
reserve shadowbane shaman please!
"I am cursed with the gift of knowing." Name: Visha
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Aroma: Herbs and pine
Rank: Shaman
Desired Rank: Content
Pack: ShadowBane Pack
Appearance: ©Tiefenschaerfe on dA

Visha appears to be much older than she looks, however because of her coloring, it hides her greying face even more so, though still slightly obvious if one were to look close enough. She stands at roughly 26 inches, her build small and frail. She doesn't have much for muscle beneath her skin, and it becomes quite obvious that she spends her days mostly sitting. It's become harder and harder for her to keep weight on within the past year, and she's beginning to believe that her time may be coming. Whatever it is though, her weight loss hasn't been that much to notice as she has always been small and skinny.
Visha has a gray coat - lighter tones, mostly white, follow her underside and down her legs and throat, leading up to her face to make some sort of 'mask' if you will. The top portion of her head and cheeks are a slightly darker gray, an even darker shade beneath her eyes, giving her a 'tired' look and a small patch on the bridge of her nose. Her ears are this same darker color, the inside fur being white. Her back is the darkest, appearing to be blackish-brown, but mostly black and dull. Her fur is considerably wiry and thin, almost looking as though it is falling out in places. It's thinnest on her stomach and legs, where the hair is normally shorter on a healthier wolf.
Visha has striking amber eyes that she uses to observe her surroundings, though her vision has dwindled within the past few years. However, she does not appear to be going blind by any means. Her face structure is mostly soft and round, thanks to the thicker fur on her face. Her ears are of average size. She has dark paw pads and nose, her nails just as dark if not darker as well. Some may say that Visha appears as though she is a rotting corpse that's still somehow walking, while others view her simply as a respected elder in the pack. Regardless, she knows her health is deteriorating but decides that it's not worth pointing out as it is the least of anyone's concerns.
Blunt | Wise | Nurturing One may look at Visha and wonder why she acts so cold. However, in reality, she's simply blunt. Visha is honest to a tee and has never been the type to try and beat around the bush. She was raised to say it how it is, regardless of emotion that may get involved at any point. She refuses to lie, but will keep secrets if need be. However, if someone were to ask about said secret, she would say it. To her, lying is a gateway to something worse than what someone may be - and to her, that's the last thing she wants to be. Visha had good set boundaries when it comes to what she does and doesn't want to know as well. She will speak up when she's not directly talked to and although she may be a bit harsh, she's definitely not judgmental. She understands that others go through things and process things way more different than she does. However, that doesn't mean she may agree with you. She believes life is full of lessons meant to be learned, and sometimes you must take the hard way. She will tell you for sure when you're doing something that she believes to be morally wrong, but is the type to also say "What do I know though?".
If it wasn't obvious enough, Visha is what you would consider wise. Although it has come with her older age, she has a unique point of view at times. She takes things with a grain of salt, which is also explanatory for her bluntness and occasional harsh advice. She won't give you anything unsolicited, however. If you tell her that you did something, she may tell you you're stupid, but she won't say everything she thinks. Visha is slightly opinionated because of this, but doesn't try to push her own beliefs onto others and doesn't force anyone to do anything. It's their life - not hers - and she's had her fair share of life. Visha is definitely what you could consider a 'therapy friend'. She's open-minded and inclusive but also tells you how it is and may or may not make you rethink what you did.
Visha is very much a motherly figure. She tells you when you're being an ass, when you're doing something wrong, is a great teacher, and has the potential to even be comforting and a good listener if asked. While she can be a bit harsh and blunt, her humor a bit dry, and maybe slightly judgmental, she mostly always has good intentions. Visha has always been something of a 'therapist', if you will, alongside working physically to increase another's health, she also thinks mentally is important too. However, she will not pry on a situation if you will not open up about it. She's very supportive of what others want to do even if she may not agree with it and has a way of giving her opinion while she knows that others may only take it with a grain of salt. If anything, she would be considered a 'care free mother'. She doesn't care what you do; just don't lie. Lying is one of her biggest pet peeves.
