Wolf Play : Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]
SilverMountain, pardon?
06:12:06 skye

okay :D
06:11:55 ET
The badgers in my area are quite skittish - I very rarely run into them!
 Avatar Of Lust
06:11:49 Asmodeus (he/they)
hi chat
06:11:48 skye

but they are cute😭
The cinco is really nice. :D

My major beef with most of my palettes has been the harsh white table so the auto-conversion to transparent is making me really happy right now, lol.
06:11:26 The Naming Empress
Sea and Low Key
IÂ’m gonna make a forum for us to add these onto!
06:11:24 skye
oh no i dont deny it!
but badgers just look scarier XD
they also do not care...
06:11:21 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I like the way cows smell...
06:11:04 The Naming Empress
I like Ecifricas litte betrayal🤣
loki_budgie, I do not enjoy the cows here.
06:10:54 evebot
Yeah, cinco is very handy. The encyclopedia uses it also, so no more white pages that clash with palettes
06:10:51 ET
Cows kill far more people than badgers. Not that I'd wanna brawl with either LMAO
06:10:31 ET
Oh from anywhere-?
Huh that's a good question. I think I have a healthy fear of most large animals or large predators, but I'm not deathly afraid of anything.
06:10:09 skye
cows aint scary!
if you live in the countryside its the badgers 😭
06:10:04 The Naming Empress
What if plants are farming us?
Feeding us oxygen until we die and turn into mulch for them to consume?
06:09:56 Don't call me BJ.
Hi technoblade!! :0
How are you today?
06:09:45 ET
No it's tories
Cows, it's fucking cows.
06:09:42 Don't call me BJ.
From anywhere


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Hourly Damage Variances
Black Bear : -2
Badger : +3
Cougar : -4
    Fall Month: 2   Day  Weather:  Hurricane
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Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 11:59 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Both accepted.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 8, 2021 08:16 PM


Posts: 4518
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Greek origins, meaning “Thunder”

╙═══════ ≈ ═══════╜

Age: 250 years

Gender: Male

Class: Water class



This water class dragon is the tallest he can get, standing about 11 feet at the shoulder. His build is leaner, and slightly muscular, making him almost lanky looking. Brontes is built for endurance and stamina, he can keep quite a good pace for a long time in the water, with his strong swimming skills. It also helps that his feet are webbed, it’s a leathery material that connects his “toes”. Dragons have many varieties of scales. Except this dragon doesn't really have any, but instead, a thick, leathery skin, and have a pattern similar to a crocodile, though smoother. The color ranges from dark purples to light blues. The main color on this dragon is purple, nearly the darkest shade of that color, without being black takes up his entire back, top of his legs, top of his tail, and neck. This color fades to a light purple, which is on his face and upper chest. This same color is also a part of this frill he has.

Dark purple: #2f182c

It's similar to that of a frilled lizard, as well as the webbing in his feet. His frill looks more similar to scales, but still has the leathery texture of the rest of him. This frill is semi-circular and is underneath his mouth, and on the side of his face. Instead of being round like the Frilled lizard, the shape is shaped similar to a “W” and continues in that pattern around the whole edge of the frill, every other point having a small ivory claw at the end. The length of his frill is nearly a foot, and the skin around it is thin. He can tuck it against the side of his face, almost making it seem as if it isn’t there, it only comes out as a display of dominance and if he is tense or stressed.

He does have horns, but instead of sticking straight up they are more laid back, Brontes has four in total. Two on his forehead that runs straight back with a slight arch, the tip bending downward. Then one on either side of those two, with the tips curved upward slightly. They are the same blue as his chest, described below. This dragon's head is slender and thinner.

The rest of his features are more suitable for quick swimming underwater. He has a spiked fin underneath his jaw, as well on the back of his neck, and a longer tail. His legs can tuck neatly under him as he glides through the water, and are powerful when he needs to pull himself through the water.

The other markings on this dragon include a dark blue. This color is on his entire underside and goes from the middle of his chest downwards. Brontes’s eyes are an “electric” purple. His wings are small and used to help aid him in swimming and gliding. He can try and flap them enough to get him off the ground, but he never is in the air for more than a second, his weight and small wings are not a flying combination. True flight is never accomplished.

Dark blue: #01045c

head - slender


Brontes is a calm dragon, yes he can be a bit grumpy towards some of the other dragons, but never truly out of anger toward them. He doesn’t have much of a temper. Though he can and will rage if his Rider is harmed, it will consist of stomping around in the shallow water near his habitat and blasting random trees with what he calls his “water breath”. Just trying to get all his angry guilt out for letting something happen to them, even if it wasn’t his fault. He is a territorial creature, and his Rider is his territory. Touch them and ka-bam- Your blasted with water breath. Being territorial also applies to his personal space, he tends to be grumpy because he hates to be so close with people and even other dragons. Brontes likes his space, and his space is also considered his territory, so when it's invaded or others are too close, that’s when he is grumpy. So in other words, that’s most of the time.

After his little rage-fest, it won’t take long for him to blow off his steam, and Brontes will soon go back to the dragon he normally is as if it never happened. Grumpy mood and all. Speaking of his mood, he is really only been this way more recently, ever since the Academy went under attack, making him act more territorial and protective. The stress and pressure he has had come out in more verbal and physical ways. When he once was a collected figure, it now starts to slip through his cracks. He is far from going mad, he still might not have the best days. With his grumpy side, seemingly fighting the calm nature that Water class dragons have.

This dragon can keep his cool in battle, not freaking out over blood or death a battle may bring, he has a strong stomach and can handle it. Of course, he has seen some of the carnage left behind from the initial attack on the Academy and is now basically battle-ready, so a bad reaction would not be expected of him. Because of his experience, he is pretty resourceful and ready to help pass on his skills to the new Riders and their dragons. Though he may be a bit strict, though never too snappy or impatient with them. Brontes believes this is more the good of the other dragons and their learning. They must learn discipline, during a battle there must be no distractions, and their moves must be done correctly. It may lead to death if they aren’t trained properly. He might earn the title, “the old grump” based on his slight attitude. Though he is only as old as the oldest trainee, he just has more experience and time training.

