments out. He cares not of what others think of him, which is clear, seeing as he wouldn't be as insufferable as he currently is. He's moody, always frustrated, and always gets to the point when it comes to topics of conversation. He also has little patience.

However, like many beings, he also has another side to him, one reserved for those he genuinely likes tolerates or considers friends individuals that he doesn't completely despise. To them, he can seem not as rude nor selfish, but rather quite the opposite. He even has an amusing side to him and can break out into the smallest of smiles and teases. Tyrus seems like an individual that isn't afraid of anything. He will do things that put himself in danger purely for the adrenaline rush and to scare others, however, if one truly knew him, then they'd know that he is scared of one thing. What that is, you ask?


Tyrus can't stand them. Can't look at them. Can't talk about them. He despises them and is deathly afraid of them. Why wouldn't he be? They have sharp teeth and death glares, and their bodies. Who wants to look at an overgrown lizard?

Many mainly see him as this constantly annoyed individual who acts as if he wishes to be anywhere but where he currently is. He is, however, quite intelligent and opinionated. Tyrus is able to come up with a quick plan if something goes haywire and able to make things work to his benefit. However, his delivery is always dry and sarcastic, as if he's a know it all.

When it comes to what little friends he has, Tyrus isn't jealous nor possessive when others try to befriend them, but he will assess them to ensure that they're worthy. In a way, he likes to ensure that his friends have people that are good enough for them and tends to put the effort into trying to figure out that nobody will hurt them. In many ways, he's like a large, overly aggressive guard dog.

[Strengths & Weaknesses]

Intelligent ~ Tyrus is strong in terms of intelligence and brains
Quick ~ he's a quick thinker, able to come up with swift plans. He's also quick on his feet
Persuasive ~ he is very convincing with his words when he tries, and can be persuasive
Strong ~ he's strong physically and mentally

Difficult ~ he's difficult to work with in such ways that he is stubborn and thinks his way is better than any other; he has trouble listening and following rules and others
Opinionated ~ he's opinionated, always lashing out to anyone, which puts him into tough situations
Rude ~ Tyrus won't hide his dislike towards anybody
Dragons ~ most importantly, Tyrus, (yes, Tyrus), is petrified of dragons.

[Likes & Dislikes]

Alone ~ he loves being alone
Darkness ~ he enjoys the night
Winning ~ Tyrus loves winning in any means possible
Reading ~ yes, he likes to read, so sue him
Heights ~ he enjoys the rush

Dragons ~ no more needs to be said
Losing ~ he dislikes being proved wrong and losing
Kindness ~ when somebody is overly kind to him, he pushes them away and feels as if he doesn't deserve it
Crowds ~ he hates crowded places, it's just irking

he's a little orphan boy

I remember that when I was younger I would love the movie DragonHeart. Also, httyd. Those movies and they're soundtracks have my heart.

Edited at August 12, 2021 11:41 AM by Tenebris Umbra
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 11, 2021 01:35 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Both are accepted :)
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 11, 2021 02:11 PM


Posts: 22535
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Mircela is complete :)
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 11, 2021 03:59 PM


Posts: 4518
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-If we need another Rider-

Marcella Anne Lane

Age: 17 and a half years

Gender: Female


This female has a slightly taller height than most, standing about 5 feet and 8 inches. The same as her brother, which she teases him endlessly for. Her shoe size is more normal, ending up around a size 8.5. Marcella doesn't have any large birthmarks, her only noticeable one is a small brown mark on the bottom of her pinky toe, on her right foot. She does have a couple of small moles across her arms, shoulder blades, and neck, but none out of the ordinary. Her skin rarely burns and as a result, she has a tan, it's just slightly beyond sun-kissed from the amount of time she spends outside, and will only get a little darker than that by the end of summer. This female's body type is less curvey and more triangular-shaped. She has slightly wider hips and a shoulder-width that almost matches that, though is just smaller. She has a flat stomach and a slightly muscular build, though she is thinner than she is muscular.

Marcella has blue eyes, almost a sky blue color, and is quite stunning. a slightly darker blue rims her pupil and outer eye, while small pale blue flecks surround her pupil. Slightly darker shades of blue fill in the rest of her eye, and they have an almond shape. Her orbs are framed by dark brown lashes, so she has no need for any makeup, not that she wears it anyway. Her eyebrows just a little ways above her eyes are thin and dark. They have an “oval” shape, with a very slight arch. She takes the time to wax her eyebrows, so they are uniform-looking.

