
Rising Shadows said: Reserve an heir and a pack member? I will have them up in a few hours ^^
Of course, reserved!

CAIRO Age: 2 Gender: Male Role: Heir Desired Role: Content for Now Loyal or Rebel: Loyal Can be Turned? LOL No. Rebel Rank: None Credits for all images go to windfuchs on DA. Cairo carries his mother's stature. This handsome male stands at 38 inches, still shorter than the Viscountess, and has a lean but well-muscled form. His body is well-proportioned, though the length and thickness of his coat parrot often makes his short-furred legs appear thinner in comparison. His size gives him a free pass for intimidation and a small bonus as far as brute force is concerned. His overall build, however, has proved effective when it comes to endurance and agility. He has a good speed, but he is nowhere near the fastest over short distances; Cairo's zero-to-sixty takes a little longer. His coloration is lighter: honeys, ambers, creams, slates, and blacks race across his frame almost haphazardly while still maintaining symmetry and aesthetics. The darkest parts of him are along his ridge line, upper tail, shoulders, striping his neck, and framing his cheekbones and eyes. Lighter whites and creams are situated between the slate, on his muzzle and lower jaw, and the lower half of his body. Darker ambers and honeys are strewn to outline indentations and muscles as well as the occasional cross-section marker (along his cranial and dorsal lines, for example). His paws and lower half of his legs are almost completely white. Cairo's eyes are a pale amber color and carry a sort of intensity to them that sends across a message that is hardly ever close to welcoming. He carries himself with a predatory gait -- languid, calculated, and dangerous. He smells like a cold autumn night after a hard rain -- not at all unpleasant, but it does add to his frosty exterior. His voice is somewhere between a tenor and a base, but he speaks eloquently and persuasively enough without sounding too weak or too threatening -- it's perfectly balanced, almost seductive. He has a few scars, the majority of which have come from hunts and border skirmishes. Despite his size -- or perhaps because of it -- Cairo is a good hunter and a skilled fighter. He is not well-suited for catching small game, but put him in a group to take down large prey and you will not be disappointed. His jaws mean death. Personality The apple does not fall far from the tree, nor does the disciple easily stray from his teacher. Cairo is, in almost every aspect, his mother's son. He does not care to unnecessarily shed blood, but he certainly has no problems with killing another wolf -- particularly if that wolf has traitorous intentions. Cairo prefers more discreet methods of torture to his mother's physical ones, using words and psychological manipulation to weaken his enemies. He is smart, cold, calculating, and definitely not a wolf to cross lightly. Cairo may be young, but he catches on to more "grown up" topics quickly. He is certainly not naive. Cairo is a dominant creature, demanding either fear or respect from any other wolf beneath him. The only creature he ever seems to give way to without a second thought is Maeve. Of course, he does not completely overshadow everyone else's thoughts with his own. He takes suggestions into consideration and weighs their merit. Sometimes, the ideas of others are accepted. Other times, he goes his own way. Here, at least, he is much more rational than certain others who will not be mentioned by name. Cairo is an incredible actor, much like his mother. Because of this, he knows that he is a mere pawn in her game. He accepts it. He loves her anyway. His own acting choices are used to hide his emotions and put on an incredibly convincing front of a colder individual than he really is. He does have feelings, and he does want the pack to succeed -- he just wants it done his way, and his way ensures the Viscountess's rule is set in stone. He is not as apathetic as he portrays himself to be, though, and is fairly reasonable. His loyalty is unquestioned, but it is debated as to whether or not he is loyal to the pack. The truth is that he does indeed care for many of the individuals within it. After all, he was born and raised here. However, his priority is to basically be a guard over the power and authority of Maeve. Cairo is a stubborn creature, fairly callous, and deadly calm. He is disinterested in others' emotions, for the most part. He turns a deaf ear to negative gossip, ignores jabs or snappy comments, and could not care less if another wolf was whispering about him. Worst comes to worst, he'll fight them in a one-on-one combat battle or just push them off a cliff. Or report them to Maeve. His moves, whatever they may be, are made with careful planning and are executed smoothly. He is his own well-oiled machine. Affiliations Maeve -- His mother. He takes after her in appearance and in much of his personality, and his life's goal is to further her empire and keep her in power. Is he brainwashed? Probably, but he still loves his mother. TBD; Open Crush: None Mate: None Pups: None Other I currently own exactly five plates. When there's a really big thunder storm, I might be down to four. Edited at May 21, 2022 11:27 PM by Rising Shadows

Reserve a female heir please?

Bloodmoon's Pack said: Reserve a female heir please?

