
Accepted! Crystal jewel 20 said: Sign-up sheet - Name Shadow Age 6 months Gender Male Role Pup Opinions on the pairings Don't really care but thinks it could be done better and a different way then matching but he not a heir to a throne Appearance (Credits to Khalliysgraphy @DA) he is the runt of the pups and finds it easy to hide, he has dark fur with a little bit of grey under his dark fur, he has a grey nose and his paw pads, he has a little bit of brown, his eyes are brown he has a white under his belly to the tip of his tail and white on two paws his right front and the other on his left back Personality He loves fighting other pups in a playful manner, he doesn't like how the pack matching is going and trys to show it to the alpha sometimes but he would walk away if gets heated. He wants to be a hunter when he grows up since he watches other wolfs go out and hunt and it seems fun to him, he finds it boring to be in the den to long and taking naps so if it nap time he won't take one just act like it until no one is looking he would sneak away to do something else, he wished he was mostly like his parents brave and strong Strengths (3+) Being a pup Play Fighing Learning about the pack by watching them Weaknesses (3+) Getting hurt Bitting Running can't run that fast Mate None to young Parents TBD in discussion Kin None for right now Offspring None to young Other: He is half blind in his left eye but does good with seeing

1 male juvenile has now reopened


Alright! Lost Rune said: Reserving the spot!!!

Name Rowan Age 1 year and a half. Gender Male Role Juvenile Opinions on the pairings Rowan often questions if the pairing are the right thing to do. Yet he never speaks up about it, too scared to face the scolding. Appearance Rowan is a gray-brown wolf with gray base and some brown hickory markings, including the occasional dark gray markings. He also has white viltigo streaks across his pelt that he pays no mind to. His pelt is very well kept with some grass tufts in his fur to add some decoration. One of his most prized accesories happens to be his bear cap that resembles the day he and a hunting patrol took down a mighty bear. They allowed him to take the skull part as a reminder of his great hunting skills. Moving to his phsyice hes somewhat buff yet slim and strong bodied. With agile bones better for hunting and manuvering. He has a strong bite and unsually long fangs that he often uses to hook into prey for better grip. His scars also are a reminder of his great hunts or fights. Theres one on his shoulder that has two little holes and some dragging scars along his shoulder where he threw the attacker off. Credits to HOTNStock on DA Personality Rowan often is described as charming and funny. He carefree and tends to be as helpful as possible. Yet when it comes to hunting he is very watchful ready for anything to hunt. With courageous ambitions to one day to be the beta male. He also carries great pride for his alphas yet somewhat fears them. Strengths (3+) Hunting, charisma, strength, agiileness. Weaknesses (3+) Swimming, wisdom, some fighting. Mate To be paired Parents Echo! Arrow! Kin None Offspring Not yet Other <3 Edited at January 13, 2024 03:09 PM by Lost Rune

Finished let me know if I need to change anything!

You can't have NPC parents for this roleplay and your ocs age needs to be a little younger. Maybe 1 year 10 months? Lost Rune said: Finished let me know if I need to change anything!

Changed, I just need to find someone in rp to be my parents 😭

Accepted! Lost Rune said: Name Rowan Age 1 year and a half. Gender Male Role Juvenile Opinions on the pairings Rowan often questions if the pairing are the right thing to do. Yet he never speaks up about it, too scared to face the scolding. Appearance Rowan is a gray-brown wolf with gray base and some brown hickory markings, including the occasional dark gray markings. He also has white viltigo streaks across his pelt that he pays no mind to. His pelt is very well kept with some grass tufts in his fur to add some decoration. One of his most prized accesories happens to be his bear cap that resembles the day he and a hunting patrol took down a mighty bear. They allowed him to take the skull part as a reminder of his great hunting skills. Moving to his phsyice hes somewhat buff yet slim and strong bodied. With agile bones better for hunting and manuvering. He has a strong bite and unsually long fangs that he often uses to hook into prey for better grip. His scars also are a reminder of his great hunts or fights. Theres one on his shoulder that has two little holes and some dragging scars along his shoulder where he threw the attacker off. Personality Rowan often is described as charming and funny. He carefree and tends to be as helpful as possible. Yet when it comes to hunting he is very watchful ready for anything to hunt. With courageous ambitions to one day to be the beta male. He also carries great pride for his alphas yet somewhat fears them. Strengths (3+) Hunting, charisma, strength, agiileness. Weaknesses (3+) Swimming, wisdom, some fighting. Mate To be paired Parents TBD Kin None Offspring Not yet Other <3

Can I reserve an elder please?