
Name: Solar Age: 6 Gender: Male Tribe: Blood Tribe Rank: Mentor Desired rank Content Appearance:(At least 100 words if not then 50 words) Solar is a orange tabby with light blue eyes. He stands at 4'2" and wieghs 87 pounds. He has long legs and broad shoulders. Solar has white sock markings in his front paws and a black striped tail with white. He has black claws and a pink nose. His tail is around 5 inches long. Personality:(At least 100 words if not then 50 words) Solar is a pactincte cat with caring attuide. He adores kits and aooerantices. He has an even temper and a loyal spirit. He doesn't want to be mean to anyone and trys to keep peace in the camp. He is very helpful and when he has the time he will actual watch the kits for the mothers of the tribe. He has a very social aura and isn't mean cat. Likes* +Kits+ +Hunting+ +Sunny areas+ Dislikes* -Rude cats- -Loud areas- -Being bossed around- Strengths: +Teaching+ +Combat+ +Speed+ Weakness: -Hunting- -Leading- -Strength Crush: Open! Mate: Open! Offspring: Open! Other: Tribe

Name: Raven Age: 8 months Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Tribe: Blood Rank: Apprentice Desired Rank: Scavenger Appearance: Raven is a black cat with brown brindle. She has white spots along her back and tail. Her two back feet and white. Her tail is tipped in white. She has brown spots on her face and a white ring around her right eye. She has heterochromia and has a blue eye and a green eye. Her right eye is blue and her left eye is green. She has a black nose with a small pink dot in the center. Her right ear is also folded down. She has a scratch only on her left leg from a thorn bush. Personality: Raven is a very energetic cat and loves to be around her tribemates. She loves running and playing. When her sister is hunting, Raven likes to try to be taught by her mentor. Raven is also a cat to never to mess with if her sister is around. Raven also tries to protect her sister as much as possible even when her sister is actually protecting her. She loves being beside her as well as being alone without her. She doesn't like when others make fun or talk about her sister behind her back. Because of this, Raven gets angry and will attack anyone that does this although she doesn't really hurt anyone much, she wants to keep her sister safe. Raven doesn't have many fears but her biggest is her fear of foxes. They took away her mother and when Raven grows up, she wants to get revenge on them for taking her mother away. Likes: Her sister Running Being Taught Dislikes: Foxes Rouge Cats Rude Cats Strengths: Running Listening Watching/Observing Weaknesses: Deathly Afraid of Foxes (for now) Short-Tempered Her Sister Being Injured Crush: Too Young Mate: Too Young Offspring: Too Young Other: Tribe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Smokey Age: 3 Gender: Female Sexuality: Aromantic Tribe: Blood Rank: Scavenger Desired Rank: Content Appearance: Smokey is a gray cat with very fluffy fur. She has white spots along her back and tail. Her toes on her back feet are white as well. She also has black speckles along with white. Smokey has orange ears and is speckled with bits of orange around her back legs. She has a black nose and two green eyes. Around her right eye, she has a white ring, exactly like her sister's. But both of her ears both stand up unlike her sister's. She also has polydactylism which means she has extra toes. She has two extra toes on each of her feet, making her paws larger than normal but it doesn't affect how she fights for she learned to grow with it. Her and her sister both got a "defect" from their mom. Their mother had heterochromia and polydactylism. Personality: Smokey is very kind to those in her tribe. She can be aggressive and uncaring to outsiders for they aren't in the tribe. Smokey doesn't seem too friendly until you get to know her. Once you do, she is kind and playful. She likes to play when she isn't on duty. Once on duty, she is focused and watching, keeping her instincts locked deep inside to survive. There is no room for error when you are scavenging and hunting. If you can't focus or be patient, no food will be provided and the clowder will become weaker. If the clowder becomes weaker, the more likely that they won't be able to defend against the Outcast tribe. Out of everything though, Smokey tries her hardest and has good stamina. She also has fairly good speed, although she does run out of energy sometimes. Smokey loves her sister. In fact, she is the only family left that she has. Her mother was killed by foxes, her dad left after her sister was born, and their younger half-brother was killed by foxes as well. Smokey doesn't want anything to happen to her sister and can be a bit overprotective. At times, this can be a good thing but other times, she just gets annoyed. She just feels the need to protect her and keep her out of any harm or danger. Smokey doesn't usually show her feelings unless she is with her sister. If she is sad, she will keep it inside of her. The only feelings she will show (and usually does) are her anger and happiness. Other than those two, her feelings stay inside. This is why others can have a hard time trusting her because she doesn't express what she's truly thinking or feeling. She does tend to be a bit more expressive to her close friends, her sister, or close tribemates. Likes: Her Sister Scavenging/Hunting Relaxing Dislikes: Nosy Cats Rouge Cats Failed Hunts Strengths: Hunting Stamina Waiting Weaknesses: Not Expressing Her Feelings Her Sister Being Injured Being Overprotective Of Her Sister Crush: Nope Mate: Nope Offspring: None Other: Tribe Edited at March 28, 2022 08:15 PM by The Midnight Wolves

