
Finished with Moth and Shattered'snow! Edited at December 5, 2023 06:05 PM by Snow Dusted Waffles

Accepted, will update soon. Need more people to actually start this though

I will RP! Name: Galaxa age: 1.5 gender: female desired Rank: Medic of meadow clan Appearence: Marbled pattern with greys, blacks and white, she has one blue eye one brown general personality: easy going and likes to keep the clan healthy and sometimes will help with the pups. Edited at December 10, 2023 04:09 PM by AvaWalton

Name- Frisk Age- growing kit Gender- Male Current Rank- Apprentice or Trainee Desired Rank- Soldier, there's something that just keeps him coming back (besides of just the forcings of his clan members, which effect him), like he could play a perhaps hidden but crucial role like scout, oh the imagination of this little kit or perhaps even Loner. He was born there anyway, where else would he go? Appearence- His eye color is brown, with a streak of blue-green that looks like it isn't even there in where you might see the eyeshine in drawings at. Much of his body is an orange color that might be more of a red-orange (this is a link to a picture by the National Park Service that can give you an idea of the color of his fur). His fur is really nice, particularly on the orange parts it has that nice look to it, like maybe think of that nice looking hair that has sweat. Perhaps think of nice, even soft, but not fuzzy fur when it's gotten wet, not frizzy, but really nice. The end of his tail has a bit of a short white tip. The tips of his ears have hairs that stick out, but aren't extremely long. His legs have those brown things seen in many foxes, and they reach up high (this is a link to a picture by Wikipedia that shows about how high the brown thingys on his legs go). His browner parts on his legs though, have short hair, without that texture. His ears also don't have that texture. His chin is white, but not his chest. General Personality- He has an independent steak. The internet claims foxes are solitary, and that seems to apply to Frisk. He often looks for opportunities to sneak away on his own and go exploring, but this often causes trouble for members of his clan that go and get him back. Which can make him an unintentional troublemaker, but he does purposefully try and get away intentionally. He might say, "Oh the rest of my clan members know nothing about camoflage!" (He means hiding in the brush and enjoying exploring out in the outdoors, this doesn't actually mean much about the rest of his clan members, except that they don't go naughtily running off like he does). As the years go by, he gains a bit more loyalty to his clan, and will likely opt to stick around, but be reluctant to openly admit he's really deep into the clan and socialize with other members much about it. Like for example after a meal he might trot away within the campsite hearing other members say stuff to each other like, "Frisk is in the clan?!", without saying anything, even though he can hear it. More about him- He was born in the clan and giving a clan name. But he wanted something more. The fur part of his name, has to come from his lovely fur. Perhaps think of nice, even soft, but not fuzzy fur when it's gotten wet, not frizzy, but really nice. But Frisk actually doesn't have to do with the fur part, and is for his personality, his mother doesn't really know that though, and was giving her youngin' a name. His mother hopes he'll grow up to be a wonderful clanfox, but he keeps wanting more solitude. Edited at December 16, 2023 09:56 PM by RightWolf 🦃

Nootau = (Fire) Age roughly going into adult hood. Gender Birth male (dog) Rank A loyal soldier (MeadowClan) Desired Rank Second in command Apeareance His eyes are a lurking amber yet that are heartful and admireable. He stands at a brave 3ft and 4in witch is taller than most foxes. Strength and swiftness seems to fall on his side making him an even better fighter against the opposing clan. Now his fur coat is a dark black color that has a burning orange flame color that streaks down his side with nose to start of his tail. White small streaks burst in everynow and then. Personality He is often found to be very warmhearted and trusting, you can talk to him about anything and he will be supportive. Weirdly he has a temptive welcoming gaze that lures others in. Hes even describe charming and loyal, forever bound to a caring, and loving personality. Kin Open! (1) Mate Open! Offspring To be decided Edited at December 24, 2023 01:25 AM by Lost Carols

AvaWalton said: I will RP! Name: Galaxa age: 1.5 gender: female desired Rank: Medic of meadow clan Appearence: Marbled pattern with greys, blacks and white, she has one blue eye one brown general personality: easy going and likes to keep the clan healthy and sometimes will help with the pups.
Lost Carols said: Nootau = (Fire) Age roughly going into adult hood. Gender Birth male (dog) Rank A loyal soldier (MeadowClan) Desired Rank Second in command Apeareance His eyes are a lurking amber yet that are heartful and admireable. He stands at a brave 3ft and 4in witch is taller than most foxes. Strength and swiftness seems to fall on his side making him an even better fighter against the opposing clan. Now his fur coat is a dark black color that has a burning orange flame color that streaks down his side with nose to start of his tail. White small streaks burst in everynow and then. Personality Kitchi is often found to be very warmhearted and trusting, you can talk to him about anything and he will be supportive. Weirdly he has a temptive welcoming gaze that lures others in. Hes even describe charming and loyal, forever bound to a caring, and loving personality. Kin Open! (1) Open! (2) Mate Open! Offspring To be decided
Both accepted, I PMed RightWolf with a question about their character and then they will be accepted too - I wasn't expecting this to pick up steam again and I'm very excited that it is. - It looks like we have a couple different levels of writing here but I am fine and happy with that, everyone has to start somewhere and I like giving people the opportunity as long as they try their best and are willing to take advice :)

Can't wait to rp, I'm not used to being a fox. Well see how it goes <33

I think foxes tend to be more solitary but Ive seen them being kept in pairs or small groups in sanctuaries. Either way we're going for semi realistic here so I just wanna have some fun

Can I reserve meadow clan second?

Dawnforest said: Can I reserve meadow clan second?
Ill put that in for ya