

Duncan's application is done!

The Form Name: Yoki Age: 4.5 years Gender: Female Species & Breed: Feline; Russian Blue Appearance: A long, lean, and thin structure. Blue-ish grey pigment as a base with emerald-colored hues and sharp, large audits.  Personality: This feline's personality can vary in a lot of ways. At first, this individual will appear quite secretive and distant when it comes to an open society. However, when a relationship is to be formed with her, you'll come to discover her true colors. For one she is an individual who possesses a huge character as far as stubborness, pride, ambition, and with loyalty as her most salient feature. She can be on-going, determined, and wise when it comes to her decisions. What Was Their Life Like Before?: W. I. P.
Crush: N/A (open) Mate: Dario (deceased)
Offspring: (deceased)
Kin: Unknown Affiliations: N/A
Other: N/A
Edited at August 20, 2022 10:35 PM by Aponi


Name: Yekaterina "Why are you so damn loud? It's annoying." [ Name Meaning ] If this name rings a bell, that’s because Yekaterina, pronounced eh-kat-er-eena, is the Russian version of Catherine (and also the name of one of Russia’s most revered rulers). Though the name is longer than others, it has a straightforward meaning: “pure.” It also comes with a variety of adorable nicknames, like Katya (arguably the most popular) and Katyusha. Age: Five Gender: Female Species & Breed: Dog Alaskan Malamute Appearance: Credit belongs to FurLined on DA. Stock Image. Personality: When first meeting this female one notices her seemingly calm and gentle demeanor. This female just has a knack for getting someone to loosen up or be calm around her, it's quite a talent. Maybe it's the well polished words that let one put down their guard - after all this female can use her words to bring down someone's very carefully build up defenses. One can say that she has a inborn silver tongue within her, being able to put it for many uses. If necessary being able to be the one you go to for comfort when you've had an extremely rough day or when something has been saying on your mind - she can find the words to comfort your heart and soul. She can find the words to light a passionate fire in you, yes she can rise to the occasion and take charge and prove her merit and worth with her words along with giving you the motivation to do what you need to get done. She can also find ways to sneak her words in your ears and they stay there like little earworms. Oh, yes, while she can be kind and civil with her words she also knows how to get down dirty with them: pettiness, sarcasm, and down right being vicious and blunt with them are not off the table it's just what cards you come to her with, it's what she deals right on back to you, whether it be for good or for worse. This female is hardworking, when assigned a task she will do anything and everything in her ability to make sure that it done correctly and efficiently. Her ability as a worker is well displayed through her actions. The way she can find small ways to help those around her and those she cares dearly about. Or the way if asked to do one small tasks, she finds other unnoticed things and does them as well. She can complain about how hard some of the work is but she keeps it to herself - she knows when to and not to complain about things. Now just because she can go out on a limb for some doesn't mean she will do it all of the time or every single time as well - she knows how to say no and she's not afraid to deny a request either. It also doesn't mean she's a people pleaser or that she's a pushover for wanting to do what's necessary for others around her. If she finds she doesn't want to do something for you, she won't do it unless she's absolutely forced to do such a thing for someone. Looks can be deceiving and the same can be said for this female. Though she is mostly calm and can be gentle with others , don't be mistaken - she can have quite a vicious streak when need be. This female though polite and cordial to everyone has very few who completely hold her heart and adoration, and these people she is fiercely protective of. Her friends and family are very dear to her heart and are an example of those who she would do anything for. You must never harm them in any way, this means if you even look at them in the wrong way