|~| Garvin |~|
Full Name; Garvin Chips King.
Nickname(s); Chips, Jack, Vin, Vinny, Pyxis, Clover, Ante, Chase, Flash, Patch, and whatever else you can come up with.
Name Meaning;
Garvin; “Rough, Rugged, Rough/Cruel Fate, Spear-Friend.”
Chips; Technically, because he got to choose his middle name, Chips was chosen because it was a nickname he’d been given in the past.
King; “Ruler.” Literally just from the title, King.
Age; 23.
Gender; Male.
Sexuality; Pansexual, Demiromantic, and Ambiamorous.
Alignment; Chaotic Neutral.

(Credit to [email protected])
Garvin is tall, standing at 6’5” and covered in freckles. His skin is fair with cool undertones, though he’s also most definitely sunkissed and slightly tanned with how much time he’s spent outside throughout his life.
Garvin has an oval-ish face, though his chin is a slight bit more pointed than the usual oval. His nose is hooked, the end of it dipping down past the nasals. It’s also crooked, like it’d been broken one too many times and hadn’t ever healed properly. His lips are thinner in shape and he is practically always smiling in some way or another. Grins and smirks tend to be the most common to see.
His eyebrows are rather thin, though they do seem to thicken a bit near the ends closer to his ears. His eyes, luckily, are a dark gray in color, and a downturned hooded shape. They have some bags underneath them, but he claims they’re much better than they used to be when asked. Which is actually true. His face is framed by unkempt, curly, (2B to 3B) ginger hair. Though rather firey in color, it is on the darker end of the ginger spectrum. When dry, it falls just past his shoulders in the back and ‘ever-so slightly’ past his eyes in the front.
His body structure is an odd mix of soft curves and broad shoulders but otherwise rectangular body shape. It makes for an odd look, like an almost misshapen hourglass, his shoulders are ever so slightly broader than his hips. Either way, he’s lean with toned muscles. He weighs in at 170 lbs, with his BMI at 20.16, most of it being muscle but he’s still obviously healthy even without it. As for tattoos, he has a poker chip with a club in the middle of it on his left wrist, done in simple black ink, that he got when he was 17. He also has an anchor tattoo on his right shoulder, done in simple black ink, that he got at 20.
As for scars, he possesses many. From scars on his back and shoulders that look like they’re from whipping, to burn scars on his legs and arms, to cuts on his arms, to scars that make it seem like skin has peeled or scraped off his arms and legs in the past, to a scattering of small scars at his jawline, eyebrows, and nose. The bottom of his feet also have some burn scars, and his hands have plenty of spots that seem like the skin scraped off far too much. He’s covered in scars. His left hand has a small scar of a cut across his palm. And both hands have tiny scars all over, which are both just extremely calloused too. He has quite a few cigarette burn scars on his arms and shoulders. He also has random scars of varying sizes all over from various things.
Usual Attire;
What he wears and what he prefers to wear seems to change quite often. He’ll wear just about anything that fits too. If he’s asked what he prefers though? And if he actually gives a real answer other than just ‘Clothes?’
He’ll take comfort and practicality over fashion. At least, most days. He’ll wear long sleeved shirts or sweaters or button-ups as long as the seams aren’t too noticeable. When they are noticeable, he tends to pick at them and end up destroying them. Which he hates. How dare he ruin a perfectly good shirt. He does seem to usually prefer longer sleeves though. As for pants, those tend to be easier than shirts for what he prefers. Really, there’s only two qualities that the pants must have. One, pockets. Very good pockets and/or lots of pockets. And two? He will not wear shorts. Nope. No thank you. When it comes to shoes, he definitely seems to prefer boots. Any kind, really. Except ones with laces. Really, truth be told, he’ll wear any shoes so long as they don’t have shoelaces. He cannot tie them. He has never been able to figure it out. He can knot them. But that’s a bit different.
He’s found some feminine clothing in his wardrobe before, but he usually ends up pushing them to the back or putting them in a box. He doesn’t remember getting them, but he isn’t really one to throw things away. He’s worn them on occasion, and he admittedly finds them in his dirty laundry at times even when he doesn’t remember wearing them. Most of it tends to be longer too anyway, except for the odd short dress, short skirt, or short overalls here and there.