Bronte does his best to be patient, though it becomes a bit hard with the amount of intelligence he has, being able to pick up on technique quickly and predict next moves with a little extra ease. With his skill and size, he may lose some respect at times for the humans. Since the dragons wield more power than them, he will occasionally find it hard to bend to their will. Though he has a strong bond with his Rider and will get over it quickly.

It was mentioned before that he enjoys his space and some independence. But it is nice to occasionally have someone to talk to and will be more open to the other Water class dragon, and maybe some of the older dragons. Though he will make it clear if it is space that he desires. His speech is usually clear and to the point. He may have a few sarcastic remarks, but when it comes down to a serious topic, you never have to wonder if there is an alternate meaning behind his words.

Rider: The Squad Leader

Ability: Boiling water for fire breath

Strengths & Weaknesses:

-Water, both a strength and a weakness in this case. This dragon needs to stay hydrated to function properly, and using its water blast will dehydrate them. But being in a habitat where water is plentiful, they can use it to their advantage. Their water blasts will dehydrate them, but if they were in a source of water, it could keep them going for a longer period of time since they could rehydrate quickly.
-Size, definitely one of his strengths. Being lean and muscular, almost lanky, his build is more for endurance and stamina. Brontes can keep swimming for a long period of time.
-Swimming, another one of his strengths. His webbed feet are definitely an asset when it comes to it, and since his habitat is in the water, he has grown to be an amazing swimmer.
-Flying and Heat, this male can hardly fly, his class does more of a glide and are more water-bound than some of the other dragons. Heat also greatly affects him, as his skin is sensitive to it. Both of these make it hard to keep up on land with other dragons.
-Heights, something he cannot attain easily, since he cannot fly. Though maybe climbing is a thing? It is also somewhat of a fear, Brontes rather spend time in the depths of in ocean than thousands of feet in the air. He likes to have his feet in the water thank you very much.


-Water(duh), it’s cooling and calming to be in
-Food, he enjoys many exotic aquatic species and those pesky humans that harm his Rider
-Nighttime, everything is calm, peaceful, and quiet. It is this dragon's favorite time to relax, stars fascinate this creature. Don’t disturb him during his sacred time or he’ll eat you :’)
-Space, being territorial, Brontes does like to be separated on his own claim of the water/land at times. He is also picky about how close you might stand next to him, he likes his little bubble of personal space, though will be less aggressive if it’s his Rider that’s “invading” it.
-Making threats and asserting power. “I’ll boil your face off if you don’t start listening” Brontes is not afraid to show his superiority among the ‘younger’ dragons, he is more skillful having had more time to train with his Rider, and is not afraid to show it to those who don’t respect him or the Squad Leader.


-Any type of heat, he rather freeze than be anywhere near a source of heat. He hates fire with a passion and will put any and all out with his water breath, even if it dehydrates him.
-Stanky breath, those Fire dragons must be eating something awful, he swears that every time they breathe that stinking fire, something awful smelling comes out of their mouth. This dragon doesn’t have an issue with the Fire dragons unless they make one.
-Being corrected, Brontes is always right. Don’t forget it. The only people who can tell him otherwise are those older than him, close friends, or his Rider. He won’t take any “your wrong” crap from these younger trainees.


He takes more of a liking to this dragoness than most. He respects her wisdom and maturity for her age and considers her more of a sister-like figure. He is not one to tease, but on the occasion, he may switch out one of his sarcastic remarks with one.

Other: The Water Horse :D This is also my first dragon character, I did my best to describe what I wanted but PM me if anything is confusing or if I am missing something. Also, I do want to make a human character, it just depends if I have time.

Edited at May 23, 2022 11:43 AM by Ciao
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 9, 2021 06:13 PM


Posts: 958
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Name ~



Age ~


Gender ~


Class ~


Appearance ~

Sezyryn is a dragon of the air class. Part of the smallest class of dragons, he’s made for speed and agility rather than strength and brawn. He has a slim/lean frame, standing at a height of 8 feet at his withers. He’s not the largest air dragon there is, but his lack of size only adds to his speed. Sezyryn has porcelain white colored scales that cover most, if not all of his body. In the direct light his scales give off a pale iridescent silvery shine to them. With a wingspan of over 20ft they are large in comparison to his body. The leathery membrane that makes up his wings is a lighter grey color, that from far away appears white. Feathers ranging from smaller to larger, cover the tops of his wings, aiding in his mobility. The feathers are a light white with the lightest pastel blue tips on each individual feather. Sezyryn lacks claws that can appear on on the tips of dragons wings.

The scales around the curve of his jaw elongate as they get closer to the edge, looking more like feathers than scales. When his maw opens large sharp teeth can be seen, along with a tongue that’s split at the tip like a snakes.

The scales around the under, and back part of his eyes do the same thing, appearing like feathers, just on a smaller scale. Sezyryn has piercing ice blue colored eyes that look as cold as his breath, making him appear dangerous and deadly.

From his head two large horns curve back following the curvature of his head, splitting into points like that of a deers. The horns are the color of bone, but stronger than steel. From where his horns start on the his head, his scales start to fade to feathers. Sezyryn isn’t a dragon that has spines, instead he has feathers. They lay in layers, flat against his neck getting longer as they grow down his spine. They have same coloring as the feathers that cover the tops of his wings.

Towards the tip of his long tail the feathers start to get smaller again, and spread towards the sides of his tail. The tip of his tail is made up of three large feathers like a trident. He also has large feathers on each side of his tail where it connects to his body. They help with maneuvering. All his feathers are surprisingly soft to the touch.

