Wolf Play : Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | Open
12:39:48 Qyu - all pronouns
boo- good game, thanks!
12:38:51 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)

good game, your wolf looks cool I like her gear and decor
12:36:59 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)

done :)
12:34:47 Qyu - all pronouns
boo- sure if you set the wager to 0
12:33:02 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
quick PvP anyone?
12:32:14 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)

ohh he's pretty
12:31:41 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
Rocky Road listens to the forest sounds.

Stats: Perception +2
Mood: Alert
12:30:16 Rabbit
Hmm normally I don't like most of the colored noses, but with his eyes it's not too bad.
-WP Click-
12:27:08 Silver
Pm me if you want to rp
 Clear Sky
12:25:49 Sky / Blue - she,her
i need name ideas, im sick of trying to think up something good lol
 Lazy Kingdom
12:25:30 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
-WP Click-
12:16:26 Venn/Venne
Draco - spell your words out please. Thanks~
 Crypto Currency
11:54:22 Ash they/them
draco, it means they get hungry slower
hey what is the survivalism boost?
11:44:33 Vox, Corey
Yeesh, jasmines be spendy right now

No worries lmao I got distracted by duck mugs.

Aww that's too bad :c
 Celestial Saga
11:37:43 Queen / Jo
How is everyone
11:35:02 The Naming Empress
 Mistress Nyx
I poofed im sorry lol. I do have to go, but feel free to dm me if you ever wanna chat!


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Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:53 AM


Posts: 9246
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4 Years, 6 Months
Ridge Pride
Temporary Queen
Desired Rank:
Queen, and freedom from the Ukufa Males.
[Credit for both images: Saoradh on DA. Stock Images.]
Acantha is a lioness of a muscular, although not stocky, build. Her pelt is a mixture of tawny-tan and gold, although the tawny-tan overpowers the latter. She isn't a small lioness, standing at approximately 3.6 or 3.7 feet at the shoulder, give or take. She weighs around 167 kilograms, or 368 pounds if the prey has been good and she's been well fed. She isn't the largest lioness out there, but she isn't small--certainly not a pushover. Her eyes are a soft olive-gold combination, and her scent is an odd, but pretty, mixture of sweet smelling flowers.
Acantha is not a friendly lioness. She is complicated, difficult to understand, and her thought patterns are intricate and difficult to follow--she is not, however, a nice creature. To some, she may have some form of kindness or affection, others obviously more than others, but to the general public, the lioness portrays herself as someone not to be crossed. She has a foul temper, with a fiery attitude that can quickly spark a blaze if one does not tread very carefully, and she has a quick, sharp tongue. The lioness is also possessive and protective, not only of the pride, for she adores her pride and would protect them with everything she’s got, but those that are much closer to her. Relatives and beings that have made a home in her heart are treated rather differently by the lioness. She guards them almost feverishly, and can quite easily get jealous if their affections turn elsewhere (*cough* speaking for one particular lion *cough*). That is not to try and claim that Acantha does not have some… somewhat redeeming qualities.

The lioness is a good leader. She knows how to take command, and when to take command--she is also, quite possibly, the least likely being in existence to tolerate rule-breaking. She is crafty and intelligent, observant and quick to pick up on the finer details. Perhaps it is these qualities that make her punishments so terrifying. She assesses a lion in need of punishment, and thinks of something that no other could imagine. Her punishments for breaking rules rarely, if ever, get physical, but more lean towards psychological punishments. Let’s just say it’s best to follow the rules, rather than even attempt to break them. Changing ranks and losing privileges are on the nicer side of her punishments.

However, this paints her in a light of a tyrannical leader, which she is not. If one follows all of the rules and doesn’t cause much of a disturbance, one might even call her something close to pleasant. Certainly not kind or nice or anything of the sort, but not quite the aggressive, dangerous creature that can be shown through her temper. She cares deeply for her pride, even if she has, sometimes, backwards ways of showing it. It’s certainly not incorrect to think that she would, without a second of doubt, give her life for her pride, and would sooner suffer than allow any of them to perish. She’s a good leader, most of the time, and only wants the best for her pride.
Can you guess who?
She has two daughters.
Crixus is her Favored Lion.
Neda is her Favoured Lioness.

