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Escaped Weapons Open!!November 29, 2024 09:30 AM


Posts: 1031
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Both of these look good, just waiting for Boeing to aprove! Thank you for reading the rules!
Escaped Weapons Open!!November 29, 2024 01:17 PM


Posts: 1031
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Both of these have been accepted! Just for both of you It would be great if you could add about how long ago they were taked!

Edited at November 29, 2024 01:18 PM by Graywing
Escaped Weapons Open!!November 30, 2024 12:00 PM

Northwest Wind Pack

Posts: 126
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Name: Aileen Bennett
Age (human years): 13
Gender: Female
Personality: Aileen has always been a quiet and somewhat insecure girl, especially at school. She had few friends but she felt good with them. She really liked riding her bicycle everywhere, because it was so relaxing for her. She has always been very attached to her parents, who have been very supportive and she felt safe and happy with them, but now that she is not with them, she is very scared and worried about what will happen to her. What if she never sees her parents again? She tries to avoid that thought and hope that they will find her and get her out of the nightmare she is living, but every day that passes it becomes more difficult for her to be positive. Before, the fact of being able to turn into a wolf would have seemed like something quite cool, but the reality is very different. It has been very difficult for her to adapt to her new ability, and she still feels strange when she turns into a wolf, however, she strives to adapt and do everything her melon captors order her to do so as not to make them angry, as she is afraid of knowing what they are capable of doing if they are not obeyed.
Human: She is a light-skinned girl with long, straight black hair with dark brown tips, which she usually wears in a braid and with two slightly shorter strands on either side of her head. Her eyes are green. She is slim and a bit tall for her age. Aileen used to ride a bike often, so she kept in good shape and she is also quite fast and agile. When she was taken away, she was wearing a peach-colored t-shirt with black calf-length jeans and white sneakers.
Wolf: In her wolf form, her fur is straight, medium length, being longer around her neck, chest, cheeks, back of the legs, and tail. She has a black coat, with dark brown on her chest, rear legs (up to the hock), the outer part of her ears, and on the tip of her tail. A stripe of the same color goes vertically from her nose to the forehead. Her eyes are bright green, and the area around them is silver-colored, resembling eye shadow. Her nose and paw pads are dark gray. Like her human form, she is relatively large and slim.
Strengths(3+): She is fast, agile, perceptive and cooperative.
Weaknesses(3+): She is insecure, not brave, not strong, not a good swimmer.
Relationships: She has a very good relationship with her parents, and also has a few friends.
Other: She has been taken for around three weeks now.

Edited at December 2, 2024 05:46 AM by Northwest Wind Pack
Escaped Weapons Open!!December 1, 2024 11:20 AM

Northwest Wind Pack

Posts: 126
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Aileen is ready now! But if anything needs to be added or changed please let me know.
Escaped Weapons Open!!December 1, 2024 08:03 PM


Posts: 1776
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Me when I forget to put in my own character sheet >.>


Name: Tamar Ilyin

Age: 11?

Gender: Male

Time spent: 2-3 months


Human Form;
Tamar as a human looks like the kind of boy you'd overlook in a park, but he'd be playing along with the others nonetheless. Dark hair, brown eyes that constantly probe the world around him, and still growing with some skinny limbs, reaching maybe 145. He's not your classic American melon boy - his parents are migrants. But from his accent, the way he holds himself, among other things - unless you significantly stereotyped him, you'd not notice the difference.

Wolf Form;
Being a juvenile wolf essentially, Tamar's fur colouring isn't fully defined yet. However, many of his features are beginning to present themselves in Tamar.
Tamar looks like an intermingling between a pure white, and mainly black. Tamar's fur type takes more up of his father though - long, fluffy fur that once all the puppy fur is shed, may appear slightly overweight.
Tamar's fur will also often come with a random leaf or two nestled in between it - his attitude to leaf litters and small playthings (I love it!) plays testimony to that. Despite his occasional resolve to clean his fur, at this age he still enjoys doing things pups like - playing around with an odd stick, digging small holes, and generally having a good time with it.


(right... some of this may not entirely make sense because it's an adaptation of a different character, yikes)