The scales on his underbelly are large and oval in shape, referred to as scute scales. Like those that can be found on the legs of some birds. His porcelain white color fades to a light grey on each scale. On each elbow of his four limbs the curve is made up of feathers covering the scales. Smaller scute scales also cover his front forearms. As for his larger back legs feathers cover the back on his thighs, laying flat against the scales underneath. At the tips of each of his toes long razor blade like claws perturde. His claws are probably the darkest part of his body as they are grey in color.

To others Sezyryn gives off the scent of mountain top air. Its cool and refreshing.

Personality ~

Like most air dragons its Sezyryn’s nature to be peaceful, passive, compassionate, light hearted, and easy going. But do not forget that his is still a dragon. One with the ability and willingness to kill when he has to. A person’s, or dragon’s, nature isn’t set in stone. Sezyryn does get angry, hostile, just rarely.

Confrontation isn’t something Sezyryn likes, he prefers just to fly away from it. Mainly because his fighting ability and strength is subpar. He’s a nomad, he goes where he wants when he wants. Ending up where ever the wind takes him. So having that freedom taken away by a small easily squishable human is utterly disgusting in his opinion. Sezyryn wasn’t fond of humans to begin with and for most of the time just ignored them. Its not like they could reach him in the skies. But now he really doesn’t like them. He’s frustrated but bottles it up inside until one day he might just explode.

His personality is completely different with other dragons. To his own kind he is peaceful and easygoing. He’s used to living on his own, so long term contact with another dragon is something he hasn’t had in a long time, and may get uncomfortable with it at times. He’s never had to look out for anyone other than himself, so that may not come as naturally to him.

Sezyryn isn’t super talkative. Being alone all the time in the sky doesn’t leave much room for talking.

(To his future rider, he will not like you at first, but he will learn to, and then become protective of you.)

Rider ~

Mircea Cryolar

Ability ~

Freezing breath

His breath can drop to below freezing temperatures when he wants it to, freezing anything it touches. The more he uses it the more tired he becomes, and then the weaker his ability gets.

Strengths ~

- His speed when flying would be hs biggest strength.

- Next would probably be his agility.

- Last would be his ability to fly higher and longer than others. (stamina)

Weaknesses ~

- His lack of strength compared to other dragons.

- Doesn’t handle warm weather well, it makes him lose strength.

- Hearing. His hearing isn’t as good as it could be due to the constant sound of the wind when flying.

Likes ~

- Clouds. They’re fun to fly thought, plus they're good camouflage

- Eating, bear meat tasted the best.

- Shiny things, Light dragons in particular, living shiny.

Dislikes ~

- The heat, hot weather and fire.

- His feathers being touched/ humans touching him

- Being on the ground. Too exposed.

Affiliations ~

(These are all subject to change at the rp progresses)

Nurzhan- Sez doesn’t think much of Nurzhan, sometimes he forgets about him. He knows the dragon is around, but probably wont reach out to him. If the dark dragon were to begin a conversation then Sez would engage.

Asmodeus- Sez probably wouldn’t get along with Asmodeus, their personality are vastly different and Sez would rather not speak with the fire dragon. Plus he’s a fire dragon and Sez doesn’t like fire.

Aeolus- Because he is a dragon of the same type, Sez would probably get along well with Aeolus. Though probably wouldn’t take well to being pranked. And might be cautious of Aeolus taking his shiny things.

Agneya- Sez would probably be wary of Agneya, mostly because of her personally and her being a fire dragon. He wont reach out, or make the first move in befriending the fiery one.

Nirmala- Sez would find Nirmala intriguing, being able to swim in the water is a strange thought to him. And her personality could make her one he wouldn’t mind getting to know.

Brontes- Sez doesn’t understand Brontes, and his willingness to be bonded to a human. He finds that confusion frustrating, and annoying. So he finds Brontes kind of annoying. And he doesn’t like being told what to do.

Orva- Sez is in complete awe when he sees Orva. He’s drawn to her and her shininess. Infatuated with the light dragon, when she is around he will probably be watching either from a distance, or up close.

All the humans- No, just no. Sez does not like the humans.

Other ~

He who flies through the skies

Edited at August 16, 2021 06:08 PM by Lapin
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 9, 2021 06:15 PM


Posts: 958
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Ryia Beaumont


None, open for some









Standing at a height of 5 feet, 7 inches (173cm), and weighing around 130 pounds, Ryia appears a little taller than your average female. She has a lean figure with a slight hourglass shaped torso, and defined willowy legs. She doesn’t appear to be very muscled, but she’s stronger than she looks. Most of her strength comes from her legs rather than her arms. Ryia has a medium beige skin tone. Freckles, one or two shades darker, dot the bridge of her nose and follow the curvature of the under part of her eyes. They also speckle the tops of her shoulders, the rest of her body lacks freckles.

As for scars, Ryia only has one prominent one. When she was around ten or eleven, a wild dog attacked her. The animal tore open the left side of her neck with its claws before she was able to fight it off. The wound healed fairly well, and left only three distinguished marks. When it healed, the skin turned lighter than her skin tone, and left a slight indent in her neck. Any other scars she has are barely noticeable and less than an inch long.

Ebony black hair falls in waves, stopping just above her shoulders, framing her oval shaped face. Her hair is on the thicker side, and has a lot of layers to it. Its unruly and more often than not in a messy state. It also takes forever to dry when it gets wet.

Ryia has round shaped, honey brown eyes, that are framed by short, dark lashes. She has dark arched brows and pale pink natural shaped lips.


Ryia’s personality is a little complicated, and it changes with her mood, and depending on the person she’s with. If she’s with someone she doesn’t know then she tends to act uninterested and will probably ignore you. If she’s with a friend, then she’s kind and caring. If you’re a person she doesn’t like then you’ll get a cold shoulder and maybe some harsh words. It all depends.

Ryia is the type of person who’s willing to use another for her gain, she doesn’t do it often but, she will do it. Which also goes hand in hand with her lying. She’ll lie to get out of something, or to get someone to do something, lying comes naturally to her, and for most of the time her lies are completely believable. The best lies always have a hint of truth to them.