and they felt sad or uncomfortable she will be there to make sure it doesn't happen again. If someone even thought of harming them? Then she'll be on her own metaphorical war-path towards you, her words won't be fiery and loud or without a purpose. When she aims to be hurtful with her words , she aims to maim, destroy, kill, and shatter with them. So you can expect that she will not have anything nice to say but her words will either be spoken with the sweetest sugar, yet having a poisonous aftertaste or spoken in the iciest tone with the most lethal venom. Careful how you chose your inevitable death. This female is a rather confident and intelligent creature. This dame isn't confident to the point she's arrogant and rushes head-long into things. No, she's confident to the point she's sure of herself and her abilities, however is she humble enough to know she does need help and she can accept help. However, she doesn't like her "toes" so to speak to be stepped on when she can handle a situation, nor does she like to be underestimated for no apparent reason. That's when she can get a bit bull-headed, yes she can be stubborn at times, but a lot of the times she's right to be stubborn. She's sharp as a whip, and she knows how to use her mind to her advantage- whether it be on the battlefield, hunting grounds, or just helping with a small problem with her pack. She'll figure out a solution. With intelligence comes the need cautious and wise, she's not quick to trust others and not quick to be fooled by them either. She watches, listens, and learns - taking it all in - she doesn't make an assumption based on here say or rumors she needs cold hard facts, even is she's mad or doesn't like a person she may hold a bit of pettiness to retaliate but she doesn't do it without reason.
This female is a rather social, yet anti-social person - ambivert if you will. She's content to socialize with others and enjoy conversation. As long as said conversation is dull and boring of course . Yes, she enjoys company - rather small groups at a time . Large amounts make her nervous and it drains her social battery. While she makes time to do things and hang out with other people , she also knows how to slip away and make time for herself. The way she recharges is by having some private time to herself or taking a small nap. And be warned because she tends to not get much sleep due to pushing herself or overworking she finds her naps to be very precious and anyone who dares disturb them will face her fury. Anything thing about this female is that she is rather protective and dare say even overprotective of what is hers, whether it be a pet, an object or person. She will protect them or it with her life, and anyone who finds themselves facing her when like this will find themselves in for the beat down of a lifetime. What Was Their Life Like Before?: This young female was born in Alaska to the nomadic Inuit Tribe. She was well loved by her family and she served them well. When she was young she followed her dam and sire out with their humans and observed how they assisted in hunts and watch how with their strength her parents manned sleds with medicine and other precious cargo around the snowy landscape. She learned and watched how to hunt, how to survive in this wild and u forgiving landscape from her parents. This was until she was a yearling and then she began helping, she began pulling sleds, tracking and hunting seals. She got better and better each season, she made her parents proud. Her owners thought her a fine and resourceful dog, and she was - she help protect the tribe from bears, wolves and any creature out to harm them. She was a guardian, a protector, and watcher - she had a purpose. For some reason her humans thought it would do them good to have a vacation in the States. And for the first time instead of having to be on guard she could let her guard down. And so she did for a while. The time was fun and exciting, but all good things must come to an end. It was right when the virus started spreading more rapidly when her humans decided it was time to leave. They had made it to the airport and were to board the plane due to Crush: None Mate: No Offspring: None Kin: Possibly Open For A Sister Or Brother Affiliations: Other: Edited at August 20, 2022 11:47 PM by Spellbound

