
Name: Nickolus Evergreen Age: 20 Rank: Towns-Folk Job: Tailor (Clothing maker), Lacemaker Race: Vampire Sexuality: Bisexual Gender: Male Appearance: A towering vampire, standing at a hard 7'2, with a harsh sharp figure he is easily mistaken as a warrior! He has Silver eyes that glow at night and has warm red hair. His hands are delicate, made for his crafts of lacemaking, and tailoring some of the finest clothing around.
He is commonly seen wearing long sleeves, an apron, and a pair of nicely fitting pants, all things he made for himself, However, the Apron is tighter on him as it was the same one his mother used to wear which shares the Evergreen Logo on the right side of the chest.
He has a strong face shape, with a pair of glasses that are attached to a long silver chain that he mostly uses when he is making his lace works. He also has dark marks under his eyes from the lack of sleep and his stress,
Personality: Despite his towering figure Nickolus is a huge sweetheart and is known to help families entertain their kids, by giving them lessons in his craft and teaching them the basics of sewing. He also is known to help the warriors with moving supplies around as he shows a lot of them a large amount of respect.
He has a major flaw of overworking himself mostly to maintain his household and run the shop just below it, to make sure there is enough stock for people to see. Because of this, he is commonly seen sleeping on the job.
He also has a lot of anxiety when it comes to making ends meet, trying to keep his family business up and running as well as keeping his home looking well enough to live in.
Write up:
Good traits: - Caring - Hard-working - Gentle
Bad traits: - Workaholic - Passive - Push Over
Crush: N/A (Open) Partner: N/A Kin: Sister (Older) - Alice Evergreen (Alive) Mother + Father (Dead) Other: Nickolaus was told several times he should be a warrior to defend the vampire keep, but he doesn't have the heart to hurt anyone as he has many reflections on how doing so could harm the others family. He speaks this unopenly, not wanting others to look down on him or his sister.
Griffins or dragons are beloved by the evergreen family! Edited at April 22, 2022 11:16 AM by TheMadDave

Name: Alice Evergreen Age: 23 Rank: Warrior Race: Vampire Sexuality: Aceseuxal, Pansexual Gender: Female Appearance: Alice is on the shorter side standing at 5'0, she has a slender built frame, with larger shoulders, and hands. She has reddish-brown hair and has Silver eyes similar to that of her brothers, but has a slight green tint to hers.
Her hair is cut short only reaching her shoulders. She commonly is seen wearing a headband a nicely fitted cloak that her brother made for her when she spoke about going into battle.
Despite being short she has a lot of toned muscles and is commonly shown in chain mail, or even just plain leather to make it so she is able to creep around in the woods to hide her presents.
Personality: Alice is described as boyish, and rough she is seen commonly not caring for her natural looks and leans towards maintaining her strength, and skillsets.
Despite this, she still from time to time can be seen trying on the beautifully crafted dresses her brother makes, as she does desire to see him smile.
She is commonly thought of as an unwelcoming person normally giving the newcomers in the army a hard time, and unwelcoming looks. until proven else wise she believes many are below her. However, the one who avoids this cruel judgment is Nick who normally is taken about highly by his older sister.
Write up:
Good Traits: - Honorable - Crafty - Smart
Bad Traits: - Rude - Arrogant - Unfriendly
Crush: N/A (Tent - Open) Partner: N/A Kin: Brother (Younger) - Nickolus Evergreen (Alive) Other Alice loves Cerberus, she would 100% try to pet one!

Name: Angus/Gus Mailhorn Age: 22 Rank: Medic Race: Lycan Sexuality: Pansexual Gender: Male Appearance: Gus is a shorter-leaning lad, standing at 5'3 they are seen around bay wearing an eye patch over his left eye, as he has major blindness and didn't wish to make people uncomfortable with the scaring around his face. His right eye is a dark brown and he has a tooth gap as well as freckling around his face and body.
He has light Auburn hair, that has a nice amount of curling to it, it's rather long and reaches to about the middle of his back. He is normally seen putting his hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of the way while he works.
His outfit while working is usually rather tight-fitting to keep it cleaner while he works on people. he has short sleeves and a part of long red pants.
Personality: Gus is a very happy lad, who tries his best to make people feel better by cheering them up the best he hand at the moment. He has a slightly harder time working with those near death and takes every moment as it comes.
He tries his best to be calm and collective but being a medical staff can be overwhelming at times. He has a chronic fear of fire and normally is seen straying far away from open flames.
Gus is normally seen clinging to his brother's side when Tylor is around and off duty, usually when there isn't much work to be done. He overall wins a lot of people over with his charismatic mood and overall joyful behavior, which tends to catch people off guard, especially during the war.
Write up:
Good Traits: - Optimistic - Energetic - Helpful
Bad Traits: - Childish - Unperfessional - Clingly
Crush: Open Partner: Open Kin: Brother (Twin) - Tylor Mailhorn (Alive) Other Gus can really see himself as a Wyvern!

