Meaning "Friendly Spirit"
4 Years
Original Team:
Team __
Team Dog
Alaskan Malamute

Born of an accidental litter, the female is the product of an Alaskan Malamute and the a Malamute bred to be Giant in Size. Give her bloodlines, she's larger than your average Malamute, but not as large as other Giant Mals. Standing at about 32 inches tall, and around 100 lbs, she's nothing to scoff at, and capable of holding her own in most situations. Amka's build does exactly what is expected of her, she's a strength power house. She isn't built for speed or agility, though she does her job without struggle. Being what she is, though, she's a bit odd as a Team Dog, but often gets stationed just in front of the Wheel dogs to offer support when needed, and help when the sled gets into trouble. She does have Wheel training as well, and is a viable backup when needed.
Like many Malamutes, Amka wasn't born with a shaggy coat, instead having a more medium length coat that is thick and dense, and coarse in texture. It protects her from the elements without getting too hot and causing her to over heat. It also makes it easier to see the amount of musculature the female has, and how she's no slouch in her harness.
Amka also holds the stereotypical black and white malamute coat. She looks like a white dog with a black jacket or blanket laid on top of her. Most of the markings are on her back, sides, and shoulder, with only a minute amount being on her chest and face, with her tail becoming more sable or mixed before ending in a black tip. She carries an all black nose, and a pair of dark brown eyes.

Amka has a bit of a unique personality, one that depends entirely on who you are in general, and then who you are to her. To strangers, to the outside world, she is a malamute true to her nature: she isn't good with strangers. Wary and cautious of others she doesn't know, dogs and humans a like, Amka can be a bit intimidating on approach. She keeps everything close to the vest when around others she doesn't know, and can come off serious and a bit unwelcoming, even unfriendly. But that's because she doesn't know them, she doesn't trust them, enough to be herself, and allow them to see who she truly is.
Once she's comfortable though, or is with others she trusts, her true colors come out tenfold. It becomes clear that a serious, cold dog is not who she is, instead she's a friendly companion, who enjoys play, jokes, and everything else. Easy going to a degree, and one who prefers to go with the flow than to cause waves. Still, those around her will have to keep out for her strong willed streak, capable of making her own decisions and opinions, and sticking to them. This means that if there is something expected of the team, and she genuinely doesn't agree, then she's not going to take part. And she won't be quiet about it if that's the case. She won't loudly argue her point, but instead quiet determance will take place and she will refuse to budge.
For Amka it's important to know she can be a bit stubborn, but also incredibly determined too. Once she sets her mind to something, and it's within her power to achieve it, it's nearly impossible to shake her from it. Her tenacity is admirable, and it makes her an incredibly depandable dog to have on your side in whatever you are doing.
WIP, Open

Credit for all Images Belongs to me, Imperial Sands (ImperialSands on DA). I took these with the purpose of being Stock Images.