

 Name: Alice Age: 5 Gender: Mare Role (Herd, Band, Loner, Bachelor): Herd Rank: Herd Mare Desired Rank: Content Appearance: Photo credits to: HOTNStock on DA  Alice is a Morgan horse with a dark chestnut coat. She stands at 16 hands and weighs 1,000 pounds. She has a dark brown mane and tail but coming to the end of her mane and tail it becomes brighter brown. Alice has a white blaze on her forehead that is about 10 inches long and in length about 5 inches. She is very agile and has some bulk on her. She doesn't have a lot of bulk but just enough to increase her strength as it is the way she was born. Alice has tan hooves and her snout becomes lighter as it gets to the end of her muzzle. Alice is pretty well built for a female horse in her breed. She has a mix of light brown in her coat around some areas. She has light brown ears and black skin. Where the blaze ends is where her light brown begins on her snout. Alice is slender but muscular no matter what others may say you can she where she is muscular. She has a shiny and smooth coat with a bit few more areas that are dull but not too many. Personality: Alice is very kind and loves her foals very much. If one of her foals ever got hurt she will become aggressive and protective of them. She is a new mother so she does worry a bit about the pregnancy and looks to the older mares and her mate for help. Alice diesn't really know much about her father so she hopes her foal knows about their father. Alice doesn't know what do to except to protect her foals. Alice only wants the best for her family and the herd. She is loyal to the herd and doesn't really like to stray far from them. She does have some social anxiety and doesn't communicate a lot at time with the herd. Alice will protect herself and foals no matter who it may be including the herd. She is very kind towards others but her foals are another situation. Alice doesn't have a will to harm others but she does want to protect her foals. She had a a bit different one since she had two foals instead of one. Alice may be kind, caring and loyal but don't mess with her foals she will protect them at all costs. Affiliations: Open Mom- Father- Unknown Older sister- Son- Leo(Free-Claw12) Crush: Mate Mate: Open! Foals: Open for one more Leo-Male-(Free-Claw12) Other: She is pregant just about ready to give birth which will be 4 days in Real life once the RP starts' I have one idea for the RP tho what if they travel through the moutians and rthen run into another group of horse or a mountian lion Edited at May 16, 2022 11:41 AM by Icewing

Name - Leo . Age - Newborn . Gender - Male . Role - Herd . Rank - Foal . Desired rank - Unknown . Appearance - Leo is a majestic and agile foal, with long legs and slight muscle running down his thighs, chest, and legs he is sometimes described as a lead stallion in the making. His eyes are a beautiful dark brown making the coat of his mothers, his snout is also rather short and stumpy, but his nostrils are falred, the ears ontop of his head are also pointy and long giving him that advantage of having amazing hearing. . Like his mother's coat, his is also shinney, smooth, and beautiful the only thing that is different is that theos coat is somewhat a little lighter than his mother's caramel drown is how he describes it. His hovees are a dark brown slowly blending into the light caramel that matches the rest of his body. Also, like his mother he has a white nose that runs from the middle of his eyes to the very edge of his nostrils. His tail and mane, are a lighter drown almost white they also blend into the color of his main coat. . Something that makes the male stick out is that out of the ordinary he has a mostly brown left leg the same color as his mother's coat that slowly blends into the carm=emal at the hip of the foal's body making him seem quite the odd ball. . . Personality - This foal is rather energetic, brave, and adventurous, ever since he was born and walking around he always wanted to see what lies behind the forest tall walls of trees and lakes, but he never wants to leave his mothers side staying close to the mare is what he is normally seen doing instead of playing with the other foals or mares that want to talk to him . Stubbon is also a word that is used to describe this foal, if he's not beside his mother then he is marchin and trying to lead his own herd with the rest of the foals, his leadership skills do shine though when he dose decide to play with the others or talk with the horses of the herd. The lead stallion is someone that the efoal fears always running towards his mothers legs for shlter and protection not moving until the stallion is out of view. . Lastly carig, kind, and cuddley when the foal wants to be or sences that someone is feeling down he leave his pride behind and always asks others if they need a helping hand, giving them hugs if their sad or trying to make them laugh and smile. the foal really is just trying to fit in and discover the new world that his mother and brought him into. . . Affiliations - Mother - Alice . Crush - Too young . Mate - Too young . Foals - N/A . Other - If you want me to change anything about him please tell me ^^ Edited at May 15, 2022 06:42 PM by Free-Claw12

Name- Night Age- 1.5 Gender- Male Role (Herd, Band, Loner, Bachelor)- Herd Rank- Yearling Desired Rank- Herd Stallion Appearance- WIP Night is 13 hand due to his age but he will continue to grow and reach 17 hands. He has a kinda like paint horse markings. He has white and honey brown coloring. He is very muscular and strong. You can see where the muscles begin to go down his legs and shoulders. He is a mixed breed between a Clydesdale horse and an Appaplosa. He has white legs and a honey brown chest with a little white spot in the middle. Night has green eyes with a brown rim to them he isn't quite small but as big as he is which is taller than the other yearlings. Personality-WIP Affiliations-Open! Sister- Mother- Younger brother?- Crush- Open! Mate- Develops Foals- None Other- Still working on it but i thought i would make a male yearling insted of another female for many reasons. Edited at May 19, 2022 04:24 AM by Icewing

Name- Willow Age- 4 Gender- Female Role (Herd, Band, Loner, Bachelor)- Herd Rank- Herd Mare Desired Rank- Content Appearance- Photo Credits to: unantastbar on DA  Personality- Affiliations- Open! Crush- Mate Mate- Open! Foals- Open!(New mother) Other Edited at May 16, 2022 11:40 AM by Icewing

Finished characters are accepted; I'll update the roster when I get to my computer.

Veracious Female 7 years and 5 months Herd Lead Mare Content Open For 2 Best Friends Open TBD TBD WIP Edited at May 19, 2022 10:33 AM by Bloodmoon's Pack

Icewing - buckleighh's stock rules require the horse to be taken off the background, heads up.

Thanks I will change it and take the photo off :) Rising Shadows said: Icewing - buckleighh's stock rules require the horse to be taken off the background, heads up.

*deleted because it double posted* Edited at May 19, 2022 10:30 PM by SilverHearts