
Lycan Two Name: Skadi Azar Meanings: Skadi: "Shadow, Harm" Azar: "Fire" Age: 27 Sexuality: Demiromantic Polyamorous Gender: Female ;; She/Her Species: Lycan Rank: Enforcer Desired Rank: Extremely Content. Human Appearance: Skadi is quite an unusual person in appearance. She has what's called poliosis affecting parts of her hair, turning them a shade of white, which contrasts starkly with the rest of her onyx hair. The white is her forelock, the front and middle lock of her hair. At times it stays solid as one piece of hair on either side of her face or in a ponytail or bun, other times, if she's got her hair braided or parted down the middle, it becomes multiple and goes throughout her hair or across her face. There are other parts of her hair that have streaks of silvery-grey, but the forelock is the only part that is pure white. The womans skin is a mix of pale and tan, leaning the former, partially because of genetics and partially due to the fact that for her jobs, she has to cover up a lot of herself to remain unidentifiable. That, and she is mostly active at night and sleeps a lot during the day. Being out at night hurts her eyes and skin less, so she goes with that. Speaking of her eyes, Skadi's eyes are unique ones. At a genetic level, they're blue--but they're a shade of blue so pale that they appear dark, blood vessels in the back of her eye having the chance to shine through. This gives them, at first glance, a deeply violet or crimson look to them, and it may take a few seconds of staring in the right lighting to acknowledge that they are, in fact, blue and not the other color(s). In certain lightings, though, the violet or red shades shine through regardless of knowledge. Because of this, though, her eyes are very sensitive to light, hence the "mostly going out at night". Lycan Appearance: Personality: Occupation: - Skadi is a bouncer/bodyguard/chaperone working under Chex's Business. - Skadi is also a frequent member involved in the clans fighting pits. Crush: None. [Maybe Open.] Significant Other: None. Kin: None. [Very Hesitant Maybe.] Affiliations: WIP/TBD Other: Edited at June 23, 2022 03:34 PM by Polly

The Devil's Hounds Name: Tanja Anandi Age: 19 Years Old Sexuality: Pansexual Gender: Female ;; She/Her Rank: Gamma Desired Rank: Content. For now. Human Appearance: Tanja isn't a woman that could be described as powerful-looking nor overly muscular. She's got lean muscle coating her body, and muscle definition, but she's never been one to bulk, even on the off chance that she would try, she could just never put on the weight. She's slim and lean, standing at a clean 5'1", with a mild hourglass figure. She's physically attractive to many people, and she knows it, and even if she doesn't flaunt it, Tanja may very well use it. She's not the most curvy woman out there, but, given her proportionate size, she's got some nice curves attached to her body. Her face is angled and sharp, with high cheekbones and a defined jawline, with her head shape being a diamond shape. Her eyelashes are long and thick, shielding dazzling green eyes that pop out against her head of ginger hair. Her hair is straight and hip-length, and a ginger shade. She's not overly scarred, nothing really that would be seen without her wearing revealing clothing, and there's no truly bad scars anywhere else on her pale, only mildly-tanned complexion. Wolf Appearance: [Image Credits: HOTNStock on DA.]  Tanja is, quite possibly, the definition of lithe. Her body is sleek and lean, slim muscle coating her limbs in a way that gives her a slender kind of grace. Her long legs, partnered with a slender abdomen and slim chest, give her a height of 29 inches, and a dainty weight of somewhere near 60 pounds. Whilst she won't be winning any conflicts that rely on pure strength, it's not difficult to imagine that the female could easily outmaneuver a larger, stronger opponent, twisting out of their way and landing hits from entirely different angles. Likewise, her body seems to be built for running for long distances (something that helped her be a fantastic huntress in the pack), endurance practically ebbing from her long, wiry limbs. Perhaps her build could even be described as fox-like. Tanja definitely isn't someone that's sore on the eyes, holding a face that's as slim and angular as the rest of her. She has a long, defined muzzle, sat upon a narrow head, attached to an equally slim neck, and so on. Her ears, although still a little smaller than the average, larger wolfs, look almost too large for her head, and her tail is thick and fluffy compared to the rest of her body. She isn't afraid to flash a dazzling smile, one that lights up her face like the moon lights up the night, one that causes stars to glitter in her eyes, partnered with a voice as smooth as honey and as rich as chocolate. Her coat is an array of reds, greys and tans, although the predominant shade is a lovely red hue. Along her shoulders and back is various shades of grey to mingle with the red, a creamy-tan shade stretching along the sides of her muzzle, down her chest and her underbelly, stretching to the inside of her legs. Her fur is soft and fluffy, doing nothing to take away from the feminine look about her. Her eyes are a mixture of brown and amber, leaning more towards the latter. Depending on the lighting, or which emotions she's portraying, they could be as bright as a sun, or as dull as empty space. Her scent is equally soft and pretty, like a mixture of various different flowers. Personality: Whatever fox-like qualities show within the females stature are tripled in her nature. She is cunning, sly, deceptive--truly, if you wanted someone on your side, someone to be your spy, it would be Tanja. She can twist her face into disgust, into a smile, into a grimace. She can make her voice rise and fall at command, burst into tears if it's required of her, can dull and brighten her eyes when the time calls. She is a natural-born actress, honing her skills over the years of her existence to a near-perfect art. Few can see past her acts, few can spot the little signs, and fewer still know what those signs mean. She's charming, captivating attention with both words and mannerisms, makes herself be inviting, likeable. Tanja is intelligent. She has a brain in her head that makes up for everything she lacks in physical, brute strength. Her brain works non-stop, going at a million miles a minute and never slowing down. It crafts replies, acts, personalities, and plans all in a matter of moments. An actress must have a face, and she wills hers into existence as quick as someone can blink. She notices things about others, an observant nature accompanying the intelligence. She notices things that, perhaps, they wouldn't want others to notice, she notices the little inflections in their voices, the twitch of a muscle, the shift of emotions in their eyes--she notices it all, and hides it away in her extensive bank of memories to use at a later date. Truly with the mind of an elephant, the fox-like creature rarely forgets, and nearly never forgives. She is ambitious. She has her eyes on a prize, and she's determined to never give up, not until she has her prize in her grasp. Whatever that prize is, the attention of a certain someone, putting up a certain persona, making a