Loyal | Reliable | Patient
Visha is a strong believer in loyalty. Loyalty comes with things like trust and friendship, which she holds near and dear to her heart. Once she feels comfortable enough, you know she's truly invested with you once she becomes loyal. Sometimes, she may become a little blinded because of this. Her own passion for someone can be the biggest heartbreak she could experience - it's one that nobody should ever take advantage of. All that has ever truly mattered to her was this - loyalty.
Conscientious | Compassionate
Strengths: Wise + Nurturing + Experienced + Honest + Loyal + Observant + Patient + Weaknesses: Harsh at times - Weak - Small - Swimming - Stamina - Blinded by loyalty at times - Growing sickly -
Affiliations: Valkyria "Val", "Child" - Daughter
Other: Edited at June 10, 2024 12:36 PM by Bruiser

All reservations are updated on the character list so far. Thanks for the interest. Discussion thread also posted under Extra Info, feel free to chat while you're working on characters :)

Name: Iris Age: 3 years Gender: female Pack: shadow bane Rank: warrior Scent: Flowers, leaves and rain Appearance: [Mod edit: Image removed for illegible credits. Please ensure credits are written clearly.] Iris has a lean fram with long legs. She is shorter than many of her pack mates. She stands 1/2 to 1 head shorter than others on average. her tail has long fur and her ears a slight bit bigger than average. She has thick, medium length and some what fluffy, light brown fur that's color is somewhat muted, half of the section below the joint of all four legs is a deep, rich brown. the cainine claws on her paws are colored black. The color of some mud, her paws are colored white. Starting at her belly and ending at the back of her head is a orange brown color. on her forehead is a large white diamond, staring center of her forehead and ending close to the middle of her eyes. On the right side of her head is a spot, the same brown color of her legs. It covers her entire right ear than curves down to meet the bottom part of the diamond shape. It fallows the curve of the top eyelid and then curves up the ear. Iris's eyes are a pale gold in color, the shape of them is round and large. iris has long fangs that are very sharp. Iris's long legs and sharp fangs make her an excellent hunter. She is fast and agile. Her small size however puts her at a disadvantage at fighting. She is often smaller and lighter than her opponent. Personality: Iris is a nice enough to most wolves. She is mostly introverted, liking to spend time with only a select few wolves. She sometimes can accidentally insult others without knowing it. She doesn't relay know how to talk to strange wolves. She tends to be socially awkward at times. Iris acts differently around wolves depending on how she thinks of them. If she is close freinds with a wolf she is more likely to act playful, talk more, and she often tells jokes or tries to at least. She expresses herself more and tends to seek out those she knows then strangers and wolves she dislikes. she likes telling riddles to freinds.
Is she doesn't like a wolf she won't actively bully them or insult them. Instead she will most likely ignore them, try to stay away from them but if they are a wolf of similar or lower ranking of her and they try to tell her what to do than she will either do her own thing or the opposite of what they want. if the other wolf is of a higher rank than she will do what they say. Generally Iris is distant to most wolves. She doesn't talk unless she thinks it's important or unless someone talks to her first. She can be seen as aloof to some wolves. When in a conversation with a wolves she doesn't know to well she tends to match the tone of the other wolf. Is the other wolf is cold and clearly dislikes her than she will act and make the tone of the voice similar to the other wolf. Then she will almost make herself 'better than the other' almost trying to intimidate the other wolf to make them back down. Iris is very intelligent she tries to know a bit about everything. She has a sharp tongue and quick wit. Those two traits often get her in trouble and sometimes she escalates conflict when she spots something to say and doesn't think about it. She doesn't like conflict, she tries to stay out of it if she can but rarely backs down if conflict happens. - Affiliations of Importance: freinds: open enemies: open crush: possibly in roleplay mate: none Parents: open siblings:open pups: not interested Other: Edited at July 10, 2024 05:13 PM by Eternity


Edited at May 27, 2024 08:13 PM by Dawnforest

