Japanese origin: "Peace, Good fortune"
Age: ninety-nine years, nearing his one hundred
Gender: Male
Tribe/Kingdom: Mirathiel
Role: Prince
Desired Role: King
Thoughts on the Nymoriav Tribe: Koji is on the edge. On the one hand, he has been fed information about these elves since he was young, surrounded by hatred and filled with stories of destruction. But on the other hand, he is open to meeting some and forming an opinion on his own. Despite this, that doesn't mean Koji will let his guard down and expect the elves to do the same, he will watch his back, and his family's.

(c) to Tinlou_1 on Picrew
A look at Koji is enough to confuse anyone of his age, his strong figure, and eyes make him appear older, while his facial features still have a boyish look to them. He is a lean creature with defined features, of which, include his facial features. Koji's jaw is angled and sharp from the side, yet looking at him straight on his face doesn't seem as defined, giving a softer, if you will, boyish appearance. His nose is straight and angled down, perfectly centered in his face, which takes on a more squarish shape to it. His lips are full and are colored a soft pink in contrast to his darker skin tone, which has warmer undertones. His lips are also shaped in a near-perfect cupid bow. Koji has dazzling purple eyes, speckled with various shades of purple, turning paler as the colors fade to his iris. A look into them is enough to turn things serious, they're a window into his soul, revealing a completely other side to him. His eyes never lie about his true feelings. His eyes are framed by dark brown lashes, thick and full, nearly enough to make any girl jealous. When he laughs you can see little crinkles or "crow's feet" under his eyes, paired with a loud deep voice. Now this male's eyebrows are sharper and angulated, making his facial features seem sharper and defined at times. His smile is boyish with his crooked grin and flashy white teeth, causing small dimples to appear on either side of his face if he attempts the motion. His ears, like the average fae, have a bit of a point to them.
Koji's hair is definitely an attention-getter, with his twist on a few different hair styles. The shape is almost that of a taper-fade, but its longer, though no hair otuches the nape of his neck. His hair is colored black, and is thick and lush, with some soft tufts that have a slight curl to them. It has a sort of gleam to it in the light and is soft to the touch. Koji normally styles it with a shower before bed, and then allows his hair to air dry before sleeping on it and then going with the bedhead the next morning. His hair is low maintenance and does not need product unless he's feeling like doing the work to get it there, he's generally a bit lazy when it comes to this part of his morning routine. Koji is the King of bedhead and messy hair, and no one can rival this.
His figure has been worked on for over the past few years. Keeping in shape has kept Koji's sanity, and he honestly wouldn't know what to do without it. Running has kept him lean while more weighted exercise has kept his body toned and in prime condition. His torso is narrower, yet his hips and broad shoulders balance it out. His stomach is toned, allowing sight of his abdominal muscles, yet more impressive is this male's back and biceps. After gaining some muscle mass flexing became his personality, yet he has slowly grown more humble about the progress of his physique, yet sometimes he can't help by subtle flex, or by bringing up his strength to impress when he needs it. His weight is slightly above average for your normal male, with his height adding to his impressive figure. Koji stands at an impressive 6'2", and he won't let anyone a millimeter shorter than him get away from his sight without making a height joke. In addition to this males lovely features, he has a wide set of wings. these can fold delicatly behind his back, nearly disappearing or he can have them sit slightly fanned out on his back when resting. The wings themsekves are black, and made of a more membrane like material, almost leather looking and are soft ot the touch.
Koji's scent is a distinctive, and subtle notes of geranium/geraniol and ambroxan. Another recognizable scent is the faint smell of coffee grounds, Kenji's current lifeline. As a "caffeine addict," he drinks it regularly, leaving the scent to linger on him throughout the day. The day you catch this man without his caffeine is a bad day for anyone, you know it's ruff when you catch a whiff of BO. instead of coffee grounds.
Few know this about Koji, but he does have a piercing. A smaller silver stud is pierced into his right ear. It's normally covered by his hair, so it's not very noticeable until he ties his hair back, or a glint of the sun catches in it. A few other unknowns about this male include various degrees of birthmarks, he does have a light spray of freckles and small moles across his face, shoulders, and arms, but he has a lighter patch of skin stretched over his ribs. It's on the lateral sides of his body, almost a slight discoloration of the skin if you will.
