
Bobcat said: Crystal - species: Gray fox Gender: Female Rank: Loner Wanted rank: Content Sexuality: Straight Character description: Standing 12 in tall and 31 long, she is small, even for a fox. This unite canine is a dark gray in color with a orange and white under belly. The gray fur on her back is ticked with black, looking like salt and pepper. Sharp, semi-retractible claws alow her to climb trees and race along branches. Crystal has a dark stripe, like eye black, running from the corners of her eyes to her cheek. That helps block out most of the glare while she is in the trees. A black stripe runs down her back and a black tip on her tail completes the look. A small nocth in her right ear is from a nasty sqqurill fight while she was bringing food to her skulk. personality: Crystal is fiery young fox with a knack for getting neatly into and out of trouble. This fox believes that being loyal is the best gift you can give someone. But she gives other gifts too. She enjoys heights and climbing. It makes her feel free. Crystal loves hanging out with her friends and family. Anyone can be her friend. She is a kind fox who is exrimaly protective of those she loves. As a outgoing fox, she is always in touch with her Skulk. Strengths: Climbing (Gray foxes can climb) Hunting Agillity loyalty(Yes, I am aware this is weird for a loner) Small size? Maybe? Outgoing Weakness: Climbing down Too trusting Too friendly sometime Small size Does not know when to quit Likes: Hanging out with friends Climbing dancing(Bee bobbing around in a weird patern) Pizza Running in a open place Dislikes: Mud Poaches Hunters(people variety) Back story: She lived with her elder sister before she died WIP (Will be added) Crush: Open (PM me Please) Family: I am open for her to live with another fox. PM me. That would be her skulk. Open Other: A group of foxes are called a skulk Gray foxes are one of the only two dogs that can climb trees. The other being a racoon dog. I created her for one of my alliances so if anything looks weird, PM me.
That all looks good. Accepted ^^

Bobcat said: Crystal - species: Gray fox Gender: Female Rank: Loner Wanted rank: Content Sexuality: Straight Character description: Standing 12 in tall and 31 long, she is small, even for a fox. This unite canine is a dark gray in color with a orange and white under belly. The gray fur on her back is ticked with black, looking like salt and pepper. Sharp, semi-retractible claws alow her to climb trees and race along branches. Crystal has a dark stripe, like eye black, running from the corners of her eyes to her cheek. That helps block out most of the glare while she is in the trees. A black stripe runs down her back and a black tip on her tail completes the look. A small nocth in her right ear is from a nasty sqqurill fight while she was bringing food to her skulk. personality: Crystal is fiery young fox with a knack for getting neatly into and out of trouble. This fox believes that being loyal is the best gift you can give someone. But she gives other gifts too. She enjoys heights and climbing. It makes her feel free. Crystal loves hanging out with her friends and family. Anyone can be her friend. She is a kind fox who is exrimaly protective of those she loves. As a outgoing fox, she is always in touch with her Skulk. Strengths: Climbing (Gray foxes can climb) Hunting Agillity loyalty(Yes, I am aware this is weird for a loner) Small size? Maybe? Outgoing Weakness: Climbing down Too trusting Too friendly sometime Small size Does not know when to quit Likes: Hanging out with friends Climbing dancing(Bee bobbing around in a weird patern) Pizza Running in a open place Dislikes: Mud Poaches Hunters(people variety) Back story: She lived with her elder sister before she died WIP (Will be added) Crush: Open (PM me Please) Family: I am open for her to live with another fox. PM me. That would be her skulk. Open Other: A group of foxes are called a skulk Gray foxes are one of the only two dogs that can climb trees. The other being a racoon dog. I created her for one of my alliances so if anything looks weird, PM me.
Yep! I like it! I'll add her!

Please reserve a hunter for me
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Graywing said: Please reserve a hunter for me
Of course!

