meaning mother of oceans in Zulu
"You're looking at me like I'm see through."
4.5 - Female - Sentinel - Content
Thoughts on the Gods
Wavering. She has no interest in devoting her whole life into something that you cannot prove is real, but she also believes that there is a reason why the pack and including herself are there. Some days she can feel the reason to believe, others she doesn't.

©quiet-bliss on DA
Nol is an average sized female, standing at twenty-two inches and weighing roughly one hundred pounds. She isn't the heaviest, but because of her smaller size, she manages to be nimble and swift on her light feet. She's a great hunter, though her coloring may make it a bit harder for her to stay hidden. Nol does not have any major points of interest on her body. Her paws are small, her ears are average, and she possesses a bit more of a slim face with striking orange eyes that can say a thousand words with just one look. She has a smaller stride, and tends to walk sorta slouched with her tail tucked one way or another. Her ears are always pinned, and her eyes normally have to look up to look at anyone. She simply looks like she lives in fear.
Her fur is thick yet short, and has a slight shine to it. Beneath some layers are scars and bruises from her work in her current pack and from her past. Most are minor though, and aren't easily spotted unless you look intensely close. Anyway, her pelt is a dark black, seemingly of the night, with some hints of gray thrown in so she looks semi-pleasing to the eye. There are some matted tufts of fur, dirt clumps, dust, all scattered about in there as well.
"There was a smile that he used to give me even when he felt like dying."
Despite her higher ranking and the responsibilities it holds, Nol is known for her apologetic nature. Even the slightest minute mistake she will apologize for. It can the most natural thing that any being could do considering nothing is perfect, and she will apologize for it. Nolwandle has been taught perfection, therefore she strives for it no matter what it takes. For this she is a hard worker, but her goals seem to high on the scale. Her standards for anything she does are high, and anyone she is around will know this. It is not because she wants bragging rights, no, it is because her past has shaped her into someone into doing something so perfect that if it isn't, she will be punished one way or another. Although she is very slowly growing out of this trait, it will take time before she truly realizes that not everything is perfect.
Nolwandle is the sort of wolf to seem to have no bad side or any sort of bad bone in her body. To an extent, that is true. Nol doesn't go out of her way to be purposefully an asshole, but rather she goes out of her way to be as kind and polite as possible. Her life has taught her that kindness goes way further than hatred, and she is easy to forgive and believes in any form of redemption. She is one to think that anyone can redeem themselves and the best thing to do is to forgive. Some may call her naive and gullible for this, but Nolwandle has first hand experience. She knows when to forgive and when not to. Although she doesn't necessarily know how to be mean, she knows how to get a point across, and there are times where when she needs her point to be known, she will become the biggest bitch known to all the wolves. She tries not to be like this however, but she also doesn't like beating around the bush.
Nol is the jealous type, but she tends to stray as a loner in most social situations to prevent herself from feeling such an emotion. This especially applies when she might be crushing on a certain male. Nol has never been the confrontational type, therefore her feelings towards someone might not always be known or stated out loud, but rather through actions. She enjoys spending time with others that she likes as friends and possibly romantically, but it does take a while for her to genuinely open up. When she does, she seems to become more bright and she has a more soft sense of humor. She chuckles at the smallest of things, is the sort of girl to find something stupid funny, and has the tendency to always be honest but in the nicest way possible. She prefers to be straightforward, though she does sometimes sugarcoat things in hopes of not risking any of her relationships. Her trust and bond that you can build with her is one that should not be taken granted for - Nol does not just come along to be there. If she appreciates you, appreciate her back.
Nolwandle struggles with the idea of realism. As stated before, her goals and standards are unnecessarily high and some too high that they are so out of reach. She's one to dream a lot and take her time to think things through. She wastes her time thinking about false realities. She's the daydreamer as some may say, and she can never fully come to terms with the fact that she isn't going to get everything in life. She is aware that she won't, but a female such as her refuses to give up. Her ethic is a good one, and her effort is one that is hard to compare with. Nolwandle has the mentality of reaching her goals rather than taking things day by day, so she doesn't always go with the flow but she tries her best to adapt and adjust.
Nolwandle is easy to trust and appreciate as a friend. However, it's something that she struggles to understand why she is so easy to talk to. Some may consider her awkward consider this female lives in an undeniable and obvious fear of being neglected and ending up alone - she is terrified of ending up by herself. Nolwandle tries to see the best and do the best in any situation, good or bad, and she doesn't want others to think bad of her. She's selfless in the way that she will dictate her own actions around her reputation rather than what is good for her. Nolwandle doesn't entirely know what is good and bad for her. She still is trying to find herself and explore the waters, especially after her previous group.
Honest ;; Nolwandle has never been one to lie. Her honesty makes her trustworthy, therefore she's known to be quite reliable when it comes to giving advice and such, even if she always isn't sure of what to say.
Hunting ;; Believe it or not, she is a decent hunter. She enjoys it, and it helps her clear her mind and she likes working with others to improve themselves or working with others she's never worked with before on bigger hunts.
Kind ;; It just goes a long way. It has in her life.
Saviour's Complex ;; Nol wants to help everyone. She's selfless, but sometimes too selfless.
Damaged ;; She's easily fearful and tries to avoid any trouble even if it is necessary. She is damaged, and it gets in the way of her work sometimes but she tries to move through it.
Physical Strength ;; She isn't that strong physically, but she is nimble and swift.
PM me
PM me
All deceased.
Nol grew up in a small tribe miles and miles away from the Lonely Creek pack. They became quite notorious for their ways, specifically how they treated females... and it wasn't in a good way either. Each female had to provide a good litter of pups before earning their ranks, and by the age of four, Nol had become the other of six pups - two boys, four girls, all of which were perfectly healthy. However, Nol is the reason why her family is dead. Without a true mate, the sire did not want anything to do with the pups. This created a problem for Nol. Not only was she single trying to raise six children, but she also struggled as a first time mother. Nobody was around to help her. So, out of anger, she approached the chief and made her voice known, and for her pups, it didn't end so well. Nol was banished from the tribe on account of disrespect, and went on to find herself within the Lonely Creek territory a few days later, picked up beaten and bruised, and nursed back to health every so slowly. Since then, she's earned her new rank of sentinel.