
Its alpha male and female, sorry! Royal Pack said: Also, are the alphas like alpha male and alpha female, or does gender not matter?

No, there all taking sorry! Royal Pack said: Okay okay can I switch my reserved breeding male spot for a best fighter spot?



Name - Jake . Age - 3 years . Gender - Male . Sexuality - Homosexual and poly . Pack or fighting dogs - Pack . Role - U chose . Breed - Husky X wolf . Appearance - Jake is a lightly fawn coloured male with a pure white undertone, his eyes are something to talk about as they are green with blue swimming around them. His tail is quite fluffy and his claws and ears are also quite long. . He has a long scar over his shoulder going towards his back leg witch he tries to hide with a blanket he always has around him. He has one black paw. He gained the scar when he was a pup escaping a trap. . personality - Jake is a kind but very quite male towards new wolves even towards some of his pack members some even desribe him as cold and and very distant towards new wolves that join or talk to him. But to close friends they describe jake as a cuddle bug, energectic, and a very helpful male that is very trustworthy, he is also protective over them. . Crush - Open . Mate - Open . Pups - N/A . Affilitations - Close friend - Clinton . Other - Done Edited at March 29, 2022 07:31 PM by Free-Claw12

Name Lily Age 3 Gender female Pack Pack Role Pack member Breed Blue healer Apperance (credits go to my mom, who took this picture)(This was my baby girl...) ;( (RIP) Personality Lily is friendly, unless where talking about humans, due to the fact she was abused by them. She is very loving but dosent know her own strengh. She is very energetic and playfull. She is very loyal and will fight for her pack. Crush none Mate none Pups Pregnant Affiliations Her pack Best friend~Open! Other (again credits to my mom for taking this picture) ;( (and again, RIP) ~~~ Name Clinton Age 2 Gender male Pack Pack Role Pack member Breed German Sheperd Apperance Clinton looks like a normal German Sheperd except with scars and a metal leg. Clinton weighs 72 pounds and is 24 inches tall. His back left leg is acctually a metal leg, that was painted. Personality Clinton rarely shows his emotions, unless your his close friend. He can be aggeresive but hes mostly just distant. He often sends mix mesages. Crush none Mate none Pups none Affiliations His pack but he dosent REALLY know them. Close friend~Zero and Jake! ^^ Other Edited at March 30, 2022 09:54 AM by TheHappyHowlers

accepted, also i think he would be a team dog or an omega, but you can chose! ^^ Also could he be friends with Clinton, they seem very alike XD Free-Claw12 said: Name - Jake . Age - 3 years . Gender - Male . Sexuality - Homosexual and poly . Pack or fighting dogs - Pack . Role - U chose . Breed - Husky X wolf . Appearance - Jake is a lightly fawn coloured male with a pure white undertone, his eyes are something to talk about as they are green with blue swimming around them. His tail is quite fluffy and his claws and ears are also quite long. . He has a long scar over his shoulder going towards his back leg witch he tries to hide with a blanket he always has around him. He has one black paw. He gained the scar when he was a pup escaping a trap. . personality - Jake is a kind but very quite male towards new wolves even towards some of his pack members some even desribe him as cold and and very distant towards new wolves that join or talk to him. But to close friends they describe jake as a cuddle bug, energectic, and a very helpful male that is very trustworthy, he is also protective over them. . Crush - Open . Mate - Open . Pups - N/A . Affilitations - Open! . Other - Done

Name Tristan Age 8 Gender Male Pack Fighting Dogs Role Breeding male Breed Wolf Dog (German Sheperd+Wolf) Apperance (credits are on the top left of the picture!) He is 96 pounds and is 26 inches Personality He wakes up super early and falls asleep super fast. He is loyal and protective. He dosent talk much but will talk when a dogs talk to him but he rarely starts conversations. Crush none Mate none Pups All sold to others, so he has lots Affiliations WIP Other He used to be owned by a couple who breed wolf dogs but they then sold Him to the fighting people so now hes here, as a breeding dog. Edited at March 29, 2022 07:53 PM by TheHappyHowlers


Could Zero and Clition be close friends?