Name: Sikúnguaĸ Age: 4 Years Old Gender: Male Pack: The Shadowbane Pack Rank: The Beta Desired Rank: He's Content Appearance: Stock Image. Credits To Wincey @ DA  This young male stands at an impressive thirty-six inches in height, dwarfing most of his companions - rarely has he found a wolf as tall as him. He's quite tall in size, and he has a nice set of muscles on him as well - them showing his strength and youth. When it comes to his build, one can say he's quite a perfect balance. His height giving him an advantage as he can take longer strides, making it easier to catch up with fleeing prey. And with his usual weight being 128 and if he's been eating good he can bulk up to 142 - so he can easily slide between being a tank, using his size and strength against another or being right at that medium - able to utilize both speed and strength. He's very useful in hunting situations, able to keep pace with slimmer and quicker wolves - though of course, he can and will be outdone by those blessed with swifter feet. Yet, he's also able to help those on the heavier side if needed, and also hold his own against tougher prey - whilst waiting for help to arrive. He's also a rather long and limber wolf, being seven feet from nose to tail. It's easy to say he's rather robustly build, having a healthy and strong appearance to him - it's speculated he's descended from MacKenzie Valley Wolves, known for their large build - but that's just rumors you know. His head is a bit larger and rounder than most wolves you see, and not to mention his slightly shortened ears and his rather thicker and more obtuse muzzle. If one were to describe his fur, they could easily describe it as fresh winter snow. His fur is rather pleasing to look at - the male being almost pure alabaster in coloration . The only imperfection is the slight cream around both of his ears, otherwise one could say he was a white wolf. It can be said that this young male is quite the looker, not only because of his well-muscled build and healthy appearance but also the lucious fur he possesses. It's quite humorous as it makes him appear larger than he already is. It's no secret his fur is very thick, and he has quite a lot of it. It definitely could make a girl jealous, and not to mention if one were to touch it - it's rather soft. So soft it could lead to envy from others. His fur is particularly thick and extra noticeable around his face, as it comes out around it - giving him a rather stoic and handsome look. Not to mention, his fur is also rather bushy - particularly his tail, he has a rather thick and bushy tail and it's very soft to lay on. Overall, his fur is fairly healthy and well-groomed, he doesn't like to have a messy appearance as it would reflect badly on him. It's not uncommon to see him grooming his fur with a pinecone or cleaning dirty fur in a stream. He prides himself on his appearance, and he will make sure he is up to his personal high standards when it comes to that. It's also worth mentioning that in the winter times, this male is extrafluffy. If it isn't already noticeable, this male takes pride in his appearance, along with how he is portrayed to the world. Most would agree that their is an tantalizing aura of mystery that surrounds him. He walks with confidence - his shoulders straight, his posture to ultimate perfection, and standing at his proper height. Walking with grace and elegance - even for someone of his height, it can be said that when he walks, he actually floats. His steps being airy and silent, and to most - quite eerie. He's known to pop up out of no where - but not on purpose half the time. He also has his quite interesting eyes - they are could be classified as an amber color, but their is a darker vermillion hue to his eyes - yet, at times it can appear like liquid honey to those looking at them. If you observe closely you can see the dark golden color of his eyes and the around his pupil you notice the light-brown, almost shimmering ring around it. And then you notice the darker reddish-yellow hue as well, that can grow quite brilliant underneath lighting. Personality: The first thing you notice about this young male is the chilly aura that surrounds him. His passive, and rather at times - unfriendly looking face . Their is a certain stoicism to this young male, he always bears a calm yet passive demeanor- rarely if ever letting any other emotion show on his face. He can be quite chilly, with sharp glares and rather quick to show his fangs if needed or he doesn't want you around - most agree that he's quite a prickly fellow to try and get close to. He's one to stick to the shadows he loves so much, observe and watch from the background without you even noticing - taking in information and filing it away for himself . He's very observant, one to try and understand others by watching them engage with others. Now it's true, he does fancy being alone and taking time for himself, but he is by no means shy. If you try and talk to him, you will get a conversation out of him, whether it be pleasant - will be up to what you are talking about. He absolutely hates small talk, it's so boring and cliché, if you're discussing something more exciting then you can peak his interest in the subject . Now, it is to be noted, he can be a bit blunt with his words, and they can come across as harsh but for the most part he means well, you'll know when he truly means to insult or rile someone up. He's not one to sugarcoat things, if you want the truth - he will give it to you plain and simple, he doesn't like to beat around the bush, or to overdo things. He's the friend that can be a bit