
Thank you planning to finish her off tonight :> Crazydayz said: Accepted! I'll also add your protector into my reservations list Peaceful Vengeance said: Name Ember Age: 14 years Role: Fledgling Gender: Female Abnormality type: Red winged blackbird Appearance Small and delicate for her age, Ember could be easily mistaken for a life-sized doll. Standing at about 5’3 she’s a twig of a child, however most likely this is due to her abnormality type. The contrast between her dark features and her pale complexion almost makes her look like a ghost or sickly. Her shoulder length black hair is perfectly straight and glossy a strand never out of place as she spends a lot of time “preening” herself and keeping herself clean like a bird. From her hair, you can see a pair of large, wide dark grey eyes that always seem to be watching you, silently following you across the room, it can make her a little unnerving at times. But the most distinctive of her characteristics are the ones she inherited due to her abnormality. All her nails (yes even her toenails) grow abnormally quicker and sharper than the average person’s creating miniature knife-like talons on her hands. She chews and cuts her fingernails constantly to try keep them short. But her most noticeable trait is the pair of massive wings that protrude from her back. Compared to her slight frame her wings look massive like they’d almost topple her over. Having recently shed her fluffy baby feathers, she is still adapting to their new weight and appearance (she’s still losing the very last few of her baby feathers). It is truly a shame that her wings remain hidden most of the time as they are a gorgeous deep black with blue gloss and bright fire-coloured bases. Due to her wings, Ember likes to personalise her clothes to accommodate for them, cutting holes through baggy shirts so that they can move freely and using an oversized men’s denim jacket to cover her wings when asked to hide them. She really likes playing with her hair. Personality Ember has a small personality to match her small appearance. She is essentially a blank slate right now learning from those around her and mimicking them to learn. Having been isolated until recently she is a shy individual that is still learning to regulate her emotions and deal with the stress for being an abnormal living on the run. She doesn’t know how to handle her own emotions effectively and is prone to shutting down. Never having experience with people, she has debilitated social anxiety and no understanding of social situations and societal norms. Being selectively mute, she only speaks rarely to those in the group and not at all to those outside of it. Ember does not make decisions for herself and looked to the older members of the group to give her directions, even needing permission to do basic functions like eating. To say that she is a challenge and needs lots of care from the group would be an understatement. Likes - Toys and playing
- Sweets and nonbasic foods
- Trees and heights
- Spending calm afternoons preening herself listening to everyone talk
Dislikes - Being underground
- Large crowds
- Being expected to understand things without being explicitly told.
Strengths - Wings: While Ember is still learning how to take flight with her wings she can glide as long as she gets somewhere high enough
- Bird vocal cords – she can mimic sounds that she hears including people’s voices.
Weaknesses - Wings: she cannot fly only glide, which means that gusts of wings can easily carry her away from her route. Her wings also make her an easily identifies target for hunters.
- Mute: She has no charismatic skills, meaning that she cannot communicate with those outside of the group, meaning that if she’s every caught by a stranger she has no chance of convincing them not to hand them in
- Bird bones: Like most birds, Ember has hollow and delicate bones meaning she is weaker than the average human.
Backstory Her parents weren’t like her, they were normal, but they loved their miracle child. Having struggled with fertility issues, having Ember was a dream come true to them, they faked her death as a baby with the help of a nurse who sympathised with them. But, just because they faked her death so no one was looking for her they couldn’t let anyone know they had a child so they raised her in the basement with walls so thick they couldn’t hear the babies cries. But you can only hide a person for so long, when she was 12 Ember started to shed off her baby feathers and her parents tried to dispose of them discreetly but got caught. Hoping that their daughter would live to see another day they released her into the woodland before the hunters could find her, they were arrested shortly after. Ember has been trying to fend for herself since with some help, but having spent 12 years of her life in the basement being suddenly free is very over whelming for her. Other I has a book on this bird species since I was 7

