Pack Name: Tenebris Umbra
Pack Number: 212358
Lucienne Greer
Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Masculine
Sexuality: Eh, he goes for whoever is hot.
Role: Second in Command

[drawn by ThatBlackFoxCanBark on TH for an art trade. character belongs to myself, not free to use.]
Lucienne Greer is a male with an impressive stature. The masculine stands at a solid height of 6'3 paired with a rather lithe physique. He has broad shoulders compared to the rest of him, making him appear almost disproportionate at certain angles (though he would argue that it makes him unique).
His facial features are rather sharp, defined, and almost eerie in a sense. He has a square facial shape paired with downturned brown eyes, which sit comfortably upon sunken features. A mischievous expression typically takes up his face that consists of an upturned grin with narrowed eyes. Indeed, Lucienne is quite a unique character in appearance alone.
His skin colour is a dark brown, though perhaps the most fascinating thing about him is his striking blond hair that sits upon his round head. It is entirely natural, giving away the secret of his Melanesian ancestry. His hair is curly, though the strands are slightly looser, giving off a more curly/wavy look. Two strands of hair commonly sit upturned upon the top of his head, resembling that of devil horns.
In terms of accessories, Lucienne wears several. Many piercings litter him, predominately upon his ears. He wears two main upside-down crosses that dangle halfway down his neck paired with a conch and helix piercing. His earrings are symmetrical, for Lucienne does enjoy being a perfectionist. Upon his nose he wears a thick black septum piercing that match his overall appearance. At times, the male typically wears his fair share of rings as well, for he truly does enjoy sprucing himself up.
His main choice of clothing is fancy attire. He prefers looking his best than being comfortable. He will wear clothing made for the higher-class or clothing to match his overall "aesthetic" for the day. Regardless, Lucienne never looks bad. How could he? A face like his, he needs to remain groomed and kept. What do you think he is? A monster?
His voice is deep and raspy, and by no means soft. Rather, it is the opposite, sounding more like nails on chalkboard.
Arrogant || Selfish || Mixed Morals || Cunning || Quick-Thinker || Good Shot || Debonair || Groomed || Apathetic || Childish || Deceitful || Devious || Independent || Impulsive? Calculating? Both? || Vindictive || Persuasive || Man of his Word
At first glance, one may wonder how Lucienne managed to get the role he did. He's arrogant, selfish, childish, and the list goes on. He would save himself over anybody else if he had the chance. He claims he's your friend? Don't listen, for when it comes to life and death, Lucienne will ditch you in a moment. He puts himself before anybody, after all, it's every man for himself. He is not protective of others. He is not caring of anybody. He will not save you, even if he has time. Lucienne simply does not care.
Lucienne never does anything for free. He helps if he thinks that it will benefit him. About to die? Give him money and he'll think about lending a hand. You wish for somebody to comfort you? He'd rather walk into the tip of a sword voluntarily. In pain? He'll dig his finger into the wound to make it hurt more. Lucienne is not a nice man, not by a longshot. He's cruel and apathetic, not caring about anybody other than himself.
Oh, but when he needs something, that's a different story. Suddenly, he becomes a smooth talker, complimenting everyone and batting his eyelashes. Lucienne becomes debonair and persuasive, trying to coax others into helping him. When that doesn't work, he becomes manipulative and begins to gaslight, and when that doesn't work, he strikes up a deal. After all, everything has a price. He is deceitful and devious. However, he is a man of his word. When he agrees to a deal, he sticks through with it. If one thing is for certain, Lucienne never breaks his word. He will deliver his end one way or another.
Lucienne does not rely on physical strength. Rather, he relies on his mind and manipulation tactics. When in trouble, he keeps his cool. The man becomes calm and collected, never one to break character. He doesn't have to. There is little that can make Lucienne sweat, but when the man becomes anxious, everyone knows it. He will rant, throw things, insult everybody he comes across. He will act like a child throwing a tantrum before demanding silence.
He is a tricky, tricky man.. A con artist of sorts. He has gotten where he is because of his mind. You see, Lucienne is smart. Fairly smart. He is cunning and calculating, able to formulate various plans and get himself and others out of anything. Something could go horrible wrong, and he will still be able to escape without a scratch upon him. How he does it, even he sometimes doesn't understand it, but he knows what he's doing, and so long as he is satisfied, he will help others out. However, the moment his satisfaction runs out? You're on your own.
He has the mindset that he doesn't need others, others need him.
- Cunning/Mastermind ~ he is able to formulate various plans and think quickly to get himself and others out of dire situations. He's smart.
- Good shot ~ he can shoot a gun well and has extremely good aim. He relies on that and his intelligence above all else.
- Manipulative/Smooth Talker ~ He sees this as a strength. He can out talk himself out of anything.
- Escape Artist ~ In a sticky situation? Lucienne will be able to help you out. The man is good at that type of stuff. You'll be safe before anybody can blink.
- Knives ~ He can hold a knife well, though not as well as a gun. Knives are simply his backup, though he prefers ones that he can throw.
- Attractive ~ Is this a worthy strength? No, but he surely thinks so.
- Words ~ Lucienne is good with words. He will berate someone if he must with them. He knows just what to say to hurt someone and tear them down.
- Physical Strength ~ What can he say? The man lacks it.
- Apathetic ~ If you want someone to comfort you, look the other way. Lucienne will purposefully make things worse for you.
- Selfish ~ Don't expect him to put you first or save you. The man is selfish.
- Childish ~ If he doesn't get his way, he throws a tantrum. Lucienne must get his way.
- Murderer ~ He's killed a few times and knows how to hide a body. The scary part is that it doesn't faze him.
- Anger Issues ~ He has a few, especially when others don't listen to him. Expect him to throw knives or objects as a response.
- Double-Action Revolvers, one for each hand.
- A Derringer Pistol for backup.
- An 1874 Sharps Rifle
- Lasso.
- A dagger that he keeps in his boot.
- A lighter.
He used to own an Appaloosa until it was shot dead during a chase. Now, he owns a black Arabian of which he calls Jackie Blue that he stole from a high-class man years ago as part of a revenge plan. The man didn't keep his side of the deal when Lucienne stole something for him. As a result, Lucienne took his horse, as well as his life. Did it make him an even more wanted man? Yes, but it was worth it.
Backstory for him is a wip.