

I told you my favorite color now... saratank said: 6th rule from the top.

She meant in Other to put your favorite color if you have read the rules, just trying to clear that up Edit: Just now noticed that it has already been resolved, just ignore little old me 😅 Edited at February 23, 2022 05:53 PM by The Mystics

We need the following before we can start~ Older Beta Beta's mate MATED characters Unmated Males and Alpha's from other packs

Human name: Chandler Jake Lewis Wolf name: Menadite Gender: Male Age: 20 Rank: unmated alpha of another pack(if not beta is fine) Crush: nothing yet Pups: none Human look: Standing at 6'3 he is slim and very athletic. He has a Greek skin tone with charming green eyes and odly enough dirty blond hair that he keeps rather messy. His face is dotted with freckles over his nose, exemplifieng a sun kissed look. More then not wearing a loose hoodie and a simple pair of jeans that work well. When he is exercising he goes for a muscle-t and basketball shorts. He wears the same pair of black tennis shoes for every occasion. Wolf form: Compared to his Human form with weird genetics at play, his wolf form is straight forward. He keeps his green eyes and his pelt matches that of a gray wolf, just bigger. A lot bigger. Edited at February 23, 2022 10:45 PM by AppleBottomJeans

Id be willing to do a mated character, I can play male or female

Chat link is in the 1st post now.

Human name: Anthony Wolf name: Axel Gender:Male Age: 32?(however old he would have to be in order for his and Lunas age gap to make since) Rank: old beta Crush/mate: whoever really, I don't care Pups: strange adopted dad-daughter relationship with Luna Human look: a solid 5'10 he looks older and worn out then he is. Bags under his eyes darken his otherwise bright face. A dark chestnut brown for his thick and curly hair and a dark chocolate brown for his eyes with hints of a brighter color mixed in. His lips are always lightly chapped and a more pink complexion. He wears a basic t-shirt and pair of jeans with work boots to. The t-shirt shows what muscle he has developed naturally in his arms from hard work. Wolf form: Rather average in build there's nothing remarkable about his size or weight, it's all remarkably average. His fur is a warm brown mixed with random dark browns, blacks, and some white around the face randomly scattered about. Edited at February 24, 2022 09:13 PM by AppleBottomJeans

We need the following in order to start~ At LEAST 3 (6 total adults) MATED pairs (other than Beta and Beta's mate) Delta (waiting on a reply from someone) 2-3 Unmated males from other packs 2-3 more charatcers between 17-22

Human name- Hunter Marie Lynn Diaz Wolf's name- (different from the human, same gender as the human) Lilith Gender- (Male or female ONLY) Female Age- 23 Rank- Delta Crush- None Mate- Unmated, willingly to be mated. Pm me. Pup(s)- None Human Look- Hunter is a quite striking specimen. She is only 5'5 a cute little bug. Her hair bleach blonde short above her shoulders. She's hair is usually straightened or in little braids. She is White and Mexican with her feature of her white heritage of the blonde hair. But her skin color is quite caramel color smooth and soft tough. Her eyes are light grey unusual rare eye color that has some blue tinge to her eyes. She has a skin disease of vilitgo with white patches coming through her skin. She hates it but she doesn't cover it up waste of her time. Wolf Look- (Realistic coats ONLY. No pink or green or anything you wouldnt see on a real wolf) Lilith is a actually tall and more muscular. Her fur is pitch black with long fur that is curled and matted. Her eyes are deep blue. Her body is filled with scars of fighting and training. She has long dirty black claws that are cracked and sharp. She is usually vicious to others. Hunter has her under control most of the time. But it fluctuates on hard Lilith is pushing her. RP Sample- (It is a MUST unless I have RPd with you before in literate RPs) A deep thunder cracks of the whip crackled in the air. The horse whinied at them. A thunder of hooves were found in the field infront of Max. Cowboys chasing down wild horses screeching out in the horizon like they were free. No laws... No rules set for them. No one to fear. Maxine gritted her teeth in deep jealousy. Maxine had her bonnet in her hand with scornful eyes staring down her down. A female must keep her bonnet on. Well she was sick of the rules now of keep her polite words toe men. A lady should do what she please. Not whom she pleases for. Her mother called,"Oh Maxine. You need to put on your bonnet. You know your father will be furious especially with him arriving with your new husband. That he arranged to keep you healthy." Her mother looked at her worriedly,"Maxine please. Put it back. And go back to the manor. He will be arriving shortly and will be upset."
Maxine turned at her mother with a look of disgust on her face. She spats," I shall not marry a man who just wants our money and title. We are rich and wealthy. And Father wants me to just keep Allie's with others. I shall not be a compromise! Or a peace treaty! Or set for a price! Mother I must fall in love with a man who doesn't care for the money that I will achieve. Or care I'm heir to our wealthy automobile store. I want to be free or independent. Not you or even father will stand in my way." Her mother gasps in shock and tries to take Maxine's hand forcefully. Her mother growls,"You must do what you're told! Don't have hopes and dreams girl! Don't be a ungrateful brat and help your father." Maxine grew furious as her mother tugged her towards a nearby stable. She tossed her bonnet to the ground and untying her hair. Maxine says,"Fine just let go mother. I'm no child anymore. I'm 16 years old and have no reason to be tossed around like this. I will walk with honor to my new husband." Her mother laughs with happiness. She smiles and let's go of Maxine. She says chirply,"Oh goody! Let's get you washed up and dressed up like a doll!" Maxine giggles and then pushed her mother to the ground hulking up a saliva ball spitting oh her mother. She scurries to the stables to find the horse best to rid off her past and leave this awful home. Her mother was shouting furiously but she had no hint of fear or care for the world. She got on the bareback of a horse like she did as child. Then she was off away onto the dirt road with a beam of smile written on her face. Other- Ahh... Lovely.. Sour Patch Kids. And purple skittles Edited at February 25, 2022 11:17 AM by Nirvana_Sky