♔ Juno ♔ [j-ew-n-oh] An ancient Roman Goddess "meaning youth” Gender: Female Age: Five years Rank: Leader of the Rebellion & Second in Command for The Pack Preferred Rank: Viscountess of the Pack Loyal or Rebel: Rebel Rebel Rank: Leader Appearance: stock(c) to landkeks-stock on DA[ she is on top, Akari on the bottom[who fears parrots] Juno is an elegant, yet deadly creature. Her massive size towers over most, her oversized genetics coming from her father's side. Her height is an impressive 38 inches, just an inch short of her older sister's. These two females share a similar build. Juno is a muscular wolf, which does come with its perks such as her brute force and scary size, however, she lacks speed and agility, though makes up with endurance. However, her walk is elegant and flowy, which is a bit of a shock considering her size. Though she is used to it and has adapted her walk-in an elegant way. She seems to be floating rather than walking. Juno holds her head in such a way that demands respect and her posture helps portray her importance as well. This female coat is an appealing color, a creamy tan-ish color with scattered greys which darken over her spine, a little on her chest, face, and the tip of her tail. Her underbelly lightens to a creamy white as do her legs and muzzle. Her outer ears are a light grey while her inner ears are creamy. Juno's pelt texture is soft and her hair is long and thick. Due to this, it hides minor scars, none worth mentioning as she leads a safer life and doesn't often have to prove her dominance in a 1v1 as her size and status already show it. Juno's eyes are shocking, like her sisters. The color is a pale amber, almost yellow color, and pops against her fur. By far this female's most gorgeous feature. The thick black line surrounding her orbs helps them to pop. Personality: Ambitious || Cunning || Patient || Dominant || Motivated || Sadistic yet Gentle || Social || Unloyal yet Loyal || Calculating & Deliberate || Respectable || Observant || Intelligent || Optimistic || Cautious || Efficient || Confident || Impersonator || Opinionated Juno is a wolf with many faces. She is an impersonator in front of the pack. Putting up the same sadistic, dominant cruel face that her sister has, yet there is something different about her. This female is a wolf with ambitions. She wants, she needs to be Viscountess. Her sister is headstrong and psychotic and it's time for a change. In front of the pack, she keeps the same personality, cold and dominant so as to not give away her position and opinion. She is ranked high in Second Command but leads the Rebellion as well. This is a wolf with a plan. Patience is key and she is willing to play the long game to get what she wants. Her ambition and leadership skills drive her to reach this point. Juno is calculating and intelligent, her moves are deliberate and well thought of. She is an observant creature so that allows her to make the appropriate call when she needs to. Her work with efficient and she is a very accomplished wolf for the high positions she has gained. To describe her with the Pack this female is very dominant and sadistic like her sister. Willing to carry out her duties with ease. When carrying out orders to harm she puts on a look of pleasure as if she enjoys this aspect of her job. Though when it comes to socializing she is more opposite of her sister, she enjoys having a conversation with others or expressing emotion as long as it doesn't make her appear weak. Juno does keep her close social circle small, even if she does engage with others. To describe her with the Rebellion you would see an opposite wolf. One with greater social traits. An optimistic wolf working to benefit the pack and not just its leaders. A confident leader. A Gentling being. One whose loyalty lies with the heart of the pack, and not with those who think they control it. These are her people. The rebellion. She is loyal to them. Juno is one with obvious leadership qualities. She has been able to unit some of those in the pack for the greater good. She is also cautious. To give away her true identity would be fatal. Juno also does not want to raise suspicion, this female is not a fan of risk-taking. Juno can make good judgment calls, though when it comes to handling someone who might put her operation in jeopardy she tries to deal with it as best as she can. Warnings will come instead of direct physical punishment, she refuses to operate like her sister. However, a proven spy will be dealt with accordingly. This female has already shown her strategic side, though is also good under pressure and a faster learner. This will allow her some advantage as the leader. Her temper is also quite even and she will hardly flare-up, it will take much to make her angry. The fastest way to flare her temper is to jeopardize the rebellion in any way. Mate: n/a Crush: will develop, pm me if interested, i may be a bit picky for my gal <3 Offspring: n/a, in the future Other: Her half-sister is Maeve, they share the same father and hence the similar height. Her full was named Akari, meaning "Light and brightness", she was the sweetest wolf Juno knew, and would never hurt a fly or a plate. However, Akari was becoming frustrated with Maeve, who was then killed a week later. Juno believes Maeve killed her. Juno's mother is deceased. Juno and Akari [ Juno on the right ] Affiliations: Maeve - Akari - Edited at May 22, 2022 09:30 PM by Ciao