Edited at August 9, 2021 04:28 AM by Polly
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:53 AM


Posts: 9246
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Meaning: "Prince".
5 Years
King, or Dominant Male
Desired Rank:
King of The Lands
[Credits for Images Goes to robbobert on DA. Stock Images.]
Kumar is a lion of a truly brutish size, both in height and in mass. He easily stands at four and a half feet tall, towering over most, if not all, males that he comes across. He quite likes being able to look down at those below him. Whilst the goliath male lacks nothing in height, he adds only more to his savage size with his weight, clocking in at a hefty mass of 550 pounds. The lion is nothing short of a behemoth, and he knows it.

The King's build truly shows off his powerful size, with long legs and a muscular physique. Sinewy flesh stretches across his bones, large and impressive. It does nothing to take away from his dominant, mighty aura. In fact, it really only adds to the atmosphere of aggressive dominance that surrounds the male. He looks like a creature that you wouldn't want to mess with, and he's proven that to be true on multiple occassions.

Whilst the male might not be entirely covered in scars, he is most certainly not free of them. He has one on his nose, another on his forehead, and many that litter themselves across his shoulders, flanks, legs and sides. Whilst he is a giant specimen, that does not mean that others are completely against fighting him, and he has had his fair share of battles, leaving him with a few gifts to show off his prowess.
Besides his size, Kumar is a handsome male. He has a coat that is a gorgeous tan-gold mixture, shifting between the shades depending on the lighting around him. In most cases, it seems to lean more towards a golden hue, pale but striking in colouration. The scars upon his skin do not take away from his handsomeness; in fact, they add to the rugged, sturdy look that the male has.

His man, whilst not the largest or fluffiest out there, is thick across his neck and shoulders. It starts as a tan-golden shade, very similar to the colouration of his fur. From there, it quickly transitions to a shade of brown, and then, even quicker, changes hues to onyx. The hair stretches across his shoulders, between the shoulder blades, and down the front of his chest, going between his forelegs.

The brute has eyes of a pale olive hue, something like topaz or gold mixed in with the pale green, particularly around his pupil. His scent is something not unlike a bunch of wild plants, decievingly sweet and welcoming, compared to the male the scent belongs to.
Kumar is, out of him and his brother, the politically adept one. He runs their group, keeps a tight grip on those below him and under his charge, and knows how to make sure his orders are followed. He might not make the battle plans, but he has a paw in any plans that are mad, as an equal of his sibling. His primary focus is keeping those under the command of the both of them alive and healthy, unlike his sibling, who's focus has been chosen to be war side of taking over the lands.

The brute is both strong and intelligent. He's observant and calculating, intelligent and a swift thinker. Those that try to undermine him rarely get far, each step planned out in his mind, things rarely getting out of hand. When they do, though, he's a quick enough thinker to get himself out of a tough situation. He's got enough of a domineering aura to get those around him to listen, and listen closely. He's got a voice deep enough to boom like thunder, and a tone commanding enough to have even the most disobedient listening to him.

Whilst the brute might, most of the time, be someone that is distant and cold, he has two very different sides. With those that have earned it, he can be sweet, pleasant, perhaps even kind or gentle. He can display a persona that one would expect from a fair and just leader, someone that can hold secrets and mutter soft, encouraging words. That, however, doesn't mean that he doesn't have another side.
Kumar can, quite easily, become a volatile creature. He can descend into a brute that knows only violence, only aggression, someone that displays their temper through physical means. He isn't one to vocalize his anger, rather, the goliath creature simply lashes out, claws slashing and fangs aiming for the throat. You are expected to know his rules, to know what sets off his temper, to know what irritates him and what calms him. You must know these if you wish to survive in his presence.

He is, to put it bluntly, a very possessive being. If something is his, it is his. His brother is his. That lioness that he's courting is his. That cub is his. That part of the kill is his. That sleeping spot is his. That pride is his. He gets possessive over objects, places, and other beings. If you make someone that belongs to him upset, Kumar will give you a worse fate than even hell could, and he will feel no remorse doing so. He feels very little remorse in general, regardless of what he does.

It's not uncommon to see the male regarded as hollow, or vacant. He can come off as cold and distant if you have yet to enter his good graces, or his bad ones.
Not a crush, but an... interest in one of the lionesses, Izula.
Gazini is his brother.

Edited at August 10, 2021 07:52 AM by Polly
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 04:04 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Image Credit Belongs to Robbobert on DA. Stock Image.