It takes a special kind of person, for Ryia to completely trust them. She tends to think people have ulterior motives, and that they just want to use her for their own gain. Hypocritical I know. When put in a new situation/place, she always immediately looks for a way out, an escape. Its a habit she’s had ever since she was a kid, but not a bad one, its gotten her out of some tough situations in the past.

It takes a lot to get Ryia angry, but when she does watch out, she tends to lash out, sometimes even physically. She bottles up her emotions too often, and releases them in.. various ways. Usually risky adrenaline seeking ways.

Outwardly she appears to be the quiet reserved girl who likes to watch rather than engage, and can seem hard to approach sometimes. But if you get to know her, there’s whole side to her that you didn’t se coming.


Strengths & Weaknesses:

Strengths- Stamina, careful, open minded, patient, persuasive, observant, deceitful, lockpicking.

Weaknesses- Physical strength, impulsive, teamwork, organization, wittiness (shes not funny), lack of experience for most things.

Likes & Dislikes:

Likes- Privacy, wood carving, collecting feathers, open spaces, horse riding, lightning, (eventually) the feeling of flying.

Dislikes- Being underestimated, being taken advantage of, feeling exposed, plain food, criticism, talking to strangers, dogs, being cold, being touched (no touchy)

Affiliations: Ryia was raised by her grandmother, after her parents couldn’t take care of her.

Persephone- Ryia see’s the woman with respect and authority. She wont admit it out loud but she kind of looks up to her.

Alexa- Ryia doesn’t mind Alexa, she doesn’t go out of the way to make conversation with the woman, but doesn’t mind her presence, or occasional conversation.

Sindri- When Ryia’s around Sindri she thinks of him as child-like. To her he seems like some one who can’t take care of himself, which makes her want to help him, but also has a hard dislike of people who can’t fend for themselves. She likes him but doesn’t at the same time. Its complicated.

Mircea- Ryia absolutely does not like Mircea. From the first look at him she just knew. She can’t stand being in the same room as him, and is always ready to throw down the gauntlet when he is around. She would fight him for just breathing around her. Their mutual hate is a cosmic connection.

Troy- His IDGAF attitude gets under Ryia’s skin but she tolerates him. When he’s working so diligently, she can’t help but pause and watch.

Julien- Ryia is wary of his outgoingness. But his knowledge of dragons is highly impressive, and she could stand to learn a thing or two from him.

Tyrus- Ryia and Tyrus have a mutual understanding. They don’t converse much if at all, but they know they will have eachothers backs if needed. Not quite friends, not enemies. Like a silent partner.

Marcella- Ryia will see Marcella as someone she doesn’t really like at first. But will grow to like her and may even want to become friends.

The dragons- Ryia thinks of all the dragons as impressive and is very drawn to them.

Edited at August 16, 2021 06:13 PM by Lapin
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 10, 2021 04:46 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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All accepted
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 10, 2021 07:06 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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As of right now we need 3 more riders, plus more if more dragons are made. I don't mind making a second rider.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 10, 2021 07:57 PM


Posts: 22535
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Mircea Cryolar
Credits on Image
This male is of average height standing at 5'9 which is 173 cm. He also weighs in at 130lbs being a slender male, yet you can see a light amount of muscle. You can tell by the muscles in his legs he's an adept runner, and from the slight muscling in his arms he can throw a mean punch. His body is a combination of quick and agile yet durable. However, he is lacking his full strength that can be drawn out of him. He is strong, but not strong as he can be or wants to be. His body is very flexible, able to do splits, bend and contort as he pleases with minimum pain or discomfort. He can be described as a leanly built male with nice shoulders, but he can also be described as "skinny-fat" due to having a faint layer of fat on his stomach.
His face can be described as a sharp and angular. He has high cheekbones which give him a dignified air about him. His eyes are sharply shaped and always seem to have either annoyed or apathetic appearance. The color of his eyes are quite stunning, being an amber color : Not quite dark enough to be brown, nor light enough to be yellow. His eyes is a lovely mixture of yellow-brown with a golden hue to it. They are framed by long and dark lashes, which adds even more to their beauty. His face hardly ever gets acne due to it not being so oily, but he does get it when he has eaten too much sugar. He has dark inky black hair that reaches a little over his shoulders. It has natural blonde streaks within it but is mostly black. He pride himself in his hair and he takes good care of it. This male does not like anyone touching his tresses and you can expect to get slapped if you touch his hair without permission. He has mixture of bronze and sienna skin with red undertones.
Cea is often considered to be “quiet,” but that’s not because he doesn’t like people. He just doesn’t like to talk about trivial things. He can be a passionate person who wants to make the most of his days, so he' d rather not waste his time with a shallow conversation. If you want to find out how fascinating an he can be, simply ask him an intelligent question about a topic that he cares about. There are few things that make him feel more vulnerable than having people snooping into his life. When he feels under attack in this way, he will go to great lengths to protect his personal boundaries. Nosy people and intrusive questions are intolerable to him but, by the same token, he will never pry into other people’s business either. He, above all, understands other people’s right to keep their privacy. He has certain elements of his life that he may be willing to share with others but a whole lot more that he prefers to keep private. By setting his own boundaries in this way, he won’t find himself tricked into accidentally giving out more information about yourself than he originally planned to, whether to a friend, family member, co-worker, or anyone else he comes into contact with. He is in control of the topics he's comfortable speaking about and are is master of choosing carefully both the words he use and to whom he speaks to. Cea prefers to have deep friendships with only a handful of people. He may not open up to everyone who wants to small-talk, but the people he's close with and know him very well and develop real friendships with him. He finds it hard to strike up a conversation himself and be social with strangers in general. However, if you stick by him and persist in your quest for friendship he'll grow to become fond of you.

