

I would add a bit on to her weight, she's a bit thin for an Alusky, which would range from 60-100lbs TheHappyHowlers said: Name Molly Age 2 Gender female Original team Team two Role team dog Breed Molly is an Alusky (Alaskan Malamute+Siberian Husky) Apperance Molly is dark brown. She has tan on her belly and around her face and streaks around her body. She has red streaks around her body and some on her muzzle. She has a white tip on her tail and has brown eyes and white circles above her eyes. Molly weighs 40 pounds and is 28 inches tall. Personality Molly is persistant and will do anything for her owner. She rarely starts fights but will stand up for herself and others on her team. She is friendly and loving when your on her team but can be a bit rude to others not on her team. She always respects her leaders even if there new or from the other team because she wants to get home every night due to her puppies that are at home. She hates people and dogs alike thinking she isnt worthy just because she is a female. She also is playful and silly when she isnt working/sledding. She hates water but loves snow. She sometimes over works herself when shes on duty and will try her hardest to do whatever dogs or people say just to prove herself. She usally hides what she feels when she racing so the dogs and people around her take her seriously and often dosent talk much when on races. She some day wants to become a lead dog and thats often why she pushes herself. Crush none Mate An NPC dog on another team that she mated with to get her puppies. Pups She has 4 pups at home, 2 girls and 2 boys. Their names are Chester, Shopie, Jackson and Dixie. (They all NPCs) Affiliations Open, WIP, Her matePrinceNPC, Her pups, Chester, Shopie, Jackson, Dixie, anyone on her team and her musherAiden Paine Other Fav dog: Balto. Also im not very good at doing long replies but i love this idea so im gonna try my hardest. Im sorry if i dont do good.

oh ok sorry lol i forgot they are bigger then acctuall huskys ill add that then i gotta poof but ill be on later!


Ok im back on is Molly acepted?



so umm sorry to bother you but shes not on the list.....