• O N Y X • . Age: 4 Gender: Female Breed: Egyptian Mau . Tribe: Blood Tribe Rank: Second-in-Command Desired Rank: Leader . Appearance: Onyx stands at roughly 10 inches and weighs no more than 9 pounds. She has always been on the more average size and is a pretty healthy cat. Onyx has a very sleek and feminine figure. Her light weight causes her to be quite quick on her paws. Onyx has slight muscles that are fairly visible. The female's coat is that of many shades of grey. Her base coat is a fairly light grey with darker spots covering her along with black undertones. She has white highlights on her face and some tan covering her paws. Onyx' tail is striped with black and very sleek. She has numerous face markings as well as a peach colored nose. She has golden hues that create more of an intimidating look to her. Personality: Mature - Calm - Protective - Loyal - Intelligent Onyx is very well known as a highly mature cat. She cannot stand immaturity and will call you out for it with no remorse. She tends to take care of others well before herself. She has a bold choice of words and is not afraid to use them. Onyx has been described as a "motherly" cat. She adores kits and will do anything to keep them happy. Onyx has definitely thought about baring kits of her own, just not now as she has a lot of work to do. . Due to her position, Onyx has trained herself to remain as calm as possible. It would take a lot to have this female break and snap. She guides herself through meditation whenever she is feeling stressed or frustrated. She is a very calm and collected cat and typically remains to herself. Onyx is known to be a very quiet female. She has always been more of an observer than a talker. She could tell you just about anything about any cat in the clan. . Protective is one of Onyx' many middle names. She grew up within the clan and she will die within the clan. Her protectiveness mostly shows around kits, as stated. She would put her life on the line for any of her clan members, if it had to be that way. Of course, she hopes nothing like that would ever have to happen. Ever since the tragedy, Onyx has been on high alert of her surroundings and her clan mates' surroundings. . Her loyalty for the clan is fairly unmatched. They have helped her in so many ways and she feels she could never repay them. The clan is one of many reasons she is alive today. Especially, after the tornado. She does just about whatever she is told to do and does it without a fight. Onyx has never once thought about leaving the clan, as last clan mates have. She sees no reason to. Onyx has earned her spot as Shaman and will live to be a proud Shaman until she hands it down to her apprentice. . Her role as Shaman comes with many traits. One being intelligence. Due to her experience, Onyx is quite a smart cat. Most believe she only knows about herbs and speaking to the dead, which is not the case. Her time being a Shaman, she has learned so much more. One of the main things being the way of life. She fully believes that her mediatation has opened her mind to so many things. . Likes: + Quietness + + Kits + + Working + Dislikes: - Noisiness - - Water - - Mud - Strengths: + Agile + + Stealth + + Climbing + Weaknesses: - Swimming - - Endurance - - Second Guesses - . Affiliations: Open! Kin: Open! Crush: Arlo Mate: Arlo Kits: N/A . Other: There are references of her being another rank in her personality, this is because I got her form from another RP I am in:) Just so there is no confusion. {Credits for all images go to @IvaxXx on DA. Stock Images} | Edited at March 30, 2022 08:26 PM by M I S E R Y

Name - Cotton . Age - 3 . Gender - Male . Sexuality - Homosexual and poly . Tribe - You chose . Rank - Figter . Desierd rank - Content . Apperance - Cotton is mostly a pure white cat to make him unqie he has orange ear tips and a orange tail. His eyes are a deep green that shine at night. He has rather long ears and claws making him a good listener and fighter. His coat is arather fluffy as that is how he got his name for his mother. . For a fighter he has the scars to prove it all over his body and snout is left ear has a chp missing from the top but also has a blue flower attatched to it. . Personality - Cotton is a kind and caring cat and he always loves to show it to new comers as well but benath his caring personality he can be quite ruthless and distant from the whole tribe. His close friends are the only ones who know his true nature of being a cuddle bug or even a ever energetic cat. . Likes: - Close frends - Flowers - Cuddles - Being in a shady spot near the border . Dislikes: - Rude cats - Being yelled at - Being alone (he wont admit it) . Strengths: - Combat skills - stealth - Tracking . Weaknessess: - Water - Trust issues - His friends . Crush - Open! . Mate - Open! . Offspring- N/A . Other - Tribe