of an ass, but he will keep it straight and honest with you. He's also not one to warm up to new people within a group, and he has certain talent for being able to read others emotionally and mentally, and it can lead to him either liking you or him despising you. If you don't pass the "vibe check" the he's not rocking with you, and he has very few people that he does rock with. This young canine is a rather hard worker, any task assigned to him, he will do to the best of his ability to make you proud. He can be rather passionate about things - always looking to improve and better himself, be it mentally or physically. He's still growing , and has a lot to learn - one thing is, he's confident in himself and he'll be damned if anyone tried fo brush him off just because of his age. He may be young but his mind is well beyond his years, he's rather wise as well, one to think before he acts. After all every action has a consequence and it depends on him whether it is good or bad . He's sharp and calculating- always thinking of a plan and backup plan, sometimes he can even overthink or over analyze a situation. He likes peace and quiet, to be alone with his thoughts at times to process things - he absolutely dislikes loud and rambunctious energy around him when he's trying to meditate or just plain think. He's rather solitary and likes his alone time and he isn't too keen on it being disrupted by others. It can be said that this young male rarely if ever gets upset ; annoyed? bugged ? Sure, but just plan mad is a rare emotion on him. It takes a lot for someone to truly upset him for him to be angry. When it comes to anger, there is one thing to surely gain his anger ; mess with his family . And this is any shape or form - whether it be through slandering their name , gossiping or spreading rumors about a family member, or just plain being a ass to them. This male has a very protective nature for those he cares for, and that includes his family and close friends. His anger is a cold and simmering one, one that chills to the bone before devouring you while . His words will be venomous and without pity, after all you hurt or made his family or friend upset so you will have to face his wrath. This young male is a skilled fighter ; not above being physical - and that includes pushing, shoving, snapping and ripping at you. He does his best to try and drop hints of displeasure whether it be the pinning of his ears, a swish of his tail, or a slight snarl or growl escaping him. The most obvious is an annoyed or irritated glare in your direction. Now while he may be quiet, he is by no means shy - he's just selective of the people he associates with. That means if you think you'll be getting away with shit-talking him to his face then you're wrong - he can and will insult you back in the most creative way, and his words will sting. He's rather snarky and a bit of a bitch when you bad mouth him - honestly did you think he was going to just take it? It can also be said he's rather vindictive and vengeful when pushed to that point, especially when it involves family - now he has thick skin and can brush off insults but that doesn't mean he forgets what's said to him . No, he remembers everything and everyone whose wronged him and if he decided to act out of spite then he will, and he's patient about planning your downfall. Most don't know but he's rather coersive at times, and can use charm and a smidge of manipulation to his advantage and no one would even bat an eye. Yes, he can and will plan your downfall if your hurt his family and no one would be able to trace it to him - after all he's rather good with tying up loose ends. Likes: ☽ The Snow ☽ Frigid & Cool Temperatures ☽ Darkness ☽ Solitude / Being Alone ☽ Rain & Thunderstorms ☽Has An Affinity For Water ; Especially Mist, Dew, & Fog. Also He Loves Ponds And Lakes Along With Creeks. ☽ Favorite Season Is Spring ☽ Fish ; Particularly Salmon ☽ His Favorite Meat Is Deer Meat ☽ The Moon & Stars ; Along With The Cool And Stillness Of Night ☽ The Colorful & Melodic Songbirds Of Spring ☽ Won't Admit It, Has A Soft Spot For Pups ☽ Has A Particular Like For Tracking ☽ Sparring & Sharpening His Skills ☽ Order ; Things Going According To Plan ☽ Meditative Walks In The Forest Or Brisk Runs To Clear His Mind ☽ Herbs & Flowers ☽ Taking Naps In Comfortable Places And Basking In The Sun ☽ Gossip & Drama Dislikes: ☾ His Naps Or Alone Time Being Rudely Interrupted ☾ Being Bossed Around ☾ Incompetent Wolves ; Detests Horrid Leadership, Along With Lazy Wolves Or Ones Who Can't Complete An Assigned Task. ☾ His Personal Space Being Invaded ☾ Boring Conversations ☾ He Absolutely Hates Hot Weather ☾ He Has A Fear Of Being Left Behind ☾ His Name Being Slandered With No Proof Or Reasoning ☾ Anyone Who Speaks Ill Of His Family & Friends ☾ Being Put On The Spot ☾ Has An Irrational Hatred For Squirrels ☾ Ducks ( Don't Ask ) ☾ Pollution & Deforestation ☾ Any Untrustworthy Loner ☾ Those Who Abuse Their Power ☾ Secrets Being Kept From Him ☾ Being Told He's "Not Good Enough" For A Task ☾ He Hates Fire & The Smell Of Smoke ☾ Being Sick ☾ He Hates Being Coddled Strengths: ✮ Stealth ✮ Agility ✮ Skilled Combatant ✮ Intelligence ✮ Quick Thinker & Fast Learner ✮ Dependable ✮ Has Extensive Knowledge Of Herbs ✮ Silver-Tongued ✮ Rather Patient, & Level-Headed Weaknesses: ✩ Can Not Pick Up On Social Cues At Times ; Especially When He's Been Overly Blunt ✩ Loner Tendencies ✩ Has Few Emotional Attachments ✩ Can Be Manipulative When Angered ✩ Doesn't Warm Up To Outsiders Easily ✩ Has A Slight Weakness For Pups ✩ His Family & Those He Deems As Friends ✩ Dealing With Incompetent Wolves ✩ Can Be Overly Blunt Mate: None, As Of Yet Crush / Currently Interested In: A Certain Someone Has Caught His Eye - Though He Won't Openly Admit It Offspring: None - yet