3.5 Years
Desired Rank:

Image Credit Belongs to Robbobert on DA. Stock Image.

Izula is a tall lioness, by no means the tallest, but the feminine creature has some height to her standing at three feet and 5 inches. What she might lack a little bit in height, though, the lioness makes up for in weight, being around 368 lbs. Zula isn't the largest lioness, but the female is tough and big enough to put up a good fight with almost anyone. And she has the attitude to think she can win.

Everything about Izula's frame screams "huntress". Powerful legs. Wide, padded paws. Deadly curved claws. This lioness, like many others, was designed to be a pain in everything's ass, literally. Powerful muscles ripple through the young lioness' body, her youthful physique barely marred with the scars of hunts. Her legs are long, but not so much so to be gangly, and her muscular build isn't so much so as to be unfeminine.

The lioness is equipped with the makings of death, but her appearance can cause her to stand out from the crowd. While many have lighter, tawny colored pelts, Zula's is more so a darker shade. Reddish hues coat her body, the ruddy tan color significantly deeper than the normal color. In the shade, the female is nearly a lighter shade of russet. Her coat color contrasts with the creamy shade of her underbelly, giving her a distinctive and defined look. Her eyes are a brought, golden amber color, as if someone caught a ray of the sun within them. Her scent is something akin to amber, vanilla, and lilac (think something like Dragon's Blood if you're familiar), comforting and rich, but never overpowering.

Image Credit Belongs to Arghel on DA. Stock Image.
Izula is a trecherous character, one who is always out for number one. Kind of. She is a highly ambitious lioness, and doesn't care what she has to do to get where she wants to be, or who she has to step on. She doesn't feel an allegiance to the lionesses in the pride like many do, viewing them merely as stepping stones of obstacles. She can be quite selfish with her priorities, not caring if her actions hurt others if it gets her what she desires, and closer to what she's working towards.

The lioness is a very intelligent creature, and any strength she lacks physically is easily made up in mental acuity. The lioness is one who is always thinking ahead, planning her every move, trying to predict any possibly outcomes so she can be prepared for them. Of course, not everything can be predicted, and the lionesses has learned to be adaptable to whatever is thrown her way, as much as she can be. With that quick mind of hers, able to think on the fly, the female also is quite silver tongued, able to verbally spar with anyone who dares. Izula has never hestated to play mind games, or verbally tear down her opponent to get what she desires. There truly is little the female wouldn't do to gain what she wants.

If it was evident enough, the female tends to be quite manipulative, not afraid to turn unsuspecting lions into pawns for her game. It might seem a little heartless, but the female has no attachments to them, and couldn't care less. She's a bit vain, believing herself to be above many of the others in almost every category, but she specifically believes herself to be a beautiful lioness. And she wouldn't be wrong, the female is quite pretty, almost eye catching, and she knows it. She puts a lot of effort into her appearance, but also isn't afraid to get her claws dirty when it comes down to it.

With her proud and confident attitude, it's no wonder that Izula can be quite flirtatious. She isn't shy about her affections, and will blazenly go after a male who catches her attention or will serve her purpose. The female doesn't care if another female is interested in the male, or if he is already mated, all she cares about is herself. So if she can steal him for her own, she will, without any form of hesitation.

Izula isn't without her good qualities though. She can affectionate and nice when she pleases, and would make a devoted lover if someone can hold her attention for that long. If you can help her, the female is definitely someone you want on your side, as there is nothing she won't do to achieve her goals.

Any of the Ukufa Males, Specifically the High Ranks


Open Possibly.

Image Credit Belongs to Robbobert on DA. Stock Image.

Edited at August 8, 2021 04:45 AM by Imperial Sands
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 07:15 AM


Posts: 22584
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' Your Life Is Owed To Us '
Former Third Female
Desired Rank:
Her rank as Third Female back and her Queen restored to full power and the pesky males gone.
This female stands at 3.5 feet in height. So she's tall, but not too tall. When she's eaten well she weighs around 355 lbs. Her coat is your normal tawny color, but it's a bit darker than average giving it an almost golden near bronze look. Her underbelly is a bit lighter with a cream appearance. Her body size would be considered medium sized in terms of lionesses. Not the smallest, but also not the largest out their. Her body is also the perfect combination of speed and agility. Making her perfect for both hunting and defending. Her eye color can be described as a bright hue of amber, and they can grown serious or in rare cases warm. Yet, they always seem a bit ablaze. This female has long ivory claws that are well-formed and are used for hunting

