
If she is a mother she will need pups or to be expecting. Otherwise, she's accepted

She will be expecting until someone signs up a pup for Oak if it is okay

That's fine. She's accepted :)


Is this still open for sign up? I have a doberman mix gal I wanted to try and use, but wasn't sure if I'd be hopping in too late :)

It should be :) so just sign p and rising shadow will handle the sheet :) Reverie said: Is this still open for sign up? I have a doberman mix gal I wanted to try and use, but wasn't sure if I'd be hopping in too late :)

Shadow-Wolf said: It should be :) so just sign p and rising shadow will handle the sheet :) Reverie said: Is this still open for sign up? I have a doberman mix gal I wanted to try and use, but wasn't sure if I'd be hopping in too late :)
Awesome! Thank you :)


Name: Apartheid "Appa" (Ah.pa.) Age: 4 years Breed: Doberman×American Pitbull Terrier Cross Gender: Female Tribe & Rank: You choose! <3 Appearance: Appa is a medium sized (25" tall) doberman mix with a slim, yet athletic build. Occassionally, on a good food day, she has a pudgy belly. She suffers from albinism, causing her to be white. She holds large pink paws, and a pink nose. Her eyes are a cloudy blue coloration. Scars travel around her slim muzzle, and an imprint similar to a brand can be found on both her thick hind quarters. Personality: Being blind-ish has taken its told on Appa. However, she does present herself as confident and competent. Shes a bit more cautious than most and a tad quieter. She isn't one to socialize for fear of being taken advantage of in any way, shape or form. This can also be called untrusting to some degree. She does her part and enjoys being in the pack, yet adores her space and alone time. She recognizes other by scent, occassionally having someone who stinks to high heavens can make her seem unfriendly towards them, but she can help the way her body reacts to B.O. now can she? Her core positive traits include her attentiveness, her courage, and her independence. She's always noticing the small differences in scents and textures around her. She's not afraid to put herself forward for a dirty or unpleasant job and enjoys doing what she can to keep the tribe safe and cared for. Her independence is a marvel. Her lack of clear vision would make one assume she'd be very dependent on other, but she's not. She doesn't manage, she flourishes. She discourages being useless. Some core negative traits of hers include stubbornness, lack of sociability, and denial. She has a distaste for being offered help, especially concerning her eyesight. It leaves a bad taste in her mouth. If she's given a job to do, she'll do it herself. She's not good at socializing, her eyesight making others look like blobs of mush. She just doesn't know what to talk about. She hold denial that there are some things she needs assistance with. She'll deny it until the day she dies. She doesn't need help. She can carry her weight. Strengths: -Swimming -Tracking -Agility -Strength -Indetification of various foods and plants Weakness: -Speed -Slightly Blind (Can see blurs and shapes) -Antisocial -Wooden Textures (They make her feel uneasy) -Pie (loves pie) Crush: None Mate: N/A Offspring: Nope Other: I won't include her piercings in the rp! Just her scars :) Edited at March 12, 2022 12:01 PM by Reverie

She's accepted. Since Oak Tribe has fewer members, do you mind if I put her there?