


Name: Storm Age: 4 Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: Content Appearance: He is a Grey wolf with white paws and a black throat patch. He weighs about 130 pounds and is 3'5". He has a tan face mask and dark blue eyes. He has a scar down his left eye it is 2 inches in length. Storm has a black cape like marking on his back. He has white paws and one tan paw which is his Back left paw. Storm has a tail length of 56 cm(1.8ft). He has a good build on him. He has broad shoulders and long legs made for running and balance. Storm's coloring for the black is a bit lighter than most of the black colors you see. He has a length of 6.5 feet from nose to tail. Storm is the size of an average wolf. Personality: Storm is caring about his pack and will protect it at all costs. He adores the young ones in the pack and likes to watch them play. Storm is protective of those he calls family and will not take any disrespect towards them. He does like to sleep in shaded areas and likes to spend time with his family. Storm does help out in any way he can basically hee likes to be helpful. He has a fatherly side towards his family but doesn't show it much. He can be savage at time when he lose his temper. He is also very loyal to his pack and never would dishonor them. Strengths: +Combat+ +Speed+ +Sense of hearing+ Weaknesses: -Water(He hates it)- -Short-temper- -sense of smell- Likes: +Sleep+ +Sunny spots+ +Taking walkes+ Dislikes: -Killing unless nesscary- -Birds(He find them annoying)- -Nosy wolves- Affiliations: Kin: Shadow(Brother) Crush: Open! Mate: Open! Offspring: None Other: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Tala Gender: Female Age: 5 • Role: Hunter Desired Role: Content • Appearance:  Tala is a red wolf and she stands at four feet long and stand about 26 inches at the shoulder. She weighs 50 pounds and a black tail. She has white paws and red scattered markings. She has some light black/gray markings on her face. She has amber eyes and a black nose. She has white claws. She has lean legs and broad shoulders. She has white cheek and throat markings. She is smaller and thinner than the average Gray wolf. Personality: Tala is friendly with her pack and doesn't become agressive a lot. She adores pups in every sense. She does have a short temper at times which can not be good due to her rank. She is helpful within the pack. She is social but not a lot because she does like her space. She is honest with her pack but also very loyal. She tries to always look on the bright side of things. She is only really aggressive when needed or when she loses her temper. She likes to talk with others and socialize. Tala does have a fear of storms and doesn't always confine to others about it. Likes: +Sunny spots+ +Quiet areas+ +Family+ +Sleep+ +Flowers+ Dislikes: -Haters- -Rain- -Rude wolves- -Loud noises- -Threats- -Hunt gone wrong- Strengths: +Sense of Smell+ +Running+ +Hearing+ Weaknesses: -Combat- -Tactics - -Pups- • Affiliations: Open! Close friend- Open! Friends- Open! Kin: Open! Brother~ Sister~ Crush: Open! Mate: Open! Other: (Credits to all photos: HOTNStock on DA) Edited at April 13, 2022 06:43 PM by Nikki Afton

Name: Shadow Age: 4 Gender: Male Rank: Hunter Desired Rank: Content Appearance: He is a Grey wolf with white paws and a black throat patch. He weighs about 130 pounds and is 3'5". He has a good build on him. He has broad shoulders and long legs made for running and balance. Shadow has green eyes and a black face mask. Shadow has a 19 inch tail length. His coat is more of an ashy grey and his eyes green color is like forest green. He has height at the shoulder from 26 and weighs 75lbs. He has a nose-to-tail length of 6 feet (1.8m). He has a black underbelly and white paws. He is a bit smaller than his brother. He has a black toe on his right back paw. Personality: Shadow is a kind wolf and loves his brother. He is very respectful to wolves that are a higher rank than him and likes to play pranks on others that have a lower rank on him excluding Mothers and Pups. Shadow isn't always great at hunting and fails at times due to things that distract him. He can be distracted easily and not always here. He does get lost in his thoughts like others. He acts care free but worries on the inside about how things affect others. He can get aggressive when he feels threatened or he feels a family member or friends is threatened.
Strengths: +Speed+ +Smell+ +Agility+ Weaknesses: -Strength- -Weak immune system- -Hot headed- Likes: +Running+ +Sleep+ +Water+ Dislikes: -Rude wolves- -Loud nosies- -Figthing unless Needed- Affiliations: Open! Kin: Storm(Brother) Crush: Open! Mate: Open Offspring: None Other: done ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Ava Age: 4.5 Gender: Female . Rank: Medic Desired Rank: Content . Appearance: She stands at 3'4" and weighs 100 pounds. She had a pure black coat and she has a chipped left ear. Ava has white paws and a gray mix in her coat. She has a white blaze like mark on her side. She has bright blue eyes and a scar on her hind leg from an injury as a pup. Ava has a white underbelly and she has brown dots that are mixed into her coat. Ava is a pretty well built female even for a medic. She is about 6 feet from nose to tail. She has many scars on her but these are from wild animal encounters while she was forging for herbs. Personality: Ava is kind and caring but she can be aggressive. She isn't the one to stay down still for long and true to keep busy. She has a loving side when it comes to pups and she adores them. Ava is a bit hot headed but it isn't a lot to where it affects her ability to act. She is very helpful and loves her pack. She is very loyal and likes to take breaks in sunny places when she can. She is great at remembering herbs and teaching. She doesn't really have any triggers except for a few. One of her triggers is injuried pups which she will not stand for. . Strengths: +Herb sorting+ +Memory+ +Sense of smell+ Weaknesses: -Water- -Combat- -Hot weather- Likes: +Pups+ +Water+ +Healing others+ Dislikes:
-Aggressive wolves- -Cold weather- -Combat- Affiliations: Open! Kin: Open! Crush: None Mate: None Offspring:
None Other: Done Edited at April 15, 2022 04:56 PM by Nikki Afton

Storm and Tala are accepted^^

res alpha female, warrior, and juvenile?

Sierra Wip... ~ "That is the honest truth." "Don't deny your beta!" ~ 6 years and 3 months | Female | Beta | Content ~ Appearance ~ Personality Blunt, Good listener, and Honest. Sierra is blunt, sometimes going overboard and hurting someone's feelings. She doesn't like doing it but doesn't want to lie either, in fact, she despises lying. She will do anything but lie, she is too loyal and truthful to lie to someone, even if the truth is harsh. Sierra is a great wolf to talk to if you're confused, or just worried about someone. She's great at listening to any problems and sorting them out. She likes fixing other's problems too, so they don't have to go through it anymore. Sierra can be too honest sometimes, she never lies unless in a dire situation. She hates lying, she hates everything about lying. She will always be honest even if it's a very sad truth. She doesn't like hurting others feelings but won't tell them, "oh yes everything is fine" if it's not. ~ Strengths Honesty Bravery Listening Weaknesses Bluntness Hunting Spying ~ Likes Leading Being accepted Having friends who understand her Making others happy Having fun Dislikes Loners Rotten food Traitors Lying Making others mad or sad Others jumping to conclusions Mean wolves ~ Affilations Best friend is open Friends are open Kin Open for an older brother ~ Crush Hmm Mate Maybe Offspring Why not Other Heh Edited at April 14, 2022 04:24 PM by Isa's Pack


Finished Ava I will do Shadow tomorrow ^^

Finished Sierra if she's accepted