
Reserve Beta Female and Pack Member please? I will try to get them done tonight but if I don't, they will be done tomorrow ^-^
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spots have been reserved!
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May I reserve a pack member? I will get them up tomorrow.

Name: Raven Samara Nickname(s): Rav Name Meaning: Raven Guardian Age: 23 years old Gender: Female Rank: Beta Female Personality: Unique ~ Wary ~ Determined ~ Intelligent
Raven is quite unique. She can be totally serious one moment before being sarcastic funny the next. She takes her job quite seriously but she always has time for fun and games when it comes to her friends. Or as she calls them, annoying people. She takes her job seriously around the alphas but when times call for it, she will drop her rank slightly and let loose a bit to relieve the tension in the room.
This collides with her sarcastic replies. Let's just put this out there: She does not like arrogant people. She can handle sarcastic, immature, and chaotic. What she can't handle is people who think their better than the alpha and act like it. Watch your words when she gets wary, she will protect her pack and will risk her life for them. Her wariness towards new things can be both a good thing and a downside. She is untrusting to anyone outside her pack and accepting to those in her pack, and even then, its narrowed to a select few.
Rav is intelligent but sly. When she's in a joking or playful mood, you better watch your step. As sly as a fox sometimes, she makes use of the environment around her whether she's a wolf or a human. Her traps will usually include honey and feathers. You can picture what that will entail ;3
Despite this persona that she gives out, her heart is wrapped in a frozen cube. She lets no one too close even as she loves the pack as they are her family. If asked about her family, she will not be the girl you know. Instead, you will find yourself facing a cold emotionless female. She does not speak of her past and it is a dangerous line to step over. This cold side of her, you will find that it is nearly impossible to get through to her. She will disappear into the woods for a while before coming back, her normal self when that happens. Appearance: Raven stands at roughly 5"6 feet tall, weighing around 130lbs. She holds herself with pride and her walk is swaggering when she feels like it. As she rarely gets drunk, her eyes are always alert and occasionally playful. She has long black hair, coming down slightly beneath her shoulders. It's wavy but not yet curly or straight no matter how much she tries to straighten it. She has tannish white skin and piercing emerald eyes.
Raven usually wears black jeans, a t-shirt and a navy blue hoodie. She has silver studs in her ears, not a big fan of earrings. A pendant necklace hangs around her neck. Tucked underneath her hoodie most of the time, rare times will you see the eagle charm on it. With it is a small ring. On her wrist, she wears a titanium black bracelet. One ring in the center is red with a silver on both sides of it. The rest is black.
Raven only has one scar. This is hidden, right underneath her collarbone to the middle of her chest. This looks like its light but it is deep enough that it never healed completely. Raven is thin, but agile. Her light weight and height makes it easier to move and dodge in a fight as well as annoy her opponent to no end.
Her wolf form looks like this:

Friend(s): PM me! Sexuality: Straight Likes: Running Annoying packmates Reading Dislikes: Arrogant people Seeing her packmates or alpha hurt Crowds Other: Feel free to PM me if you want to be a friend of hers! Crushes beware <3 Edited at January 22, 2022 10:45 PM by Fangsoffire
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Name: Moon Age: 3 Gender: girl Rank: warrior
Personality: she is quiet, smart, stubborn, she is very stubborn. She is also very mistivious, and is very sly. She has been called a liar, cheater, clever, coyote, devious and cunning. She is also can be very convincing, she can convince anybody or anything into/out of anything. Appearance: She is tall about 6'ft-6ft'3. She has long brownish red hair(pretty much the same color of rusted metal), that is thick and frizzy. Her eyes are a muddy green color, and her skin is pale and covered in freckles (mostly on her arms and face.). She looks somewhat like a fox in the face. She almost always has a mystiveous glint in her eyes. Relationship status: single Sexuality: straight
Other: I have no idea what to put, and I did read the rules. Her wolf form: She is about 4 or 5'ft tall, and her fur is the same rusty red color as her hair. Her eyes are the same just more of a vibrant green. Her face looks like a normal wolf form, but she almost always has a mystchevious look in her eyes. Edited at January 25, 2022 06:25 PM by LightMoonPack