kill, aiding in a certain hunt--Tanja isn't the one to give up, and will chase her prize, her dreams, until the very end, until her body is giving out. And even then, the female will push herself beyond that, just to get what she wants. If you wrong Tanja, you shouldn't be fooled by the quiet 'it's okay' that she will utter. She is vindictive to her core, a fiery rage burning beneath a calming pool of friendliness. She rarely forgets when someone has wronged her, and it takes a special kind of person to make her forgive them. She easily turns to a crueler side of herself, perhaps for comfort, as it comes out in moments of hurt. When she is going through emotional pain, she either turns to someone she cares for (many of which have left her, or do not care for her the same way), or she turns to the cruelness inside. Anger burns away at her heart, and she's convinced herself that the cunning, manipulative, aggressive, cruel person she has become is a version of herself that loves her, that wants to protect her. On top of it all, Tanja is highly possessive. If you're someone that she's classed as her, or if it's something that she's claimed as her own, you'll likely never meet a more possessive, protective wolf. She'll fight your battles for you, take your wounds for you, allow someone to break her if it meant you were safe--all the while watching you intently, making sure you're safe, making sure someone else doesn't look at you, not the way that she looks at you. She has a small kernel of jealousy curled in the pit of her stomach, heavy like a stone, and, though she tries to push it down when it arises, it exists and it is powerful at times. Skill Set: Thievery: Being a small, lean and honestly quite pretty woman, she finds stealing from jewelry stores quite easy, especially from right under their noses. If she can swindle the clerk into taking multiple rings out, she might plop two or three into her bag and buy one, and pawn them all off to get a profit. Violence: Tanja isn't afraid of violence, and she isn't afraid of letting the pack use her knack for certain violent tendencies if they require it. Nimble: She's nimble, which, again, can be used by the pack for heists and such as the members see fit, if she deems it worthy of it. Crush: None / Potentially Open Significant Other: None Kin: None Affiliations: Open / TBD Open: :] She presents herself to the pack as a woman with a slightly rough exterior but a soft and gooey inside. Edited at June 21, 2022 08:12 AM by Polly

Name: Reyna Flores. Boss. Bossman. Boss Lady. Rey. If you call her "Saintess" prepared for a look of death. Age: Twenty-Five Years Birthday: April 3rd - Aries Baby Sexuality: Bisexual; She has a Preference for Women, but isn't opposed to Men Either Gender: Female [She/Her] Species: Lycan Rank: The Commander Desired Rank: Content Voice: Reyna's voice is on the lower side for women, not a baritone or anything, but definitely a lower octave that is rich, silky, and thick. It sounds exactly how the woman looks, and feels like warmed, silky chocolate poured over you. Yup. That's how I'm describing it. Human Appearance: At a glance, Reyna is a beautiful young woman of Hispanic decent, albeit it is her best guess since she isn't 100% having been adopted. Her skin is warm honey in tone, flawless in it's complexion being free of blemish and the like. Her skin is smooth for the most part, only ridged or puckered where the lines of scars dance along her body. Most of those, though, often lay beneath clothing and unviewable to the eye. She isn't ashamed of the scars, they're just not in places that are easily seen if she isn't wearing revealing clothing.
Her eyes are an alluring thing, something that equally draws people in and pins them in place. They're slightly narrowed in shape, close to almond but not quite, with a slight hooded appearance. To be caught in one of her glares is not an enjoyable experience for others. Her cheek bones are high and sharp, capable fo cutting glass, with a facial shape that is more oval in shape having a round chin that is not quite narrow but enough to make her face diamond in shape. Reyna possesses a straight, more button like nose. Her lips are full, though they're a bit more bottom heavy, with her top lip not having a very defined cupid's bow. Her eye brows are on the thinner side with a subtle curve that softens the look of her eyes. Her eye lashes are thick and dark, not overly long, but still nothing to scoff at. Her eyes are a dusty, ruddy brown color that are medium in darkness. There is an obvious almost red hue to them that can be unnerving for some, but those in the clan are likely used to it by now. To humans, they just look like an odd shade of brown.
Her honey skin is complimented by the dark, mocha colored hair she possesses. It's rich in color, and a few shades lighter than black, though not by much. Her hair is thick, naturally curly when it's wet, but as it dries it straightens out completely or into waves. Reyna isn't the tye of girl who puts a lot of effort into her hair, merely brushing it and letting it do what it desires. The only thing she keeps up on is her hair cuts. The Commander rarely ever allows her hair to reach much more than a couple of inches past her collar bones. She prefers it short so that it's heavy length never becomes too bothersome to bare. And so she doesn't have to put a lot of effort into it's upkeep.
At five feet and eight inches, Reyna isn't exactly short. Combined with her love of boots and heels, she often stands closer to six feet instead of her normal height. There isn't a soft thing about the woman though, her body made up of rock solid muscle. While she might not have the voluptuous assets of other women, she still has definition to her figure. Reyna has a slight hour glass figure, having a flat, narrower waist, with slightly larger hips. She has enough up top to fill out her shirts, though she isn't going to be winning any wet T-shirt contests any time soon. Her legs are long, and well toned, and often on view for those around her. The toned muscle that Reyna has in her body isn't likely to go unnoticed either, it can be seen in the shape of abs forming across her abdoment, or the definition in her biceps, or the curve of her calves. It's evident that she works out and keeps herself in shape, but being the commander of a Lycan caln she has to. Reyna is proud of the body she holds, and she isn't afraid to show it off, but she also doesn't feel it a necessity to do so.
In terms of the previous mentioned scars, Reyna has several of them. She isn't ashamed of any of them, actually quite proud of them, since they were all sustained from the mauling that turned her. On her thigh is the bite mark that officially allows her to turn, teeth marks that are now scarred over and a badge of her identity. The real breath catching scars are on her abdomen and her back. Deep, lacerating claw marks start on her upper abdomen, just below her left breast, and drag down, curving down and towards her ride side before ending there. On her back are several different spots where the smame claws raked down her back. Once across her left shoulder, the other much longer, starting at the edge of her right shoulder blade and carving across her back to where it ends at her the top of her hip.