Name: Tylor Mailhorn Age: 22 Rank: Warrior Race: Lycan Sexuality: Bisexual Gender: Male Appearance: Tylor is 5'7 and has Dark ginger hair with freckles like his fraternal twin Gus. Tylor has short wavy hair that tends to be untamed, useally using a hand to hold his hair into some sort of shape. Tylor has light brown eyes, and his other eye is a darker brown, but they tend to go unnoticed as they don't make too much of a difference with his complexion.
Tylor wears plated gear, and usually makes sure he keeps a knife on his waist, for protection. He tends to wear hoodies, and other forms of clothing that hide his body, as he usually doesn't want to seem similar to his Twin Gus.
Personality: Tylor is the quiet type of the twins, and tends to stay away from others, he usually is seen at training but nothing more social interaction than what is needed.
He tends to lurk around and attempts to hide from his proud and excitable brother, as he doesn't like to be seen by the public eye. Tylor is known for saving his brother Gus from a fire when they were younger and he was dubbed a hero. But Tylor never accepted the title as it made him uncomfortable to be around too many people at once.
He can be seen lurking around the medical bay to talk with his brother for short periods of time, but after he has had his fill of social time he then skitters off to go to bed early or to read.
He tends to be shy, and awkward around people and tends to be low energy, but still hard work.
Write up:
Good Traits: - Protective - Humble - Productive
Bad Traits: - Timid - Low energy - unsociable
Crush: N/A (Tent-Open) Partner: N/A Kin: Brother (Twin) - Angus/Gus Mailhorn (Alive) Other Tylor would most likely be into any sort of mythical beast but would lean to moth man

Name- Nikki Moonflower Age- 18 Rank- Medic Race- Vampire Sexuality- Lesbian Gender- Female Appearance- Nikki has long red hair that reaches her butt. She is 5'4" and weighs 130 pounds. She wears a white crop top and black ripped jeans. She has black laced combat boots she wears but will also wear her red heels at times. She has a navy blue skirt and a gray t-shirt in her closet. She has a slender frame and green eyes. Her skin tone is more of a tan than white. Personality- She is kind and caring but also sassy at times. She doesn't take to rude people and if they are rude to her she is rude back. Nikki also has a bit of a temper and doesn't like the idea of her friend being hurt. She is actually very sweet when you get to know her but she does have a habit of closing people off. Crush- Open! Partner- None Kin- Open for a sibiling and a father Other-:) Edited at April 26, 2022 06:33 PM by Nikki Afton

