
Of course! _Moonshadow_ said: I'll have Moth up in a little bit, but can I also reserve a male Juvenile for Lycus?

Name Moth Age 1 year Gender Female Role Heir Opinions on the pairings She is totally agaisnt them. She thinks they should be able to choose who their mate is and do that whenever they want. Appearance Moth is sleek and slender, with a coat as black as the night sky. She is good-looking and she knows it. Her black fur shines a dark brown in the sunlight and she spends countless hours a day grooming. Her two front paws have small white markings and her eyes are a mix of brown and olive green. Moth walks with an unfaltering swagger, her eyes always sparking with mischeif. She stands at 17 inches at the shouder fall and weighs 60 pounds. She has strong muscled shoulders and hindquarters, and is extremely agile on her feet. She often uses this to her advantage when choosing someone to mess with. Personality Moth has quite the attitude. She is extremely sassy and very much dislikes being told what to do. She is very fast for her age and loves to brag about it. She is also very observant and loves to explore, especially in places she isn't supposed to. She loves getting up to no good and often will drag her friends or siblings into trouble with her. She has a very big ego, which gets her into more trouble than good, and being the alpha's daughter doesn't help. Because of her attitude she has some troule making friends. She has a few here and there, but most wolves tend to avoid her. She loves picking fights and messing with the other juveniles. She behaves perfectly when the adult wolves are watching her, not wanting to get into any trouble from them. Moth will often spread false rumors about others just for some gossip. She gets a sick thrill watching the other wolves fight and bicker. She doesn't take well to criticism, and will often convince herself that she is absolutley perfect to avoid being hurt. Moth also holds grudges. A lot of them. She can hold grudges are months on end if she chooses to. Strengths (3+) Agile Quick thinking Intellegent Weaknesses (3+) Unable to make friends Liar Strength Can't swim (she's very embarrased of this) Mate eww yuck Parents alpha male and female Kin siblings Offspring absolutely not Other all done :)

Res a male juvenile and a female pack member

Of course! Lost Rune said: Res a male juvenile and a female pack member

 Stock Images. Credits to CastleGraphics on DA. https://www.deviantart.com/castlegraphics Name: Cassius Age: 6 years Gender: Male Your Reputaion: Cassius was the defintion of the rags to riches. First he came to the pack malnourished and sickly. He still had some fire with him that made him looked up to from the younger crowd. Nothing seemed to break his spirits. Then he took over the rankings one by one. Cassius learned that fear is what brings on top. Opinions on Pairings: He likes him and he will pair for what he sees fit. His daughters will have the best pairings that he sees fits. Rank: Alpha Male Appearance:  A medium size male that is a little taller than the other normal size male. Cassius is 30 inches at the shoulder, but he is a straight up body of wolf weighing at 143 pounds on a good day. He is more scale as many would tell him. His mass is not all just fat though some of it keeps him warm. But is pure muscle that holds most of his weight. A bulky and burly male wolf that has been ready to throw down. Yes, he has his disadvantages with his larger size with his slow pace running and not extreme burst of energy into something. Though he will bring in a final blow in a hunt and finish fight that he will never start. His fur is long and fluffy which makes him look bigger and well fat. Some think he may be just fat, but once his winter coat sheds then it's looks like he lost all of his fatness to a muscle toned wolf. His fur is usually sleek and curls at the ends with wisps and twist at the end. His fur is jetblack with white tufts here and there but not prominent for it be that noticeable until someone is up close to examine every detail of the his pelt. Cassius's fur has seen better days as his recent losses it has became dirtier and filthier to look at it. He still smells the same just with a dirty twinge into it as his smell is whiskey and mint smell to it. Though he doesn't have anything nasty in his fur just dirt and old stained blood into his black abyss of fur. Cassius is almost clean wolf meaning that he has rarely any scar just torn right ear and chipped right canine. Cassius eyes are deep light brown shading that stands out from his dark appearance. Cassius claws are overly to long for him causing him to and as they cause him discomfort. They are cracked and rigid that haven't been shaven down due to his lack of running on rough terrain and to strike fear.  Personality: Charismatic, ruthless, Vicious, Apathetic, Cassius is devoted to what his beliefs. He sees only black and white and has in own code that he follows. His belief can not be waved from the other. Anyone else are straight chickens for to following for what they believe is right for them. Cassius has become more cold hearted and merciless since he showed up as a loner to the pack His sudden dominance over the pack and killing the alpha pair has turned him into a stern and short temper male. He is very much in his prime and he is not afraid to flaunt it for other's to see it as well. A deep and twisted sadistic that let's others suffer for his own righteousness because he wants what he believes he deserves. He has a soft and smoothe charismatic aura of him that relaxes others in his presence. He can seen has deeply charismatic and deeply witty. He is political and has a way with words that can strike down incoming threats or has a way to make the crowd swoon over his leadership. He has a deep trouble with connecting with anyone that is empathetic and weak. Being empathetic and weak is a death sentence in this world and he will serve it to them. Though he may become cold, but it's just the beginning. He is great at masking his true intentions and becomes very maniuplative to get the information that he wants. Even if he really doesn't care for all of the information. He can be flirtacious for other females other than his mate, but his intentions are darker to get their secrets and know everything that is going on. A liar and manipulative wolf he became because of the thing he lost. He has turned to cold blooded and want to watch the world burn for his loved ones because well it is easier to watcher other's die that mean not a thing to him. He is merciless that meaning no one is truly safe around him. He can strike his own daughters or say anything that no one would address. Cassius has always been strategic and wise to others. His advice for others has been great or okay. Though he has never been the one to give false hope or information. That has never been the case with him. He has been to give a cold honest truth without a hint of regret or guilt to conceal it. His witty and ego is one of his biggest personality traits about him though he has cocky arrogance to him. His alpha role has played it into him and he has now seen now that he is on top. It made him a little detached from reality at first, but now he has used it for his own personal bidding that he has some future plans for the pack The wonder of his loner life is a mystery and very much in secret that he wishes to never tell. Likes & Dislikes: Like: sunshine counting backward from 10 to calm down Flowers traditional times Puppies Elk Dislikes: Rain Death Tragedy cold Fire Darkness Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: physical strength Gathering important information Lying stamina weakness: reminiscing in the past speed+agility Caught up in his brain Holding grudges Mate: SpellBound's Character Name Offspring: Cascade Moth Familial Relationships / Kin: Deceased Affiliations: Open for Affilations / PM me Other: Still fixing/adding things. But roughly is finished. Theme Song: "Black Hole Sun" by Sound Garden "Glitter & Gold" by Barns Courtney  Edited at May 20, 2024 11:40 AM by Nirvana_Sky

