"You're a liar. I know because I'm one too. It's hard work, isn't it?"
Amos Fidel Karagiannis
Amos: Burdened, strong, carried
Fidel: Faithful
Karagiannis: Freedom lover, joyful
Mos, anything you can think of
Demisexual Panromantic
Desired Role:
Eh, he's actually pretty happy where they are.

Credit to @Experimental body@Picrew
Amos is naturally pretty. He has a heart-shaped face meaning he has a larger forehead and a pointed chin with higher cheekbones. His hair is dark brown and is slightly wavy and styled to fall on the right side of his head. It's long enough that it occasionally falls into his eye, but not so long that it's overly annoying.
Amos stands at about 6'0 and weighs about 190 lbs. He has an athletic build with broader shoulders and a slimmer waist. His legs are long and strong, and his hands are large with strong fingers. His best weapon is his words, but he can certainly handle a sword well, even with little professional training.
Mos has fair skin with thin lips and hazel eyes that are guarded by medium-length eyelashes and shadowed by slightly thicker eyebrows without a prominent arch. They have a few scars on their hands and one on their left cheek along the jawline, but most of their bigger scars are hidden. They have several longer scars on their back, all verticle, and a couple scattered on their legs. They also have several scars on their shoulders and inner arms that they keep hidden well.
Onto what Amos wears! First off, he likes to be comfortable, though he's careful to wear nice enough clothing to blend in well. Often, they're seen with a long-sleeved shirt with a jacket over the top along with black or blue pants. He also has a leather belt and tall boots. They keep a knife with them at all times in a little cut out of his boot, just in case.
"First rule of thumb, you can't trick the trickster... Unless the trickster is an egocentric dumbass. Then you can trick them."
The first thing to know about Amos is that they are a very good liar. He blends in easily with crowds and is easily able to maintain eye contact without fidgeting when lying to someone. They keep a straight face and play along with the rules despite disagreeing with some of them.
Those who meet him outside of the group will only ever see him being polite and kind, always well-dressed. Of course, they aren't afraid to show their intelligence, and will occasionally let out their true chaotic side, enjoying banter.
Inside the group and around friends, however, Mos shows a more genuine side of who they really are. He's very caring and protective of the whole group, especially the ones younger than him, and he's more playful and sassy to those who know them best. Amos loves joking around when he gets the chance, and he loves to see other people smile.
He's very kind and generous, never hesitating to give up something of his own in order to help others. They love kids and music, and they're almost a cool dad to the youngest of the cops, jumping at the chance to hang out with them and teach them new fighting techniques or communication skills. Along with this, however, Amos can be somewhat sharp-tongued. There are occasions when he says something he'll later regret because someone pushed him too far. In situations where he's with someone he really dislikes or finds annoying, they'll become overly sarcastic and exaggerated, as long as it doesn't affect their work, he doesn't mind sharing his annoyance.
Amos excels in communication and can strike up a discussion with pretty much anyone, enjoying the social life. However, he's always very alert and aware when talking to someone, he remembers little details about what they're told and uses them to his advantage. He'll redirect a conversation so subtly that the person might not even recognize what's happening until after the conversation is already over. Because of this, they accel at their job as a kind of spy for the group.
Now, even though Amos is generally pretty generous and kind, there are occasions when he can become overly opinionated and somewhat arrogant, believing they know what's best for everyone and trying to make decisions that they shouldn't. They'll continue to argue their point until they're absolutely shut down, and even then, he may still be difficult. He's very stubborn and very strong-willed.
Now, onto how he actually views people. First off, Amos doesn't trust anyone until they've proved to him that they can be trusted. They've been hurt before, and they don't intend to let it happen again. He'll talk to anyone, but he's not as open as he seems. Everything he does is testing everyone around them, searching constantly for potential threats. He's an extremely mistrusting person, and it's rare for them to actually let someone in.
So there we have it, Amos, a slightly manipulative, generous, and kind, but somewhat arrogant, sarcastic, and stubborn demi boy.
"My apologies for my inability to understand the bullshit that just came out of your mouth. Give me a moment to properly translate your stupidity."
Knife throwing
Blending in
Sometime arrogant
Extremely stubborn
Can be over-protective
Mental disorders
None at the moment
Significant Other:
Bea Karagiannis- Little sister (alive)
"Try me, bitch!"