Edited at May 22, 2022 09:36 AM by Bloodmoon's Pack

Reserving a Third-In-Command Tene <3

CHINOOK Age: 5 Years Gender: Male Role: Pack Member Desired Role: Perhaps something higher Loyal? No; he is a rebel. Can be Swayed? Perhaps, but only if Maeve does a total 180 Rebel Rank: Associate Credits to Wincey (1st) and Tiefenschaerfe (2nd) on DA. Same user, same wolf. Chinook is a very handsome male. He stands at 34 inches and is in the middle of the weight spectrum for his height. His body is well-toned and his strength is evident in the way he moves. However, his appearance is deceptively kind. Intelligent, reddish-brown eyes are set in a well-proportioned face rimmed by soft, thick fur. His dense coat seems to groom itself, always looking sleek and touchable. This male is the opposite of touchable. Underneath his pelt, his skin is riddled with scars, both from hunts and from fights. Most of the latter were his victories. The vast majority. His most notable scar is a once-deep gash across his chest and lower throat, given to him by a wolf he loathed -- and killed. Chinook refuses to speak about this wolf, and few know the story. Chinook's coloring is warmer scale. His base is a terracotta of sorts with honey highlights and cream undertones. Patches of deeper brown and black congregate to frame his eyes, cover his forehead, sweep across his back and tail, and form a triangle at the nape of his neck. His undersides are a darker cream in color with hints of orange to it. The larger spots of fur around his temples and above his eyebrows turn into a black M shape, which extends along his neck and to his shoulders before more color enters the scene again. The bridge of his nose is a golden brown, as are the sides of his cheeks, and this melts into an off-white muzzle and cheekbones. Chinook always has a sort of passive look to him. Calm, relaxed, but ready. His languid movements can tense up at any time, his smooth tone can turn to jagged ice, his relaxed figure can stand tall and sturdy and domineering. This brute is death personified, and oh boy does death look hot. Personality Chinook is not one to take ranking lightly. He will bend to those above him and observes those at his own level with constant, ever-watching eyes. He picks his loyalties carefully, and, while they will rarely shift, he will move towards the party he deems to have everyone's best interests in mind. He will not follow a corrupt animal; he'd much rather leave wolf society altogether than that. Traitorous and self-centered creatures have no respect from him. He is a quiet kind of scary; a soft whisper will freeze blood, a bark will break bones, a growled word will instill fear. A look could kill. Chinook holds respect in high regard; if a wolf does not have his or another's, he looks down on them. He is not a kind creature; his drive is survival, and Mother Nature is not kind. The weak will die off, and he will be more than happy to help them along. Now, he is not an evil animal. He is altruistic towards his packmates, and he does not play around with things he should not be involved in. He follows the rules, crosses all his "t"s, dots his "i"s. Actually, he can be quite a charismatic individual. However, this is only in the case of others in his immediate close circle -- his pack. Chinook is a fighter; he has the scars to prove it, and he does not intend to succumb to another animal any time soon. He is fueled by adrenaline. It keeps him alert, keeps him on target. He is not one to get antsy by the feeling; rather, it has an eerily calming effect on him that seems to only enhance his prowess. Affiliations Open, PM me Crush: May Develop Mate: None Pups: None Other I contemplate bringing in a third character. It'll depend on the gender ratio, I guess. And the rebel:loyal ratio,  Edited at May 21, 2022 11:28 PM by Rising Shadows