Edited at April 4, 2024 02:33 PM by Broken Rivers of Ice

East MountainClan said: Name: ~ Mara ~ Age: 3 years Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Beta Species/Breed: Wolf-Dog (Alaskin Malamut, American Akita, Husky and 40%Grey-Wolf) ~~~ Appearance: (Image Credits belong to @CastleGraphic on DA) A large wolf by any standard, she has been mistaken at a glance as being a male due to her size. Large robust shoulders and a well-built frame, few would test the strength that lurks beneath her thick plush coat. Her fur a mix of browns and blacks over her back and tail, growing lighter till it turns white at her legs/belly and muzzle. Keen blue/brown eyes (heterocromia), and a ebony nose stand out against her coat. Standing in at 2 1/2ft at the shoulder and almost 5ft from nose to tail. [She takes more of her father's(the wolf hybrid) appearance than her mother's] Personality: Diciplined||Patient||Loyal||Kind-Hearted||Caring||Level-headed||Wise Mara is a stoic dog, often calmly assessing situations and acting accordingly. She is loyal to a fault and willing to risk her life for her friends and family. Genuine and welcoming to most, save for the few who tend to push the rules. Mara isn't known for having a temper, but there are few who can push her patience. Trust isn't something eaily given with Mara, it's earned. Granted it's not that difficult, but it is most certainly easy to lose and once it's lost...it's almost impossible to get back. Yet despite that she'd lay down her life for a dog that she didn't trust, because that is her duty to the pack. ~~~ Strengths: - Strength - Endurance - Patience Weaknesses: - Speed - Agility - Trust Likes: - Cold - Helping others - Being depended on Dislikes: - Heat - Disrespect - Cruelty Mate: Perhaps (open) Crush: She'll only love one Pups: There's a chance Kin: Zira - Her beloved sister, and only living family. Mara is firecly protective of her and the two are rearly seem apart when not completing tasks for their pack roles. ~~~ .-[][][]-.|.-[][][]-. ~~~ Name: ~ Zira ~ Age: 3 years Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Patrol Species/Breed: Wolf-Dog (Alaskin Malamut, American Akita, Husky and 25%Grey-Wolf) ~~~ Appearance: (Image Credits belong to @Trial-By-Combat on DA) Zira is of a smaller stature with a lethal build and wideset paws, it's clear to see her father's wolf heritage admist her otherwise dog features. A longer snout with stronger shoulders, longer frame Zira is built for endurance and speed. Her silky plush coat white like fresh snow, with a dusting of grey and black over her back like a blanket that stops just short of her shoulders. Piercing gold eyes she got from her father, with a similar ebony nose like her sister. Standing almost 2ft at the shoulder and roughly 4ft from nose to tail. [She takes more of her mother's appearance than her father's(the wolf hybrid)] Personality: Zira is more timid than she often shows to others, prefering to keep her distance from others. Yet she is a gentle-natured dog with a kind heart, she cares deeply for those she's close to. A soft spot for pups, often seen playing with them like a big puppy herself. Easy-going and straight forwards, Zira is a sweet girl who often trusts abit too much. Giving second chances to those who don't deserve it. Which sometimes earns her being called a push-over, yet she brushes off these things with a cheery disposition. However, she won't tolerate badmouthing of her sister. Showing she teeth to those who dare speak ill of her sibling within earshot. While she might not be able to stand up to most in terms of strength, Zira is agile and stratigic with how she fights. ~~~ Strengths: - Speed/Agility - Tact - Endurance - Empathy Weaknesses: - Strength - Pups - A bit of a pushover Likes: - Racing through nature - Playing with Pups - Making friends Dislikes: - Being trapped - The dark - Pushy Males Mate: (open) Crush: She might have one (open) Pups: None currently Kin: Sister - Mara; her only living sibling and precious to her. Looks up to Mara as a sort of role model. .~. Backstory: Born as an unwanted littler to their mother's owners shortly before what Mara calls the collapse, they lived a somewhat peacful life. Until the collapse, where their mother hid them and their 3 other siblings beneathe the house's porch..only to end up trapped there when the dust settled. After a few months, at a year old a strange dog had managed to break into where they sheltered. Their mother and 3 siblings lost their lives in the fight, leaving Mara and Zira to fend for themselves. Wandering for a year after they managed to find the pack with which they now reside. (let me know if anything needs changing or adjusting^^)
They're amazing! I need to add into rules a limit for wolf hybrids.. But yours are great! Accepted. Edited at April 4, 2024 03:27 PM by Austan vindar

Austan vindar said: They're amazing! I need to add into rules a limit for wolf hybrids.. But yours are great! Accepted. oh haha, thanks ^^ looking forward to how this progresses

Very nice! I love them! I will add them immediately.


Broken Night of Fire said: Wander is done ^^
Can you add a tiny bit more to appearance? I love the white and black wolf thing you added ^^