While Reyna does not put a lot of effort into her hair, besides brushing it, she does put more effort into her makeup. However, even that doesn't get a whole lot since she does the same look pretty much every time. She adorns a smokey eye, with mascara on her lashes [never fake ones she doesn't have the attention span for it], and she puts effort into contouring her face a bit with a warm tone of blush on her cheeks to, but nothing too flashy. Lastly she also picks a darker nude, almost brown or bronze, lip color. It's the one thing she does change, sometimes doing matte, sometimes gloss, etc. The only time, though, she changes up her whole look is for events. Lycan Appearance: If Reyna is impressive as a human, then her Lycan form is absolutely astounding. Standing at around 7'4" in height, the monstrous Lycan is nothing to scoff at even if there are taller members of her clan. The bi-pedal creature holds several of the characteristics that her human form holds, just in different ways. Unlike her human form, though, there is nothing feminine about the beast she turns into. She has wide wide, powerful shoulders that, along with her upper back, are extremely muscled. Honestly, the whole beast is just extremely muscled. Her arms, and legs, while a bit more lean than her shoulders and back, are capable of great strength, allowing her to strike quickly and precisely with devastating blows. Her more human like legs are attached to large, wide paws that give her the ability to move silently but assuredly. Her tail, which is a little bit longer than an average wolf's tail helps her keep her balance in whatever way she is moving. Her paw like hands end in lethally hook claws that are good for gripping, clawing, climbing, etc.
Her head is definitely more wolf like, or, well, kind of. She's generally wolf like in appearance, but there is something about it that is just slightly not. Her muzzle, for example, is a bit too big. It's long, but shorter than a wolf that was her size would be, and a bit bigger. Her ears are elongated, with a similar shape as a wolf's but instead much longer and more narrowed at the tips. Her cheeks have tufts on them that do soften the harshness of her face, and bring a bit of femininity to the Lycan, but she's still a beast. Her eyes are a brighter, more glowing shade of red, resembling her human eyes, but much more intense.
Her fur is more medium in length, similar to a regular wolf's coat, but is longer on her neck and nape, which goes down her chest, ending in a point there, and doing the same for her back. It creates a slightly mane-like affect to the female, but not drastically so. It more so creates a ruff of fur there to protect her neck from attacking teeth that might wish to rip it out. Reyna's lycan coat resembled her hair color almost exactly, shades of dark brown covering her furred figure. There are darker fur within the mane of her neck, blending in to make the fur there appear a shade darker than the rest of body. When the Lycan gets wet, her naturally curly hair makes an appearance, causing the ends of her fur to curl a bit when wet, only straightening back out when completely dry, and even then sometimes they don't. Personality: Head Strong || Stubborn || Serious || Sarcastic & Snarky || Fiery || Hardass || Hard Working || Direct || Determined || Closed Off || Flirtatious at Times || Compassionate & Caring Towards her Clan || Hates Being Challenged & Disrespected || Possessive & Over Protective at Times || Aggressive
If Reyna physically isn't a push over, she definitely isn't mentally. The very definition of a hardass, Reyna is stubborn, more so than any ox or mule, and once she has her eyes set on something she's incredibly driven. Head strong to the core, there is almost nothing that with shake the young woman from getting what she wants. This is how she is in everything, professional or personal. If she sees something she wants, she's going for it, and she isn't going to beat around the push or play game about it. Does she enjoy playing little games from time to time? Yes, but she isn't going to risk what she wants for the thrill of the game.
The fiery femme is a walking nightmare to most, but not necessarily always in a bad way. Is she going to give people a hard time, tease them a little? Yes. But the aggressiveness, the down right throat ripper within her is reserved only for those that have, in some way, crossed a line. Whether it be by disrespecting her or her clan, challenging her, or just overall being a threat, those are the people she reserves her true aggression for.
Reyna is, if it isn't obvious, a rather direct person, however, she is rather closed off to those she doesn't consider close to her. These are only a few people, others she might be friendly to, social with even, but they don't really know anything beyond the surface of who she is. Only the select few really get an opportunity to get to know her. Of these people she tends to be incredibly over protective of, almost possessive... well... actually possessive. Still, she's caring and compassionate towards her clan, making sure they don't need or want for anything, and that they're taken care of and safe. There isn't anything Reyna would do to keep her clan safe and out of harm, even if it means putting herself in harms way instead.
On the inside there is much more to Reyna than she lets others see. She can be flirtatious towards people, though is is usually just surface, there is an obvious difference when she is just messing around and actually wanting someone. However, she is a fierce person, in every regard. Fierce in caring about others, fiercely protective, etc. She's loyal and devoted to those she deeply cares for, and there is nothing she wouldn't do for them, nothing that could stop her. She's difficult to pin down, but once she is, she's there, you'd have to pry her off to get her gone. Once she's hurt though, once you've broken that trust, she will always be wary of you, mildly untrusting, and it will take time to bring you back into her good graces if ever. Occupation: Reyna does a lot. Like... a lot, a lot. Bar Owner. Private Investigating. Philanthropist. Motorcycle Mechanic. Etc. Etc. Crush: She has her sights set on one. If she flirts with anyone else, it's just for fun. Significant Other: None Kin: None Affiliations:
Lucienne Greer Probably the closest thing Reyna has to a best friend; her Second in Command is the Lycan she trusts most in the pack. Despite his aloofness and general... Lucienne-ness.. she loves him platonically. He's a constant in her life that she will always appreciate, because at the end of the day when she has nothing else she at least has him. He challenges her mind, and drives her up a wall, but the two are basically double trouble when the gloves are off.
Zero Ah... yes.. the tall... tall tree that Reyna is currently attempting to climb. And failing, mind you. Reyna has a deeply inbedded fascination with the beautiful woman, and wants nothing more than to sweep her off her feet. Her efforts seem to be slightly in vain, but Reyna is not one to give up easily. Still, she greatly enjoys Zero's company and trusts her completely, being one of the few that Reyna can be herself with and not have to worry about keeping up her image. Zero is hers though, at least in her mind, and off limits. Anyone brave enough to challenge her for the beautiful woman is likely to end up in a guttar.