WHAT'S UP NIKKI! :D I guess I will join, why not? Name- Virgil Odessa Age- Twenty Four Rank- Warrior Race- Vampire Sexuality- Heterosexual Gender- Male Appearance- Virgil has pale ash blonde hair. Set in the rather simple "Sides cut shorter than the Top" style often found on men. His hair is swept back, kept out of his face. Virgil stands 5'10", with a thin agile build. His features are surprisingly rugged for a vampire as opposed to their usual regal undying beauty, with a thick stubble growing on his face and long stoic features. His eyes are a dark steely grey, with flecks of burnt orange near his pupils. His attire is simple, Virgil has never been one for frivolous things preferring functionality. He wears a worn grey henley shirt under an olive green overcoat. His pants are simple black pants, and leather boots. Hidden in his left sleeve is a shoulder holster, allowing for easy access to his pistol which he keeps on him at all times in the case of Lycan attacks. In his closet there is many clothing with furs, often dark earthy colored clothes, and little to no accessories. Virgil has a belt full of strange items that often get him mistaken for a druid rather than a vampire. Various herbs, notably wolfsbane... A strange bone daggar... Two pouches of spare silver bullets... Vials of poisons and medicines... A gjallarhorn... And a Dream Catcher? Sitting on his right shoulder is a satchel, holding what looks to be various scrolls littered with runes, ledgers, and history. Personality- Virgil can easily be described as... Old Fashioned. He is the last member of a very old Noble Family of Vampires, the Odessa Family having been known for it's wealth... That is until they lost it due to circumstance. It was then the family descended into obscurity, becoming nothing more than a trivial fact in Undead History. Virgil is reclusive, living much of his young life as a wandering hermit. Having lived outside the Kingdom for most of his life, he is rather paranoid of Lycans. He has seen what they are capable of and believes nothing good comes from their ilk, not to mention all the stories he has heard growing up. To Virgil, they are nothing but rabid dogs who should be put down. His family never developed the same as the rest of the Kingdom and so he holds different ideals as opposed to some. He has no true loyalty to the Crown or the Kingdom, but only to the whole of Vampire-Kind which is why he is a Warrior. Virgil believes in the Old Ways, the way Vampires used to live before the rise of feudal Kings and large scale wars. His Family taught him the ways of tribalism and the importance of Kin. He believes in Old Superstitions, Old Gods, and Old Magics. To be concise, Virgil is a hard person to get to know. He is kind, but there is a difference between kindness and genuine compassion. He isn't afraid to betray or backstab people in order to achieve his goals. His nature makes it difficult for people to trust or understand him, but Virgil cares not. He believes that he is a Guardian of the People and the needs of the Many outweigh the needs of the Few. He was raised to return honor to his family, to be the altruistic warrior and nothing more. He lives for his mission, it's his purpose. Gods, does the loneliness ache at times. As you might have guessed, Virgil is extremely socially stunted from growing up as a Hermit. His mannerisms are akin to an elderly man attempting to adapt to the new and quickly developing modern era... Unrefined and stubborn. He is very blunt and doesn't understand many social cues. He has remarkable skills in outdoor living, and is known for being a strict minimalist. Crush- None currently. Partner- Ha! No. Kin- Deceased. Other- Wyverns. Edited at April 25, 2022 04:16 PM by King of Winter~

Everyone above is accpeted^^

Name- Thorn Eve Age- 32 in human age Rank- Lycan Queen Job-(Only for townspeople) Race- Lycan Sexuality- Heterosexual Gender- Female Appearance- Thorn is quite the tall gal, she stands at roughly 6'3" and is a beautiful dark skinned individual. Thorn has more long and slender legs, she looks more elegant than lethally strong, don't take her as weak for she has some strength, she is mainly an elite runner. Her eyes are a lovely shade of light brown, it has some spots of sage green, her lips are two toned, the upper lip being slightly darker shade than her skin and the bottom a deep pink almost red shade. She wears long off white dresses with lace sleeves, she often wears heels but occasionally is barefoot. She has smaller jewelry pieces like a gold anklet and a gold thick banned necklace. Her hair is short and in a poofy kinky afro, her hair is a deep brown. In Lycan form she appears in a dark brown with light brown shades on her barrel chest and paws, her tail is very bushy and elegant. Her fur is well kept, it has speckles off light gray adorned everywhere. Personality- Thorn is quite elegant in nature and is very cunning, she has a very talkative and easy going personality. She can easily read individuals and determine if they are even worth her attention and time. Thorn easily catches into schemes and is quick to act for the greater good, in gatherings she is more quiet, as she prefers to observe than blab her mouth for no reason. She also is heavily not a fan of ruining the Lycan pure bloodline, any mixing of vampires and Lycans is heavily frowned upon in her book, she also is a heavy believer of mated pairs, once she mates with a male she is his and he is hers. Crush- [Lycan king] Partner- [Lycan king] Kin- Royal Family Other- I really like western dragons ^^ RP Examples- I've roleplayed before in previous forums of yours, if you need one feel free to let me know.

LoveSick- Nope your good accepted also I will add her tomorrow at some point Edited at April 24, 2022 10:14 PM by Nikki Afton

Thank you!~ Nikki Afton said: LoveSick- Nope your good accepted also I will add her tomorrow at some point