He always seems cold. Always having an unimpressed look in his eye or just a neutral expression on his face. If one tried to make small-talk with him(unless it's something that mildly interests him.) , they'd find themselves on the end of his sarcastic or annoyed remarks. In a way some around him thinks he hates people (and sometimes he does, but those close to him don't apply. They're superior.) Now like everyone, he'll have his favorite person who he may fuss over more or care about. But again, humans annoy him (at times.) If he considers you a friend, he'll notice the small things : your interests, your favorite color, favorite flower, remember your birthday. You know he might show a rare amount of affection with a gift or if he gives a smile or laugh. He also notices your mood, and if you're down he'll try subtle ways of cheering you up or finding out what's wrong. With his friends he's more open : showing his sarcasm, witiness, can be quite comical(though unintenitaly), and even cry or show weakness. To those outside he appears aloof, mysterious and disconnected from them. However, this will change if someone is talking down to his friend. But like mentioned earlier it just takes effort to get to know him.

This male has many interests: dragons, mythology, folklore, alchemy, and some other umentioned things. He's highly intelligent, and finds stimulation in reading and other things that stimulates him. He is highly adaptable and proves others wrong by showing what can be done regardless of the complications or restrictions placed upon them. He is able to change his own behavior in order to cope more effectively with his environment, or make changes to the environment he's in. However, he doesn't like changing who he is, but if it's an absolute necessity he will. He doesn't have an impulsive behavior but expresses self-control in most matters. He has a certain calculating or distracted look in his eye when hes planning something or coming up with tactis. He has quite the eye for finding out things about others and remembering them. Making a mental or physical list of their strengths and weaknesses. He has quite a witty humor due to his verbal intelliegence. While he may be book smart and sometimes street smart, when it comes to emotions he can be quite confused.

This male can be described as very composed. He rarely if ever loses his temper. Yes, he'll give a witty or snide remark but never something out of anger. He also always seems to have a serene expression on his face. It's hard to read him at time, but when he hasn't had any sleep you can tell from the dead look in his eyes and annoyed face. He has odd quirk, like when he's upset he wrinkles his nose in disgust or horror. He seem's very chill, but that's when you don't know him very well. If one knew him well then they'd understand the underlying chaos and craziness in that 'calm' exterior. In honesty, from his usual uninterested attitude it may seems he doesn't care about sports and comeptetions. However, if he is ever forced to do something and find he likes it then his interest will bloom. Once he's interested he'll start becoming more invested and serious when he does it. He may lose a few games here and there in the first rounds of it, but if he truly likes it then he'll have an attitude change. Once he feels the adreneline pumping through his veins and understands the thrill then he won't back down. He won't settle for less than the top. Failure won't be an option for him. He does accept losses and defeat but he does so begrudgingly and swears to himself he'll win next time. You may even find him giving an akward yet passionate speech to uplift his team telling them: we'll win next time for sure! Or you'll even see rare frustration and anger in his eyes. He has a very expresive face when he chooses to let his emotions show.

This young man is good with words. He doesn’t like saying the obvious and go to great lengths to invent new ways of expressing his motions, be it happiness or contempt. To sum it up, whatever he does, he is never boring. "Are you serious?”. This is one of the frequently asked questions asked at him. He is constantly in situations where he has to explain himself (Which he rarely does). Sometimes people have a hard time believing that someone can joke about things that he jokes about without an effort. He is not at all concerned about being misunderstood in fact he invites the confusion. It’s his weird way of having fun. If you think that he’ll be putting aside his sarcastic ways to please people, you couldn’t be more wrong. He doesn’t care. He' ll revel in all the chaos his behavior creates. He is often misunderstood as stated earlier and that leads to people acting differently towards him. As he is very intelligent he expects that in advance and acts aloof from the start. His actions however hide his true feelings sometimes. That’s why he has a hard time making friends with people who don’t understand his eccentricities. He really respects and cherish people who can go to the depth of his sarcasm to see his real self.

He rewards this patience in people by constantly being themselves. Yes, he doesn’t change. But those who understand his sarcasm know that it’s nothing but his creative way of expressing himself. And true loyalty is their reward. Now when it comes to his friends and people close to him, he is protective ass hell. If you make someone he cares about cry or even visibly uncomfortable then you can expect this male to come at you with a blazing fury. While he doesn't lose his cool or composure easily, when it is related to his friends, he has zero chill. Anything that hurts them will get squashed.