This female's nose is considered to be celestial. With it slightly upturned, a dent in her nose bridge, and a protruding tip. Across her nose, she also has freckles, very light in coloration, but still noticeable. She also has them across her cheeks and the tops of her shoulder. Her lips are light pink and on the thin side, with a defined Cupid’s bow. She has noticeable dimples on either side of her mouth when she smiles, they will even appear if she gives someone a small smile

Marcella has a heart-shaped face, it has a slight widow's peak at the top. She has a bit of a jawline, noticeable but not crazy, and not as sharp as her brothers. Her cheekbones are a bit sharp, not enough to give her shadows on either side of her face, just enough for it to show. Onto her hair, which is long and goes down to her shoulder blades. It is black and on the thicker side, it is also quite a wavey looking. For any training or more physical activity, her hair is pulled into a low bun, it’s not too tight and a few strands of hair may fall out. Her hair is only down for special occasions, any other time it may be in a high ponytail.


As far as socializing goes, she does enjoy group activities but also prefers time alone/with her dragon. Though she does feel quite comfortable around most of the other Riders, some days she is just not up for spending time with a large group. Marcella can be a bit reserved at times, especially if she is not up for large group training that day, and will let you know if you're pushing it. Her temper is slight and she will give many warnings before she snaps, though will cool down quickly. Sometimes she might get into a bit of a mood, and be a little snappy or aggressive towards you, she may just need some space for a bit. You can normally tell by the look on her face, squinted eyes, and arms crossed. Any anger she has will never taken out on her dragon.

Marcella can hold grudges, and she may even have some form of hatred towards some. She may ignore those who mistreat her friends. But only if you give her a reason, otherwise she can be more forgiving if you are willing to own up to it.

With her closest friends, she can’t seem to help herself with sarcastic remarks, including those where she flaunts her “skills”. You could call it “boasting sarcastically”, she happens to do this often and will then follow up with another sarcastic remark, like an "I know I'm humble about it". She really only tends to use it regarding something she isn't the best at, as a sort of 'joke'. She is normally not this way around those she is not as close with, this female really opens out of her shell with her friends.

This female is a quick learner and thinker, she is pretty open-minded and determined when it comes to training, so she tends to pick up on things at a decent pace. She had wanted to become a dragon rider for a large part of her childhood, and finally bonding with her dragon had secured it. She is a hard worker and is ambitious in the sense that she wants to become the best Rider she can be. Marcella does know that she can use improvement in her skills, and is definitely not invincible. Though she will always be up for a challenge, whether she is pushing herself harder in training, or is participating in some event.

Marcella can be opinionated, though tends to keep it more to herself in the moment, and will share her thoughts with her dragon later. She is not one to beat around the bush and will deliver information straight to you without sugar-coating it. She hates it when she isn't given a straight answer. Her demeanor is calmer, this female is not riled up easily, and has a bit of distaste for overly hyper people.

Dragon: Nurzhan


-Balance & Agility, a good skill to have if flying
-Quick, in learning and thinking, which helps her catch onto riding better
-Combat, in some forms she knows the basics and can defend herself if it comes to it


-Physical strength, something she needs more work in, though doesn't completely lack
-Her inexperience, as much as she hates to admit it, she doesn't have enough experience as a Rider yet
-Teamwork, though only when she is in a mood and not wanting to work with a large group


-Hand-to-hand combat, something she is interested in learning more about. She knows basic moves as of now. Marcella wants to learn how to handle a knife.
-Being outdoors, it’s much more calming than being inside, and she loves the fresh air
-Dragons, duh, she spends most of her free time with her dragon and will be more inclined to speak her mind around them as well.
-Select people, she has a smaller circle of friends that she enjoys being around
-Rain, it’s cooling and peaceful to watch
-Heat, she rather be hot than cold


-Being treated with disrespect, she can take constructive criticism since she is still learning, but she won't stand for being treated like dirt.
-Hyper people, they give her a headache
-Being away from her dragon for long periods of time, she feels more complete with them
-Not getting a straight answer


Mircea Cryolar
Marcella has more of a relaxed relationship with Mir. She definitely enjoys his company, whether it's just sitting in silence or actually doing something. Their friendship is more low-key, by the way, he acts around some of his friends compared to her, it would seem as if they were almost acquaintances. Their relationship is not as crazy as some, but she enjoys it and wants to become better friends with him.

Other: Boop.

Edited at August 12, 2021 12:58 PM by Ciao
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 11, 2021 06:07 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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All are accepted :)
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 11, 2021 06:54 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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We need 1 more dragon :)
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 12, 2021 12:48 AM


Posts: 3392
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I'd like to reserve one rider and 2 earth class dragons :)

Edited at August 12, 2021 12:51 AM by Meian
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 12, 2021 01:06 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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You got it ^^
It does mean your rider will have to be with Spell's dragon though.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 12, 2021 12:21 PM


Posts: 3392
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That's perfectly fine. :)

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