Credit Belongs to Emelyanova2010 on DA. Stock Image.
This female can be described as strong-willed and resiliant. Highly autonomous so she won’t give in easily to the demands of others. If she doesn't want to, you can’t make her. It’s as simple as that. Her devotion to personal sovereignty gives her the ability to maintain strong boundaries and resist peer pressure. Failure is not an option for this female. Hardship only makes her stronger. She is a survivor . She will persevere through even the most difficult of circumstances. This female is fiercly independant, not needing someone to coddle or look after her. She can do it on her own goddamn it, however , she is not beneath asking for help or admitting her faults. If it's one thing she's not it's arrogant.

If overwhelmed and embittered, the she may detach and withdraw. She shuts-down and become resigned to a life she sees as a prison sentence, something that must be endured or tolerated, no matter how tortuous the path or the circumstances may seem. At this point, she builds an inpenetrable wall around themselves to shut-out any feelings or emotions that could distract them from their focus on a task or just getting through life in general. Becoming indifferent to the world, however, may alleviate some internal strife, but it also creates barriers that block emotionally fulfilling relationships and other outlets of joy that make life worth living. You'll never see her cry publicly, only in her private will she weep or grieve. Her face can be described like a mask and is often long-drawn as if weighted by the gravity of her burdens. When her eyes are not frustratingly impassive, they can appear, in a poetic sense, like dark chasms that act as reservoirs for the failures, disappointments, and losses of humanity.

Becase she has the right amount of wit and intelligence, she developed sass as she got older. Just like you learn to think before you talk, she acquired the skills of speaking her mind, but in a less childish and overt manner. Very diplomatic and has a calculated approach in what she's going to say and how to act, and uses a certain degree of logic and know-how to keep herself in tact. Known to be smartass. She’ll be the first one to call you out on your overt attempts of impressing someone, but the difference is, they’ll do it in a playful manner because she means well. She doesn't give a crap about what others think about her, how come comes off, doesn't take bullshit or disrespect from them, and she does what she wants, when she wants, period.

Sometimes she finds herself in awkward situations where she has to explain their intentions to prove that she's not so bad after all. Opening up, being vulnerable, and talking about emotions is not really an area where the female shines. She would rather hide her emotions in a chest, to be buried in a deep, dark cave, never to be retrieved again. She grew up emotionally distant and can sometimes feel that talking about emotions is pointless. She’d much rather find solutions to problems and look at situations objectively. You’re just wasting your time coaxing her out because she's hell-bent on keeping that door shut. She spares no time thinking about how circumstances affect them; she want to get straight to the solution, at whatever cost. Explaining her thoughts to other people ends up feeling like an incredible burden because emotions are pretty straightforward in her head. Talking about emotions often feels like a social burden more than a necessity. As a result, she may come across a little uncooperative. As much as she comes off as cold, aloof, and standoffish she is their. Listening, observing, trying to be better for the pride. She just has trust issues.

She seems to have some sort of “autodetect” mode for the soft spots in others. Once these qualities are noted, suprisingly she is intuitively aware of how to approach those vulnerabilities with respect and kindness or even gentleness. She's well atuned to the needs of those under her. She would do anything for them, if you dared to touch or harm them she'd raise hell. If one her friends or Queen are taken, she'd destroy prides just to get what she needed to save them or get them back. She used to be forgiving and see the best in all, but now she's more of a realist.

This female has experienced pain and seen death. She's grown numb to it which is a horrible thing to say, but it's true. Now she does like inflicting pain upon others or hear them begging her for mercy. She's cold-hearted in this way, but this is only reserved for those she doesn't like. She won't lower herself to pummel you if you upset her, but instead will speak with a venomous and cruel tone. However, if you have really done something to displease her, like disrespect her siblings, she won't hesitate to send her claws to your face. Very cutthroat. If you make her suffer, then she'll reign it back down on you with tremendous force. She does believe in vengeance and karma. She is patient enough to wait days, weeks, or even years to ge back at you. And she will make it hurt. This female is quite spiteful and venomous. If you try and kill her, she'll live out of spite and find a way to kill you twice. Very observant and critical, she'll point out every single one of your flaws with a smile on her face. She's tough and gritty with an uncompromising morals and resolve. She's also very firm and stern in nature.