just a reminder that reservations only last 24hrs! to get an extension please message me! (do not post on the forums asking for an extension)
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Name: Victoria or Tori O'Connor Age: 24 Gender: Female Rank: Pack member/Hunter Personality: On the outside Tori appears to be outgoing and boisterous. Especially when it comes to singing and making the music videos is where this young woman truly shines. But behind closed doors she prefers to be cuddled up with her dogs and a good book forgetting there is a world on the outside. Tori isn't afraid to try new things and will even jump to do a spontaneous adventure if she is given the chance. Tori wasn't and still isn't always the most open person when it comes to meeting new people. She is very aware that people look more at the artwork that covers her skin and the fact that she will drive to work on her motorcycle, expecting her to be just a regular Joe and not the manager of the store. She gets some joy at seeing the shock in people's faces when it hits them that she is in charge and is a definition of don't judge a book by its cover. Tori is very protective of her animals and family, she will go out of her way to help those she cares about even if that means having to pack up and move to a different country to be closer to a dear friend. Tori has been known to drink a few guys under the tables when she gets really going, most of the time after a stressful day. Even though she sometimes plays up to the drunk Irish person, sometimes she would rather watch those around her and see what they get themselves into. Tori has a soft spot for children and wants to have her own family one day. Tori has a temper and has been known to throw items like pillows or other soft things as a way to release her energy. Sometimes she works on a song or project but if she does that, it means she is shutting out the world and everyone around her. Appearance: The first thing that many note about Tori is her two full sleeve tattoos that also go up her neck. Her sleeves are full of flowers, animals, and musical influences. On her left hand she has a henna tattoo that covers most of her hand in the decorative art. On her neck, the tattoo stops just below her jawline and has the appearance of spider webs coming out from under her skin. It is fashioned in a way to look as though it is a Victorian era high necked collared shirt with spiders for the buttons instead. She also has a wolf going down her right ribs that has a striking resemblance to her dog Rubble with a cherry tree behind him. She has a couple roses decorating her ankles around both feet that were made to appear as if they were bracelets. The next thing people notice is her bright, crimson red hair with a tanned complexion. Tori was blessed with her father's skin tone, so any time she spends out in the sun gives her a warm sun kissed glow. She has heterochromia which caused her right eye to be a bright vibrant green and her left eye is a dark opal blue. Normally she wears her contacts but at night or first thing in the morning she will have her glasses on to wander about the house. Her hair falls to about the middle of her back but most of the time she keeps it up in a bun or braids to look more professional. She is a whopping 160 lbs and stands at 5'8'' when she isn't wearing heels. Her normal work attire is a nice polo with either black dress pants or a skirt of some sort. When she is working on music, she will wear a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers depending on what they are doing. Many times she will wear an oversized shirt with shorts. She has a muscular frame that still has feminine curves. Her chest is slightly larger than normal but ties into her stomach and hips proportionately. Her legs are long and muscular from her years of dance. Tori's facial structure is softer with rounded cheekbones with slightly larger eyes. Her eyes are lined with long lashes that many girls envy. She has full lips that are usually in a smile and a soft button nose. There is a more natural beauty to the young woman. She also carries a thick Irish accent when she speaks or sings. wolf: When Tori is in her wolf form she is on the larger side for a red wolf. She has a dark crimson fur that fades into a dark brown on her paws. She stands 4 foot at her shoulder and weighs 70 lbs. The heterchromia is also apparent in her wolf form which makes it easier to identify the young woman. Her coat also carries flecks of white throughout almost giving a shimmer as she walks if the sun catches it just right. Muscles cover her frame giving her strength when she needs it. Due to her larger size, she doesn't fit in as many places as some of the other hunters but she can take down slightly larger prey a little easier. Relationship status: Open/PM me Sexuality: Straight Other: Please pm me if anyone wants to be friends with Tori. Also let me know if I need to change or add anything.

FrostyK, your character is accepted! <33
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Name: Shadow Dresden Age: 24 years old Gender: Male Rank: Loner Rank within: N/A Personality: Cold ~ Independent ~ Troublemaker ~ Stubborn
Everyone has been there sometime in their life. As stubborn as a mule. Story of his life pretty much. Shadow doesn't ask for help nor will he ever admit when he is injured and in need of help. He is quite stubborn and hard-headed. He won't ask for help, directions, or even if he knows something is wrong. Never one to follow other werewolves, Shadow can be quite a handful.
Coincidentally, this coincides with his independence and coldness. Shadow stays away from crowd unless he is looking for trouble. Which can be quite often if he feels like it. When he is in the mood for fighting, his patience is on a short leash. As is his sarcastic remarks. He is always on edge but usually enjoys himself when it comes to fighting. He has yet to get into a fight with another werewolf(unless someone would like to PM me ;3) but would try if it was necessary.
Shadow is downright cold. He hates everyone he sees and doesn't care about anyone else but himself. This might change if he finds a young werewolf in need of help but this applies to all adult werwolves and humans. This might change slightly through the RP~ Appearance: Shadow, like his name, his dressed in all black. He usually wears black or dark navy blue jeans. A black t-shirt with a black hoodie is his normal go-to when he wants to fight. A dark grey jacket is used on regular occasions. Black sneakers are always on his feet. A single silver stud is in his left ear. He stands at 6"3 feet tall, weighing roughly 150lbs. His eyes are heterochromia, his left eye emerald green and his right eye a sapphire blue.
When he is out and about, he will have a half mask on. Obsidian black, it covers the right side of his face. His right eye is covered just enough to conceal the color but let him see. Will usually hide his half smirk unless he is all out grinning. He carries a bow and a quiver of arrows whenever he goes out hunting, his bow long and eloquently made, in the shape of an eagle.
Shadow has a few scars, curtesy of fights from the past. One runs from the back of his neck down to his left shoulder. He has a flurry of scars on his right wrist, all light enough to not do any damage but deep enough to stay. His last scar is his deepest scar. From his right shoulder, it travels down to his lower back. This one is rarely seen.
Wolf Form -->
 Relationship status: N/A Sexuality: Straight Likes: Being alone Running Fighting Dislikes: People who talk about peace Swimming Not understanding something Other: N/A Edited at January 29, 2022 11:53 PM by Fangsoffire
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