╔═════ ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘ ══════╗ Hymir ╚═════ ∘◦ ❈ ◦∘ ══════╝ Name Meaning: " The Darkening One " in Old Norse Age: Four Gender: Male Pack: The Night Pack Rank: Pack Member Desired Rank: To Be Higher Up Appearance: This Is A Stock Image. Credits to ©BlackWolfKuzoku @ DA  The first thing you notice about this male is his height; he stands at a proud stature of 35 inches tall. His posture is proud and regal when he moves, and his gait being smooth and precise as he walks or run. His stature can be quite intimidating, after all he can loom over you. Or in the case love loved ones, stand protectively over. His weight is between 120-125lbs, so while he may not be a heavyweight tank that'll knock the crap out of others - he isn't exactly lightweight either. One can say he's a rather medium to large wolf in size. Being able to have a balance of both speed and strength, sure lighter and leaner wolves are faster - he can keep up. Bigger and bulkier wolves are stronger or strong as him - he can keep up don't worry. His body is also built to have incredible stamina and endurance like any wolf. So this means if he needs to chase you off or keep you distracted he has the energy and resources to do such a thing. When looking at this male's build you notice the quiet strength behind it. It isn't overly muscular but one can see the rather strong build he holds. Especially when he walks or stretches, the taut and well framed shoulders. The long rather lean looking legs he used to propel himself in hunts with the help of his powerful hindquarters and other muscles. His shoulders are a tad bit wide but not terribly so. One thing to note is that his paws are rather large and give him quite good traction, and his claws grow rather quickly and sharply to sometimes they're a bit much and he has to scrape them down on a rock or something like that. His build is also quite to say handsome in a way, but we'll keep it at that. His muzzle is sharply pointed much like his vicious fangs that he uses to tear into his prey and anyone that harms what is his or is a threat. Also very expressive to give a snarl or a grimace to another wolf. Now, when it comes to his coat, it is mainly pitch black in color. It's stygian coloration blending in with the darkness of the shadows and melding with the night. It's truly interesting to see how dark and richly colored his fur is. Surprisingly he hasn't started greying out yet, but it seems that he won't and will keep his darker color. The only difference in color is at his nape where it's a reddish black color, being quite pretty yet only noticeable in the light.Eyes are the window into his soul, and they tell many stories within them. His scent is that of herbs like the sweet smelling but dangerous oleander flower and a hint of tilled earth and fresh rain. Personality: “ You say I'm your savior, then I need you to bow ” When you first meet this male, there is a calm and inviting aura about him - you feel rather safe and at ease when you are with him. He is a rather charismatic and charming individual, being gifted with a silver tongue - his words gliding off his tongue like honey, sometimes tickling the ears of others around him. He has a rather persuasive effect when it comes to his words being able to subtly coax or persuade someone to do something that's to his advantage - not to mention he's rather skilled when it comes to giving speeches ; able to comfort and uplift others and give some semblance of hope, while simultaneously being able to rip someone to shreds for being incompetent, not doing something correctly or calling someone out on their bullshit. He's rather direct and to the point when the time calls for it, and he can be rather cruel and callous in his words if he finds himself disliking you or you've done something wrong. This male is also rather confident and sure of himself ; and also sure of his words , he's one to make a promise and do his best to keep said promise. One can say he's a rather skilled manipulator, able to tug and play with the hearts of others - knowing just how to use his words to get what he wants and how to tug just the right strings to push the buttons of someone else. Always operating from the shadows, and watching the show with malicious interest making power plays when needed - one wouldn't suspect him, after all he keeps his involvement in such things under