Honestly, if anything, the few things that don’t seem to change are his outerwear. Like jackets. No matter what style the jacket is, there is at least one self made patch of a poker chip on it. Whether he’s wearing a trench coat, a suit jacket, a leather jacket, or a cropped jacket— There’s always at least a poker chip patch on it. Sometimes there’s more, sometimes there’s not. Where the poker chip patch is and the size of it also changes.
As for jewelry and accessories? Oh, Garvin loves jewelry. He’s got a lot of piercings. He has a nasallang piercing, a labret piercing, and a ton of ear piercings. Three lobe piercings on his left ear and two on his right ear. He has a tragus piercing on both ears. There’s a helix piercing on his left ear and an industrial piercing on his right ear. And he’s got two flat piercings on his left ear and one flat piercing on his right ear. Frankly, he wants more piercings too, he just doesn’t know which ones to get just yet. Other than piercings though, Garvin’s also a huge fan of rings. He’s got tons, though he does tend to seem to prefer his spinner rings. He also, apparently, has shit vision. So he has glasses too. He has two different frames to choose from, a simple black rectangular one and a circular silver one. Just in case he loses the other. Which can and has happened to him before, only for him to later find the other pair again eventually.
Voice & Accent;
Out of the different types of voices, he’s a Spinto Tenor. As for a more detailed description… His voice is on the higher but deeper end of the spectrum. It’s gravelly and smooth. It used to be higher pitched and smooth, but given everything, it’s become deeper and gravelly; scratchy. It’s still higher pitched, just slightly more rough sounding.
He also doesn’t tend to put too much effort into dictation, so a lot of his words end up sounding a lot less clear than they should be. Admittedly, it sounds like a mix of a southern accent, a southwestern accent, and a New Jersey accent. Which is just really fucking confusing, but he’s been to quite a few places and picked up quite a bit. To be fair though, the southern and southwestern accents do seem to be the strongest ones.
Handwriting; Unfortunately, his penmanship is still terrible. Not learning how to write (or even really read) until he was a teenager definitely makes having a good penmanship difficult.
Handedness; Ambidextrous.
Inconsistent | Huge Liar | Observant | Adaptable | Outwardly Arrogant | Flexible | Approachable | Detached | Open-Minded | Secretive | Witty | Humorous | Talkative | Somewhat Selfish | Exhausted | Laidback | Abandonment Issues | Sly | Social Chameleon | Guarded | Experienced | Restless | Resourceful | Unstable Self Image | Flirtatious | Sarcastic | Impulsive | Distant | Internalized Ableism | Self-Destructive | Absent-Minded | Trust Issues | Alexithymia | Somewhat Reckless | Tolerant | Hard Worker | Snarky | Fidgety | Empathetic | Reactive | Incredibly Repressed | Charismatic | Alert | Disorganized | Silver Tongue | Tense | Stubborn | Envious | Smooth | Teasing | Rather Fragile Ego | Sharp | Incredibly Fake | Independent | Clever | A Bit Materialistic | Reserved | Nihilistic | Opportunistic | Self-Deprecating | Perceptive | Very Questionable Morals | Keen | Playful | Self-Sabotage Prone | Somewhat Judgmental | Will Play Up/Encourage The Drama | Pro At Denial | Level-Headed | Cut-Throat | Loyal | Ambitious | Self-Preserving | Cautious | Unapologetic | Responsible | Realistic | ‘Slightly’ Impatient | Thrill Seeker | Curious | Adventurous | Street Smart | Daring | Intuitive | Sassy | Trustworthy | Social | Escapism | Chaotic | Cunning | Resilient | Deceptive | Smug | Relatively People Smart | A Bit Greedy | Chill | Dismissive | Great Storyteller | Surprisingly Self-Preserving
Temperament; He’s chill most of the time, When he isn’t, it’s usually because someone else isn’t. Or because he’s having a bad day. Or because something’s been building up in the background for a while.
Enneagram Type; 3w2 - The Charmer.
MBTI; ESTP-A - The Entrepreneur.
Likes; Space/Stars, Animals, Money, Music, Nicknames, Food, Sewing, Sleep, Gambling, Attention, Tattoos, Jokes, and Jewelry.
