meaning: king of all hounds
Age: FiveGender: Masculine
Breed: Doberman Mix
Role: Junkyard Dog
Rank: Lead Dog
Desired Rank Reached

[credit goes to #244649 for the piece. However, this character is owned by myself]
Conrí is a male of immense proportions for his breed. His lineage is a mixture of predominately doberman given the similar build, but that is not his sole one. The rest remains uncertain due to his colouration and height. He stands at a grand total of 30 inches, a few above the average for a male doberman, while his build remains muscular and broad. His features are very sculpted and defined, each ripple of muscle easily espied to the wandering eye.
The masculine has lengthy, thick legs typically used for power rather than running, but that isn't to say that he isn't swift nor agile. He is, simply isn't the fastest canine around. Instead, his build is best used for power and strength, given its thickness and sturdiness. Conrí facial features are very refined. He may appear brutish, his facial expression most typically blank, though his features remain sharp.
In terms of colouration, the male has a unique, almost unnatural one. He has short fur, often giving him a disadvantage throughout winters and causing him to struggle to remain warm. However, his pelt and its shades allow him to blend easily into his surroundings. He has a range of light and darkened colours, his main one being a slightly dark tan. Upon his chest and back, a lighter tan can be seen taking shape. This same light tan can be spotted upon his ears and paws, while a darker brown remains upon his paws, back, and muzzle. This dark brown stripes along his back in an odd, curvy shape. This marking is symmetrical upon either side, however, the lighter tan that remains beneath it is not.
Upon Conrí's chest rest two spots circled in the same dark brown. In the midst of the circle remains an orange and light tan colour that is different from the other colours. This is the only part of his body that has this new colour and marking. Upon his snout, a dark brown is seen. This dark brown takes up his entire snout before ending at his eyes. However, a single stripe cascades up his forehead and ends at the back of his head. This makes it seem as if Conrí is wearing a muzzle.
His eyes are a bright amber, and his voice is deep and husky.
Vicious || Manipulative || Violent || Merciless || Harsh || Deceptive || Mastermind || Calculating || Ambitious || Loud || Patient || Tricky
Conrí is a vicious, vicious creature that takes pleasure in inflicting harm upon others not under his own care. He enjoys psychological torture, manipulating and gaslighting individuals to mess with their heads. You see, Conrí likes mind games, but above all, he enjoys twisting words. He will diminish others for his own amusement, putting them down and breaking them. He is manipulative and merciless, especially when betrayed or harmed. When such an.. incident transpires, that's when Conrí chooses violence rather than forgiveness.
He does care. That much is true, simply isn't.. kind when he is deceived or let down. He feeds his own, provides for them. He would die for them if given the choice, after all, he built them. He would rather die then allow his legacy to crumble. Conrí is selfless towards those that he has taken in, caring, even. He can be fatherly.. but of course, how unfair would it be if he was offered nothing in return for his kindness?
He believes in things being equal. If somebody is putting in more work than the other, well, that doesn't sit right with him. So, Conrí likes to keep things fair. He does a favour for you, you do one for him. It's easy, right? Right! Of course, that is, until you mess up. Conrí hardly gives out second chances. Let him down once and he'll be rid of you within an instance. Thus, it's best to get on his good side. Word is that he goes easier on those he likes.
See? He can be kind.
Calculating and rather a mastermind, Conrí enjoys outsmarting others. He is a very tricky and conniving character, always two steps ahead of somebody else. He is known to make various plans, never just one, and is quick to figure another out if things don't go his way. If he loses, well, then Conrí doesn't give up. He is ambitious in that way. If he wants something, he'll do everything in his power to obtain it.
The masculine is stoic and often emotionless. He prefers to wear a blank face and mask his emotions. He refuses to show weakness in any form. Conrí is unreadable, at least tries to be. He has learned how to train his body and mind to remain relaxed in stressful situations, allowing himself to think clearer. He is also patient. Conrí will wait out anything and anyone. He has time, he has patience. Nobody can outrun him. Well, they can try, but Conrí always finds a way. He will wait for years if he must to obtain revenge. He will track someone until he is old and limping. Patience is key to Conrí. It's how he obtained his rank and built what he did.
If one thing is for certain, he is loyal towards his own. He would fight for what is theirs and would put himself on the line to protect them. That's what they do, they watch out for one another. However, if it isn't reciprocated, then he won't throw you to the wolves, he'll end you himself.
Crush: His Mistress
Mate: His Mistress, and, well, those in the Harem
Pups: Open
Kin: Open
Klaus ~ This male is one that Conri trusts above all others. He sees him as blood, despite having no relation to him. Regardless, Conri treats him like a brother, respecting his wishes and opinions. There is truly little that Klaus may do to set him off, for he is one of the few that can correct Conri without receiving repercussions. Often ensuring that he's satisfied, it is clear that Conri gives him special treatment. Why wouldn't he? The male has been with him since the beginning, and he'd like to keep it that way.