He is someone who is a ride-or-die but won’t let you burn in flames just to have your back. He has a clear sense of boundaries. Always having your best interests at heart and are able to tell you the truth in a loving or brutally honest way. He doesn’t care if they are family, if they can’t hold up to the standards of being a trustworthy, he will need to pull the "time-out card” on them. When he puts you in time out it means: “I love and care for you, but I am gonna have to love you over here until you learn how to behave in my presence." He is someone who always keep his obligations and promises. Once you've entered his circle you have found a truly reliable friend.
♤ Stamina : He's used to running from things. Whether it be training, to get away from people or from bullies.
♤ Strategic : What he lacks in strength he makes up in brain. Can make quickly make split-second judgement calls. Very level-headed.
♤ Daggers : While he is moderately good with physical combat his skills with daggers and knives excel. He is good with a dagger, whether it be tossing or just messing with it in his hands. Was trained by his father.
♤ Flexible : Very flexible and agile due to his frame and size. Also he has sharp reflexes.
● Lack of Strength: While he is strong in most areas. Due to his weight he isn't as strong as others, and he hates this. He hopes to get stronger during this camp.
● Apathetic Nature: He doesn't seem to care about much or many people. However, as he gets over this he'll be a bit more concearned for others than just his close friends
● Assumed Laziness: He seems like he doesn't like to work or do much by how much he lies around or sleeps. However, they will come to see he's a hard worker.
● His lack of a social life: Not one to easily make friends, but somehow he attracts them. He doesn't do much with parties and gatherings unless he's dragged there by friends.
♢ Apple Pie and sweets in general
♢ Dragons
♢ His friends
♢ Organization
♢ SLEEP and naps
♢ Nightime
♢ Rain and storms
♢ Wind and heights
♢ Quiet and peace at times
♢ Mostly enjoys drama
■ Dumb people
■ Clutter
■ Small spaces
■ Ugly clothing (the tailor in him cannot.)
■ Unnecessary rudeness
■ Being taken from sleep
■ Being annoyed or talked about
■ Nicknames, unless they come from friends
■ Heat
■ Being weak
Troy Droit
His childhood friend, his best friend. He cares deeply for Troy. Even though they seem to argue a bit, but always nothing serious. One would think they disliked each other from the constant teasing, possible yelling, or other things. He most definitely care if you were talking behind his back or being rude. Lately he has found himself enjoying his company more or having strange thoughts. Even his heart seems to beat faster around him. Hes dismissed these thoughts because a guy can't like another guy, right?
Julien Devereux
Jules as he calls him is someone who he admires. The two went to school together and became friends. He admires this young man's passion and determination to reach his goals. And it can be said he's lit a small fire of passion in Mircea as well. He is more kinder and dare say friendlier with this male than most. Always listening to him rant on about dragons as it interests and amuses him. Jules may even get a rare smile or laugh out of him. Not to mention how protective of him he is, if someone even thought or dared to bully him then Mircea would find himself demolishing someone with his words. He never wants to see Jules fire fade or die. Something about him makes him happy and he likes it. His energy is just infectious.
Tyrus Rafferity
These two have such an odd relationship. One on the basis of brutally teasing each other relentlessly. Not the : "Oh your so crazy and stupid, hahaha." No, no, no it's more : "Oh my god you aren't dead yet? " , "Go jump off a cliff and do a backflip while you're at it." Brutal comments that makes them seem like enemies. Not to mention them always getting into physical fights with each other. These two are extremely chaotic around each other. Always yelling or cursing each other out, they never use each others name but instead use stupid or childish nicknames. Again, to an outsider they are enemies. However, this is just their relationship. In all honesty they care for each other deeply. Mircea would kill for him and would gladly sacrafice his life for him. Only when he's serious will he use Tyrus real name. He knows he can be vulnerable around him and trusts him with his life. Don't even think of talking bad about him, because the outcome won't be pretty. They have a definate brotherly-type relationship.
Marcella Lane
This friendship is more calmer than the other ones. One he can just sit in silence with her and enjoy her company. He likes observing her and trying to understand her more. This is more of an unspoken and quiet friendship. He has a slight urge to get to know her better and become a closer friend with her. One thing for sure is he won't appreciate you talking down to or about her.
Ryia Beaumont
He just doesn't like her period. Won't tolerate her around his family or friends. If she wanna fight then he'd gladly indulge her.
Kianna Diaze
His younger cousin , his blood relative. She lives with him sice his Aunt and her moved in a couple years ago. Protective as fuck about her. Takes his time to listen and understand her. Very patient and kind with her. He loves her much like an older brother would.
Father was a Rider
Mother is a Tailor
Aunt researches dragons

Edited at August 16, 2021 04:02 AM by Spellbound
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 10, 2021 07:57 PM


Posts: 2721
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Troy Droit



The first thing most people take into account with Troy is his height. He stands at a towering six foot four with a bit more of a muscular, yet still slim, body build. Troy has a fair skin complexion, a bit more on the pale side of the spectrum, but not enough to make him appear as if he were a ghost. He has minimal blemishes, but of course, he still has them - things like scars, freckles, things like that are scattered throughout his body. He has minimal acne scarring from his boy days, which the very rare pimple or zit will of course make its appearance again. Troy has a cluster of freckles across his nose and cheeks, which become faint as they reach the sides of his defined face.

Troy has slightly longer hair, maybe a shorter medium length if you will. It is a dark brown with some brighter highlights in it. Troy keeps it pushed back out of his face, but if active (such as running, working on something in general, etc), some pieces will fall in front of his face, framing it more. If falling out of place, you will notice his part is down the middle of his head, for the most part, at least. Very rarely will Troy ever cut it or do anything with it in general. To be fair, he could care less.

As stated before, Troy has rather fair skin that is a bit more on the paler side with some freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks that become more distant as the freckles become more scattered. They are rather faint to begin with, but as they are more cluttered, especially on his nose, they're more obvious. Anyways, Troy has a rather defined face, with his head being a more oval shape. He has a defined jawline, a straight nose, which is slightly upturned at the bottom. Just below that are his plump lips, but are slightly covered by his longer stubble for facial hair. His lips are a pale pink color. Troy has bright, ocean blue eyes that are round yet a bit down-turned. They are rimmed with long, thick lashes.

Troy has four obvious scars, that although hidden by his clothing, is larger than any other one from minor incidents as a child or stupid accidents in his early adulthood. They are all on his back, scattered spacially but not too far apart. They are each around three inches long, and would look nasty if they were fresh wounds. Not many do see these, but it is always something to take into account with Troy if you do see them - never ask about them.

Troy normally wears whatever he finds comfortable, but is of course still presentable. What he wears normally compliments himself, so a bit more darker colors is normally what he aims for. Troy has little to no fashion sense, but he will normally wear darker colors, boots, and he tries not to layer things too much as he doesn't like being suffocated with his clothing.

Troy is, for the lack of better words, annoying. But not the sort of annoying where he will sit there and poke at you, but the sort of annoying where he will poke at you but he's too much an asshole that has decent humor to leave. Troy his rather quick and witty with his responses, and he has a comment for just about anything, good or bad. This doesn't mean he can't be serious, but never expect a serious Troy if it's not a serious moment. Either way, there's really no end to this as it's just Troy being Troy. He doesn't really care what others have to say about him, which just creates a I-don't-give-two-fucks sort of attitude.

Speaking of his humor though, Troy's humor is mainly just jokes and poking fun at others for the sake of it. He uses it to cope as well, making jokes out of serious situations just speaks for himself. Troy never really had any other coping mechanism, so humor was the way to go. To be honest, it might be sad to make him make jokes out of his own trauma, but he would never make jokes out of someone else's unless it's a true friend who knows he's joking... In most cases people shut him down because when he jokes, it's normally the wrong time. But hey, why would that stop him?

