Desired Rank:
None in particular, but he wouldn’t mind being a king.
Heir Preference (who do they want to be King/Queen?):
Not Izem, that’s for sure, but Faizah doesn’t care that much. He’d much prefer a weaker heir that he could easily take down.

Credits for images goes to Dark-Wolfs-Stock on DA. This is a stock image.
Faizah is a large beast that weighs in at about 520 pounds. He is quite tall, standing at a solid 4 feet from his shoulders. Ever since he was exiled from his original pride he has collected a variety of scars that are scattered over his sandy-red colored coat.
One large gash has scarred over his left cheek down to his lip. The majority of his scars are located on his legs, caused from fights with other creatures to just the average brawl. Dark in color, no fur will ever grow there again.
His large figure is a formidable one, and due to living away from the protection of a pride for many years he has developed large muscles but a slimmer frame due to a lack of food. His large size makes it difficult for him to hunt. His mane is what stands out the most, large and dark in color allows for him to stand out in a crowd. Dark amber eyes are what peers through his serious gaze. His eyes resemble that of dark caramel, and are framed by a light cream color surrounding his eyes.
Faizah is a little rough around the edges, and is the opposite of well-groomed. His fur is less than sleek, sporting a nice dust coated color, and his mane could definitely use grooming. Despite all this, he likes to think he is quite handsome. At the rich age of 6 years old, he has yet to lose a few of his baby spots around the lighter spots on his legs.
Faizah’s fur is naturally short, and wraps around his muscles nicely, giving him a bulkier appearance. The brute walks with a sense of power and determination, muscles can be seen with every step. What he lacks in sleek beauty he makes up for in brute strength.
Faizah is a not a gentle soul. This brute is very ambitious and "in it to win it". He wants everything to go his way, and tries his hardest to make sure it happens. His desires can easily devour him. Due to this, he can be very controlling and obnoxious. He tries to avoid being these things but it is just in his nature.
Faizah used to always look up at his father, a large and good king. He aspires to be like his father, but just can't. Faizah is malicious and sometimes mean, he shows no mercy towards those who have wronged him, and will glady take revenge. He tends to get out of control and hard to please.
Despite all the negatives, he does have a soft side. When surrounded by companions he can finally let the tough-guy act drop, and can sometimes be enjoyable to be around. He is very self-centered though and sees himself as being of somewhat of importance.
Faizah understands his flaws, and has come to accept them. He is happy with himself the way he is. Due to being alone he is dependant on attention, he relies on it to build up his own self esteem.
Faizah would like to think that he is very charasmatic, and does try his best. Because he is a very confident lion he can be seen as arrogant, and ignorant, but at the end of the day, he tries to mean well.
None, yet
N/A, through rp I guess.
He’s not sure. Probably too many to count.
Faizah, if he had the opportunity for a higher role, would only be in it for the wrong reasons.
He is open for siblings(younger or older), platonic companions, or affiliations.