Stock Images. Credits to Quiet-bliss on DA Name: Deyanira " Man-destroyer " Age: 4.5 Pack: None Rank: Third-In-Command Desired Rank: Unknown Loyal or Rebel: Rebel Rebellion Rank: Beta Appearance:  Nira is a very dark wolf in appearance. She has a bit of height to her, standing at 34 inches, short next to her pack but enough to be sizable next to other packs. She has a lean, agile body, rippling with muscles under her long fur. As she lived in colder regions, her coat is long and warm, thickest around her neck, tail, and underbelly. She stands tall and proud, head always lifted high, tail straight out, level to the ground. She has big paws, big teeth, and an elegant, narrow face, much more suitable as a female young wolf. She may have a big body, but she still holds a feminine way of looking, with batty eyes, dumbfounded expressions, and a very elegant way of moving. This was all training, as she never truly was so innocent. Nira's coat is mostly black. She doesn't have pitch black fur, but rather toned down from absolute darkness. Covering most of her shoulders and a bit of her back is a pale silver patch of fur, shaped almost like her own angel wings, but lacking the details other then relative placement. Her coat is much paler on her underside, fading to a dark grey with dark copper streaks running across her forelegs like little scratches. Her eyes are a dark golden brown, almost like copper and gold with hints of coffee in the centre.  Personality: Beware of her glittering eyes and polished lies - for she can bring to ruin if she so desired. Such a pretty face - so sad it's full of hidden malice and sadness Cunning, intellectually gifted , and a grand preformer describes this dame very well. This female is very gifted intellectually - she is able to concoct grand schemes and beautifully woven stories. She always has a backup plan for her plan, it seems she never fails when it comes to her plans : however - she can be an overthinker when it comes to plans. Sometimes they can be too elaborate or wild that it may seem that it'll fall through, but somehow by a stoke of luck they do. Of course some of her plans can fail - and many have which have lead to disasterous consequences. She is a meticulous planner - making sure every single detail fits in place before she even suggests or goes through with it. Her level-headed nature keeps her sane, and able to keep her calm under immense pressure. This female has many visages - it's depending on you which one you will see. Within her Pack - she's a cold and abrasive creature. One always bearing her fangs and giving a condesending glance - she appears arrogant and speaks like it as well. Others view her as stuck-up and snobbish, one who only looks out for herself and wouldn't care if the fell off a cliff. She takes her job seriously and doesn't have time for nonsense, and her job made her ourank others - and she made it very clear she was different from them. She sees through facades masterfully, as it takes a conartist to know one. However, though many had this preconcived notion of her - it was because of rumors, why? Because she was silent, observant - watching them from afar, she wasn't one to socialize or talk to others. She found it quite futile to make conversation with them. This dame won't let anyone see what she is thinking - emotions are for fools. They only get her into trouble. Show fear, and your enemies will prey upon your weakness. Show joy, and you will seem spineless. Show love? You have a chance at being shoved away. She will rarely speak unless spoken to. She is always calm, composed, and rational during every situation, as a result. However, when she's on the job or they have information it's different : she tolerates conversation - also long as it gives her valuable information. Outside her pack when she runs the 'errands' , required of her- she plays many parts. Oh? You catch her roaming on your territory - my, my what an inquisitive and harmless creature she becomes. One with big warm eyes - baiting you into helping her. Not to mention her look of absolute fascination in seeing new things and meeting new wolves! A little smiley, with a lazy grin on her maw and asking slightly dumb questions. Or maybe she doesn't feel like playing dumb that day - maybe she's a smooth talking vixen? One with a flirtatious grin, a refined and elegant sway in her hips, and an intoxicatingly sultry tone of voice. Oh yes - playing the darling damsel in distress, with her lovley appearance, it's quite hard to miss her. Maybe she's a messanger from a far away pack - ah, yes , she knows how to elaboratly create stories - so creating a fictious pack is child's play. Oh yes, she may get wolves to like her and even climb in their ranks - but, once she has the information she needs : she's gone. And if her cover is broken - she won't hesitate to kill. No - if you are a hinderance or ruin her plan she will find a way to get rid of you. She's killed before and she'd do it again. This female despite her colder tendicies does have some warmth to her. Yes, she's a conartist - that's her job. However, she can use her words to deliver an inspiring speech if she so chose - not to mention an undeniable charisma about her. The ways she walks and talks with confidence in herself - never letting anyone take advantage of her or those she does care about. She's incredibly hardworking and loyal to whoever gains her loyalty - and she's quite the femme who appreaciates good leaders and despises tyranical ones. Yes, she can be a light and source of comfort when need be, but that's when she completely takes of her mask and released her true self and not playing the part of another "character." Mate: No Crush or Courting: She doesn't need to be tied down, so no. But maybe someone will catch her eye Pups: None Kin: None Affiliations: Open Other:

SHAHBAZ Gender: Male Age: 4 years
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Rank: Spy Preferred Rank: Second In Command
Loyal or Rebel: Loyal If Loyal, Can they be Turned into a Rebel: No. The price for betraying Maeve would be his head, and he'd rather keep it as it is. Of course, if she starts weakening, or showing signs of losing her grip on the pack...well, he might have a scheme of his own.
Rebel Rank [if any]: N/A •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Appearance: (credit to HOTNStock on DA)  Shahbaz is a wolf on the smaller side, standing at only 29 inches. He's slight and unthreatening-looking in stature as well, with nothing much to intimidate. Small, with shorter legs in proportion to his body, and a fluffy tail, he's been called fox-like before, perhaps also owing to the russet tints in his coat. He has a narrow face with a relatively short muzzle. His fur is thick and dense, well-suited to the cold, and well-maintained in appearance. The male, despite his lack of muscle and brute strength, is deceptively quick and fast. He's light on his paws, and- as his role would demand- is quite the silent stalker when he wants to be. Nobody quite knows how he perfected the art of moving without a single sound, but it's earned him a place of...well, not respect- but a sort of wariness, among the other members of the pack. Not that he could hold his own against the Viscountess or any wolf as strong if they decided to attack him- fighting is not a strength of his. He has an excellent sense of smell and hearing, though his eyesight is a little below average. Shahbaz's coat is warm-toned, black fading into reddish brown, which in turn softens into an off-white shade. The black on his back is streaked with lighter fawn markings, and his ears are distinctly more russet than the rest of him. The male has the typical lighter marking on his cheeks, and it creeps up to over his eyes as well, forming miniature eyebrows. His tail continues the darker coloring of his back down to the tip, while the underside of it stays lighter. The fur on his chest often appears softer and downier than the rest, especially when it's ruffled from the cold. His eyes are a mix between greyish green and dull amber. The shade changes depending on the light. The gaze that lies behind them is always infuriatingly knowing, flickering over people with a smugness that makes them uneasy. The male carries himself with an air of ...how would you describe it, assurance. A unhurried, complacent gait, as if he's on another, higher, level to the other members of the pack. He doesn't say anything, of course- but the message that he knows he's superior to them is clear just in his posture. He doesn't have any large scars, but a few are particularly eye-catching. They are situated around his muzzle, deep gashes that have long since healed, but not faded. They were inflicted by no other than the Viscountess herself- for what, Shahbaz doesn't exactly remember- but he was young, and probably for some misstep.
 Personality: Ask any wolf in the pack their opinion of this male- the resounding answer would be a suck up. Shahbaz hangs on to the Viscountess' every word, jumping to an order, grovelling and flattering. He agrees with her on everything, and it's more likely the sun would rise in the west rather than see him utter anything other than a "Yes, Viscountess" "Of course, Viscountess". She, of course, cares nothing for him and the rest of the pack, but that doesn't matter to Shahbaz. All he cares for is to stay on her 'good' side, and eventually work his way up; even if he must turn himself into a simpering fool. And as expected, the pack as a whole dislikes him because of his act, be they Loyal or Rebel. To ask why, his first answer would be that it is his sheer loyalty and admiration for Maeve. Which is of course, bullshit. Nobody would take him for one of the poor bloodthirsty bastards that truly look up to the Viscountess. Perhaps you would get him to chuckle patronizingly, reply that he's "just trying to live", but that's not true either, though it would satisfy some. The real answer? Power, of course. Beneath his annoying, greasy exterior, the male consists of sheer steely ambition.
He's not stupid, he knows that unrest in the pack is brewing, that there's some sort of plot against the Viscountess. And in this time, she relies more than ever on his job, on him. Why, it's only a matter of time until Maeve becomes suspicious of everyone. Paranoia is unavoidable as a leader, and even more so as a leader whose grip on the pack is only due to their fear of her. Soon enough, he'll be the one relied on, taken notice of, whose opinions matter. And soon enough, he'll be on top. This male is dangerous. He is someone with a cunning, logical mind, no moral compass, and a thirst for power. But his greatest asset: Patience. He's been waiting in the shadows, slowly but surely working his way up from the bottom for so long, yet never once did he lose that cool composure, let the act slip. For so long, and now he's close, almost there. He has faith in himself, that he can hold through until the end. He knows his own strengths, and doesn't underestimate them, which is partly the reason for his success so far.
But he also has an ego. A large, ridiculously inflated ego. He assumes he's the smartest in the pack (no, he knows he's the smartest) and the sheer idea that someone could outmaneuver him, outthink him is ridiculous. It's not that it makes him reckless.. but we'll put it this way, the male had very little cautiousness in his nature to begin with. When he has a scheme, he throws his whole lot into it. Win, and he gets everything. Lose.. and he's done. But of course, he won't lose. He never does. Shahbaz's tendency to look down on everybody else leads to him underestimating them.. well, all of the time. He doesn't need anyone, he doesn't need their miniscule little braincells trying to keep up with him. The male has never had a true connection with anyone, never stopped to get to know someone enough to realise that there might be something there to actually garner his respect because why would there be? What is there to respect, apart from intelligence? And he seriously doubts that anyone's intelligence could ever match his own. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: Nope, but he's thinking of adopting a parrot. You know, like Jafar? A lil evil buddy.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Other: Bowls are obviously superior to plates. You can eat ice-cream in them when there's a thunderstorm.
Edited at May 22, 2022 11:34 AM by Jack Of Stars