Finished! Name: River ✯ Age: Three years ✯ Gender: Female ✯ Tribe: Blood Tribe ✯ Rank: Medic ✯ Desired rank: Content ✯ Appearance: River stands at nine and a half inches and weighs about eight pounds. She has a rather petite build that makes it easy to slip into small spaces. She is a shorthair, and her fur is very sleek. It is always kept clean and well-groomed. Her tail is ever so slightly longer than an average cat's tail and tapered to a fine point at the tip. River is a calico. Her fur is dappled black and ginger, with mainly ginger. She has a snow-white blaze, chin, chest, underbelly, and legs. Her nose and paw pads are light pink with a few black spots. Her eyes are a dazzling pale green, and they always shine with kindness. ✯ Personality: River is indeed what you would call a 'gentle spirit.' She is kind, placid, and gentle, yet firm and assertive. She is patient, and can wait for hours at a time. She does her work quickly and thoroughly, often double-checking things just in case. She adapts to new enviroments easily, always being able to use her resourcefulness and creativity to find supplies to heal the others. Despite being in the middle of high tension, River is very compassionate to both tribes. If she sees a cat that is injured, she will most likely help it. Unfortunately, this makes her easy to fool if the cat is only playing injured. This little trait has caused her loyalty to be doubted by some, but she is loyal to the Blood Tribe. She often hesitates to hurt others, causing in difficulty defending herself. ✯ Strengths: Healing others Agility Adaptive Resourceful ✯ Weakness: Easily fooled by someone playing injured Astraphobia (storms) Chionophobia (snow) Hesitation while defending ✯ Crush: Open (PM me) ✯ Mate: Open (PM me) ✯ Offspring: N/A ✯ Kin: ✯ Other: Both image credits to ShamrockStock733 on DA Tribe ✯ I'm not sure if I've rped with you, so here's an example anyway. It is a rp reply from a different rp that I joined, if that's okay. ^^ - Atlas yawned and stretched, blinking sleep away from his eyes. He flexed his legs briefly, twitching his tail. He blinked in surprise, down at the cat who was unusually close to him. Why are they so close to me-? Then everything came rushing back and he felt a stab of excitement. More traveling, different places to see! Atlas picked his way carefully past the sleeping cats, making sure not to step on anyone. He made his way to the entrance of the cave and sat neatly with his tail tucked around him, waiting as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight. A gentle breeze whirled past him, ruffling his whiskers and bringing him faint scents of the forest miles away. He drank in the scents of prey, heather, and forest as he surveyed the land around him. He had explored the land a little the night before, but one could never be too cautious. He paused as his belly complained noisily. "Oh hush, you have to wait until the others wake up." He muttered quietly. It complained again. In an attempt to distract himself, he began to groom himself. He lifted one paw and licked it, rubbing it across his face and repeating this routine for awhile before moving to the base of his tail. Atlas finished his grooming and kneaded his paws into the heather below him in anticipation, impatiently waiting for his fellow cats to wake up so they could continue with their journey. Edited at March 30, 2022 12:29 PM by FancyPants

Name: Milo Age: 3 year Gender: Female Tribe: Blood Tribe Rank:Scavenger Appearance: Milo is a small female standing at 7 inches and weighs 8 pounds. She is a dark calico with half of her face black and has thick fur. She has a light blue and dark green eye. Milo has a small black nose and big round ears but her left one is missing. She has larger paws for her body and has a long pure orange tail with a white tip. With her body frame she is able to fit in small holes and tight areas. Personality: Milo is a caring cat who loves helping in anyway possible. She loves to hunt and since she is so small can fit into tiny spaces to find food. She is quiet and doesn't really talk to other cats. Milo likes kits and once in a while she will play with them and tell them stories. Once in a while Milo can be a bit rude thats only because she want to teach her tribemates what is right from wrong. Likes* Running Hunting Climbing Dislikes* Heat Large birds Strengths: Hunting skills, running skills, camouflage Weakness: Large areas, large animals/ enemies Crush:open Mate: open Offspring: open Kin: open Other: Tribe Edited at March 30, 2022 07:31 PM by Mountian Pack