This female is very authoritative. She's very self-assured and knows who she is and her ambitions and goals. Oddly enough in this pride, she is reliable and able to be trusted. She respects her pridemates and expects respect back, and someone will pay hell if it isn't given. When she speaks, she expects to be listened to and not interrupted and if she is then someone will face the consequences. Her words are to be listened to and obeyed, and if they are not she'll find some subtle way to let you know of her displeasure. Very strict and firm, she will not tolerate disobedience or disorder. She also gives respect and honor as due. She is also very influential with her words and actions, as she knows they hold weight within the pride, even if she doesn't have her official title. This female's words drip with sass and sarcasm if she's doesn't have her 'resting bitch face' on . She is very social and quick to go find others to talk to. She can be nice and kind when she wants to, but if you don't reciprocate or appreciate it then she won't be kind. She does have a lot of energy, and can be seen moving about and rarely sitting still, but she also likes to laze about. However, she does so in a regal fashion.

Now this female does want to be on top. She enjoys and moderately desires power, but it's not at the top of her list. However, if she ever does become power hungry she'd be a fearsome creature. She'd be hell-bent on getting what she wants and whatever is needed for those under her care. This female would raise hell to make sure her home and pride was safe and cared for. She also wouldn't stop until she had toppled every obstacle in her path. However, for now she's content with where she is now.
Asim holds a special place in her heart. She was courting him.
Would've been her first litter. Sired by Asim.
It would be quite odd to have 4 purple lionesses

Edited at August 15, 2021 01:29 PM by Spellbound
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 07:20 AM


Posts: 22584
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In Sudanese Dinka mythology, she is the first woman. She is the patron goddess of women and gardens, and her emblem is a small snake.
Desired Rank:
She's Content

Abu is a lovely lioness, bearing a normal tawny pelt. Her coat is a tan appearance with undertones of bronze and golden tones Her nose is mainly obsidian in color with a bit rosy pink on the sides. On her face and around her muzzle, the contrast of the obsidian lines can be seen. Her face is a dainty one, and she has dark amber eyes that can grow icy when irritated and sometimes hold infinite wisdom. Her eyes are outlined by black and can seem to be as some sort of eyeliner, and not to mention the black eyelashes that frame them. She's long and lean being 5.3 feet long, including her tail, and she stands at 3.4 feet being on the medium size, and weighing in at 340lbs. She is neither big nor small but in her opinion the right size. She is quite swift, and there is grace in her steps, but also she can be quite formidable in battle due to having an equal balance in speed and strength. She is quite versatile when it comes to hunting being able to chase prey or take it down if need be. Her body structure is muscular with a slight stockiness to it. Her paws are quite large, and her claws are quite sharp.

Credits for all photos go to Fotostyle-Schindler on DA

This female can be quite nervous around large crowds. She can deal with small groups but in large ones she can feel like she's suffocating. Abu is not necessarily shy, as she likes socializing it's just her nerves that gets the best of her. Because one moment she can be enjoying a conversation with a small group, but as soon as it's to crowded with people she gets fidgety and soon she'll just up and leave.

Abu is timid in the sense when it comes to a lack of confidence. She has the courage and bravery in her heart, but it's the will to complete the action missing. She can be right about a certain decision but she always is doubtful it's the right one. She doesn't like this quality, and she wants to grow more confident in herself. In a way this female envies those younger females who just ooze confidence.

This female is very motherly and nurturing towards those younger than her. She is very good with cubs as well, and she has an extreme amount of patience and can be very gentle with them. She's the one who will tell them stories and answer questions if needed. All cubs that know her call her Miss Abu or Mother Abu if they're orphans. She's also one to take cubs under her paws if they have no parents. Her voice is a calming and soothing one with husky undertones. She speaks with a normal voice. One not too loud nor too soft, but the perfect range to be heard. She is protective of the youth and would most definitely lay her life down for them, and she cares for them deeply.

She can be very judgemental at times. Especially if you ask her opinion on things. She most definitely will give you a detailed reason of why the person is good or bad at what they do. It is quite scary how such a sweet lioness can be so harsh in her words. Abu can loose kindness in her tone and it becomes more icy when she criticizes something. Not to mention, if she doesn't like someone and you ask her about them you can expect a scowl on her face. Sometimes she can be over critical and she can even be over critical of herself.

