
YURVI - Name Pronunciation (If needed): Yur-vi - Age: 1.75 Years - Gender: Female - Rank: Heir (Wants to be at Hunter an possibly beta rank) - Loyalty: Knows she should support her father, but is unsure - Personality: Yurvi is a quiet, mysterious wolf. She always looks for peacful, silent places to sit, and prefers being alone. She is a kind, compassionate spirit, athough is hard to make friends with. - Appearance (Images are okay): Coloring by: Rogue Wildfires #309090 - Strengths: - Thick Pelt (Can run through nettles and brush with ease) - Sense of Sight - Sense of Hearing - Hunting Skills - Weaknesses: Too much anxiety makes her quiet Has a hard time talking to others besides family - Easily Forgets stuff - Other: Meh - Edited at September 19, 2024 08:17 AM by Rogue Wildfires

Can I reserve alpha male?

Ofcourse! Tech said: Can I reserve alpha male?

ARROW - Age: 5 - Gender: Female - Rank: Alpha Female - Loyalty: Very loyal to her mate - Personality: Arrow is a worn-down, War strikken wolf. Her life has been on the line since she was a pup, and her world has been seen as dfferent than others because of her wariness and emotionless stature. - Appearance (Images are okay): Her right eye is scarred, but I forgot to add it to the picture Coloring by: Rogue Wildfires #309090 - Strengths: - Long, thin legs for running - Sense of Direction and scent - Fighting skills - NIght time (Darkness) - Weaknesses: - Eye scar - Gets distracted easily - Water - Lightning storms - Relationships: Alpha Male as mate - Other: Meh - Edited at October 25, 2024 01:23 PM by Rogue Whispers

Caylus - Name Pronunciation (If needed):Also called Cay - Age: 5 - Gender: Male - Rank:Alpha Male - Personality:He is a very nice wolf loves to sleep in and cuddle with his mate Arrow. He will do anything for his pack and I'm saying anything you need him to fetch some water he'll do it mostly because he cares about his pack and especially his mate. His mate is his equal he'll never let her out of his sight unless actually needed - Appearance (Images are okay): keep the tribal marking though Coloring by: Rogue Wildfires #309090 - Strengths: Hunting small animals like mice and rabbits Very agile because of his slim body Heightend sense of smell Hearing tiny little things most can't - Weaknesses: Has weakened over the years Water Fighting Blind in one eye - Relationships: Alpha Female as Mate - Other: nothing ^^ Edited at September 20, 2024 08:34 AM by Tech


Edited at September 19, 2024 04:31 PM by Old Money

Alright! Old Money said: reserving healer please!
I'll get that drawing done soon, Tech!

I added loyalty to the sign up sheet, so it would be great for everyone to add that to their character sheet!