Other: Edited at June 21, 2022 04:20 PM by Imperial Sands

┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ Lucienne Greer ┗━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┛ Age: Twenty-Five Sexuality: He goes for whoever is hot. Gender: Masculine Birthday: November 3rd; Scorpio. Species: Lycan Rank: Second in Command Desired Rank: Content; reached Human Appearance:  [drawn by ThatBlackFoxCanBark on TH for an art trade. character belongs to myself, not free to use.] Lucienne Greer is a male with an impressive stature. The masculine stands at a solid height of 6'3 paired with a rather lithe physique. He has broad shoulders compared to the rest of him, making him appear almost disproportionate at certain angles (though he would argue that it makes him unique). His facial features are rather sharp, defined, and almost eerie in a sense. He has a square facial shape paired with downturned brown eyes, which sit comfortably upon sunken features. A mischievous expression typically takes up his face that consists of an upturned grin with narrowed eyes. Indeed, Lucienne is quite a unique character in appearance alone. His skin colour is a dark brown, though perhaps the most fascinating thing about him is his striking blond hair that sits upon his round head. It is entirely natural, giving away the secret of his Melanesian ancestry. His hair is curly, though the strands are slightly looser, giving off a more curly/wavy look. Two strands of hair commonly sit upturned upon the top of his head, resembling that of devil horns. In terms of accessories, Lucienne wears several. Many piercings litter him, predominately upon his ears. He wears two main upside-down crosses that dangle halfway down his neck paired with a conch and helix piercing. His earrings are symmetrical, for Lucienne does enjoy being a perfectionist. Upon his nose he wears a thick black septum piercing that match his overall appearance. At times, the male typically wears his fair share of rings as well, for he truly does enjoy sprucing himself up. His main choice of clothing is fancy attire. He prefers looking his best than being comfortable. He will wear clothing made for the higher-class or clothing to match his overall "aesthetic" for the day. Regardless, Lucienne never looks bad. How could he? A face like his, he needs to remain groomed and kept. What do you think he is? A monster? His voice is deep and raspy, often sounding eerily soft, even in stressful situations and not a scar lies on his body. Lycan Appearance: His Lycan appearance is that of a menacing one. When in this form, Lucienne stands at 7.5ft with a lithe physique and very, very broad/muscular shoulders. However, it's clear his build is best for speed, and speed he is good at. The man can sprint at a fast pace, not to mention climb due to his lengthy claws. Goodness, they're long. Perhaps even longer than most, each frontal nail resembling that of a knife. He's stealthy and agile to boot, managing to use his physique to its advantage. Like his hair, Lucienne's body fur is a lighter colour. He does not have dark fur, but a lighter, more white/cream one. While this makes it more difficult to camouflage in the night, Lucienne sees it as an advantage. It has only taught him how to be stealthier. In this form, his face is extremely wolf-like with an extended muzzle and larger eyes. His canines are lengthy, his ears being oddly large and pointy. His tail is only more impressive, yet also irritating. It's rather lengthy, often getting in his way and nearly dragging on the ground. He's contemplated chopping it off many times. Maybe he still will. Personality: Arrogant || Selfish || Mixed Morals || Cunning || Quick-Thinker || Good Shot || Debonair || Groomed || Apathetic || Childish || Deceitful || Devious || Independent || Impulsive? Calculating? Both? || Vindictive || Persuasive || Man of his Word || Independent || Attention-Seeker At first glance, one may wonder how Lucienne managed to get the role he did. He's arrogant, selfish, childish, untrustworthy, and the list goes on. He would save himself over anybody else if he had the chance. He claims he's your friend? Don't listen, for when it comes to life and death, Lucienne will ditch you in a moment. He puts himself before anybody, after all, it's every man for himself. He is not protective of others. He is not caring of anybody. He will not save you, even if he has time. Lucienne simply does not care. Well, unless you make it worthwhile for him. Lucienne never does anything for free. He helps if he thinks that it will benefit him. About to die? Give him money and he'll think about lending a hand. You wish for somebody to comfort you? He'd rather walk into the tip of a sword voluntarily. In pain? He'll dig his finger into the wound to make it hurt more. Lucienne is not a nice man, not by a longshot. He's cruel and apathetic, not caring about anybody other than himself. Oh, but when he needs something, that's a different story. Suddenly, he becomes a smooth talker, complimenting everyone and batting his eyelashes. Lucienne becomes debonair and persuasive, trying to coax others into helping him. When that doesn't work, he becomes manipulative and begins to gaslight, and when that doesn't work, he strikes up a deal. After all, everything has a price. He is deceitful and devious. However, he is a man of his word. When he agrees to a deal, he sticks through with it. If one thing is for certain, Lucienne never breaks his word. He will deliver his end one way or another; he's honest. Lucienne does not rely on physical strength. Rather, he relies on his mind and manipulation tactics. When in trouble, he keeps his cool. The man becomes calm and collected, never one to break character. He doesn't have to. There is little that can make Lucienne sweat, but when the man becomes anxious, everyone knows it. He will rant, throw things, insult everybody he comes across. He will act like a child throwing a tantrum before demanding silence so that he may think. When Lucienne is in a panic, everyone should be. So, how did he manage to snatch such a rank? Simple. He is a tricky, tricky man.. A con artist of sorts. He has gotten where he is because of his mind. You see, Lucienne is smart. Fairly smart. He is cunning and calculating, able to formulate various plans and get himself and others out of anything. Something could go horrible wrong, and he will still be able to escape without a scratch upon him. The gang left a trail of bloody footprints? Within minutes, they're gone all thanks to Lucienne. He can make it seem as if nobody was ever there. How he does it, nobody knows. Long story short, he knows what he's doing, and so long as he is satisfied, he will help others out. Besides, he's a lycan. If everybody is found out, so is he. He can't have that now, can he? He comes first after all, and who can blame him? This is survival we're talking about. Basically, he has the mindset that he doesn't need others, others need him. Occupation: Many may prefer a quieter occupation in hopes of staying on the downlow, but not Lucienne. No, the man went to Yale, studied to become a lawyer, and graduated as one of the top in his class. You see, Lucienne loves attention and money. It only makes sense that he's acquired such an occupation. He's never lost a case and makes enough money for himself and the clan. Truly, what more could one ask for? Any clan member gets in trouble with the law? Lucienne is there to fight on their behalf. It benefits everybody all around. Strengths: - Cunning/Mastermind ~ he is able to formulate various plans and think quickly to get himself and others out of dire situations. He's smart. - Manipulative/Smooth Talker ~ He sees this as a strength. He can out talk himself out of anything. - Escape Artist ~ In a sticky situation? Lucienne will be able to help you out. The man is good at that type