Although a people person and very social, Troy can sometimes still struggle to understand others. He's observant, but normally has a hard time reading body language, which is why he is so heavy on communication with others. Troy isn't a mind reader either, so he isn't going to stare at you and pretend he knows what you're thinking. Because of his personality and how much of a brat he can be and piss everyone off, some people just avoid him. This has never really been an issue with Troy, as he why would he care about people who don't care about him?

As mentioned before, it is very rare to see Troy serious outside of his work space. He does take his jobs and tasks serious, especially since those things mean business. When Troy his serious, he will speak his mind and be as blunt as possible. Not be an asshole or someone who can piss you off even more than he might already, but mainly because he doesn't like sugarcoating and he believes that if something should be said, it shouldn't be sugarcoated to make it sound any better than it might be.

Troy literally takes no shit from nobody, and will call you out on your own bullshit. Of course he might be hypocritical, but being an asshole to someone in a harsh way (cause he obviously isn't), taunting someone for no reason, creating unnecessary drama, lying, etc, he will call you out for it. Why? Because nobody should be doing those things. Troy has a decent radar from knowing the difference between right and wrong, so why would he just let that go over his head and everybody else's? It's a shame that these things happen, but they do, and Troy thinks it needs to be stopped.

Troy, surprisingly, is reliant in and out of the work place. Need to talk to someone? Vent till your little heart is content? Troy is your man, just as long as you haven't done anything to harm him or anyone close to him. He doesn't believe in second chances - everything is a one and done sort of beat. He's also hardworking, do everything he can to get one thing done and check it off of the list. To most of other's surprise, Troy tries his best to stay as organized as possible and have a decently respected work space and environment in general. Things being disorganized bothers him.

Troy secretly respects and likes people, but it's not that hard to tell if he likes you are not. He thinks that respect is earned, not given, which heavily applies to his current situation. But beside that, him genuinely enjoying the company of others can be rather rare. As much as Troy is a people person and is always trustworthy, honest, and reliant, spending time with those he loves, platonically or romantically, is one of his favorite things in the world. He would die for those close to him, honestly, even if he never plans to admit that. He's pretty easy to get along with if you just move past his remarks that he will non-stop hit you with, but hey, it's sort of entertaining?

Troy is as protective as you'd expect - or not - but he is very protective as fuck and will stop at nothing to do so to the ones he loves and respect. With the exception of killing, he will make ends meet to make sure somebody pays for what they have done. Sometimes, Troy can become manipulative to get what he wants, and of course, this also leads to a whole lot of yelling. Perhaps the throwing of hands as well, but if you mess with anyone close to him and that he deeply cares about, you're for sure messing with him and that is a fact.


Stengths & Weaknesses
+Organized | Troy is rather organized with his work and practically anything he does. He likes to keep things clean and tidy, but while he is a bit chaotic, things can get out of hand. He tries his best to be as clean as possible regardless, however.

+Combat | Due to getting into random fights, although not the greatest, Troy packs one hell of a punch that you might not necessarily expect in most cases, considering how he is someone that you might not expect get into a fight - though that doesn't stop him anyways. He's the greatest at hand-to-hand combat, nothing long distance.

+Charming | Not only is he handsome, but charming, which always go hand to hand. He figures that if he's needing something, a little charm never hurt anyone, right? Is it really manipulating? But seriously, he does try to keep this one to the minimum, but uh, it works anyways when he doesn't even need to act more charming.

-Loud Noises | Troy despises loud noises. Thinks like screaming, yelling, banging, sometimes even lightning and thunder, can cause him to freak out. He doesn't like talking about why this happens, considering it's dark.

-Weapon Combat | He sucks at using things like bows, swords, etc. It was never really his thing, and his aim has always been shit. To be honest, this is one of those things he never bothers to try and expand on, but if he gets the chance, he might.

-Friends & Family | These guys are his biggest weakness, especially if he feels like he failed them. If something happens and he promised a person something, then he will take the blame for it. If these guys are used against him, then that will just make Troy crumble.

Likes & Dislikes
+Poking (friendly) fun at his favorite people ;)
+Some drama, but only the kind he causes
+Getting gifts for his friends
+Adrenaline. This is what he thrives off of
+Some books he enjoys
+Homemade goods
+Most animals

-Being disrespected for literally no reason
-Extremely loud noises
-Having to see anyone close to him hurt
-Drama that isn't caused by him B)
-Cheaters (especially in the relationship aspect)
-He hates most violence, but will commit if needed

Mircea Cryolar
A childhood bestfriend, Troy has become to love this man. In a way that a best friend loves another best friend, but also in the sense of possibly romantically. Troy loves poking fun at him and teasing him about his minimal friends, but Troy decides that it's just more Mircea time for him. They get along pretty well, but like any other friends, they have their disagreements which is perfectly normal. He hopes to one day uncover his own feelings, but also learn about Mircea's feelings.

Julien Devereux
These two really only tolerate one another because of Mircea, honestly. They might work together, but for the most part, they clash too much. Troy will always annoy him though, no matter the situation, and he's just waiting to be decked by him.
Probably Eragon :P I just realized I've never really read or seen much dragon-oriented stuff lmao

Edited at August 12, 2021 01:13 PM by Wanderlust
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 10, 2021 08:00 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Troy is accepted ^^
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 10, 2021 08:14 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Julien Devereux;
Often called Jules or Rowe/Reux
Eighteen Years
At a glance, there's a few things that people notice about Julien first. First is his height, while not as tall as some, his thin and lanky build makes him seem taller than he is until he's beside those taller folks. Second, would probably be his rather thin build. He is about a buck seventy soaking wet, and definitely appears it. He doesn't have hardly any muscle mass to his physique, and would be pretty much useless in a game of Tug O' War. Limber and surprisingly quick? Yes. Strong and durable? Heck to the no. But Jules knows he isn't the most physically strong guy, and he's okay with that. The third thing people usually notice about this aspiring dragon rider is he definitely doesn't look the part. Too thin and too tall, gawky like a new born horse, and mildly clumsy, there is nothing about Julien that scream "I'm going to be a great Dragon Rider!" and yet here is, trying anyways.

