

May I reserve a mare for each band? I may throw in a stallion once I decide where I want to put him, but if I do it'll be once I finish the two girls.


Credit to venomxbaby@DA for Horse Credit to HOTNStock@DA for Background Name: Vernon Nickname(s): Ver, Vern Age: 2 years Gender: Male Role: Herd Rank: Yearling Appearance:  Vernon is a little big for his age, standing at 15 hands and still growing. However, it is unlikely that he will ever be above 16 hands. He has a lean and stocky build with a large chest – built to sustain his large stamina pool. The muscles in his legs are well defined thanks to the amount of running he does. Though, they are in no way “buff.” Besides what resides in his chest and legs, not much muscle is seen. In fact, he is sometimes even described to be scrawny. The young stallion has a wild amber-champagne coat. He has medium to low white socks on each leg – coming from a fade of amber to chocolate brown. Two patches of white on his neck reside on his neck, and a third on his back right thigh. The white on his neck continues into his mane, but only where his white fur and mane connect. If his mane is not touching white fur, then it is a chocolate brown color. Vern has a small, but noticeable scar on the bottom of his front left leg as well as a multitude of smaller ones lining his flanks. However, they are barely noticeable. The yearling’s eyes are an extremely rare and beautiful shade of green that starkly contrasts his pelt’s color. They often shimmer with life and energy, and rarely ever dull. Another scar slashes across his snout from right to left (going down). It is rather long, starting at the top of his eye and ending at the bottom of his cheek. His amber-champagne fur fades to a very light grey at the end of his muzzle – almost like a dusting of dry soil. A white mark – almost mimicking the same of a backwards S – rests on his forehead. His voice is rather high pitched and a tad rough. It drops an octave lower at random, making his voice a bit more silky. Vernon’s tone is almost always energetic and upbeat. Rarely does one ever hear anything negative in his voice.  Personality: Bold || Energetic || Adventurous || Pushy || Competitive || Troublemaker || Both Selfish & Selfless || Honest || Kind Vernon is a very bold and energetic young stallion. He fears very little and will do incredibly dangerous stunts just for fun. However, he by no means shows off. Rather he hates any attention he receives while doing these stunts. With his seemingly boundless energy, such actions are taken on a regular basis – much to the disdain of his herd members, specifically the mares. This youngster’s energy often leads him to go on “grand” adventures that often stray very far from the herd. In the past, the young stallion has crossed raging rivers, climbed dangerous slopes, and even entered a cougar’s den (thankfully when it wasn’t home). Quite a few scars have claimed his pelt over the few years he has roamed, but none taint his champagne coat. The champagne yearling can be rather pushy, especially when he wishes to explore. He will run up to any young colt or yearling – always above the age of six months – and encourage them to explore with him. If they deny his request, he will taunt them or start a competition to get them going. Rarely does he take no for an answer. Vern’s competitive and pushy nature often causes trouble for the herd's members, especially the younger foals and mares. As mentioned, this youngster likes to get other young horses to follow him on his adventures. However, most have trouble keeping pace with the energetic male and generally fall behind before anything truly bad happens. Vernon can be rather selfish when it comes to his desires. He will give little regard to the wants or even needs of the horse he is interacting with if it means they will do what he pleases. Though, the young stallion can still be quite selfless in other instances. He will put himself in harm's way if it means he can protect another. This is especially true if he was the one to cause the danger. The yearling is incredibly honest. He always owns up to his mistakes, and does not allow others to take the punishment for him. Never has he lied, nor does he plan to ever start. Despite his flaws, Vernon is actually quite kind. He enjoys spending time with the young foals, playing games, and exploring with them. If they ever need any help, this youngster is quick to offer aid - though he does not do the same for the mothers. Affiliations: Open Crush: TBD Mate: N/A Foals: N/A Other: - It is suggested that mares keep their foals away from this yearling. While he means them no harm, he often gets them in trouble. - Vernon is quite loyal to his friends, never leaving them behind and always supporting them. - Vernon has no trouble standing up for himself and others. He would even stand up to the lead stallion – despite fearing his power. - Vern has no desire to lead or take over a herd. He just wishes to remain where he is now. Do not have any specific ideas for the roleplay, other than that Vern can cause trouble whenever trouble is needed. XD
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Name:Morena Age:6 Years Gender:Female/Mare RoleHerd Rank:Herd Mare Desired Rank: None; She's Content. Appearance:
 Morena is a tiny mare, petite in stature, and is one who is often confused with being a yearling because of her size. Standing at right around 14 hh, maybe a smidge below, the small mare isn't winning any sort of height competitions any time soon. Along with her short size, the mare is also more dainty, delicately built than other mares. She does have a stockyness to her, but that comes from having birthed a few foals already. If someone really looked at her, they'd see the slim legs, narrower shoulders, and the defined hips.
With not having a lot of meat, or muscle, on her bones, Morena is not a powerful equine in the slightest, and even her speed is more average, though she has some get up and go when she desires. With her demure persona, the mare often comes across as even smaller than she is, and it's easy for her to be over looked within a herd of stronger, more wild mares. Not that Morena minds, though. She's never felt insecure about her size.
Small size aside, the mare could be considered rather pretty in appearance. She has a rather dark grulla coat, presenting itself as almost a deep chocolate brown color. Her face, and more down her legs, are so dark they appear almost black, though her middle is a slightly lighter brown. Overall, the mare is like an ombre of chocolate. Her mane, which is nothing to brag about, is more on the medium length, but it is also the luscious dark brown color that matches her coat. As if that wasn't enough, the mare's eyes are the same color, maybe even a shade darker. They aren't quite black, but they're definitely a dark cocoa color. Personality: Morena is a definitely a mare that's easy to overlook, but she doesn't ever seem to mind that fact. Quiet and demure, the little mare is not the type to cause trouble or raise her opinion against another. She's calm and level headed for the most part, but rather than mare's who are quick to anger, she's moreso quick to spook. She has a bit of anxiety, knowing she depends on others to pretty much keep her safe, and finds herself uncomfortable whenever she is alone because of this. With this being the case, Morena tends to have a much more go with the flow kind of attitude, her reasoning being she's choosing to live.
While being shy, Ren is definitely a caring and empathetic mare. She likes to help others, and will offer a comforting shoulder when those around her need it without ever expecting anything in return. That being said, that's kind of where that ends. You'll never find her purposely getting caught up in mare drama, and will quickly leave if that becomes the case, preferring to find the company of others who won't try and drag her in.
Morena is also a devoted and affectionate mother. She is ever vigilent when she has a foal, but this is where a surprisingly more stern side comes out of her. She doesn't really mess around when it comes to her foals, and she will step in to protect them instead of herself (though she will run with her foal if that is a plausible option). She holds her offspring to reasonable expectations, and does not allow misbehavior and rude mannerisms. She doesn't expect her foals to be as quiet and reserved as her, but she will insist on them being respectful. Crush:None, Poss. Open Mate:None Foals:Open Affiliations: Open Other:


Credit to horsieexstock@DA for art: Link Name: Seraphina Age: 5 Years Gender: Female Role: Band Rank: Bachelor Herd Mare Desired Rank: Lone Mare Appearance:  Seraphina is a beautiful and sleek bay mare – standing at 15.1 hands. Her legs are lanky but powerful, allowing her to leap great bounds – both forward and up. However, she can only do a small number at a time due to a small stamina pool – when compared to other horses. The rest of her body shows very little muscle, but is in no way scrawny or weak – with her skin acting more like a tight-fitting gown than anything else. As mentioned, the mare carries a bay coat – one of shiny and flashy fur that catches the eyes of many. At her legs, the bay fur fades into a coffee black that covers the majority of the limb. This same black can be seen dotting her long, lavish mane and tail. The hair of her mane and tail is rather coarse and thick, making it a bit painful to get swatted by – but stunning nonetheless. The very tips of her ears are also coated in the coffee blacks. Low white socks sprout from her back legs, ending below her fetlock. Light differences in her fur mark old scars that have healed over time – most of which look to have been inflicted by fellow horses. Sera’s eyes are of a mild brown – almost hazel – complexion. They blend well with her coat, bringing out the bay color of her fur. More white can be seen on her muzzle and forehead – a stripe that runs up the middle of her head. It starts out a bit skinny – taking up the divot in her nose – before spreading out while going up. It then thins out once more, to the point where there are breaks in the pattern. Finally, it spreads out as a rugged circle right between her eyes and middle of her forehead.  Personality: Serious || Realistic || Untrusting || Easily Annoyed || Sarcastic || Loner || Loyal || Protective Seraphina is a very serious horse. She never takes anything lightly and generally gets angry with those who do. Nothing – in her mind – can or should be joked about. Heck, she would even argue that jokes shouldn’t exist. Well, for the most part. She’s a sucker for puns and riddles, despite not being very good at telling them. This bay is a very realistic mindset. To her, there is no optimism or pessimism. There is only the most likely outcome. She always weighs possible options and sides with the most probable one – whether good or disastrous. She tends to be agitated by optimists, and thus avoids them. She can deal with pessimists, on the hoof. They, at least, have some sense to them – unlike optimists. Sera does not trust a single soul on this earth. At least, not truly. Unless a horse proves to be trustworthy, she won’t believe a single thing they say without hard proof. She will look for the message behind every action one commits – questioning whether they acted this way out of honesty, or in falsality as an attempt to gain her trust for their own selfish desires. If it was not already made clear, this mare is easily annoyed by anyone or anything. All she needs is for a leave to fall in the incorrect spot, and she’s annoyed. When annoyed (which is, for the most part, all the time), she picks up some sarcastic tendencies. Well, more so than before she was annoyed, at least. Her favorite way of showing sarcasm is acting as if something was obvious, or if she never knew of one of the most obvious things. Seraphina is a loner at heart. She hates being anywhere near another horse, especially stallions. Their stench always burns her nostrils in the worst possible way. The only horses she can stand being around are older and wiser individuals who do not talk much. Even though she desires to run free and alone in this equine world, Sera is incredibly loyal and protective over those she travels with. She will do everything in her power to defend them – even those who she holds little trust or respect for. Though, she’d much rather die than to admit this. Affiliations: Open Crush: TBD Mate: N/A Foals: None (Currently is not very interested in having foals) May be pregnant. Too early to tell. Likely not. Other: - She prefers brains of brawns. Though, she wouldn’t mind a mix of both. - “Why have a strong stallion over a smart one? Sure, the strong one can fend off predators, but the smart one knows how to avoid the predator in the first place. If a stallion has no brains, then what use are they?” Credit to horsieexstock@DA for art: Link
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Seraphina is also accepted

Reserve 2 Yearlings and 2 Herd mares