
Free-Claw12 said: Ooo iam so joining the that rp!!

Naw, you're fine! I had a little yorkie named Buddy when I was little... an idiot driving like, 70 mph on a gravel roas hit him. REMOVED: Do not advertise forums in other forums. Edited at March 31, 2022 10:31 PM by Vennenum


This is a reminder to upload all images to proper image hosting sites, such as postimage. Deviantart and Google are not proper hosting sites. Failure to do so may result in a forum lock. Thank you! Hotlinking Forum

Yessiree! Happy to be among the people using an uploading site "w"

(Gimme a sec to right my sing-up)


<:Name:> Koda <:Age:> 3.4 <:Gender:> Female <:Role:> Team Dogo <:Breed:> Siberian Husky <:Appearance:>  2.5 feet tall, 111 pounds <:Personality:> Koda comes from a breeding based pack, so her parents breed to have a litter of “perfect team wolves” which is why she was bought by Adria. She’s kinda a flirt and when she finds a wolf she likes, she will chase them sooo hard. She likes a bit of attention, but not to much. She can get a bit of an ego, but most of the time it gets squashed down. <:Crush:> Open <:Mate:> Open <:Pups:> None, yet. <:Affiliations:> Pack and musher.


Name peter Age 2 Gender Male Role Extra Breed Siberian Husky Apperance Personality Peter is very curious and playful. If you didnt know any better you would think he was a pup in an adult body. He loves to play and mess around. When he trains he trys to focus but its hard for him. He makes everything into a game and if he cant it bores him. He basically has autisim. Crush none Mate none Pups none Affiliations His twin sister and musher. Other ~~~ Name Piper Age 2 Gender Female Role Extra Breed Siberian Husky Apperance Personality Piper is quite shy and usually dosent appraoch anyone. She dosent talk much and keeps her feelings inside due to past trama that her brother dosent remember, but she does. She is usually in the back ground. She likes to play with her brother but she dosent admitte it. Crush none Mate none Pups none Affiliations Her twin brother and musher. Other Edited at March 31, 2022 08:35 PM by TheHappyHowlers