Now, Julien isn't an unattractive male, he definitely has a cute boyish look to his tall, lanky body. He has blonde hair that has a very obvious reddish hue to it, especially when it catches the light. No one would declare him as a full feldged red head, but he definitely has the genetics somewhere. His hair is on the short side, though it's longer on the top, and always seems to have some sort of tousled look. Almost a little unkept, but still taken care of overall. His hair is paired with fair skin, not overally pale, but something that says he clearly doesn't spend a lot of time outside. On top of that, is that he has a fair amount of freckles adorning his face, and the rest of his body. His eyes are a dark brown color, a little striking in comparison to the rest of his light features. His father says it's the only feature of his mother he gained, looking much like his father instead. He has more angular and sharp features, rather than square and robust. These are traits he has more as a combination of his mother and his father,

Moreso, to confirm his lack of dragon rider-esque, Julien wears a pair of glasses that frame his features well, giving him the geeky look even more so. These are no form of fashion statement, instead he has to wear them if he hopes to see anything. He is pretty much blind without them, and so he has a strap to them that would keep them from falling off if he is knocked or anything. Clothing wise, Julien does his best to be well kept, but his clothing is always a bit unusual. He has to buy the more undesireable clothes to fit his thin and tall body. As everything seems to be geared towards big and tall, or short and thin (or short and big). He still finds clothing just fine, but they're always in more interesting and unique patterns. Pants, though, are almost always too short if they are going to fit anywhere else.

Julien, with his more gawky and awkward nature, seems like someone who wouldn't be comfortable in his own skin. And while he might be a little awkward in terms of movement, being rather clumsy, he's comfortable with how he looks.
Julien is a friendly and outgoing sort, someone who wants to try and be friends with anyone who will let him. He's easy going for the most part and would definitely identify more as an Extrovert than anything. He isn't shy with others, and doesn't hesitate to strike up conversation or introduce himself. If his atttempts are rejected, he might become a little sheepish or embarassed, but he usually will just move along to someone else. He knows and understands that not everyone wants to talk to him or be his friend. Of course, he is still the extrovert that adopts introverts so they have a battle buddy.

He can definitely be on the nerdy side, completely geeking out about things he is passionate about. One of those things specifically is dragons. Almost like an encyclopedia for Dragons, there is little he doesn't know about them factually. He's ready almost every book about Dragons that he can. He isn't ashamed of his knowledge, and will happily answer any questions anyone has. In fact, he enjoys it. When someone strikes up a conversation with him, and is genuine about it, it brings him absolute joy. He will often try to become that person's friend solely because of a shared passion, or even interest, in dragons.

There is more to this self proclaimed Dragon expert though. He enjoy humor a lot, and loves to laugh and have fun with others. He isn't someone easily pushed by peer pressure, but would liklely still go out of sheer curiosity on his own will. He just likes to have a good time. He's also comfortable with himself, and rather confident, without being cocky. It's not easy to make him feel uncomfortable about himself or anything, and insults are likely to just roll off his back like nothing. He's dealt with teasing most of his life, so he's got a thick skin for it now.

Of course, Julien is still human. He does get frustrated at times, and can have a semi-quick temper. Usually this comes up more so with himself than with others, he usually tries to stay calm and be patient with others. But he can be hard on himself, especially if he is wrong about something. He tries to gain as much knowledge as he can, so when he is wrong, it makes him doubt himself somewhat. He does have a hard time with stupidity though. When someone is acting or being stupid, he gets frustrated with it easily. He doesn't do well with stupid humor or anything either. It's not his best quality, and he struggles with it because he does like people, but he never has understood it when people act dumber than they are. Still, Jules isn't the malicious type, and he would never go out of his way to cause damage. Even words he says in the heat of the moment he will likely come to regret and try to apologize or make up for.

It's important to know the Julien, and all his fact seeking, is also wickedly smart, unusually so. He always seems to becoming up with new and inventive way to do things. When things don't go according to plan, he's often rather adaptable on the fly, able to come up with solutions in the bat of the eye. He does struggle with some things, of course, he isn't perfect and he won't always do well on the fly. But overall, he's a quick witted guy who's able to keep up with most things.
Stengths & Weaknesses:
⊕ Rather limber and fast, I won't say he is graceful or anything. But he's quite limber, with good speed and endurance.
⊕ Being tall, it's quite easy for him to reach up and grab things that others might not be able to.
⊕ He is rather intelligent, and between his fact collecting and able to think on the fly, he's capable of handling a lot.

⊗ Naturally more clumsy, Jules is not the best in places where grace is required.
⊗ Not physically strong in the slightest. He won't be lifting heavy objects any time soon.
⊗ He actually has a bit of a weaker constitution (i think is what its called), and gets sick easier than he would like.

Likes & Dislikes:
⊕ Dragons! Everything and anything about them.
⊕ Woodworking, he lives carving and using wood to create things.

⊗ Stupidity, dumb people, anything of the sort.


Mircea Cryolar - This is his best friend, one of the people he's known longer than he can pretty much remember. There is no one he enjoys spending time with more than Mircea, and takes comfort in his presence, especially in unknown situations. Lately, certain feelings have been blooming within Jules for his best friend, but he's unsure of how to approach them, entirely uncertain of how Mircea feels. Above all else, though, Jules cherishes their friendship, and if it came down to it, would never put it at risk for anything.

Alexa Finch - These two grew up nearly neighbors, and are quite familiar with each other. Not necessarily friends, but comfortable with each other nonetheless.

Edited at August 11, 2021 11:58 PM by Imperial Sands

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