Isabella Finley
Isabella: Beautiful
Finley: Fair-haired courageous one, fair warrior/hero
Isa, Bell, Bella, anything you can come up with
December 2nd
*Blood Type:
Raging Bisexual
Lone Rider Member
Desired Role:
Lone Rider Leader
Credits to 响声堡 @ neka.cc

Isabella is very beautiful, with dark brown, almost black hair that she's added blonde highlights to, it falls down just past her shoulders and is slightly wavy. When she's running or training she often has it up in a ponytail.
Isa's face is rounded with a small nose and rounded bright blue eyes. She has an hourglass-shaped body and often wears dark colors like black, gray, dark purple, or blue. She is almost always seen in black cargo pants, a long-sleeved black shirt with a leather jacket over it, and short, black army boots. Yeah, definite boss-girl vibes.
Bella isn't a big fan of jewelry, but she does wear a light silver chain around her neck with a golden rose charm on the end, it's often tucked into her shirt. She has a few tattoos, one on her right wrist is the word 'Endure' in cursive letters, one on her left ankle is a simple vine looping up around her thigh, and finally, she has one on her collarbone that's a bird flying out of a cage.
Her skin is light but not pale, and mostly smooth. She does have a scar on her back, stretching from her right shoulder blade to her hip... She claims it happened in a training accident. Isabella often looks serious, but when she does smile it makes her whole face light up, she has dimples on both cheeks, though she doesn't like them herself.
"Why would I apologize when I'm not sorry?"
Isabella is probably one of the most confident people you'll ever meet, she's got a strong sense of herself and expects people to listen when she speaks up. She's not afraid of a fight and has a tendency to get hot-headed when someone accuses her of something or makes fun of her or her friends. Isa's the type of person that walks into a room and everyone knows it... Immediately. She demands attention without saying anything.
Despite being overly confident and maybe a little loud, Isabella is a kind person at heart, she's never afraid to stick up for the smaller person and you won't ever lay a finger on her friends without her hunting you down. She's protective and sassy with those she cares about, not afraid to make a joke or play fight. Isa likes being in control, but if you earn her respect she's willing to listen to you.
Even in a fight, Isabella is all for fairness, if she's going to do her best, she expects you to do the same, even if your best isn't that great. She'll never judge anyone for being weak or making a mistake, but she will call you out if she thinks that you can do better than you are currently. Because of this, people may find Bella annoying or harsh when they first meet her and she calls them out, but once they get to know her it's hard not to respect her, even if you don't necessarily like her.
Isabella is strong both in her heart and physically, she is great at hand-to-hand combat and loves a challenge. She has experience with most weapons, though has chosen a knife as her preferred weapon. She's brave and can be reckless, especially when someone she cares about is in danger. She won't hesitate to put her own life in danger for the sake of others.
"Careful hun, you shouldn't poke the bear. Unless, of course, you want to loose your head!"
- Arguing (respectfully)
- Training (Especially things like running and weights)
- Reading
- Warm environments
- Spicy foods
- Also chocolate
- Swimming/Water
- Disrespect
- The cold
- The dark
- Silence
- Fighting (Hand-to-hand)
- Running
- Arguing
- Trustworthy
- Protectiveness
- Recklessness
- Overly confident
- Can be loud
- Hot-headed at times
- Not a great listener all the time
- When people disrespect her/her friends
- Lies
- Water
- People who try to hold her back
Losing control. Of herself mainly, and the things around her. She doesn't want to hurt the people around her, and she's fully aware that she can be temperamental.
Justice Finley- Mother (alive, no contact)
Hayden Finley- Father (alive, no contact)
Mental/Physical Disabilities:
Bipolar disorder
Isabella's voice is one similar to that of military commanders, loud and straightforward, it demands attention and respect. She speaks in shortened, easily understandable phrases more often than not.
Isa's handwriting is neat and dark, she tends to press down a little too hard on the paper when she writes, sometimes printing her letters on the surface underneath the paper even. She has curved letters and sometimes doesn't fully close her 'O's or lowercase 'A's. She's also the kind of person that draws mini 'o's above her 'I's. Her letters are big but legible.
- Boss Bitch- Doja Cat
- Worth It- Fifth Harmony, Kid Ink
- Girl On Fire- Alicia Keys
- NO- Meghan Trainor
- Survivor- Destiny's Child
- Try- Pink