As of now, Tamar has the stereotypical disposition of a child - small, guileless, innocent. Easily susceptible to ploys from outsiders, and yet to be trained in his parents' images.
He doesn't yet consider his actions before he does them - leading to a slightly brash little youngster that doesn't abide by many rules yet. He's destined to cool down later in life, however.
As of right now, there are some things that are apparent to him in white-and-black. First rule - "Mama is always right."
Too young to have yet gain a fully-formed opinion on the pack and his half-sister, he abides by the one rule - "Mama is always right." If not, it's his father that is right. One way or another, one of them are always right. To Tamar, they know all the knowledge in the universe, and he looks up to them.
Tamar still holds an extremely simplistic view of the environment of the pack. He doesn't question his pack member's decisions, but he does hold a simplistic view of the world that he is unaware that his actions may always have greater consequences, and that the small gestures that another wolf may exhibit mean something. To Tamar, everything in life is simple, and right. He does understand, however, that he will need to venture out alone without his parents to the big, wide world.
Tamar's curiosity is a major feature of his personality that will stick with him over he years. Tamar is inborn with a natural curiosity, leading to many small incidents. Like the one time he jumped into a massive dustbowl and showered the surrounding pack mates with flying dust. Like earlier, sometimes acting brash and thinking before acting has consequences - something he is slowly discovering.
At his current age, Tamar's interpersonal relationships are still black-and-white. He sees everyone as "good", without the little niches of doubt, worry, or intrigue. Tamar is still very gullible - he is easily influenced by the views and opinions of others (but Mama is always right!) and hence has very little personal opinions on others. He likes everyone and hates no-one (yet), as they would say.
His opinions (as scant as they are) resultantly swing back and forth significantly. Barely able to form opinions for himself, he goes backwards and forwards from one wolf to another, unaware that his movements have greater consequences than he knows.
Tamar doesn't lie. After all, no-one lies, in his view of the world. Everyone is usually right, and Tamar takes it all at face value without actually vetting it. He thinks everyone older than him is right - but especially his parents, as Mama is always right!
Overall, Tamar is a trusting, innocent one who looks at the world through a simplistic spectrum, and trusts everyone - sometimes to his disadvantage, but then Mama is always right!
Although gullible, Tamar exhibits a playful and curious nature typical of pups his age, and is always striving to find out more about the world, even in unorthodox ways.
The main problem with Tamar's nature is that he's too trusting. He trusts everything anyone says - even if it's false, because, in Tamar's view of the world, who would ever lie? If you told him to follow you, he would. The main problem is that, if you look on the dark side, Tamar could easily be influenced, and has the vulnerability to be taken away from what he knows, and believe and be taught something else entirely. That is the worry his parents may hide from him - being the rightful son of his father - and the worries he himself is practically entirely unaware of. Awareness comes with age - he does not fully possess that sense of rightness and wrongness.

Tamar is still exploring the boundaries of what he can and can't do (and I think I filled in a lot of this section under "Personality"), but some things that he seems to have developed an aptitude for;
- Memory recollection. Tamar, for his age, is suprisingly good at recalling a specific things someone said, or a certain leaf pile that he likes. Currently this trait isn't used in substantive ways (mainly recalling trivial things rather than important things) but that improves with time.
- Curiosity. Tamar has an insatiable curiosity that may have landed him in trouble in the past. But this fuel for learning everything couldn't be quenched, and hence Tamar still loves to do things he's simply curious of the outcome of.

- Lying. Like stated before, Tamar is absolutely pathetic at lying. He simply doesn't see why anyone would lie - after all, why would they? and takes most (if not all) things at face value. (But Mama is always right!)
- His innocence and gullibility. Tamar is at the age where he still can't tell if people are lying or not (and he thinks no-one lies), and hence has a very innocent and gullible profile. More unsavouries may decide to abuse this aspect of him before he grows out of it, but no-one has tried (yet) - this is something that his parents hope that he will grow out of quickly sooner rather than later.
- Same with the strengths - some weaknessess will be closed, some may be opened, but only as Tamar grows up will they become apparent and show themselves.

Edited at December 3, 2024 02:14 PM by Boeing
Escaped Weapons Open!!December 2, 2024 09:09 AM


Posts: 1031
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Both of these look good!
Escaped Weapons Open!!December 2, 2024 09:47 AM

Queen Nesta

Posts: 373
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Name: Ace (Real nameLoan Derius didn't like this name because it was his fathers)
Age(10-16) human years: 13 years old
Gender: Male
Personality(3+ sentences, more is welcome):
He has social anxiety and ADHD so he's never really focused on one thing and is distracted easily. He has barely any melon friends because the social anxiety but if you are his friend, he really is a delight to be around, always helping out and asking if you need anything. He is a very nervous person and rarely gets out but if it means going back to his family he'll try.
Aperance(3+ sentenses for each form):
Wolf form
Wolf: He's agile and can easily squeeze through small places because he's quite slim in his wolf form. He also has a cream body with hazel eyes and part of his ear cut off. His tail is a nice golden brown that is fluffy and extremely soft.
Made by a former pack named Willow

Made by me Nesta

He has one piercing blue eye but the other is foggy because of the blindness. Sometimes he might stare at you for a long time but that's just because he has anxiety and never was taught much manners. He doesn't have that many piercings just 2 on his eyebrow and 2 on each ear.
Brain damage is also a weakness but for him it's also a strength because he can't remember anything from 0-12 and he was told by his mother that his dad wasn't exactly nice
Brain Damage when he was 12
Blind in one eye
Trauma and therefore nightmares
Relationships: Middle child of 3 one parent is dead, he has a good connection with his mother. His didn't have much friends but the ones he has are nice and trustworthy.
Other: For how long ago it was must have been 1 year . He's been really bored and has lost track of the days

