
Edited at December 6, 2021 03:17 PM by ~TheUltimapack~

Shay/Soaren Female/Male Both 4 years old Both Hunters Shay is a dusty brown female with light green eyes Soaren is a Dark brown male with golden yellow eyes They are littermates Open for crushes Edited at December 13, 2021 02:45 PM by saratank

Storm-5 years-Male-Fighter-Lead Fighter ~ Sierra-7 years-Female-Hunter-Content ~ Delaney-5 years-Female-Loner-Content ~ Tiris-1 years and Five Months-Male-Trainee [Fighter] ~ Edited at December 13, 2021 03:31 PM by Isa's Pack

Name- Latte Age- 6 Gender- Male He/Him Rank- Hunter Rank wanted- Alpha mate, but if you're looking for someone else then i'd be interested in going for Lead hunter :] Crush- Luna Mate- N/A Pups- N/A Look-  (credits to #281462) Personality- Latte is quite outgoing, striving to impress those around him and overperforming to achieve that. He often stays up late just practicing his skills in hunting (and basic fighting, to defend himself, of course) so that he can be the best of the best. He holds ambition for himself, and doesn't plan to let that little flame in his heart be snuffed. He has a habit of getting panicked when things go wrong for him. For example, he fails a hunt. He'll often begin overcompensating for this loss and completely exhausting himself. This does lead him to walk around like a 100 year old ghost. Latte is pretty quiet, he's not sure if he has selective mutism or just gets too tired to talk. Latte can be considered aggressive, or more, defensive, he takes things seriously, especially if they target him or those he cares about personally. His fuse is short in those situtations. Though there isn't overly many wolves he cares about at the moment, he's rather on his own. Generally though, he holds himself at a high standard, so he doesn't plan to always bark down everyone's throats for the tiniest thing they do. That'd be barbaric. Other- N/A! _______________________________________ Name- Mocha Age- 7 Gender- Male He/Him Rank- Fighter Rank wanted- Heould like to be beta, but is completely fine where he is. May end up becoming omega at a point Crush- N/A (PM, anyone?) Mate- N/A Pups- N/A Look- (credits to #281462) Personality- Mocha is a rambunctious male, often forgetting his own strength and causing a bit of a ruckus. He'd never do it on purpose though, however he has gotten close to becoming an omega because of it. He doesn't often realise anything he does is either right or wrong, the moral line for him is rather transparent. This leads him to lacking a sense of guilt or remorse, because as far as he's aware, he didn't do anything bad. As much as his morals are grey, he does have at least some sense of it. He can only see the extremeties of the moral compass, seeing murder and genocide as a probably bad thing and curing wolves of their ails as probably a good thing. He's just fortunate enough to be in the (hopefully) smack dab centre most of the time, so he doesn't have to worry about right and wrong. Other- Appearence subject to change if i manage to find the source of the one(s) i wanted _______________________________________ Name- Frappe Age- 5 Gender- Female She/Her Rank- Mother (Usually Hunter) Rank wanted- Satisfied Crush- Niro (Not really) Mate- Niro (Not really) Pups- N/A (pending) Look- Image pending. Frappe is a pale she-wolf, her fur being a light shade of silver with white at her points. She has some dark parts to her pelt nearby her dorsal line. On her face, she has a marking similar in shape to a heart, being brown. Personality- Frappe tends to ride on the manipulative side of life, even though at a lot of times she won't hide that she's doing it. Her ego is larger than life and she believes that with an assertive enough tone and fancy words she can make anyone do anything for her. Maybe some blackmail and favours helps too. Due to this nature, Frappe seems to trust those around her too easily, believing that if they ever submit to her in any way that she's gotten them under her 'spell' and will not consider that they'd lie to betray her. She holds a general spite to those who are not her. She's a full-blown narcissist. Other- N/A
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Rain ~ ||Unborn|| ~ ||Male|| ~ ||pup|| ~ ||to young|| ~ Appearance: Rain is a light brown pup with dark brown (maybe blue later) eyes some parts of his fur are darker brown while some like his face look more orangey red ~ Personality: Despite his small size Rain isn't scared of much, but rather is curious about anything and everything around him. That being said he knows better than stray far from his mother's side. When close to and among the pack, however, he grows a little braver and will at times move off to play with the other pups. A rather social thing Rain won't hesitate to ask any questions that might arise, though most are directed towards his mother. He is as energetic as any pup his age and enjoys running about whenever the opportunity arises. He isn't nearly as fast as some of the older pups but won't hesitate to challenge them to a race. Relationships, even at his young age, are important to Rain, regardless of whether they are blood or bond. ~ Crush: open ~ Mate: he's to young! ~ Pups: he's to young! ~ Affiliation's: none for now ~ Edited at December 13, 2021 03:58 PM by ~TheUltimapack~

Aria Female Just shy of a year Loner Aria is a pale gray with darker gray undertones with hazel eyes No crush/mate/pups yet

Shadow Walker Name Kinsai Age 3 yr. Gender Female Rank / Desired Rank Fighter / Beta Appearance Midnight and sunhigh, Kinsai could easily be considered a rarity. With dark, almost black, fur and brilliant yellow eyes, Kinsai is beautiful. Standing at a somewhat typical height of 31 inches tall, 5 feet long, and 83 pounds, this girl isn't a pushover. Personality Kinsai is stubborn, calculating, and a bit of a loner. She tends to spend most of her time hunting with her brother or training with her friends. Kinsai is also remarkably kind. She adores any and all pups within the pack and often hunts down their favorite treats. Kin / Affinities Both parents are dead. Hanuki - brother Luna - best friend open - friend open - crush / mate Other / Extra "Anima Noctis" meaning soul of night, is the nickname her mother gave her, due to Kin's nocturnal habits (night hunting, mostly) Edited at December 16, 2021 11:14 PM by Usagiyama Rumi

Fire Breather Name Hanuki Age 4 yr. Gender Male Rank / Desired Rank Fighter / Alpha Male Appearance Sunhigh and midnight, Hanuki is the opposite of his younger sister. With a coat the color of oak and gold, eyes darker than dusk, and the build of a tank, Hanuki is powerful. Personality Despite, or perhaps in spite, of his large size, Hanuki is a classic example of a giant teddy bear. Calm, collected, generous, there is no one kinder than this sun-loving boy. He adores helping his pack and doing all he can to protect them. His loyal knows no bounds. Kin / Affinities Both parents are dead Kinsai - sister Latte - best friend Luna - crush Other / Extra He likes pups, laying in the sun near water, and spending time with his sister. Edited at December 17, 2021 05:54 PM by Usagiyama Rumi

River Runner Name Reka Age 8 m. Gender Female Rank / Desired Rank Hunter Trainee / Healer Trainee Appearance Reka is true to her name, with dark gray and silver fur, and eyes the color of the sandbanks. She's small but lithe, with long legs and wide paws meant for the water. Due to an accident as a pup, Reka does have a few scars on her muzzle and ears, but she wears them proudly. Personality As the river who gave her her name, Reka is cool and gentle most of the time, but dangerous and wild at others. She normally puts others before herself but has a very mischievous side, too. Reka likes her alone time, but she's usually attached at the hip with her best friend, *insert best friend here lol.* Kin / Affinities open - parents open - siblings open - best friend open but hesitant - crush Other / Extra Reka loves swimming, so much so that her friends have nicknamed her 'River Runner'

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