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~Sagefire ~ "You dare question my Loyalty?" Age: 7 Gender: Female Species: Wolf Rank: Lady Alpha Desired Rank: Content  Appearance: Sagefire is an average wolf standing at roughly 30 inches tall and weighing around 120 lbs. She has the coat of a redwolf but also the coat of a gray wolf, as she is a cross between the two. her main pelt coloring consists of an off white on her underbelly and chest along with an off white "Beard" below her muzzle.
Her upper coat is more of a gray color but has multiple shades of red accents which are on her neck and the top of her ears. Her tail is relatively fluffy and has the same patterns as the rest of her pelt. Sagefire has dark brown eyes that give off an intimidating stare to whoever looks to long. Her legs are long and made fo running long distances. Her over all coat is a silky and smooth as Sagefire goes to great lengths to try and keep it that way, rarely letting dirt collect in it for to long. You'll notice in time that this female cares much about her outward appearance and likes to look regal at all times. Personality: ~ introverted ~ Loyal ~ Hardworking ~ Protective ~ Even though she is devoted to her pack Sagefire doesn't make a point to be social unless she really has to she also avoids awkward interactions as much as possible. It's not that she doesn't like talking to other wolves, Sagefire just finds it to be awkward sometimes, and enjoys having a few moments to herself whenever she can. Sagefire is extremely loyal to the pack and its Alpha’s and wouldn't dare disobey them or harm them in any way, unless she felt they were corrupt in some way. She would risk her life to protect the pack at all costs and do what she thinks is necessary to keep it safe. Sagefire tries her best in everything she does and actively seeks ways to improve. She frequently trains to grow her battle skills and hunting skills. And wants to work her way to becoming a better more skilled leader. Likes: + Rainy Days + Fighting + Being surrounded by trees + Being alone Dislikes - Loud Noises - Long conversations - Unfamiliar wolves Strengths: + Agilty + Excellent hearing + Stamina Weaknesses: - Negotiating - Brute strength - Stealth  Affiliations: open Kin: Open Crush: Open Mate: Open Offspring: Open Other: I've been stalking :D Image Credits: HOTNstock on DA Rp Example: Clicky Edited at May 31, 2022 02:12 AM by Firefox

~ Sameen ~ "Race Ya!"  Age: 2 Gender: Female Species Wolf Rank: Juvenile Desired Rank: Figher Aroma: Rain Appearance: Sameen stands at exactly 25 inches and weighs 70 lbs. Her pelt is a silky dark grey mixed in with tans. Something can usually be found inside of her pelt that doesn't belong, like leaves or pieces of wood, etc. this is because Sameen doesn't keep her pelt nice and doesn't always care about her outward appearance. When it comes to Sameen's eyes the right eye is a mix of different browns where as the left eye is a more solid cloudy brown, the difference in here eyes is because the left one is partly blind and has been since she was born, it doesn't affect much though as Sameen is used to it. (If need be I can add more) Personality: Sameen like most young wolves loves adventures, she enjoys discovering new things and learning about past adventures other wolves have been on. Sameen quite loves going on adventures herself and longs for the times when she gets to leave the camp whether it's to scout, hunt, or to just tag along. Loyalty is something Sameen doesn't question herself about, she believes she is loyal to her pack and would never abandon her packmates in a time of need. Sameen is very intelligent and quick to pick up on something, whether it's about where the prey went while hunting, or even a new battle move, Sameen can easily figure out how to do it. Even when Sameen can't figure something out she doesn't get discouraged she just tries until she can. Although when it comes to hunting that's where Sameen really struggles, keeping still and staying unseen by the prey are something she isn't good at and Sameen frequently gets discouraged since it seems to be the one thing she doesn't excel at. Upon getting to know this young juvenile more you'll find she is a playful ball of energy that can sometimes take things less than serious. Lots of things to Sameen are all fun and games.  Likes + Trees + Rain + Adventure + Fighting Dislikes - The heat - being told what to do - Boredom - Sleeping Strengths: + Stamina + Agility + Good hearing + intelligence Weaknesses: - Stealth - Eyesight - Staying still - Hunting Affiliations: Open Kin: Open Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Other: Squirrels are adorable- Art credits: Landkeks Stock on DA Edited at May 31, 2022 02:14 AM by Firefox

Both accepted welcome to the RP will add the discussion soon thank you!

Can I reserve a fox Healer and an Alpha male if Healer isn't a high rank?

Yep reserving both now! Alphas and Betas are the only high ranks in this RP so you are fine to reserve both :D

Edited at June 6, 2022 05:53 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack

Jasmine Gender ~ Female ~ Age ~ 5 Years and 9 Months ~ Rank ~ Healer ~ Wanted Rank ~ Content, Achieved ~ Species ~ Marble Fox ~ Appearance ~ Jasmine is an attractive fox. She is a mainly pure white fox, with grey and black spots going greatly along her thick coat. She has blue eyes and pink paw pads. Her coat is great in cold weathers for blending in cold climates. Jasmine is a skinny fox (not starving skinny just not fat) and is built for speed. She has long legs and a bushy tail. Personality ~ Stressed || Snappish || Thoughtful || Smart || Sly || Observant Jasmine is a resourceful fox. She is always looking for new herbs that work to improve healing, but is very impatient. She gets annoyed easily and can be snappish if patients don't stay still when she is trying to help them. Jasmine is not lazy, but always enjoys laying down. ~ Likes ~ Calm Patients × Food × Having Friends × Finding Herbs × ~ Dislikes ~ Foxes Flailing Around When She Is Treating Them ÷ Annoying Wolves ÷ Herb Shortages ÷ Fighting ÷ ~ Strengths ~ Smart × Fast × Healing Skills × ~ Weaknesses ~ Strong Wolves ÷ Attitude Towards Annoying Foxes ÷ Traps ÷ ~ Affilations ~ Open For Friends If It's Okay, Ash Is Her Friend ~ Kin ~ Open For A Mother ~ Mate ~ TBD ~ Crush ~ PM Me ~ Offspring ~ Maybe ~ Other ~ Squirrel? Edited at June 5, 2022 03:04 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack
