
Name Wander - Age(Human Years) 2.5 - Rank Sent Away - Gender Female - Pack Silver - Appearance Wander is a tall, black wolf with a broad head with a white neck and ears. A narrow stripe the goes from her neeck to her tail tip, which looks like a fox's. Her underside is a dark gray, along with the rest of her paws. Her eyes are a deep violet and her nose is matte-black. Her left eye is clouded and scarred over, and her body is covered in more scars. Her legs are black with dark gray splotches. - Personality There is a White Wolf and a Black Wolf. The Black Wolf inside us is filled with fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The White Wolf is filled with peace, love, hope, courage, humility, compassion, and faith. They battle constantly. (This is basically her personality. She is both the black wolf, and the white wolf) - Strengths Running || Swimming || Fighting || Caves || High ground Weaknesses The sun || To many wolves || Her blindside - Mate N/A - Crush N/A - Offspring N/A - Backstory(Optional) N/A - Other CHEESE Edited at May 10, 2024 09:35 AM by Blades of Fire


Blades of Fire said: Name Wander - Age(Human Years) 2.5 - Rank Sent Away - Gender Female - Pack Silver - Appearance Wander is a tall, black wolf with a broad head with a white neck and ears. A narrow stripe the goes from her neeck to her tail tip, which looks like a fox's. Her underside is a dark gray, along with the rest of her paws. Her eyes are a deep violet and her nose is matte-black. Her left eye is clouded and scarred over, and her body is covered in more scars. Her legs are black with dark gray splotches. - Personality There is a White Wolf and a Black Wolf. The Black Wolf inside us is filled with fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The White Wolf is filled with peace, love, hope, courage, humility, compassion, and faith. They battle constantly. (This is basically her personality. She is both the black wolf, and the white wolf) - Strengths Running || Swimming || Fighting || Caves || High ground Weaknesses The sun || To many wolves || Her blindside - Mate N/A - Crush N/A - Offspring N/A - Backstory(Optional) N/A - Other CHEESE
Accepted! Thank you for reading the rules!

Reserve Alpha of silver pack please

Hunting Leopard said: Reserve Alpha of silver pack please

Blades of Fire said: Name Wander - Age(Human Years) 2.5 - Rank Sent Away - Gender Female - Pack Silver - Appearance Wander is a tall, black wolf with a broad head with a white neck and ears. A narrow stripe the goes from her neeck to her tail tip, which looks like a fox's. Her underside is a dark gray, along with the rest of her paws. Her eyes are a deep violet and her nose is matte-black. Her left eye is clouded and scarred over, and her body is covered in more scars. Her legs are black with dark gray splotches. - Personality There is a White Wolf and a Black Wolf. The Black Wolf inside us is filled with fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The White Wolf is filled with peace, love, hope, courage, humility, compassion, and faith. They battle constantly. (This is basically her personality. She is both the black wolf, and the white wolf) - Strengths Running || Swimming || Fighting || Caves || High ground Weaknesses The sun || To many wolves || Her blindside - Mate N/A - Crush N/A - Offspring N/A - Backstory(Optional) N/A - Other CHEESE
Looks good! I'll say... accepted.

will sign up today after work ^^ c:

Cyberkittens said: will sign up today after work ^^ c:

Name: Mirai Age (Human Years): 1.5 (yearling) Rank: Sent away Gender: Female Pack: Silver Appearance(Please be detailed): She has a dark brown coat with small cream-colored areas on her chest, hind legs (up to the hock), and under her eyes. Her tail and the outside of her ears are black. Her eyes are pale yellow. She has a slightly stocky build. Her tail is well covered with fur and is a little longer than average. Her fur is thick and of medium length, her hairs lying flat on her body, giving her the appearance of fairly straight fur. She has a deformity in her right front leg, which causes her elbow joint to be dislocated outwards. Personality(See Appearance): She is a curious wolf who likes to discover new things around her. She is sociable and likes to spend time with family and friends. She is always attentive to everything around her, she rarely misses something. She is slow when running due to her deformity, and that embarrasses her. She likes open places where she has good visibility, therefore, she is not fond of very dense forests or caves, that's why she spends a lot of time wandering in forest clearings and only enters the cave system where her pack lives to sleep or for essential pack meetings. She is very insecure when it comes to doing things, preferring to leave the work to someone else for fear of making mistakes, and sometimes even refusing to do the tasks assigned to her, causing other wolves to constantly scold her, calling her useless. Mirai is not a troublemaker and has a lot of patience, but don't mess with her too much, or else. Fun fact about her: she loves birds. Strengths(At least three): She is very attentive and observant. She is sociable, she doesn't usually get into trouble with others unless the situation really calls for it. Her deformity does not prevent her from defending herself, one bite from her and you will suffer a lot. Weaknesses(At least three): Due to her deformity, she is slower at running than average and tires relatively quickly, making it difficult for her to hunt. She tends to trust others too much. She is not very daring, since she worries too much about the consequences of doing something wrong. Mate: None (for now) Crush: [Open] Offspring: None Backstory(Optional): (Coming soon) Other: Cheese ;) Ready to RP!!! I made some changes in her personality. Edited at May 10, 2024 06:37 PM by Northwest Wind Pack

Northwest Wind Pack said: Name: Mirai Age (Human Years): 1.5 (yearling) Rank: Sent away Gender: Female Pack: Silver Appearance(Please be detailed): She has a dark brown coat with small cream-colored areas on her chest, hind legs (up to the hock), and under her eyes. Her tail and the outside of her ears are black. Her eyes are pale yellow. She has a slightly stocky build. Her tail is well covered with fur and is a little longer than average. Her fur is thick and of medium length, her hairs lying flat on her body, giving her the appearance of fairly straight fur. She has a deformity in her right front leg, which causes her elbow joint to be dislocated outwards. Personality(See Appearance): She is a curious wolf who likes to discover new things around her. She is sociable and likes to spend time with family and friends. She is always attentive to everything around her, she rarely misses something. She is slow when running due to her deformity, and that embarrasses her. She likes open places, where she has good visibility, therefore, she is not fond of dense forests or caves. Mirai isn't a troublemaker, but don't mess with her or else. Fun fact about her: she loves birds. Strengths(At least three): She is very attentive and observant. She is sociable, she doesn't usually get into trouble with others unless the situation really calls for it. Her deformity does not prevent her from defending herself, one bite from her and you will suffer a lot. Weaknesses(At least three): Due to her deformity, she is slower at running than average and tires relatively quickly, making it difficult for her to hunt. She tends to trust others too much. She is not very daring, since she worries too much about the consequences of doing something wrong. Mate: None (for now) Crush: [Open] Offspring: None Backstory(Optional): (Coming soon) Other: Cheese ;) Ready to RP!!!
I'll say accepted, but could you maybe add something that would be a reason for her to be sent away? The deformity makes sense, but she still probably wouldn't have been sent away.