Male adjacent (intersex and non binary)
Cheddar cheese
Desired rank:
Currently acquired, only upon ambition will he desire more
Thing based of off:
Giraffe stag beetle !!!! both sexes
Thoughts on situation:
Generally indifferent to the clowders, theyre just weaker and likely upset they have competition that is stronger than them, though is starting to contemplate whether or not that is truly the case

Hirsch is a pretty big cat, about the size of a Maine Coon being at 1.2 ft tall and being 4 ft in length (including mandibles). He weighs in at 25 lbs making him quite heavy too. He's no skinny fella, he's got muscle to him and looks fairly intimidating at first glance.
Hirsch's body is composed of a tough exoskeleton and protruding fur. Though do not be fooled by this fur, it's coarse and not very pleasant to touch or groom for others. It's actually setae, and is made of keratin. His exoskeleton is made of chitin and serves as a type of armor. His setae is this rich reddish brown, his exoskeleton being a darker brown.
His exoskeleton mainly covers his upper body- his snout, forehead, neck, shoulder, back, and tail. He has 6 pairs of legs, only the front set being anything remotely feline.. except for the fact it has some traces of chitin scales on the top of his paws and his thick claws do not retract for the sake of burrowing. His second and third set of legs are very insectoid. The base of them are covered in setae, while the rest of it has chitin. He only has two digits on each insect leg, and protruding spines; two on the middle set and three on the back set. On his back is an elytra which protects his wings. Each wing is almost as long as he is, allowing him flight.
Hirsch has two sets of mandibles, male and female, which are a dead giveaway that he's intersex. The male set, which are 1.5 ft long, rest just behind his eyes. They have 4 points each, and are incredibly strong. His female set are much smaller, only 4 inches in length, and having 2 points; this one protrudes from his mouth as it's part of his skull. Don't be fooled by the size of them, they're still strong and serve a nasty bite.
He has no nose, instead relying on his antenna to pick up scent. They wave around a lot and sometimes might even touch you from time to time to get a good whiff. His eyes are beady and small, the sclera being a dark color while his pupils are a bright yellow. This tends to reflect light easily, making them glow when it gets dark.
Assesories: not required
None for now
Hirsch is a bit of a boring guy. I mean. He looks interesting but most of his hobbies are not that appealing to other cats so of course he'd be boring if not weird to them. Yknow ?
He likes to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, not really caring much about schedules and stuff unless it's for work. Basically he's pretty independent when he isn't needed for work. He loves to spend time with his daughter, bonding with her and being an annoying dad who tries to be as involved as possible. He's just a silly guy who looks a bit scary.
With other tribe members he's eh. He will socialize, and he will help out if needed, but he isn't particularly close with any of them. If anyone asked to hang out with him though he would not say no unless he had something planned with Ciara, or had work to do.
Speaking of which, he takes his job pretty seriously. Hes, like, the second highest ranking cat in the tribe and he's an advisor for the Cheese. He does his best to listen, and takes careful consideration for every piece of advice he has. As of late, he's been starting to focus on the clowders that are upset with them and wants to be able to advise the Cheese to the best of his capabilities on this matter. If there's anyone Hirsch cares for almost as much as his daughter, it's the Cheese.
Relationtion ships: Mate, siblings, kittens, freinds, ext
Daughter- Ciara
Former mate- She is out of the picture entirely #absentmother
Everything else open but no mate for him if he gets one it has to be a formed bond in RP
- Ciara and spending time with her
- Burrowing (it's therapeutic digging around and rolling in the dirt too)
- Eating (yummy yummy)
- Chewing on things; this is more a sensory thing he likes the way things feel when he crushes them with his teeth especially rotting wood yimyum
- Peaceful flight; having an aerial view of things is very calming on the nerves !
- Sparring; keeps the mind sharp and is excellent exercise
- Constant complaints; they're annoying either change your ways or quit yapping
- Ignoring advice given; if you go to him for some help and don't follow with what you asked for he will nip you. Hard.
- Getting wet; like any bug he breathes though his skin and he would prefer not to get water on him uhh
- Swimming; he literally cant swim and will drown
- Strong hatred for foxes he WILL chase them away on sight if he sees one; if attacked by one he will aim to kill it he sees them as predators and threats
4 is an unlucky number in some cultures