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Scandinavian ; " Goddess Of The Dead "
Desired Rank:
She's Satisfied But Something Higher Up With More Responsibility Would Be Nice
Loyalty To Alpha:
Hell Yes
She's ecstatic to see a female in power after all the controlling males. Girls need to stick together and she's all for the lady in charge. And anyone who opposes will face her rage
This female can be considered to having an autumn colored pelt. The melody of the fall colors splashed along her pelt is quite pretty to look at. From the burnt orange colored fur intermixed with tones of darker red that reminded one of a maple tree in fall. Not to mention the rich and earthy browns surrounding her haunches and the lighter versions around her face with a mix of creamy white coloration along her underside. Along her back and spine you can see dark grey and black markings with hints of white and silver, possibly an identifier for her . This female has a nice amount of fur, and she likes to keep it well maintained with regular grooming. In the summertime her fur appears more darker when it sheds and in the wintertime it's more lighter.
This female stands at a sturdy 30 inches in height and weights 100lbs and 105lbs on a good day. This female is a mixture of both power and speed - of course as there are wolves bigger than her and smaller than her she isn't the best, however she is better equipped to deal with both. She is able to move rather swiftly while being able to dish out some medium sized blows. This female bears a muscular yet leaner build , you can see the power and elegance in her walk and step when she moves. Her legs are well equipped for running just like her teeth are well equipped for hunting.
This female has a very female face - one soft and slender in appearance, however don't let that fool you. She is far from gentle and soft. And the healed scars along her muzzle prove that, and not to mention the smaller ones on her back that's hidden by her thick fur. Her nose is dark black in coloration and it goes well with reddish and cream fur around her muzzle. The females eyes are a beautiful and rich dark brown - the color that keeps the jewels of the earth hidden, and they always seem to be warm and inviting and never malice in them until she is truly and honest to god riled up. This female's scent reminds you of a lovely maple forest and so does her coat and her voice can be described as a raspy one yet it has a certain rugged feminine charm to it and it matches her very well.

Wherever this young canine goes her presence commands respect. If not from the bold, elegant stride in her walk. Then from the look in her eyes as if saying: I own this room, look at me. This female doesn't lack confidence, but is not overly confident as to be arrogant or cocky. She knows when to be humble and ask for help, it's more on the level she is sure of her actions and who she is. She won't let this confidence be undermined or taken from her. Khe has a certain fierceness behind her, with fire and passion in her steps. One can also see the fierceness reflected in her eyes, whether it be through sharp, unimpressed glares or a icy and blank stare. This female can be described as an introvert with extrovert tendencies, both sociable and unsociable. While young dame is good at making small talk with strangers she often zones out when chatting with her friends. Yet, they know she means no harm. It’s difficult for her to keep up conversations at times, but she keep initiating them anyways. She spends a lot of time with her thoughts when she's alone, but say things without thinking when you’re with others. She can come off as blunt and coarse at times. Being around people does drain her energy but in a good way. However, being alone for lengthy periods of time makes her anxious. This femme love listening and talking to friends about their lives- their struggles, successes, and whatever they’re going through. But she won’t get involved and would rather let them fight their own battles, unless she deems necessary or feels a certain protectiveness over you. She truly treasures her relationships and friendships, but just have a hard time showing it. But when she does, it's quite sweet.
This female has a elegant and refined nature. When she walks, she glides. Never having overly loud or clonky steps. She has never been a clumsy child, so she is quite graceful in her walk. Her posture is always on point, and she holds her head in a regal and dignified manner. This has been drilled into her due to her parentage and being sent to finishing school. When she eats, she doesn't chow down or dig in. She is slow in eating, savoring every bite. Her words are always well-chosen and elegant in manner, in a pitch that's not too mild as to think her unconfident or shy or too loud to think her unlady-like. It is one to get her point across. Even if she's angry she won't yell, but will deliver her words in a venomous tone of voice but eloquence and class. Her face is also way of expressing her elegance, by having a lovely and inviting face with a charming smile. Or her displeasure, with a sharp and cold glance that speaks volumes by itself.
