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Name: Kobu
Age: 7 yr 3 mo
Gender: stallion
Herd: None
Rank: Bachelor
Kobu sports a graceful yet sturdy build. However, he is more muscular than agile, and not very quick on his feet due to his bulk. He has a muscular neck, though it still carries his head with grace and confidence. His powerful legs carry him at incredible speeds, though his movements still aren't agile in his speed. Looking at his build, one might guess that somewhere far back in his line, there are Arabian and cob genetics at play.
This stud has a beautiful dapple buckskin coat, which changes from a golden brown to a cold dusty brown according to the light. He has a thick coal black mane and tail, which are coarse and yet still somewhat flowy. His tail is on the shorter side, though, reaching only to his hocks.
He has dark brown eyes that practically glow with intelligence, curiosity, and inquisitive nature. He stands at 15.3hh, just slightly over average for a mustang. He has large, wide, heavy hooves the color of ink. They carry his strong frame with ease across all terrains, worn down after years of the work.
His form is covered in small scars. The only one that stands out much is a large, dark scar going from the top of his rump across his hindquarters to his hock on his right side. This came from a bite from his previous herd’s lead stallion that accidentally went too deep when 2 year old Kobu tried to kick at the lead.

Responsible - Observant - Intelligent - Somewhat flirtatious - hot tempered - Respectful - Somewhat manipulative
Kobu is a responsible potential leader. He takes herd safety extremely seriously, and would hardly joke during serious moments. Offer him a problem, and he can usually keep calm and puzzle it out with rational thinking.
When it comes to those higher up the pecking order, he is obedient and respectful, but mostly because it will benefit him later. Mind you, he isn't timid. He will voice his opinion when he deems it a fit time. However, he wouldn't want to risk his place in the herd to make sure the leads make the right call. He might try to persuade them or make them see his side, but he wouldn't dream of defiance unless it is a special case. When it comes to those below him, however, the same reverence isn't offered. Yes, he is respectful. Yes, he'll hear them out and listen carefully and try to empathize. Yes, he will be polite. But he is curt and more firm, knowing that those lower can't treat him as higher-ups could.
This stallion can be very outspoken. He is to the point and blunt with all his opinions when he feels others are simply not listening. However, this is extremely mild and void of anger when those challenging him are not below him, or those below him are simply in a civil disagreement with him. Intelligence is obvious in this male. While he isn't one to grow too close to others, so they don't necessarily get to see this portrayed, he is the type to make tough calls and make them well. He is decisive, but not so much so that he rushes his decisions or sticks to them too stubbornly.
Lastly, he is extremely hot-tempered. He's a stallion, so this is to be expected, but most don't see this side of him. He controls his reactions well and hides his temper when he knows it will lose him respect or trust. He's good at keeping a level head when he consciously controls himself.
Crush: Probably
Mate: None
Foals: None (Open?)
Other: The breed he was inspired by, the Arabian breed, is my favorite (followed by thoroughbred, paint, + quarter horse)