Due to her age this mature lioness has seen may things. And she's also experienced many things. She's seen the downfall of prides, drought, famine , mange , and other unthinkable things. Abu has this knowledge and she's willing to pass it down to the younger generation if they ask. She also is very shrewd in her manners of dealing with problems, and has a very strong logical sense.

This female is loyal to her home. She would do anything to defend it, and she will do anything to make it better. If you're not a good leader then it's different. She is the one you can trust with your darkest secrets or worries to as she'll take them to the grave. She's the one down for the crazy plans even if she doesn't seem like it. Abu is truly a down chick.


Edited at August 8, 2021 07:26 AM by Spellbound
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 02:09 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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I'll add Abuk. Though I would have preferred you asked if your lioness could be third female or not, because originally it was Tenes lioness who was third.
had to edit reflect that the other wasn't finished.

Edited at August 8, 2021 08:22 PM by Imperial Sands
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 9, 2021 02:39 PM

Former Pack

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Hiya, I'm a returning member from 2016. May I reserve a Ukafu warrior and a lioness? Not sure when I'll be able to get them in.
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 9, 2021 05:13 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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You may, but keep in mind reservations only last 48 hours.
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 9, 2021 05:17 PM

Former Pack

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Imperial Sands said:
You may, but keep in mind reservations only last 48 hours.

Will do. I'm working currently but I think I can get them both in by tonight.
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 9, 2021 08:48 PM


Posts: 4898
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Credits to HOTNstock on DA

4 || Lion || Ukufa Warrior || Content

Izem is a large male, weighing in at 530 lbs and standing 4.3 feet tall. His stature is an intimidating one. His body is decorated with scars varying in length and size. His most noticeable are two gashes across his nose, more circular than slice shaped, which have exposed his dark skin and no longer allow hair to grow. He also has several cuts and bite marks on his legs, shoulders, and flanks.

Izem has a cold stare. Actually, everything about him is cold. His refined posture, the soft thuds of his paws making contact with the ground, even the way his fur moves has a dangerous aura to it. His eyes are a hard amber rimmed with dark fur, making them pop out more prominently. His face is nearly always expressionless, or stony in appearance. A smile has not graced his maw in ages; the closest thing to one has been a cruel twist of his upper lips into something resembling a sick grin or a snarl.

When he walks, hard muscle ripples beneath a sleek, tan pelt. Izem holds himself with a cool regality, head high, tail curled slightly. His long, thick mane is a tapestry of dark browns, golds, and honeys that spreads over his shoulders down to the end of his humerus.

Izem is a handsome lion, but he looks unapproachable. Formidable. Dangerous.


He can be as chilly as his appearance would suggest. Izem has a deep, almost calming rumble of a voice that does not fit his appearance at all, but his tone can quickly grow aloof and clipped in nature. His words are curt and to the point; there is no beating around the bush with this one. If the truth is asked for, the truth shall be made known.

This lion holds strength in high regard -- not necessarily physical strength, as he knows full well that it will not always win a fight -- as well as some form of loyalty. Not necessarily loyalty to an individual; rather, the devotion to an idea or the coalition as a whole.

He is a calculating individual, mind always working. While he does have physical strength as an advantage, he prefers to use his head first and come up with a plan of action for whatever task lies ahead. Izem also has a fairly strong sense of vengeance.

He kind of has abandonment issues.

Izem is actually, and secretly, quite fond of cubs and, when he was around them, would often spend his free time playing with them, telling them stories, and practicing hunting or battle moves with them. They were his favorite members of his birth pride, besides the ladies, of course, for whom he would show his chivalrous side. He would take on the role of a secondary father for any cub who may feel lonely.

Lionesses and cubs are the only ones who will ever see a glimpse of kindness in him. For the former, he holds a tone of respect and makes sure that their thoughts are heard thoroughly before he replies. He does not ever mean to disrespect them, though he has no problem quelling disputes with a snide comment or two. That, though, is rare. Izem is his most friendly around lionesses.

He has a strong bond with the other males of his brotherhood, and he would never think to betray them. While he, too, wants to lead and become a king himself, Izem respects the decisions of his leaders and holds them in high regard. He might be caught joking with them occasionally, and even showing some sort of affection, though he always keeps himself looking his most powerful in their presence.


He's sent a few glances at Izula and Keres.







I have way more than four blue shirts.

Edited at August 15, 2021 11:48 PM by Mafia Queen

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