Name: Cyra'analeth
Age: 300
Gender: Female
Species: Sun Dragon
Magic: Yes

Image by me
Cyra is a decently sized creature, reaching 15' at shoulder and 30' long from tip to tail. She has a lean, sinewy body that resembles the shape of a greyhound's; long front limbs also function as her wings, though she is capable of using them to run, grab, and reach. She has a full hand at the end of each with razor sharp claws. Her hind legs are stereotypical ones with powerful haunches and raptor-like feet. She has one raised toe and claw on each of them. Her whiplike tail has a thick, downy tuft of fur along the end, like a lion's, that can catch fire but will not burn or singe.
Her scales are tight and smooth, almost snakelike but with more definition. Her base color is a golden one, and she has a red-orange shimmer akin to watching dancing flames. Along Cyra's dorsal line, her scales are more red, and her underside is lighter. A pair of thick, white, slightly curved horns shoot out of her skull in a streamlined fashion. Small, sharp, bony protrusions decorate the middle ridge of her face and, once they hit her neck, transition into a sort of exoskeleton of mirrored vertebrae. Hooked, riblike braces curve down from them, providing some extra protection to her neck and raising the fear factor.
Her head is long and refined with a slight point at the tip of her upper lip beneath her nostrils. Her upper canines protrude slightly, and her mouth is turned into a faint, wicked smile. Cyra'analeth's eyes lack pupils. Rather, they are a glowing white void. Staring into them is peering into the soul of the burning furnace that will incinerate you. Because of their nature, it's basically impossible for anyone to gauge her emotions by looking at her eyes, and her tone of voice or body language must be used as a guide instead.
Her voice is low and sultry, with a snakelike hiss underlying it. Her words are almost crooning, unsettling and promising poison instead of sweetness. Her movements are strong and predatory as well; she is not a dragon to be messed with. The discomfort she brings strangers in close proximity is enhanced by the heat and glow she normally radiates.
Fiery || Aloof || Stubborn || Bloodthirsty || Blunt || Plotter || Surprisingly Maternal || Vengeful || Observant || Composed || Bends Rules || Territorial || Loyal || Protective || A Bit Sadistic
Her hot temper matches the stereotypical fire-type dragon classes. She is feisty and a bit snappish, purring out death threats that nobody knows whether or not to take seriously. Her sense of humor is fairly morbid, though more innocent topics may still amuse her. She is not a social creature; being around others is draining, and it doesn't take much to get on her nerves. While Cyra'analeth could wait centuries to win a battle or lie in wait for an enemy, this uncanny patience does not extend to other dragons or people. She is not tactful in her words and does not spare anyone's feelings; her philosophy is to say it like it is and not waste time.
She is also extremely stubborn and difficult to persuade. This female remains fairly neutral in many things, but when she is set in one direction, that is the direction and it will not be deviated from. She leaves room open for input in her strategies, though, as she would rather be correct the first time than allow her pride to be the downfall of her comrades. She has a scheme for everything; Cyra is always plotting about even the littlest things. Her attention to detail and astute observations make her excellent at being able to take everything into consideration, and she's quite good at reading the room.
She does not easily lose her head. Even when she is furious, this dragon remains composed, though she makes her feelings very clear. There are no rage-storms or tantrums. She likes to watch her enemies suffer, and she can't exactly do that if she blows them off the face of the earth too soon. This dragon is bloodthirsty and somewhat of a warmonger, and she certainly has some sadistic tendencies. Cyra is one to go all out with her vengeance and retaliation as well, ensuring that whoever crossed her, or someone she is acting on behalf of, will be unable to do so ever again.
Cyra is territorial with any mate, rider, and others she has "adopted" as her family. She can be overprotective and is loyal to a fault to those whom she deems worthy. While most creatures won't even get her attention, those who gain her love and trust will get her world. She will move heaven and earth for them, and no stupid rule is going to stand in her way. Her morals may be a bit gray, but family is her priority and will always remain such.
Solar Flare: She can pull the light and heat from the sun towards her and let it build, releasing it in a flaming shock wave. The longer she holds it, the greater the blast radius. Solar flares must be used with caution, as she gives up her own body heat to use the ability and does not do when hypothermic.
Light Beam: Rather than breathing fire, she emits a concentrated ray of light. Her targets are then the equivalent of ants under a magnifying glass. While powerful, its concentration does not allow for a large range to be affected; her shots are very precise.
Refraction: She can bend light around objects around her to create a mirror or mirage, effectively hiding whatever she's manipulated. She has to do it to individual objects, but once completed, it takes very little power to keep up as long as the sun is out. Once it gets dark, and the colder it gets, it becomes unsustainable.
Glow: As long as she isn't too cold, she emanates a warm, subtle light that can be dimmed or brightened, allowing her to function as a giant nightlight and heating pad.
Background and Family
As she is much older than many creatures, her history has been all but lost to time (a.k.a. Mother needs to figure out a good backstory). She frequents the skies and has a habit of pillaging and plundering for food, and her hoard is notoriously not gold. Rather, she collects bones.
Familiar/side character