of stuff. You'll be safe before anybody can blink. - Knives ~ Knives are simply his backup, though he prefers ones that he can throw. - Attractive ~ Is this a worthy strength? No, but he surely thinks so. - Words ~ Lucienne is good with words. He will berate someone if he must with them. He knows just what to say to hurt someone and tear them down. Weaknesses: - Physical Strength ~ What can he say? The man lacks it. - Apathetic ~ If you want someone to comfort you, look the other way. Lucienne will purposefully make things worse for you. He's emotionally unavailable. - Selfish ~ Don't expect him to put you first or save you. The man is selfish. - Childish ~ If he doesn't get his way, he throws a tantrum. Lucienne must get his way. - Murderer ~ He's killed a few times and knows how to hide a body. The scary part is that it doesn't faze him. Crush: None. Significant Other: None. Kin: A few brothers and sisters here and there. Who knows, he doesn't keep track of them. Affiliations: Zeke ~ This individual is Lucienne's closest friend. They have an.. odd relationship in such that Lucienne both hates and loves him. The two are stuck together. If Lucienne is ends up dead, he's taking Zeke down with him. If he's alive, Zeke must be as well. Some may wonder if they are genuinely even friends from the way they act with one another. In subtle ways, it's easy to see how they are. Lucienne would share anything he has with Zeke and ensures that he survives alongside of him. The two are a duo, often paired together and getting into/out of trouble together. While chaotic, they are surprisingly efficient, though some may argue that it's mostly dumb luck. Reyna ~ Does this woman annoy him? Yes. Does he still tolerate her? Also yes. He never understood why she trusted him, after all, he cares for himself more than others. However, she soon began to grow on him to the point where he no longer would deceive her if given the chance. Besides, he has a good thing going, why ruin it? It comes to the point where he, like Zeke, would ensure that she has a clean streak. She doesn't question his intentions nor pries. He's content knowing that she's comfortable simply sitting in silence with him. Zero ~ In short, they're frienemies. The two are able to be serious, yet also constantly banter with one another. It's easy to say that Lucienne annoys Zero.. intentionally. Not to mention, he often bothers her simply to piss Reyna off. However, there are times where the two can have a typical relationship like grown adults. In truth, he is quite fond of her, even if he doesn't say it aloud. However, he's sure that she knows. He even spars with her at times in hopes of learning how to defend himself. Would he ever save Zero? Yes, but she doesn't have to know. Other: He has a black belt in karate since he can't really rely on his physical strength. Edited at June 23, 2022 03:18 PM by Tenebris Umbra

Sorry, I won't be able to join this RP :) Edited at June 18, 2022 10:00 AM by Jack Of Stars

The Saints of Fenrir
Name: Mircea Vasilica Rosenberg Age: 24 Sexuality: Gay, Demisexual , Polyamorous Gender: Male Species: Lycan Rank: Enforcer Desired Rank: He's definitely satisfied Human Appearance: This Art is credited to the lovely, Tenebris Umbra. I will steal your soul if you steal my babie's art 🙂 On first inspection of this young person the first this you notice is his stature. He is of average height for a man, being 5'9 (173) - he still gets teased about his height. That's probably why he prefers to wear shoes with a little heel to them to make him taller. And he hates being used as an arm rest for someone else. The next thing you would notice is his build - this young man weighs around 134lbs on a good day so he's rather light on his feet. This man has well sculpted calf muscles and healthy thighs to go with them - you can tell he puts his cardio it. He has muscles in his arm due to training with rock climbing and other physical outside sports. His hard work is shown through his defined collarbone and shoulders. He has a few beauty marks on his shoulder as well. His body is a combination of agility and an appropriate amount of strength - he has the ability to be nimble and fast on his feet due to his lighter body and training. While he is is rather good physical combat, he won't be as strong as someone bigger than him yet he will put up one hell of a fight and he will go down swinging. Also because his mother wanted him to use himself to his fullest he found himself to be quite flexible - able to do splits, somersaults , and able to do many aerobatic stunts. This also lead to (much to his mother's shock) him jumping off buildings sometimes. His face can be described as a sharp and angular, with high cheekbones that give him a dignified air about him. His eyes are sharply shaped and always seem to have either annoyed or apathetic appearance. The color of his eyes are quite stunning, being an amber color : Not quite dark enough to be brown, nor light enough to be yellow. His eyes is a lovely mixture of yellow-brown with a golden hue to it. They are framed by long and dark lashes, which adds even more to his beauty. And in the corner under his right eye he has a beauty mark. His lips can de described as full with his upper lip being a darker reddish-brown and the bottom one a softer shade of pink. He has two piercings on each of his ears where he likes to wear earrings along with a nose piercing. He has a rather large nose bridge with a big button nose. If you notice his expressions you see his nose crinkle in disgust or annoyance at times it's quite interesting to see. His face hardly ever gets acne due to it not being so oily, but he does get it when he has eaten too much sugar - and also because he makes sure to take good care of skin. He has dark inky black hair that is quite long , it currently is hip-length and close to being waist-length hair. His hair is very coily and healthy, it's a pain to take care of his hair at times but he makes sure to do his very best to take care of it. He likes to do different styles with it including ponytails, braids, buns, and other updo hairstyles. However as of late he keeps his hair straight so it's easier to manage due to his future occupation. Another thing is he likes to decorate his hair with jeweled hairpins and other pretty trinkets to make it even more pretty. This male does not like anyone touching his tresses and you can expect to get slapped if you touch his hair without permission. His hair matches his skin tone quite nicely - he can be described as having a mixture of a medium bronze and sienna skin with red undertone. It's due to his time outside along with it being his natural skin tone, in summer and spring he appears darker in tone but in fall and winter he seems more pale and how to say more bright looking. His skin is rather smooth albeit the some of pads of his fingers are a bit rough due to pricking them from sewing and other activities. A few other things to note about him is that he is very androgynous appearing. Having more masculine features like the sharpness to his face and deeper brown bones yet also having traditionally "feminine" features with his hair being longer, fuller lips, and a rather appealing waist and body shape. From being the first thing you'd notice would be the long hair and waist and curvature of his hips and other assets from behind. So you'd probably thing - oh it's a woman wearing pants. But then he turns around you see the face and chest you realize he may be male but then again the jewelry he'll be wearing will make you question again. Overall he likes to confuse people with his gender at times, it's quite fun. Lycan Appearance: w.i.p. Personality: Cea is often considered to be “quiet,” but that’s not because he doesn’t like people. He just doesn’t like to talk about trivial things. He can be a passionate