wraps. Because how can he be a mastermind if someone knows who he is? He's one who enjoys drama, and is rather invested in the latest gossip and drama - hell, sometimes he might even stir up drama just for the fun of it or because he's bored. After all, it's a good source of entertainment and to see who would be good to use as a sort of pawn. This male is rather unassuming, one wouldn't believe he has such a side to him. Most would say that he's quiet, and keeps to himself mostly - always lingering in the background and not participating in events actively. Yet, they know when he does, this male does well - there is no question about his skill or hardworking nature, he can and will step up when needed, he just doesn't do it voluntarily. This male is highly observant - always watching and listening, it can be said that he knows everything about everyone, just from his observations and what he hears from others. He can be social, and when he is - many would agree that he's rather polite and respectful, always attentively listening to them and having some scarily good insight to some things. He notices and sees things that most don't, from the smallest gestures to the unspoken and lingering words between others, or even the slightest change in body language or behavior - he's adept at reading body language and behavior, and not to mention he can quite confidently deduce when someone is lying to him. It's hard to get things past him, it's just creepy about how he just seems to know things, sometimes even before others do. It can be said that when he's working, he's scarily focused - he is highly efficient and makes sure things gets done and will stop and nothing to make sure his results are nothing less of perfection. He requires total concentration, and when interrupted the person can expect to get an earful from him. It's not be noted that he's no slouch when it comes to hard work, and he will do his absolute best to achieve anything thrown at him, especially if it's a challenge and even if he doesn't win said challenge he will take the defeat with grace and learn from it. He's not a morning person, so most avoid him during that time as he is rather grouchy at that time and sometimes he's just plain grouchy for no particular reason. It can be said that are blindly positive get on his nerves and make him sick - and he does his best to avoid them. Many would say this male is highly intelligent, and some would even argue he's a genius. He is a quick thinker and fast learner, being able to accurately find a way out of a bind in a manner of seconds to minutes - depending on how fast a solution is needed. He is also able to learn and pick on things rather quickly, always looking to expand his knowledge and understanding of things and gain more experience in certain things - he's not above learning or asking for help if he doesn't know something or needs help, he may be a bit prideful but not to that extent. He is a rather calculated and strategic thinker, able to see things quickly and farther ahead than most - while they're playing checkers he's playing chess. Able to see possible moves of his opponents , and finding ways to use their own strengths and weaknesses against them . When someone thinks he's down and they've got him cornered, he'll come out of left field with some damage dealing move - it can be said it's foolish to get into a battle of wits with him because he most likely will win unless he finds his match and their is a genuine challenge. And he adores a good challenge, it gives him life - so bring on the challenge, and you better be a good challenge because he hates when they're boring and he will be annoyed if you aren't that much of a challenge to him. When comes to his speech, he can be polite and courteous - and all of the above. Being able to charm others with his eloquent and flowery speech, and impress them with his extensive knowledge as well. However, you will discover there is a more sarcastic and witty side to him. Full of snarky remarks and rather snippy comebacks, so just because he's kind doesn't mean he's not above getting into a verbal confrontation with someone and as you'll later find out a physical confrontation either . Now when it comes to anger, there is something eerie about this male - he doesn't get mad easily, as surprisingly he can be rather patient with others, however he does have limits to how much disrespect he'll take from someone. Now, most wouldn't know this, but this male is quite vindictive - he can and will hold a grudge for years if needed to and he's patient about exacting his revenge for it, but don't worry he's not one to hold grudges for petty or trivial matters. He has this almost chilling anger, one that just screams that you've fucked up, and their is this certain malicious look that he gets in his eye as well - his words won't become just threats, no, when you've invoked his ire - they become promises. And he doesn't yell when angry, which makes him even more unsettling - he will say the most heinous threat in the most casual and sweetest tone of voice, not at all giving the person a chance to