Accepted! _Moonshadow_ said: Name Moth Age 1 year Gender Female Role Heir Opinions on the pairings She is totally agaisnt them. She thinks they should be able to choose who their mate is and do that whenever they want. Appearance Moth is sleek and slender, with a coat as black as the night sky. She is good-looking and she knows it. Her black fur shines a dark brown in the sunlight and she spends countless hours a day grooming. Her two front paws have small white markings and her eyes are a mix of brown and olive green. Moth walks with an unfaltering swagger, her eyes always sparking with mischeif. She stands at 17 inches at the shouder fall and weighs 60 pounds. She has strong muscled shoulders and hindquarters, and is extremely agile on her feet. She often uses this to her advantage when choosing someone to mess with. Personality Moth has quite the attitude. She is extremely sassy and very much dislikes being told what to do. She is very fast for her age and loves to brag about it. She is also very observant and loves to explore, especially in places she isn't supposed to. She loves getting up to no good and often will drag her friends or siblings into trouble with her. She has a very big ego, which gets her into more trouble than good, and being the alpha's daughter doesn't help. Because of her attitude she has some troule making friends. She has a few here and there, but most wolves tend to avoid her. She loves picking fights and messing with the other juveniles. She behaves perfectly when the adult wolves are watching her, not wanting to get into any trouble from them. Moth will often spread false rumors about others just for some gossip. She gets a sick thrill watching the other wolves fight and bicker. She doesn't take well to criticism, and will often convince herself that she is absolutley perfect to avoid being hurt. Moth also holds grudges. A lot of them. She can hold grudges are months on end if she chooses to. Strengths (3+) Agile Quick thinking Intellegent Weaknesses (3+) Unable to make friends Liar Strength Can't swim (she's very embarrased of this) Mate eww yuck Parents alpha male and female Kin siblings Offspring absolutely not Other all done :)