Dislikes; Pity, (Very) Large Crowds, Being Alone, Sitting Still, Losing, Swimming (he still cannot), Stuck-Ups, Certain Textures, The Back Seats In Cars, His Terrible Memory, Cleaning, Apologizing, and Writing.
Strengths; Handling Animals, Cooking/Baking, Stamina, High Pain Tolerance, Flexible, Parkour, Stealing/Lying, Survival Skills, Observant, Card Shark, Playing 12 String Banjo, and Cardinal Directions.
Weaknesses; Terrible Memory, Alexithymia, Internalized Ableism, Disorganized, Impulsive, Attachment Issues, Thrill Seeking Behaviors, Hyperactive, Unstable Self-Image, Addiction Prone, Can’t Swim, and Admittedly Self-Destructive.
Fears/Phobias; Mild to Severe Aquaphobia, Mild to Severe Cleithrophobia, Mild to Severe Athazagoraohobia, and Severe Thalassophobia.
Favorite Quote; Literally the whole song The Gambler by Kenny Rogers? Probably that, yeah. Or the old saying of— ‘Fuck around and find out.’
Physical Health; Chronic pain and fatigue, a cough that probably won’t ever go away that he sees more as an annoyance than anything else, and shitty eyesight. Other than that stuff though? He’s doing pretty well, nowadays.
Immune System; His immune system’s pretty great most of the time. He rarely ever gets sick, which is great. Especially because when he does get sick, it tends to be pretty bad.
Mental Health; ADHD, Mild to Severe Depression, Panic Disorder, Insomnia, Autistic, C-PTSD, and undiagnosed DP/DR and C-DID.
Allergies; None, woo!
Addictions; Alcohol, Smoking, and Gambling. He used to be on a lot of harder stuff too but he hasn't relapsed in a couple of years at this point.
Lover(s); Open? PM me?
Crush(es); Open? PM me?
Ex(es); Ah, fuck, there’s a ton. (Open, I guess haha)
Significant Other(s); Open? PM me?
Why Worry by Set It Off.
Fallohides by We The Heathens.
Break My Face by AJR.
Weak by AJR.
Fuck It! by Days N Daze.
Wholesale Failure by Days N Daze.
Nine on the Bortle by Days N Daze.
Comfort epershand Control by Days N Daze.
Constellations by The Oh Hellos.
Ship in a Bottle by fin.
Architect by Livingston.
The Dead Come Talking by Roe Kapara.
PATCHWERK by Sub Urban & Two Feet.
Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives.
Back to the Ground by The Crane Wives.
Shallow River by The Crane Wives.
Ain’t Nobody’s Problem by The Lumineers.
How to Rest by The Crane Wives.
Tombstone by Adam Jensen.
Let It Bleed by Adam Jensen.
Factories by Autoheart.
Lowlife by Adam Jensen.
Alien Blues by Vundabar.
RISK, RISK, RISK by Jhariah.
Irresponsible by Emei.
Scatterbrain by Emei.
I Don’t Care by Friday Pilots Club.
For The Wicked by Friday Pilots Club.
Sleeping On The Ceiling by Friday Pilots Club.
Fear & Delight by The Correspondents.
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives.
Unsweetened Lemonade by Amélie Farren.
Me Me Me (Boo Hoo) by Crywank.
Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy by Crywank.
Poker Face by Lady Gaga.
Looking at Me by Sabrina Carpenter.
Sweet Tooth by Scott Helman.
Here Goes Nothing by Michael Schulte.
Fucked Drunk Life by We The Heathens.
Neurotic Decay by We The Heathens.
Toes by Glass Animals.
Libriyum by Days N Daze.
The Gambler by Kenny Rogers.
Royalty by Conor Maynard.
Trouble by Adam Jensen.
Friend of the Devil by Adam Jensen.
Kings by Adam Jensen.
Half Jack by The Dresden Dolls.
Belly of the Beast by Brennan Savage.
Flight of the Crows by Jhariah.
Affiliations; TBA.
Salvador Castellano - Con, Tory, Sal, Bane, Castle, Doe, Pepper, Strike, Cam, Saliva, Lucky, Salsa, Microscopium, Mic, Scope, Micro, Sales, and Opium.