Edited at December 2, 2024 12:27 PM by Nesta
Escaped Weapons Open!!December 2, 2024 10:08 AM

Queen Nesta

Posts: 373
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Ace is done ^^
Escaped Weapons Open!!December 2, 2024 12:26 PM


Posts: 1031
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Ace looks good!
Escaped Weapons Open!!December 9, 2024 12:35 PM


Posts: 2578
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Maya Jean Prescott

Age(10-16) human years:




Personality(3+ sentences, more is welcome):

Maya has a more closed off personality with little to no interest in interacting with anyone that is around her. Maya is deeply intuitive and has great people reading skills, perhaps it’s from watching the doctors studying body language and facial expressions. As if she knows something is going on from lying or to hiding something that she has a knack for. Though she may be a little stunted with human interaction for not having conversations with anyone for 10 years or having little conversations talking to anyone that has given their time of day to speak of her. Maya is highly aggressive to the doctors and guards and due to her unpredictable motives.. She has been in solitary confinement for the majority of her stay. She could be considered as a little twisted or perhaps insane due to this treatment. Though she has trouble finding what is reality and what is fantasy.

Maya will be motherly towards the other’s when she meets them. As someone being there for as long as she is, she deems protective and gentle to the others. She will learn how to be kind and slowly develop a role of being a guardian or role model for others. She will begin to develop the mindset that she doesn’t want them to end up like herself.

Maya has trouble reading, writing, and basic human grammar. She is a little embarrassed from that expectation as she is so behind for her age. As she hasn’t learned to be intelligent and listening to the doctors made snide comments have belittled her self worth.

Maya has deep identity issues as she has become to forget who she is and who she was. All she remembers was a little child that loved her mother and now she can barely even remember her mother’s face or voice. The longer she has become what she was and the thing that others fear her for, the more she becomes less human and more animal. She feels losing her humanity slowly as her animal side starts to become stronger for her to bear.

Maya is harsh and cruel and becomes stone cold with everything around her. She is a negative person that has trouble finding the excitement or optimism of things. She struggles with overly happy people that are light hearted and so happy with life around them. Maya is also an observant and realistic thinker. She does not take imaginative and anything illogical into consideration. All she thinks is about her melons.

Appearance(3+ sentences for each form):

Human Form:

Maya is a smaller petite girl for her age. Perhaps due to her lack of being a child and going to do activities as a regular human child would be able to do. Though she has little muscular from the animal side giving her some body enhancement giving her a bit of muscle mass instead of being a small and fragile girl. With that Maya is 5 '2 and weighing at 110 pounds with her size, she is more agile and fast to get around. Though due to her lack of exercise she gets lethargic and fatigued very easily and won’t be able to defend herself quite as easily as she can in her animal form.

Maya is a strawberry blonde with lighter blonde streaks in her hair. Her hair is rather short going to her shoulders that usually looks like a mess or not combed very well. Her skin is very pale with red and brown freckles all over her body. Her facial shape is like a heart shaped with a sharp jawline. Maya has deep dark blue eyes that are siren-like with her light pink lips that pop from her face.

Maya has a tattoo on her inner wrist with the number of 1 from being the first test subject. She has scars over her back and down her arms though she has zero recognition from how she got them. Maya is also in a white hospital gown with light little blue spots all over with her being barefoot.

Animal Form:

Maya’s a jaguar. The only human that the scientist has turned to be in a jaguar. She is 2.3 feet at the shoulder Her length measures to be approximately 6.5 feet and she weighs to be 250 pounds. She is a muscular cat especially with her legs being shorter, but very powerful for jumping and fast short attacks. Her paws are large with her claws outstretched that are sharp to the point. Curved and ready to slash anything in her way. Her ears are oval with her nose being a light pink with black speckles on top.

Her pelt is short with a color of yellow and orange with her chest and underbelly being a soft white. Her spots are unique from other black and brown. She has deep dark blue eyes that glimmer and look like she is examining everything and ready to pounce like its prey.


Short Burst Attacks

Motherly Instincts

Reading people



Deciding between what’s reality and what’s fantasy

Antisocial/Solitary issues

Unpredictability/ Aggression

Poor grammar, writing, and reading



Mother: Abigail Prescott

Younger sibling: Josephine Prescott


I figure for an idea, she is a legend/ a story that the wolves believe that is real or not real due to never seeing her.

She will have great character development from a feral girl to a motherly role.

She was here from the age of 6 years until now. She was taken at night while her mother was sleeping from working all day.

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