May I reserve a cat and a dog please.


Name: Jet Age: 4 Gender: Female Species & Breed: Dog; Border Collie x Australian Sheperd Appearance: Jet is 19 inches tall and weighs around 51 pounds. She has long black fur with blue merle spots. Her legs are quite short and have long white fur. All of her paws except her back left are black. Her back left is a blue merle color surrounded by brown fur, leading up to her side. Her tail is black and around 6 inches long with a white tip, it had not been docked at birth like many usually are. She has a white scruff around her neck, mostly covering a teal collar with a tag. This collar is the only thing left from Jet's owner and her past. Her chest and belly are layered in white fur. Her head is a silvery blue with a mix of black dots, a white stripe leading down her face that ends at a black nose. Jet has Heterochromatic eyes which mean they are two different colors. Her left eye is light blue with a dark blue ring around it and her right eye is dark brown. Jet's ears are also different colors, her right being white and the left being black. Her left ear folds down as her right ear stands straight up. Jet has two visible scars. One is down her muzzle and has been the first time she'd been in contact with a fox. Her second scar is on her front right leg where she'd gotten cut by a barb-wire fence not too far from her home. She'd been looking for a sheep that had gone missing but had unfortunately been lost after Jet got hurt. Personality: Jet; kind, troublesome, energetic. Those three words come to the mind of many dogs and humans who meet the dog. Although these things are true, they probably don't know the whole backstory. Shadow is a very kind, calm, and energetic dog. She is usually kind to those she meets, not knowing what things they could've gone through. She is usually quite calm as well, not wanting to startle anyone who seems nervous. She is quite thoughtful of others and doesn't often get it back. She is very energetic though, having lots of energy. She could probably run a full mile just to burn off some unnecessary energy. Jet is very brave, skeptical, and easily startled. She is brave when needed and will not show fear so others are brave too. Jet will lead by example is needed, showing others that it's okay, bringing back her kindness. She may act kind to newer or unknown dogs but is often quite skeptical. She'll be kind but can't promise that she'll trust you right away. She is very skeptical of people and will not easily gain their trust. Again, being very skeptical, this causes her to become easily startled and wanting to be facing away from a wall and not out in the open. This causes her a tad bit of anxiety and she can become slightly anxious at times. She will not trust anyone who she doesn't know very well. Jet isn't the most welcoming dog. She is troublesome, aggressive, and fierce. She is quite the troublemaker and causes trouble a lot. It just seems attracted to her and she just rolls with it. You may think all dogs are sometimes troublemakers, right? Wrong, Jet won't hesitate to bite if she feels endangered or someone close is being hurt. This can give her a bad reputation and to get called aggressive. Jet doesn't care though, she had a terrible experience in the past and can't seem to shake it. Even though she may seem dangerous to some dogs, she is honestly quite strong and will stand her ground against other dogs who cause fights. She isn't afraid to get her paws a little dirty and will NOT back down from a fight. Jet has quite the shell and is very tough. She can come off as sarcastic to some and even feels like a misfit. Jet's past actually gave her strength and the courage to stand up in a fight. She won't run crying just because of a bite. She'll keep going until someone backs down. To those who are rude, Jet gives off her attitude and a sarcastic tone. She doesn't do this to most except dogs close to her. She won't take crap and doesn't care what others say about it. In all, you may think she feels great about herself. Well, not exactly. Jet feels as though she doesn't belong there or even with the others. She thinks her protective and skeptical nature will leave her in the open, running away for the rest of her life. She feels like everyone else fits in and that she is a bird in a group of sheep; different and a freak. Although she does hide this, she can't help but wonder, what group would need a dog who seems to have infinite energy and aggression? She tries her best to shut up and be calm but sometimes her instincts get the best of her. What Was Their Life Like Before?: Born on a farm in Montana, Jet grew up alongside her two sisters and brother. They were sold at a young age that she can hardly remember them. She was bought by a very kind lady in Nebraska and was taught to herd. She learned very quickly and was given a collar, the one that she still has to this day. It's very worn out but it will probably hold on for at least another two weeks. At the age of one and a half, five sheep were bought. Jet protected them like family and loves them very much. As the days grew on, the flock multiplied, giving Jet more to look after. She grew happier and made great, unforgettable connections with the sheep. Then, for some reason, her human had got into contact with her family, who owned herding dogs as well, to travel to a dog show. The neighbors would look after the sheep while they were gone. Before long, Jet was traveling by sky, wondering how the sheep were. As they arrived in the city, Jet wondered when they would get this contest over with. That day...never came. The disease spread rapidly, catching her human on a walk to the store. Jet stayed close by her humans' side until she realized it was too late. Jet ran off, her one memory being where she couldn't see it. The day ended with several zombies and running, so much running and hiding. Jet was not focused on the sheep anymore and was now focused on surviving. Crush: None Mate: Possibly Open Offspring: Open To Adopt! Kin: Open To A Sibling or Two! Affiliations: Open For Friends or Herding Dogs From Her Human's Family! Other: I don't know how to put this...dogs...they are truly man's best friends. :) Edited at August 23, 2022 10:43 PM by River-Luna

Jet looks good :) except I think you may have mistyped his height? 46" is taller than even wolves ^^'

Oops, yeah. I don't know how I missed that. I changed it now so it should be much better.