process what he's said. He's rather cutthroat and bloodthirsty, one will never suspect it until they see him in a fight or on a hunt - their is a certain look he gets in his eyes when he's thrilled to shed blood and when you just know he's coming in for the kill, most would think he's wrong in the head because he can go from this bloodthirsty mode to being the calm and charismatic person that they know. But either way, when you challenge him to a fight and he's angry? You better expect to beg for your life and come out of it with a lot of scars, because he doesn't show mercy for those who challenge him. He will toy with your life, after all it will be in his hands because how dare you challenge him? And you expect him to lose? No, he'll show you the true meaning of terror, with a smile on his face as he rips your throat open. Most don't know, but he's not exactly loyal - he's only loyal when it serves him. After all, being blindly loyal doesn't get you anything good, especially when the person could change their morals and values on a whim to something you don't agree with. The moment something better comes along, he can be persuaded to change allegiances - however it's to note, that if he does find someone he truly respects then he would do anything for them, including kill if they so asked. So when he's loyal to someone or a cause, you better believe he will die for it - but it's rare to find someone to be so loyal to, maybe one day he'll find that person or cause for fight vigorously for, as of now he's still searching for it. When it comes to romance, this male is quite suave - able to entrance the ladies due to his charisma and gentlemen like behavior. He's always respectful of females and would never harm one, and he would be offended if you think he would do so, his father didn't raise a despicable male - he may have some questionable morals and values but even he wouldn't stoop that low, he's not that much of a monster . . . . sheesh. He is quite the flirt, being able to smoothly compliment females and charm them with both his words and actions ; flowers, romantic walks, cleaning their den, or even hunting for them. He will do his best to genuinely impress a girl he likes ; sure he flirts, but only his love gets the special treatment. When he finds his partner, you can expect that he will wholly be devoted to her - he will treat her as if she hung the damn moon and stars, she is his queen and he will treat her as such. She will never have to worry about him having straying eyes, because they will only be for her. While it may not seem like it, but if his mate ever cheated on him or was unloyal his heart would break . He's also a rather jealous and possessive creature, not appreciating if a male looks at his mate with less than honorable intentions and he is not above getting into a fight about it - and even if they're just courting, she's still his girl and he won't give her up without a fight. So in short he would be a loving and rather doting mate, she could ask for him to burn the world and he would find a way to do it since she asked. Now when it comes to his family, it can be said that he's a family man - he will be involved in his children's life, not missing a moment of it. He is protective of his family, and will do anything for them including fuck someone up for messing with them. He will teach his sons to be gentlemen and treat ladies right and be disappointed if they don't and teach his daughters that they are queens and they shouldn't think any less of themselves and don't settle for just any guy. When his children start looking for mates, he will be supportive but also cautious especially when it comes to his daughters, they are his princesses - not just shy hoodlum can court them, you better damn well be worthy of her, and if you break her heart you're signing your own death wish. You can also believe that he will spoil and adore any grandchildren he is given, and he's definitely the embarrassing type to ask his children when they're going to give him grandchildren, but in an affectionate way. In short, this male is someone who loves and cares deeply for his family, and one shouldn't do anything to get in the way of that unless you want to face his fangs. Strengths:
+ He's Physically & Mentally Strong + Strong Spiritual Connection + Great Tracker + Highly Intelligent & Perceptive + Well-Versed In Physical Combat + Good Swimmer + A Rather Charismatic Individual + Rather Protective Of Family + Friends Weaknesses: - Rather Bloodthirsty & Vindictive - Highly Territorial And Possessive - Only Loyal When It Benefits Him - Manipulative - Enjoys Watching The Suffering Of Those Who Wronged Him - Not Trusting Of Everyone - Can Be Two-Faced At Times - Can Be Rather Aggressive At Times Crush: TBD Mate: TBD Affiliations: TBD Other: Edited at May 29, 2024 02:08 PM by Spellbound

Edited at May 28, 2024 07:21 PM by Bobcat

@Spell, accepted. @Bobcat, fix some things in your post, it claims she is beta in the personality. Maybe add some more detail to the personality. And it would be much preferred for you to use 3rd person in the future.

