
Name: shade valion Age: 18 Appearance: short. she wears a baggy black hoodie, always with the hood up. she has ocean blue eyes. she wearss black leggings (she isnt emo shes like me) and black and blue shoes. Personality: cold and scared, shes always jumpy like gurl calm down. like orca, she has a mental shell she wont come out of unless she trusts the person, if she trusts them enough her true side comes out, she is a silly and goofy idiot. Gift: she is a neko, maine coon breed, black fur

Accepted! Sensing a pattern in these folks trust issues-

i have trust issues thats why-

Same my friend, same, -.-

Name: Faye Age: 16 Appearance: Short and pale skinned with, long, wavy, fiery red hair and grey eyes. She has fiery red and orange wings on her back. ... Personality: She is not one of the popular ones as such but still has a lot of friends in different friend groups. She is nice but cocky, sarcastic and can come across mean but this is merely her sense of humour and rarely means to offend. Gift: Avian, she has wings
Edited at February 13, 2022 05:58 PM by Lupus Pack

Name: Farris Howard Age: 16 Appearance: Farris has medium-short, just above shoulder length, dirty blond hair. He has full heterochromia eye colors, his lft being a deep hazel and his right a bright emerald green. He stands at about 5'4-5'5 and weights 120 pounds, normally Farris would wear dark blue blue jeans woth a grey shirt and red hoodie following with his black and blue sneakers. Personality: Farris id a very quiet, keeps to himself person. But once you get to know him you'd learn that he just loves theater and acting, he's protective and a selfless person. Gift: Regeneration; this gift allows the user to heal his/her own wounds and the people around them though the only time the user to use it is if them or the receiver has a deadly wound.


can you make a disscussion? so its easier to keep our conversations part from the rp?

Name: Mika Age: 14 Appearance: She has dark brown hair that she either keeps in a pony tail or braid, and she has green eyes like a oak leaf in summer. She has a light tan, and a lot of freckles scattered all over her. When the sun hits her hair at a right angle, it will look red. She's about 5'10, and is pure lean muscle. Personality: She is quiet and observative, and can be see spending her time reading or hanging out somewhere in the woods. She's not very social but likes to talk when she feels like it. She is smart both academically and street wise. She loves to read, animals, and swimming and running. Gift: Being able to controll nature. Ex: plants, and non living things like rocks, and being able to talk to animals. She can also only controll whats there. For example she can't create a plant, there has to be a seed or plant nearby. Edited at March 15, 2022 11:55 AM by Nightwalkers