person who wants to make the most of his days, so he' d rather not waste his time with a shallow conversation. If you want to find out how fascinating an he can be, simply ask him an intelligent question about a topic that he cares about. There are few things that make him feel more vulnerable than having people snooping into his life. When he feels under attack in this way, he will go to great lengths to protect his personal boundaries. Nosy people and intrusive questions are intolerable to him but, by the same token, he will never pry into other people’s business either. He, above all, understands other people’s right to keep their privacy. He has certain elements of his life that he may be willing to share with others but a whole lot more that he prefers to keep private. By setting his own boundaries in this way, he won’t find himself tricked into accidentally giving out more information about yourself than he originally planned to, whether to a friend, family member, co-worker, or anyone else he comes into contact with. He is in control of the topics he's comfortable speaking about and are is master of choosing carefully both the words he use and to whom he speaks to. Cea prefers to have deep friendships with only a handful of people. He may not open up to everyone who wants to small-talk, but the people he's close with and know him very well and develop real friendships with him. He finds it hard to strike up a conversation himself and be social with strangers in general. However, if you stick by him and persist in your quest for friendship he'll grow to become fond of you. He always seems cold. Always having an unimpressed look in his eye or just a neutral expression on his face. If one tried to make small-talk with him(unless it's something that mildly interests him.) , they'd find themselves on the end of his sarcastic or annoyed remarks. In a way some around him thinks he hates people (and sometimes he does, but those close to him don't apply. They're superior.) Now like everyone, he'll have his favorite person who he may fuss over more or care about. But again, humans annoy him (at times.) If he considers you a friend, he'll notice the small things : your interests, your favorite color, favorite flower, remember your birthday. You know he might show a rare amount of affection with a gift or if he gives a smile or laugh. He also notices your mood, and if you're down he'll try subtle ways of cheering you up or finding out what's wrong. With his friends he's more open : showing his sarcasm, witiness, can be quite comical(though unintenitaly), and even cry or show weakness. To those outside he appears aloof, mysterious and disconnected from them. However, this will change if someone is talking down to his friend. But like mentioned earlier it just takes effort to get to know him. This male has many interests: dragons, mythology, folklore, alchemy, and some other umentioned things. He's highly intelligent, and finds stimulation in reading and other things that stimulates him. He is highly adaptable and proves others wrong by showing what can be done regardless of the complications or restrictions placed upon them. He is able to change his own behavior in order to cope more effectively with his environment, or make changes to the environment he's in. However, he doesn't like changing who he is, but if it's an absolute necessity he will. He doesn't have an impulsive behavior but expresses self-control in most matters. He has a certain calculating or distracted look in his eye when hes planning something or coming up with tactis. He has quite the eye for finding out things about others and remembering them. Making a mental or physical list of their strengths and weaknesses. He has quite a witty humor due to his verbal intelliegence. While he may be book smart and sometimes street smart, when it comes to emotions he can be quite confused. This male can be described as very composed. He rarely if ever loses his temper. Yes, he'll give a witty or snide remark but never something out of anger. He also always seems to have a serene expression on his face. It's hard to read him at time, but when he hasn't had any sleep you can tell from the dead look in his eyes and annoyed face. He has odd quirk, like when he's upset he wrinkles his nose in disgust or horror. He seem's very chill, but that's when you don't know him very well. If one knew him well then they'd understand the underlying chaos and craziness in that 'calm' exterior. In honesty, from his usual uninterested attitude it may seems he doesn't care about sports and comeptetions. However, if he is ever forced to do something and find he likes it then his interest will bloom. Once he's interested he'll start becoming more invested and serious when he does it. He may lose a few games here and there in the first rounds of it, but if he truly likes it then he'll have an attitude change. Once he feels the adreneline pumping through his veins and understands the thrill then he won't back down. He won't settle for less than the top. Failure won't be an option for him. He does accept losses and defeat but he does so begrudgingly and swears to himself he'll win next time. You may even find him giving an akward yet passionate speech to uplift his team telling them: we'll win next time for sure! Or you'll even see rare frustration and anger in his eyes. He has a very expresive face when he chooses to let his emotions show. This young man is good with words. He doesn’t like saying the obvious and go to great lengths to invent new ways of expressing his motions, be it happiness or contempt. To sum it up, whatever he does, he is never boring. "Are you serious?”. This is one of the frequently asked questions asked at him. He is constantly in situations where he has to explain himself (Which he rarely does). Sometimes people have a hard time believing that someone can joke about things that he jokes about without an effort. He is not at all concerned about being misunderstood in fact he invites the confusion. It’s his weird way of having fun. If you think that he’ll be putting aside his sarcastic ways to please people, you couldn’t be more wrong. He doesn’t care. He' ll revel in all the chaos his behavior creates. He is often misunderstood as stated earlier and that leads to people acting differently towards him. As he is very intelligent he expects that in advance and acts aloof from the start. His actions however hide his true feelings sometimes. That’s why he has a hard time making friends with people who don’t understand his eccentricities. He really respects and cherish people who can go to the depth of his sarcasm to see his real self. He rewards this patience in people by constantly being themselves. Yes, he doesn’t change. But those who understand his sarcasm know that it’s nothing but his creative way of expressing himself. And true loyalty is their reward. Now when it comes to his friends and people close to him, he is protective ass hell. If you make someone he cares about cry or even visibly uncomfortable then you can expect this male to come at you with a blazing fury. While he doesn't lose his cool or composure easily, when it is related to his friends, he has zero chill. Anything that hurts them will get squashed. He is someone who is a ride-or-die but won’t let you burn in flames just to have your back. He has a clear sense of boundaries. Always having your best interests at heart and are able to tell you the truth in a loving or brutally honest way. He doesn’t care if they are family, if they can’t hold up to the standards of being a trustworthy, he will need to pull the "time-out card” on them. When he puts you in time out it means: “I love and care for you, but I am gonna have to love you over here until you learn how to behave in my presence." He is someone who always keep his obligations and promises. Once