Hawk Age: 4.5 Years Gender: Male Pack: ShadowBane Rank: Alpha Scent: Mahogany Appearance:
 Hawk stands at arppoximately 32 inches at the shoulder and weighs around 140 pounds. This places him on the heftier and bulkier side of the spectrum in terms of build. The wolf has a pelt that consists of many shades such as cream, light tan, grey, black, and a soft light amber color. Most of the fur that runs along his stomach, inner legs, and top of the head are a light cream. His long and pointed muzzle is a stark white, often a bit tinged with red blood from a recent meal. At the end of his muzzle is his black nose, matching the dark markings that line his eyes. A soft amber color runs down the very top of his muzzle and reappears near the backs of his ears and sides of his cranium. The same shade also highlights his grey chest and most of his tail and sides of the ribs. Along most of his back, grey marbled fur grows, as well as black which speckles across it. A few highlights of cream also speckle his back. The very end of his plumey tail is a smokey grey. Hawk's pelt is not very long, which shows off his lean but muscular physique more accurately. His eyes are a dark chocolate color in direct light, but otherwise look kohl black. He has a few nicks and scratches beneath his pelt. The most noticeable being a thin scratch running across his muzzle. ___ Personality Hawk can come across as sly, cunning, selfish, and unpredictable. His mix of traits are what label him as particularly dangerous. Almost like a ticking time bomb. And while his intimidating aura demands attention from others, the wolf prefers to be sitting quietly in the background before he makes his move. He prefers to observe from the outside so he can make calculations and plans. While he may be impulsive sometimes, he usually is able to delay gratification in order for greater reward later. Thus, he is able to wait patiently for the right time to strike. Just because he isn't actively snarling or making threats, don't assume he isn't busy plotting.
Quiet and reserved, he seems like he lacks compassion. He does not regularly joke and chat with his pack unless it is related to business. Due to his quiet and judgemental stare, wolves may assume he is egotistical and full of narcissism. He talks with few words, and he is quite blunt about it, too. He can be cold and harsh sometimes, but he doesn't mean it. Sometimes he just comes across negatively, and frankly, he feels like sugar coating anything is not helpful. He much rather tell it as it is. Cunning is his middle name. He knew the rumors and legends being spun about his pack. And he decided to keep them. The lies and stories were morbid, but if it kept others away and the pack safe, then Hawk didn't see why it would hurt to have such a reputation. To him, it was a strategic move. To have some fear with one's name is never a terrible thing. When others fear you, you gain power. And if that is what kept his pack safe, then so be it. As the alpha, he takes his role seriously. He demands respect and maintains order. This job requires him to be on his paws and always thinking. It leaves little time to himself and little time to relax and fully unwind. That is why he may seem so intimidating and dominant all the time, he is just distracted with his thoughts and duties. But if he were ever to unravel a few of the cold and guarded layers, one would find that he can be rather affectionate and extremely caring. He puts his pack first above all, as that is his one job; to ensure their survival and to help them prosper. It is a lot of weight to carry on one's shoulders, but he does so without blinking or crumbling. When with his friends and able to let his shield down, he can crack a joke or two as well as tease a bit. He has a way to pull a smile out of others. He also loves to challenge others and to play fight, which is just a weird quirk about him. Additionally, he hopes to be a father one day, but he is in no rush. Strengths: -Smart and cunning, quite good at planning -Pays close attention to details -Pretty strong due to size -Independent -High ambition Weaknesses: -Cold and blunt -No friends -Not fast nor agile -Cannot swim -Socially isolated -Has a slight limp/ache occasionally in a foreleg Crush: NA Mate: NA Pups: NA Kin: NA Affiliations: - Sikunhuak, his trusted friend and beta - Valkyria - Friend Other: Image credit to FurLined @ DA _________ Edited at June 10, 2024 04:04 PM by Red Moon