Garvin met him at a party two, almost three (two and a half) years ago that he, admittedly, doesn’t remember all that much of. Which isn’t too odd, at least. Makes plenty of sense with how shit his memory is. Either way, Pepper’s great. Super cool. Knows maybe a bit too much about him for Garvin’s taste, been around for maybe just a few too many things. But, oh well. It’s fine. Just means he gets to annoy and bother the fuck out of Salsa while he tries to keep him out of trouble or whatever. He probably shouldn’t annoy him as much as he’s sure he does, but that’s fine too. If Opium ever wants him gone then he can tell him that. Which he probably would because, to Garvin’s continuous confusion… He’s an incredibly honest person? Like, Garvin doesn’t think Strike has ever told a lie before. It’s insane. It’s crazy. It makes no sense, whatsoever. Everyone lies. Most people lie constantly. It’s just a fact. So, uh, yeah. Con is just a little confusing in that aspect. At least he’s still enough of a liar to agree to scamming their audience.
Maciej Wawrzynowicz - Maxi, Max, Hen, Maxine, Chick, Magic, and Edna.
Hikaru Yamamoto - Karu, Hikari, Hickey, Motto, Sunny, Bulb, and Shade.
Darla Keys - Dairy, DQ, Bee, Deryl, Dahlia, Bleach, Lock, Queenie, Drawl, and Blizzard.
DQ is actually… Pretty cool, in Garvin’s opinion. Yeah, sure, she hates nicknames and is an absolute prick but, well. That’s the type of person he’s more used to, the kind of friend he’s more used to. He was honestly getting worried that everyone in the group were fucking saints compared to him. So Queenie being a little shit? Completely welcomed, even a little relieving. He can always count on her to be annoyed by him. So, even if they don’t really know each other all that well, her personality is welcomed (and so fucking messed with and teased and purposefully annoyed).
Other; Ghostie! Meet the newest version of Garvin, my poor orphan boy! This time around, instead of the pirates just kicking him out Spade (David King) sent him off to stay with his living family. Who ended up adopting him. Any edits I make now is to add trivia or songs, probably.
As per usual, Garvin gets some trivia.
He recommends to everyone not to eat a dead, unwashed, uncooked bird that’s been lying on the ground for days unless they have to. Same for a raw, dead rat that’s soaking wet from rain. Both of those being things he’s done before. More than once. Not anymore though. Luckily.
He’s actually been to therapy before. His adoptive family was not going to just let him not do therapy. Anyways, it turns out he’s autistic and an ADHDer. Along with some other stuff going on too, like C-PTSD, Panic Disorder, and (very fluctuating in severity) Depression. Yay to those diagnoses, definitely helps knowing. He stopped going to therapy sessions years ago, though he still takes the medication he’s prescribed by his psychiatrist. He’s also got some chronic pain and fatigue issues going on that he never really figured out the reason for. So he’ll sometimes use a cane, but most of the time he’s still just trying to power through it. He’s still way too stubborn for his own good. He also sometimes wears compression gloves, and those are definitely more common to see than his cane. Pain medicine is really just about the one thing he isn’t too stubborn about. He’ll usually take pain medication for it at least.
Garvin will talk to himself out loud at times. Mostly when it’s just him around. He also has a lot of smaller stims that he tends to do more than bigger ones, especially in front of other people. It’s actually kind of rare to see him do the amazing ‘happy hands’.
Most fun of the facts ever now— He not only still has his 12 String Banjo but he never lost/pawned it to begin with this time around!
Oh, right. He joined the paranormal hunting group solely because of his gambling. He lost some games that he, admittedly, probably shouldn’t have been playing at all. He thought he’d win, okay?! But, so, yeah. He met a group looking for more people to travel around to towns and hunt ghosts or something and basically decided that was the best way to not pay his gambling debts. Mhm. Basically. Fun fact, he probably didn't introduce himself as Garvin to them.
Some shit that Garvin knows how to do- Making anything taste good (and that means anything. He tricked his adoptive family into eating rats once and they couldn't tell until he told them and then they banned him from their kitchen so). He also knows how to hotwire cars, some minor electrician repairs, some minor car repairs, and of course- Tons of nature survival stuff. Like building a fire, usually knowing what's edible and what's not, some hunting skills... He's also just pretty good at finding his way around places. Somehow. Oh, and he's actually pretty good at math. Specifically financial and budget stuff. When he isn't gambling, that is...