Accepted! Nirvana_Sky said:  Stock Images. Credits to CastleGraphics on DA. https://www.deviantart.com/castlegraphics Name: Cassius Age: 6 years Gender: Male Your Reputaion: Cassius was the defintion of the rags to riches. First he came to the pack malnourished and sickly. He still had some fire with him that made him looked up to from the younger crowd. Nothing seemed to break his spirits. Then he took over the rankings one by one. Cassius learned that fear is what brings on top. Opinions on Pairings: He likes him and he will pair for what he sees fit. His daughters will have the best pairings that he sees fits. Rank: Alpha Male Appearance:  A medium size male that is a little taller than the other normal size male. Cassius is 30 inches at the shoulder, but he is a straight up body of wolf weighing at 143 pounds on a good day. He is more scale as many would tell him. His mass is not all just fat though some of it keeps him warm. But is pure muscle that holds most of his weight. A bulky and burly male wolf that has been ready to throw down. Yes, he has his disadvantages with his larger size with his slow pace running and not extreme burst of energy into something. Though he will bring in a final blow in a hunt and finish fight that he will never start. His fur is long and fluffy which makes him look bigger and well fat. Some think he may be just fat, but once his winter coat sheds then it's looks like he lost all of his fatness to a muscle toned wolf. His fur is usually sleek and curls at the ends with wisps and twist at the end. His fur is jetblack with white tufts here and there but not prominent for it be that noticeable until someone is up close to examine every detail of the his pelt. Cassius's fur has seen better days as his recent losses it has became dirtier and filthier to look at it. He still smells the same just with a dirty twinge into it as his smell is whiskey and mint smell to it. Though he doesn't have anything nasty in his fur just dirt and old stained blood into his black abyss of fur. Cassius is almost clean wolf meaning that he has rarely any scar just torn right ear and chipped right canine. Cassius eyes are deep light brown shading that stands out from his dark appearance. Cassius claws are overly to long for him causing him to and as they cause him discomfort. They are cracked and rigid that haven't been shaven down due to his lack of running on rough terrain and to strike fear.  Personality: Charismatic, ruthless, Vicious, Apathetic, Cassius is devoted to what his beliefs. He sees only black and white and has in own code that he follows. His belief can not be waved from the other. Anyone else are straight chickens for to following for what they believe is right for them. Cassius has become more cold hearted and merciless since he showed up as a loner to the pack His sudden dominance over the pack and killing the alpha pair has turned him into a stern and short temper male. He is very much in his prime and he is not afraid to flaunt it for other's to see it as well. A deep and twisted sadistic that let's others suffer for his own righteousness because he wants what he believes he deserves. He has a soft and smoothe charismatic aura of him that relaxes others in his presence. He can seen has deeply charismatic and deeply witty. He is political and has a way with words that can strike down incoming threats or has a way to make the crowd swoon over his leadership. He has a deep trouble with connecting with anyone that is empathetic and weak. Being empathetic and weak is a death sentence in this world and he will serve it to them. Though he may become cold, but it's just the beginning. He is great at masking his true intentions and becomes very maniuplative to get the information that he wants. Even if he really doesn't care for all of the information. He can be flirtacious for other females other than his mate, but his intentions are darker to get their secrets and know everything that is going on. A liar and manipulative wolf he became because of the thing he lost. He has turned to cold blooded and want to watch the world burn for his loved ones because well it is easier to watcher other's die that mean not a thing to him. He is merciless that meaning no one is truly safe around him. He can strike his own daughters or say anything that no one would address. Cassius has always been strategic and wise to others. His advice for others has been great or okay. Though he has never been the one to give false hope or information. That has never been the case with him. He has been to give a cold honest truth without a hint of regret or guilt to conceal it. His witty and ego is one of his biggest personality traits about him though he has cocky arrogance to him. His alpha role has played it into him and he has now seen now that he is on top. It made him a little detached from reality at first, but now he has used it for his own personal bidding that he has some future plans for the pack The wonder of his loner life is a mystery and very much in secret that he wishes to never tell. Likes & Dislikes: Like: sunshine counting backward from 10 to calm down Flowers traditional times Puppies Elk Dislikes: Rain Death Tragedy cold Fire Darkness Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: physical strength Gathering important information Lying stamina weakness: reminiscing in the past speed+agility Caught up in his brain Holding grudges Mate: SpellBound's Character Name Offspring: Cascade Moth Familial Relationships / Kin: Deceased Affiliations: Open for Affilations / PM me Other: Still fixing/adding things. But roughly is finished. Theme Song: "Black Hole Sun" by Sound Garden "Glitter & Gold" by Barns Courtney 

Are there only two heirs?

This time, yeah, sorry. I've decided to lower the number of characters in the roleplay in hopes of making it more organised than last time. There's still other juveniles available though! Blades of Fire said: Are there only two heirs?

Can I reserve a male juvenile then? Crazydayz said: This time, yeah, sorry. I've decided to lower the number of characters in the roleplay in hopes of making it more organised than last time. There's still other juveniles available though! Blades of Fire said: Are there only two heirs?