Character sheet:WIP * Is optional Name: Ginger Age: 5 Gender: Female Tribe: Outcasts Rank: Mother Desired rank Content Appearance:(At least 100 words if not then 50 words) Ginger is 2'3" and weighs 60 pounds. She has a white diamond mark on her chest and a white tail tip. She has blue eyes and white paws. She has a black base coat. She has a chipped her on her left ear. She has a scar going down her left eye and she is a American short hair cat mix. Personality:(At least 100 words if not then 50 words) Ginger is loyal and caring to everyone in her tribe. She has a bit of social anxiety and doesn't care for a lot of social interaction but will interact with her tribe from time to time. She has a lot of maternal instincts and keeps an eye on her kits. She loves her mate and will interact with him almost all the time. She doesn't like to be bossed around though and will snap if someone trys to. She has a even-temper and doesn't care to much for jerks in the tribe. Likes* +Kits+ +Spring+ +Running+ Dislikes* -Hateful Cats- -Water- -Loud nosies Strengths: +Caring for Kits+ +Combat+ +Great eye sight+ Weakness: -Sense of smell- -Entergitic kits- -Injuried tribe mates Crush: Her Mate Mate: Open! Offspring: Open! Kin: Open! Other: Tribe Edited at March 30, 2022 04:48 PM by Nikki Afton

Name: Arlo Age: Just turned 4 Gender: Male Aroma: Pine with a hint of charcoal Breed: Maine Coon 93% - American Bobtail 7% Rank: Beta . Appearance: Arlo is a very handsome cat, standing at quite a tall height, he towers over most in the clan. He has a very pretty coat, stripes adorning his ginger body. He has the traditional Maine Coon ears with the small tufts on the very tips, and a long plumed tail, which is perfect for balance. He has sharp claws and large paws. His entire body is covered in stripes, and his legs and tail are adorned with white rings. He has handsome amber eyes, a small pink nose and pink inner ears. His body is well-muscled and strong, his large body is ideal for fighting and he has learned to hone his balance, so that it is almost point-perfect. Personality: ~ Wise ~ Loyal ~ Gruff ~ Calm ~ Skillful ~ Swift ~ Caring ~ Arlo is a very honored cat. Being the most dominant male, he is respected and expects to be by the cats lower than him in ranking. Becoming Beta was not exactly a great accomplishment for him, he just always knew that he would eventually take the lead male position. Well, he never always knew. After his mother was killed, he had a span where Arlo honestly had no will to live. That period of time still haunts him to this day, but he is not afraid of it, not anymore. His mental state is sometimes quite fragile, however, and his pride and joy is his mate, Fern. He is loyal to the clan, and despite his mixed emotions towards some members, he is willing to give the younger cats a chance, knowing that, if things went terribly wrong, he would make sure they never saw the clan territory again. He is often gruff, annoyed by some of the younger and cocky fighters in the clan. Not kits though, he loves the babies of the clan. His enthusiasm levels change a lot, depending on if he is with other cats or not, and what their overall mood is portraying. He is often unforgiving to loners that come into the clan’s territory, and he can remember a face like the fur on his paw, so you had better be wary. Arlo is a very skilled Beta, and he takes immense pride in his role. He is a confident leader, expecting respect and co-operation from his fellow clan members. Any disrespect that he receives, he will punish accordingly, but then again, he isn’t deliberately unkind. . Kin: Open Crush: None Mate: Onyx (Misery? Is that fine?) Kits: None as of yet . Other: ^^ Edited at March 30, 2022 09:01 PM by Spiritus Lunae

Edited at March 28, 2022 12:12 PM by .-.

Name: Wildflower Age: 7 Years Rank: Female Leader Desired rank: Female Leader Apperance: Wildflower has a cream tabby pelt with a white underbelly and pale green eyes. Personaliltiy: Wildflower is calm and very loyal to her tribe. She will often go and take walks alone to admire nature. She is not easily angered, and is understanding and forgiving. Likes* Taking walks alone, being organized, kits Dislikes* Getting cold and wet, fighting others, bad scents Strengths: Although she doesn't like fighting, she is very skilled in combat. She is also fast on her paws. Weaknesses: Wildflower is a terrible swimmer and doesn't know how to climb trees very well. Crush: None yet Mate: Male leader Offspring: None Other: Outcast tribe