Ah, Koji, many phrases can be used to describe this young man, "reckless", "flirty", "ambitious", and "confident". But you wouldn't expect intellect to necessarily play a role, considering his spontaneous, irrational seeming, behavior. Koji is quite observant, always watching and absorbing information. It helps that he has an impeccable memory, allowing him to read people better and remember small details about them. This translates nicely to intelligence, as he can remember so much information without being overwhelmed. He is calculating and aware of his surroundings, and Koji's survival instincts are off the chart. It has obviously been difficult for both Fae and Elf due to the destruction and famine that have ravaged the lands. In addition to this, his rank does not guarantee his safety, he's had his fair share of run-ins beyond the castle walls. He learned to watch his own back and take care of himself. Growing up this princeling was cut off from what one might deem to be a "normal" childhood, separated from all of the other boys his age for one reason or another, and with his parents busy running the kingdom and having his life fall during a time of famine and war, basically depriving him of a childhood, it's left him pretty attention-starved. He's turned into a very social person to try and counteract these feelings of loneliness and often goes out of his way to be vocal and try and make friends when he can. Even if it means he goes out of his way to capture their attention. Koji can be very optimistic and prefers to see the positive in life versus the negative. With this, he often blocks out negative emotions and hides behind humor. Don't get me wrong, Koji is hilarious and sarcastic, constantly cracking jokes and trying to put smiles on people's faces, and is also a big fan of making nicknames for people- but he uses it to distract from his own feelings. He has never been good at expressing himself and has trouble opening up, leading to build-ups, and then sudden outbursts of raw emotion.
Koji has kept himself in shape for as long as he can remember. Running and strength training is his only outlet for pent-up anger and sadness he doesn't know how to express, and his muscles ache for these activities. His endurance is sub-par, but that doesn't stop him, he pushes and pushes hard until he has nothing left in the tank, completely collapsing until he can do it all over again. Every training session he has he works double time, he feeds off of his improvement and craves to be better. Koji is extremely competitive and will fight for the win at anything he does, he's an all-or-nothing kind of guy and won't half-ass any job or drill. Recently he has been excelling at some hand-to-hand combat, and his swordsmanship has improved as well, he's been looking for new techniques and better teachers, after all, he has a few hundred more years in his prime to hone these skills. He's a sponge when it comes to soaking up information, and new things + adrenaline = a dedicated Koji, and in a little danger and he's hooked. His slight incoordination will not help with this, however, he is willing to face the embarrassment of failing to reach success eventually. Coming into this he only knows the general baseline of who the Elves are and what they stand for, so he is quite curious to speak and interact with them. Despite this Koji will do his best to work in a partnership and pull his end to make it work. He knows the risks and rewards that this situation can bring for both kingdoms.
When it comes to spending time with friends Koji does relax and is not afraid to be his authentic self. While he is a lot of talk, this young man is also a great listener, he can sit still and listen to you ramble for hours if need be. While enjoying time with friends, Koji does value time alone. Being with people for so long can wear a person out, and he does like just sitting and being in silence. Particularly in nature, he likes colors in fall and spring weather, rainy days, or even light snow. The weather is fascinating and beautiful to experience and just being in the quiet of it is soothing and relaxing. He does value these moments of peace, because he is normally a "go go go" kind of person, preferring to be more productive than just sit around, but he does still enjoy these moments. Speaking of being a productive person, this can be credited to Koji's best friend, caffeine. Coffee pretty much keeps him alive, and having the extra energy boost allows him to get more stuff done, and be better productive throughout the day. You can tell when he hasn't had a cup of coffee, often grumpy and tired.
Koji is a passionate person, in his emotions and friendships, and even arguments. He is generally not one to back down or give in. Giving in means losing and Koji will refuse to lose. He can be stubborn, refusing help or refusing to be wrong when he truly believes he is in the right. This stubbornness transfers over to matters concerning the safety of his loved ones, he is very protective of his friends and close family, and will not allow their safety to be compromised. Believe it or not, Koji thrives under high-pressure situations. He is clear and level-headed and can quickly think through situations. With high stakes, it pushes him to do better and be better.
Elemental Gift: Air
Explanation of Gift:
Wind Control
Koji can use his gift for simple tasks such as closing a door, floating an object to himself, or gently nudging someone out of the way - without having to physically touch them. Having reign over the air present in the area. He cannot create air, only have a slight influence over what is present. Moving larger objects is draining.
+Hand to Hand combat
+Swordsman ship, from the moment he could walk it, seemed as if there was a sword in his hand, it has since become an extension of himself
+Intelligence, he is great at strategizing and is very knowledgeable
+Observant, he tends to catch things the average person may miss
-Having no control over situations, having his hands tied while something is occurring and he can't help, makes him panic
-Protective, he will go to the ends of the earth to defend those he loves, putting himself in harm's way if need be
-Stubborn, generally, once he sets his mind to something, there is hardly something that can change it
-Endurance and flexibility...two things this male is lacking
Crush: TBD
Mate: None
Kin: TBD
Affiliations: Open
Other: he's lowkey giving bat boy