She notices body language: posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and changes in breathing. It’s a common belief that when we lie, we don’t make eye contact with the person we’re lying to. You can’t hide anything from her. So if you have something to say to this young canine , just spit it out; she would've dragged it out of you eventually anyway, and you’d just feel better for having gotten it off of your chest. Whenever she's still, this female uses her time wisely to hone her senses, soaking in her surroundings, taking in the intricate beading on the shoes of the woman standing in front of them or the way the man hanging around the edges of the territory and keeps paces. Sometimes she even like to make up stories; maybe the guy is meeting a secret lover, or maybe he’s nervous talk to someone. Since she notices everything, when something is out of place, it throws her universe out of balance, but part of the reason why she can remain so focused and productive in her everyday lives is because they have everything she needs at her paws. Khepri is always attentive to social dynamics, and because she can read body language extremely well, she can determine pretty easily how people treat one another. She can tell when couples are truly in love by the tone in which they talk to each other or how closely they sit to each other. She can deduce how close a pair of friends are by the tone of voice and the conversation. She has an eidetic memory.
She believes a person who could master their desires, their fears, and all the other emotions which threatened to overwhelm them reason was mightier than the wealthiest and strongest leader. many. This young lady has quite a reputation amongst her peers—though of higher rank, she has went and slept in the cold and rainy weather, and deprived herself of food.
While this femme can maintain a serene disposition in the most chaotic situations, this does not mean she is immune to inner turmoil. She just keep a lid on it. She does experience stress, but it's bottled up, like shaking an unopened coke bottle. The liquid foams and churns inside but nothing escapes to the outside world. In the case of Persophone , the turmoil is contained and hidden behind an expression that perennially projects self-control.
If overwhelmed and embittered, the she may detach and withdraw. She shuts-down and become resigned to a life she sees as a prison sentence, something that must be endured or tolerated, no matter how tortuous the path or the circumstances may seem. At this point, she builds an inpenetrable wall around themselves to shut-out any feelings or emotions that could distract them from their focus on a task or just getting through life in general. Becoming indifferent to the world, however, may alleviate some internal strife, but it also creates barriers that block emotionally fulfilling relationships and other outlets of joy that make life worth living. You'll never see her cry publicly, only in her private will she weep or grieve. Her face can be described like a mask and is often long-drawn as if weighted by the gravity of her burdens. When her eyes are not frustratingly impassive, they can appear, in a poetic sense, like dark chasms that act as reservoirs for the failures, disappointments, and losses of humanity.
Becase she has the right amount of wit and intelligence, she developed sass as she got older. Just like you learn to think before you talk, she acquired the skills of speaking her mind, but in a less childish and overt manner. Very diplomatic and has a calculated approach in what she's going to say and how to act, and uses a certain degree of logic and know-how to keep herself in tact. Known to be smartass. She’ll be the first one to call you out on your overt attempts of impressing someone, but the difference is, they’ll do it in a playful manner because she means well. She doesn't give a crap about what others think about her, how come comes off, doesn't take bullshit or disrespect from them, and she does what she wants, when she wants, period.
This young canine has an inner motivation that pushes her to get to the heart of an issue and find solutions. This female drills for specific answers and don’t give up until they get them. Her high energy is infectious. She consistently drive their priorities through the organization. She searches tenaciously for information they’re missing and keep tweaking her mental models until they arrive at a positioning that works. But drive and tenacity can cause her to stick to a plan that isn’t working, or outdated assumptions, or an investment that is no longer promising. This female is a realist. Realism is the mid-point between optimism and pessimism, and the degree to which you tend toward one or the other has a particularly powerful effect on your use of the know-hows. Optimism can lead, for example, to ambitious goals that outstrip the nations ability to accomplish them or can compromise your judgments her people: “I know his ego has no bounds, but I can coach him to become a team player.” But pessimists don’t want to hear ambitious plans or bold initiatives and can find all the flaws and risks in pursuing them when they do. They’re likely to miss opportunities. While her being a realist makes her open to whatever hand reality deals her. She wants to get unfiltered information that can be weighed, measured, evaluated and tested to determine what step to take next. She spends time interacting with other packs and allies, getting information and a “feel” from those constituencies about their thinking.
She'll go the extra mile to protect her loved ones from harm – especially those in her family or inner circle of friends. She has a gift for creating stability, security, and dependability for the people she care about. It’s like she can create a force field of protection and gentle care around the people she loves. Will protect them at any cost. In the past, she loved creating a relaxed, optimistic atmosphere because that brings her a lot of joy. She enjoyed swapping jokes and interesting stories with her friends. Creating, or being in, an atmosphere that is laid-back, harmonious, and pleasant was good for her soul. However, she doesn't joke or smile as much, but instead sports a more stoic expression and has become more cold and distant to her close friends and friends due to the dire circumstances. It seems she's on a path of self-destrucrion.
As If.