you've entered his circle you have found a truly reliable friend. Occupation: This man does a little bit of everything but let's start with the legal parts of his occupation. + The Thorn: His pride and joy, it's quite a establishment being a perfect mix between a florist, bakery, and café. Here in this building he bakes sweets and delectable treats along with selling fresh garden grown flowers - the greenhouse being in the back of the building and guests can tour said greenhouse. He also grows his own coffee beans and gets them imported for the best coffee for his patrons - after all he has to have quality ingredients. He offers many of the members of the clan jobs in his business. This business will also cater events and such. + The Rosenberg Ranch & Orchard: This is a business that has been in the family sense he could remember. It is a very large ranch that has been taken well care of over the years. The stock range from goats, chickens, prize winning cows and horses, pigs, and sheep. This ranch also has an orchard which produces according to seasons lemons, oranges, apples, peaches, and cherry and nectarines. He also grows an assortment of crops like corn, hay , wheat and along with a few berry bushes namely grapes, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. The produce from the farm goes to his business and also the mouths of the other members of the clan. Now for some of the more illegal things he does - Hacking & Informantion: If the boss lady needs something hacked - he's the guy. And if she needs information on someone or something, he has a contact to help out. You need background info on someone? He got you. You need papers forged or fixed, he knows a guy. He's most definitely a black hat hacker and if caught wouldn't be allowed to even touch a single device due his skill level, so he makes sure do it wisely and keep it on the down low. Crush: Significant Other: Kin: Open Affiliations: w.i.p. Other: Edited at June 18, 2022 12:33 PM by Spellbound

Reserve recruit for the Saints of Fenrir for me? <3


Aethelwulf Beauregard ◈ ━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━ ◈ Name: Aethelwulf Beauregard Name Meaning: Aethelwulf (Noble Wolf; Anglo-Saxon/English) Beauregard (Handsome Gaze; France/French) Age: 23 Birthday: January 1st
Gender: Male Sexuality: Multisexual Species: Lycan ◈ ━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━ ◈ Occupation: The Honest Joker: Aethelwulf works and owns the local auto repair shop in town. He has a skill when it comes to vehicles. It was his father's, but he inherited it when his father retired. At times, he offers free repairs to the members of his gang. The business has lasted for generations between parent and child. Losing this business means dishonoring his bloodline, so he's mostly seen here. Crafty Duck's Landscaping: As a side job, Aethelwulf helps his uncle and cousins build homes and fix them. Have a leakage that needs fixing? He's on it. A random hole in the wall by a punch of anger? Hell, slap some plaster on that. A master not only towards cars but the house. This side of the family doesn't know about his curse, and he'll prefer to keep it that way. The second family business, but it's something his cousins will inherit. Humming Raven Barber and Tattoo: His second-real job and a business he bought for himself when he had enough funds. If he's not working at the other three shops, then he's probably here tattooing either himself or a customer. Aethelwulf gives free haircuts to his fellow Saints of Fenrir. The shop has a biker aesthetic to it. It'll make any biker feel at home with motorcycle displays and old biker gang shirts hanging up on the walls. He sees this place as neutral ground and won't tolerate violence around or on his property. Skills: Mechanic | Building Pro | Reading People | Teamworker | Persuasion | Haircuts/Tattooing
Rank: Recruit Desired Rank: Enforcer Pack/Gang: Saints of Fenrir Loyalty: Aethelwulf has no opinions toward anyone just yet. He prefers to wait and see before jumping in, especially if he doesn't know the history of a person. He doesn't blindly follow anyone on a whim and prefers to get to know them first. Once you befriend him, expect fierce loyalty unless proven guilty of a crime. Aethelwulf doesn't give his trust out to anyone that easily. If you break it, it's over for good. ◈ ━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━ ◈ Human Appearance: Aethelwulf's skin tone is ivory in color, but some patches are lighter due to a defect in his genes. The name of his condition is Vitiligo, ordinary as can be. A unique pattern of vitiligo is the white patches surrounding both eyes, making them seem like goggles. This feature would also be part of his Lycan appearance. His father jokingly states that he appears to be a natural-born robber with his little mask-yes, it's funny and insulting. Aethelwulf has scars, but it's not gruesome or horrifying. It's scars that he got from working around dangerous tools or accidents caused by him. None of these scars required medical attention, so they're faded and hard to see. His body is muscular, like an endomorph muscular. Aethelwulf's frame is quite large and intimidating. A man craved from a stone wall, an unmovable force. His body is round, making it hard to see his muscles, but you can most certainly feel it. The muscles are hard to squeeze and would require some effort to break through them. He does have body hair, but only in a small amount and slightly darker than his skin. His height is 6'2, and his weight is estimated to be between 200lbs and 300lbs. Aethelwulf is a massive teddy bear and is careful when hugging or giving people a handshake. He's cautious of his strength, not wanting to harm anyone unprovoked. Rarely would he offer hugs or any physical contact because of this disadvantage. He has various tattoos on his body. Most of his tattoos are tribal-styled, but the main one that stands out from the rest is a colored tattoo of a wolf howling at the full moon that covers his back. The shape of Aethelwulf's face is square, and as mentioned before, his face does have patches of vitiligo. As for his nose, the bridge is straight at first glance, but a further look at it would seem crooked. The base of his nose is raised, with slightly wide nostrils. The man's lips are fully-shaped, with it having vitiligo on the right side of his lips. The man's ears are similar in shape and height, but the left one's completely white. Aethelwulf's eyes are downturned, and the color of his eyes is grey-blue. His two eye colors are hard to tell in the dark. With light, they're easily noticeable. The style of his hair is a man bun at the top, but the undersides are braided. His jawline has facial hair, but it's stubbles. His hair color was a natural brown, but he bleached and dyed it. Now, Aethelwulf's undersides are completely black-like solid black. However, the top part of his hair is a frosty white. When he's bored or wants to grow it out, his beard would get longer, but only by a couple of inches. Lycan Appearance: His Lycan's fur is the same as his skin/hair. His vitiligo trait is there in his canine form. His fur color is a deep chocolate brown with white spots on his body. The white patches are on the same areas as his human body. Meaning his little goggles are in his Lycan form too. The height of this beast is 7'2-not too tall or short. His body is stocky and way more rounded. His arms and legs are wide-not slim like other Lycans. However, his fur is slightly longer than his Lycan kin and thick to the touch. Some of his claws are white due to his vitiligo, and his lower left paw is partially white. His ear is fully white-same as his human appearance. His nose has a white spot around the nose and another small one on his right cheek. Aethelwulf appears more like a stocky bear than a canine. People see him as