
Star Tha AOD said: i was hoping for one of the females as i suck at males
sorry! We may open grandparents or maybe aunts/uncles & cousins in the future but i like to keep it small! Rps are also first come first serve so i`d suggest keeping an eye out for role openings in the future! Edited at October 16, 2023 12:39 PM by Corgerus

Name: Peter Madden Age: 42 Gender: Female Role: Madden's family father Appearance (at least 6 sentences): Handsome man with shaggy brown hair. Has beautiful blue eyes. Tall and skinny with a quirky smile. Hair falls over his eyes. He was attractive in his youth days. 6'2 and 145 pounds. Personality (at least 6 sentences or 10 traits): 1) Kind and loving towards his children 2) If you disobay him he will have a small reement towards you for a month. 3) loves rock music 4) Has a thing with females 5) He enjoys pets 6) He has favorites in the family 7) if one of his daughters dates he will have a stern talk with the boy 8) He is not a big political guy 9) He enjoys Hockey 10) He had most of the time a good attitude Dynamics with family members (optional): none (ex, Mom: Strict) Strengths: Good at swimming, Good at disciplining, Very handsome, eats healthy Weaknesses: Loves chocolate, can sometimes get very angry, Likes (optional): His wife Dislikes (optional): His boss Other:

Valley Clan said: Name: Peter Madden Age: 42 Gender: Female Role: Madden's family father Appearance (at least 6 sentences): Handsome man with shaggy brown hair. Has beautiful blue eyes. Tall and skinny with a quirky smile. Hair falls over his eyes. He was attractive in his youth days. 6'2 and 145 pounds. Personality (at least 6 sentences or 10 traits): 1) Kind and loving towards his children 2) If you disobay him he will have a small reement towards you for a month. 3) loves rock music 4) Has a thing with females 5) He enjoys pets 6) He has favorites in the family 7) if one of his daughters dates he will have a stern talk with the boy 8) He is not a big political guy 9) He enjoys Hockey 10) He had most of the time a good attitude Dynamics with family members (optional): none (ex, Mom: Strict) Strengths: Good at swimming, Good at disciplining, Very handsome, eats healthy Weaknesses: Loves chocolate, can sometimes get very angry, Likes (optional): His wife Dislikes (optional): His boss Other:
You are missing something in Other. You also need to write Complete sentences for the appearance. You are a little on the older side as most people lived to about 45 back then but thats fine. Rock music was not invented yet aswell as hockey. You also don`t demonstrate semi-literacy but you are almost there, you just need to be a bit more descriptive and fix the grammar and spelling mistakes. Please do your research and fix your form. After you fix everything, you will be accepted! Edited at October 16, 2023 04:20 PM by Corgerus

Edited at October 18, 2023 09:11 AM by Crazydayz

Name: Eleanora Madden Age: 14 (Let me know if it needs to be younger) Gender: Female Role: Youngest sister Appearance: Eleanora has long, soft brown hair that she takes pride in. It is slightly wavy towards the bottom. Her eyes are a soft sky blue often filled with curiosity. She has a fairly round face shape that often contains a smile. Elenora is usually fairly content with the dresses a girl her age is expected to wear. Her favourite ones though, are the blue, floral ones she has in her closet. If given the chance, this is what she'll usually be wearing. Personality: Eleanora is a bright, happy young girl. She is quite artistic, enjoying painting and sketching. Her favourites to make art of are different animals and some of her close family. Elenora tends to be fairly chatty in the evenings, being a night owl. She's an extrovert, tending to enjoy meeting new people and making friends. Elenora also enjoys nature, sometimes taking inspiration from it for her art. She's overall a very cheerful type of person. Dynamics with family members (optional): TBA Strengths: Art, especially painting and sketching Knowledge of birdcalls and types of birds Weaknesses: Going against her parent's wishes Specifically drawing snakes. She just can't get them right! Likes: Art Nature Her family Dislikes: Drawing hands Being trapped indoors Other: Opal would be such a cute name! Sorry if this isn't very literate. My computer is being repaired.

I'm done with Elenora! I'm not really sure what happened with the double post lol. Let me know if I need to fix stuff.

Crazydayz said: I'm done with Elenora! I'm not really sure what happened with the double post lol. Let me know if I need to fix stuff.
Elenora is accepted!

Due to reservations running out The younger brother and Twin boy role have opened!

We now have a discussion thread and a rule was added!

could I reserve youngest brother role??
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