
Preceded Name: aush ( parents can name whatever they want) Gender: female Age at start: winglet Breed: silky or icicle ( can be either depending on what happens) Personality: happy energeting loyal has the tendency of getting in to mistif though soft and kind no one can push her around. Appearance: soft rose and cream with hints of pink around horns and wings light grey undersclaes with out lines of cream( or if icicle a plain mottled light and dark blues with grey streaks around brown eyes.) Relation ships: PM if parents please Likes flying the sun, flowers, friends, Dislikes storms, the cold, and hugs Streaths: flying, hiding and intelligence Weakness: shy, sometimes to optimistic, week Other: hamster Name: Fenec Breed: icicle Gender: female Age: 1.5 Persinality: shy and nervous but when you get on the wrong side of her she is ferocious and can hold a grudge for a very very long time when you get to know her she is friendly and loyal. No matter what fennec is a proud and complicated soul Aperance :attractive soft blue with a pattern of white snowflake spots espeshily around and on her wings with wide bright blue eyes and a diamond shaped face fennec is a stunning sight to behold. Her serrated claws help her be sure footed in her icey homeland and sharp eyes help her spot even the most hidden of prey. Streaths: very strong and exelent in battle, sharp eyes, strong flyer Weekness : sometimes focuses only one a lesser objective then a more important one, a scar from a battle left her right ear mostly deft. Likes: flying, fights, winglets, open sky, the cold Dislike: deserts unlike her desert name would suggest, lonliness , daytime Relationships: open( Pm if want to be family or friends of somthing) Others:Hamser Edited at August 16, 2022 07:35 PM by Dawnforest

Dawnforest please don't forget to use the required amount of words for the personality and appearance. I would also suggest you save this character for later as winglets will most likely be last. I will gladly reserve a winglet for you though. Feel free to make another character as a young adult. Updated Please Read Edited at August 14, 2022 11:49 AM by Duskfall

Name- Nyla Gender-Female Age at the start of Rp 2 years Dragon Species-Silky Personality Nyla is a loyal dragon, she loves making friends but when shes betrayed she doesn't forget it. she loves gliding through the night and walking through lush forests, she stands up for whats righr and sometimes has a very very bad attitude. She never got to know her mother who died after she was born and only knew her father for a while until he went missing. Appearance Nyla is a light blue dragon with gold wings and beautiful holly green eyes, her scales are outlined with gold. Her wings are lined with a soft white and light grey speckles run down her back along with a light grey chest. Her tail is swirled with light blue and gold, causing it to look almost like someone splattered paint on her tail. She has a off white stripe on her face that runs down her back. Relations Friends- Open Parents- Mother-Deseased Father-missing (Deseased but they dont know yet) Likes and Dislikes Loves sunny days and fluffy clouds Dislikes rain and rude bullies Strengths and Weaknesses Really fast/ Self doubt Smart/sometimes to trusting Other- Hamster Edited at August 13, 2022 12:35 PM by IslandPack

Welcome Nyla and Swallow to the adventure! Don't forget to read all the rules though. (The last rule says to put Hamster in "other" to make sure people read them.)

Duskfall said: Welcome Nyla and Swallow to the adventure! Don't forget to read all the rules though. (The last rule says to put Hamster in "other" to make sure people read them.)
thats smart, i guess my eyes skimmed over it

Name Kadryn
Gender Male Age at the start of Rp 2 Years
Dragon Species Gruble Personality Kadryn is a cocky, adventurous young dragon. This young male knows he hasn't made much of a name for himself yet, and is anxious to change that. Kadryn is stubborn, often dismissing the advice of others vocally even if he adjusts his actions accordingly. Flight is important to him; he can often be seen soaring simply for the joy of it, and doing acrobatics to impress others. Kadryn is an extrovert, though too much social interaction can be draining. Too little, though, is even worse; if his friends are not around, he'll talk to anyone. Hearing others' experiences is exciting to him. In a mixed-gender group, Kadryn will probably be trying to impress the females. Appearance Kadryn is a medium-sized, well-proportioned Gruble. Most of his scales are a deep copper, from his nose with its small, bump-like horn down to the club at the tip of his tail. Kadryn's eyes are a deep gold, fixating intensely on those he talks to. From his shoulders arc leathery wings, the membrane of which is slashed through with topaz-yellow stripes. The Gruble's underbelly, from just below his chin to his tail club, is cream, as are his clawed paws. In colour, his claws are ebony, as is the ossified portion of his tail club. Yellow spots dot his body, the same hue as his wing-stripes. Kadryn's muzzle is broad, with only a few facial spots around his nose-bridge and cheeks. Bumps line his spines, relatively long for a Gruble but still with the same brown, branchlike hue of his species.
Relations Open! Likes and Dislikes + Other dragons, flying, showing off, sunny days - Loneliness, cramped spaces, rain
Strengths and Weaknesses + Charismatic, willingness to take risks, stamina, flight experience - Domineering, stubborn, not much worldly experience yet, doesn't listen well to others Other C'mon, everybody, it's the hamster dance

Welcome, Kadryn and Talen to the adventure!

Name- Kaida Gender-Female Age at the start of Rp 2.5 years Dragon Species- Silky Personality Kaida is loyal to her dragon kingdom, she would never talk to or even dare look at another dragon from a different kingdom. Kaida can be resourceful if she needs to, when she was younger her mother taught her how to catch small prey. She is a somewhat kind dragon, her social skills have never been the best since she was younger. Kaida hates when others sneak up on her because she does not like to harden her scales as her mother had taught her. Appearance Kaida is a medium sized dragon kinda small for her age, but her tail seemed to grow way faster than the rest of her. Kaida's scales are outline with white and her scales are sky blue. Her tail wing is sky blue mixed with gold in a corresponding pattern, her wings are the same. Kaida's belly is off-white with a single gold stripe going through the middle, this off-white from her belly goes all the way to her chin and also goes down he bottom of her tail, so does this single gold stripe. Her medium sized antenas are are blue but have white tipps, Kaida's nails are ivory colored. Relations Friends- Open! Mate- Open! Crush- Open! Parents: Mother- Deceased Father- Deceased Likes and Dislikes +Sun bathing, gliding, relaxing -Someone sneaking up on her, Thunder/Lightning, getting her wings wet Strengths and Weaknesses +Wing Power, Outgoing at most -Not very Social, hunting big game Other- Hamster Dance!

Edited at August 21, 2022 07:35 AM by Duskfall

Name lunar Gender male Age 2.7 years species grubles personalitly lunar usally keeps to himself but sometimes his soft personality shows he is very good at fighting and cant be pushed around easily he trusts most people that he talks to but he has his enemies too appearance lunar is an albino grubles and he has some grey and black scale he has a cyan eye and a silver eye and his under belly is black and grey (sorry that i dont have 70+ words can really think of more to say and can i be albino or no?) relationships he never got to meet his parents the died before he hatched open to a spouse and friends likes and dislikes likes flying at night likes reading anchent books/ scrolls dislikes being yelled at dislikes dragons that cant stop talking strengths and weaknesses strengths: fighting and his speed weaknesses doesnt allways think before he does something and gets tired fast other: hamster Edited at August 14, 2022 03:37 PM by white tail