some random bear roaming around the place. He lacks in anything requiring speed and agility. He's slow yet hard to knock down without struggling a few times. Aethelwulf doesn't hunt unless he needs to or can't control himself during a full moon. He always picks the bodyguard role or someone who needs help carrying something heavy. ◈ ━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━ ◈ Personality: Chaste | Family-Orientated | Brave | Fast Learner | Creative | Party-Type | Listener | Overprotective | Doubter | Encourager | Loyal To Few | Honest | Unflirty | Defensive | Overly Cautious Aethelwulf is a wary man that gives his trust to very few people. Once you have it, you're his best of friends. No one knows why he's overcautious with people. Maybe he doesn't trust himself. Whatever the case, this man is careful with words and rarely speaks to people unless spoken to first. He's a distant man talkative-wise but would attend social events to see how's it going. Aethelwulf is a listener rather than a talker, giving slight gestures using his face or hands. He enjoys hearing others' stories than sharing his own. He's the type of guy that would drink beer with his friends, laugh at their jokes, and listen to their stories without interruption. Don't mistake him for a mute. He does have a mouth and is not afraid to use it, especially if you insult him. Why is he able to speak but barely do it? Whatever the case may be. He won't discuss it and would glare you down to shut you up. Aethelwulf tolerates talkative people, but like everyone around the world, he does have a social battery limit. If you see him getting annoyed, then it's best if you shut up and be quiet around him. This whole demeanor would change if he's around people he loves, and you can see a difference in the man's eyes. His eyes would no longer be empty-soulless. It would light up if he sees someone he considers a friend approach and starts a conversation with him. He'll be more talkative, eager to tell them the latest news, and would open up more about his feelings. He'll go as far as to tease them and is still cautious about his choice of words. Aethelwulf does not want to offend them. Another thing is that if he's in his Lycan form, his tail will wag ever so slightly, but he'll force it to slow down. Hell, topics about motorcycles, tattoos, haircuts, and mechanical things are his main go-to conversation. Aethelwulf doesn't enjoy nor understand the concept of flirting. It's not that he's oblivious to flirting, but he finds it bizarre. He'll accept compliments, but don't expect one back. He's awkward as can be when it comes to returning fruit-filled worlds. It's hard to be sweet, let alone give someone a lustful stare. Chaste, that's what Aethelwulf is. He never acknowledges someone's physical appearance. His trust issues make it hard for him to believe such pretty faces-making it hard to fall into their trap. A pretty face can hide something much darker. A beautiful man can hide dangerous intentions. As such, he's wary around people with pretty faces in general. Aethelwulf's gaze is always empty: showing little to no signs of romantic or sexual desire. Aethelwulf doesn't fall for anyone, and it's shown clear as day. If you try flirting with him, he'll return it with a side-eye and would walk off. Aethelwulf is interested in having a partner, but that's not his goal. In his mind, his businesses are his top priority than relationships. He has to find some way to put food on the table for both families: his gang and his biological one. Family is everything. He won't allow distractions to get in the way of his family. Speaking of family, Aethelwulf is a family-orientated man and enjoys the presence of children. He's protective of his biological and chosen family. He'll do anything if it means supporting them, no matter what. Aethelwulf would encourage people to follow their dreams, give them advice if needed, and provide them with part-time or full-time jobs at his business. He's a brotherly figure to many or a cool uncle that kids always wanted. He follows a strict code: never harm children and keep them safe. Now that he's a Lycan, he's wary of himself around them and would avoid too much interaction with his nieces and nephews when they visit. +Tattoos +Bikes/Cars +His Jobs +His Family +Night Rides Dislikes: -Alcoholics/Too Much Drinking -Powerhungry Assholes -Rowdiness -His Lycan Power -Laziness ◈ ━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━ ◈ Crush: Open Significant Other: Open Kin: He has many families-too many that it's hard to keep track of them. All of them are humans, and to keep them safe, he limits his visitation despite it hurting them on the inside. Affiliations: Open Other: Open Edited at June 20, 2022 07:53 AM by Cereal

Name: Kvothe Arcan Age: 24 Sexuality: Bisexual Gender: Male Species: Lycan Rank: Recruit Desired Rank: Member Human Appearance: Standing at 5'11 and weighing 189 lbs, Kvothe is slim in build with lithe muscles covering his frame. His chin length hair is a fiery red color and almost always a mess. He doesn't take great care in brushing it out in the morning, simply running his hands through it briefly before starting his day. Leaf green eyes ringed with gold around the pupil peer through long dark lashes. His pale skin is untouched by the sun and littered with freckles. High cheekbones rest just below his almond shaped eyes and a roman nose rests between them. His mouth in thin shaped with wide teeth, though they are a little crooked. Not enough to notice at first but noticeable when someone is paying attention to it. He normally wears dark greens and blues with the occasional brown, prefering jeans and a T-shirt to anything else. His shoes are worn and faded after years of use, the black work boots scuffed and filthy. The only other accessories he wears is his digital watch though it stopped working months ago, and a pair of noise cancelling headphones attached to his phone at all times with music playing. Lycan Appearance: In his Lycan form he stands at 7'3", weighing a wopping 248 lbs. The dark russet fur thick and long. Darker reds run across his shoudlers and back, the thick fur on his belly patched with white. His eyes a brighter hue from his normal leef green, presenting as a shade of jade or emerald. His long claws are a black color with patches of pink running through the underside of them. His tail is long and the fur longer. His entire coat is ruffled and knotted, mimicking the normal state of his hair in human form. Personality: Kvothe is autistic, so he doesn't like large crowds. He prefers the routine of the day, wake up, get dressed, work, go home, sleep. He struggles with changes, especially if they disturb that routine. This new group of shifters has become the bane of his existence as things never stay the same with them. He has few friends and speaks rarely, prefering to stay on the sidelines and watch instead of being involved more than he already is. While he enjoys the structure of his pack and enjoys the feeling of shifting into his lycan form, he dislikes the heightened senses as they overload his system too easily. Hence the headphones. He bought them with his first paycheck and wears them almost constantly as they dull most of the noises that fill his ears. The rest he can handle, but loud noises are the worst. Occupation: He works at the bar during the nightshift as a bartender. The rythm and routine that comes with preparing drinks easing him into a comfortable lull during the night, allowing him to ignore the crowds. If there is one thing that doesn't change it is the way drinks are made and the regular's favorite beverages. He has it all memorized and it helps that most of their guests come in at the same time as always, keeping his internal clock in check. Crush: N/A Significant Other: N/A Kin: N/A Affiliations: N/A Other: N/A