Accepted! Peaceful Vengeance said: Name Sasha Role Protector Age 25 Gender Female Sexuality Bisexual Abnormality type Maine Coon cat Appearance Despite being an abnormal, Sasha looks particularly human like and has spent time living in the city without getting caught. Her most stand out features are her eyes and her hair. With thick voluminous hair, Sasha’s hair could better be described as a mane of soft locks that have a similar texture to the soft fur of the Maine Coon cat. What makes her hair stand out if the unique grey gradient, starting at almost white at the roots and gradually darkening to charcoal grey at the tips. Her unique hair colouration does attract her some attention, however she can often convince the common person into believing that she’s just going grey prematurely. Sasha has a rather pretty face, with lightly tanned skin and prominent cheek bones, but her natural beauty is outshone by her deep green eyes with bright golden specks. If you were to stare into her eyes one would notice that occasionally the pupil may change shape, but maybe it was a trick of the light? Her eyes golden flecks almost glitter in the sunlight, and at night, well her eyes reflect the light so she can often been seen wearing sunglasses to hide her abnormal qualities. Standing at 5’8, Sasha is not a soft or petite woman, years of living on the run have caused her to train her body into a well oiled machine. Graceful, moving, but packing a mean punch, Sasha is not someone you want to bump into in a dark alley. Yet, she is still curvy, sporting wide hips and abs. And Sasha is proud of her body, often wearing tight fitting clothing to show of the body she worked so hard for. Personality - Consistently late
- High strung
- Independent “lone wolf”
- Deeply caring
- Motherly
- Protective
- High expectations
- Loves children.
- Hyper vigilant
To call Sasha tense would be an understatement. She is always on edge, guarding her safety and the safety of those she cares about. The slightest sound or the tiniest hint of movement will have her snapping her head around ready to leap into action even when her group is safe. Even in her sleep Sasha isn’t calm thrashing like she’s under attack by a ghost. Sasha hold those around her to high standard, making people perceive her as strict or rude however this comes from a deep place of love. The lessons she drives into those around her could save their lives one day and to hear that’s worth all the annoyed sighs and rolling eyes in the world. At her core, Sasha is a very loving creature, she just hides behind her need to defend her family and keep them safe. She’s ferocious in her loves, nothing will get in her way, she’ll tear it apart before it could touch her family. Her family comes first always. Likes - Spending quality time
- Training
- Spicy food and noodles
- City living
- fish
Dislikes - Disorganization
- Water
- Being snuck up on
- Not working
Strengths - Enhanced agility and reflexes: Sasha is faster than the average person and reacts much faster to stimulus
- Mildly enhanced strength: It is unknown wherever this is because of her abnormality or just working out a lot, but Sasha is able to stand toe to toe to just about any human, even large men.
- Enhanced vision – Sasha can see better in the low light than the average person however she cannot see in complete darkness.
Weaknesses - Water: Sasha cannot swim and sinks like a rock
- Pushes people away: Due to a traumatic past, Sasha does not accept help from others and don’t let others in easily. This is something that can be worked on.
- Enhanced vision – Sasha is colour blind.
Backstory Sasha was born to abnormal parents in a hidden town of abnormals. It was a larger group than this one, about 30 people living in an abandoned farm raising and growing their own food minding their own business. Eventually, however, as things always go, someone ratted them out and soon hunters descended upon the town. The adults stayed to fight, including Sasha parents, while the teens and children escaped. Once the group of about 6 reached safety most the teens split off seeking to find their own happiness, all apart from one who stayed with Sasha and the other two surviving children. This group stayed together for many years and grew into about 12 members, however once again they were found and destroyed. This is time only Sasha survived, and it destroyed her. Thinking that to love was to destroy she survived on her own for the next 6 years of her life until one day she stumbled across this small group and thought that maybe she could try to have a family again? Other Honestly looking for a partner and/or adoptive children for Sasha. The whole group is her family, but looking for some closer family bonds as well


Can I please reserve a protector role?

Name: .~ Zana SÍolanroch ~. Age: 24 Role: Protector ~ Abnormality type: Dog(samoyed) Appearance: A fierce yet graceful woman, Zana is a magnificent sight. A heart shaped face with high cheek-bones, and lips with a noticable cubid's bow. Her hair is a beautiful mass of fluffy white wavy strands, which she spends extensive time caring for. Zana is quite pale making her look sick, which couldn't be further from the truth. Green eyes that shimmer with golden flecks, shine with warmth and authority. She's pierced her eyebrows and tattooed a series of dots below her eyes, while a scar cuts across her right eye and a blue star graces her forehead. Often seen wearing basic clothing of darker colors, basic blouses and jeans with sneakers or worn black boots. Zana stands at a surprising 5' 9" and a heafty 155lbs, she is well-built and curvy. Yet a pair of white pointed ears grace her head(not pictured), and a fluffy curled tail make it easy to see her abnormalty. .~. Personality: Zana has a very welcoming and unassuming air about her, yet the grace she carries herself is undeniable. A gentle-natured woman with a kind heart, yet Zana is surprisingly fierce. She is gentle and patient with kids and youngsters, but often is strict and unforgiving with adults. Specially when they make a mistake, or threaten the safety of those she protects. . She has a surprising ability to 'herd' children, while being consistantly found keeping watch for threats. Zana has a difficult time relaxing, from being in her nature to having been through some rough situations in her youth. A think exterior that is rarely fazed, however she does a 180 around those who are under emotional distress. Showing compasion and empathy, while she glares daggers at the cause of such tears. . Zana's trust is not giving easily, but her loyalty to those she trusts knows no bounds. She values respect highly, and is a person of honor. Zana isn't a a person who forgives easily either, while she can be reasoned with. Forgiveness must still be earned, which happens to be quite difficult. If she isn't found keeping watch or quietly observing the others, Zana can be found playing music to nature. Despite her willingness to help in a fight, stepping in to defend her friends. .~. Likes; - Music - Guiet - Winter - Dogs . Dislikes; - Disrespect - Betrayal - Extream Heat - Ignorance . Strengths; - Endurance: Both in part to her own training, but also a side-effect to her abnormality. Zana takes a while to tired or over-exert herself, being able to run for long distances or treck over difficult terrain with ease. - Patience: Zana is know for her patience, being graceful in giving others multiple chances to get something right. While this mainly applys to youngsters she's teaching, there are few adults are given the same level of patience. Weaknesses; - Overheating: Due to her thicker skin and hair, Zana has a dislike for summer with good reason. She often finds it difficult to stay cool and hydrated in higher temperatures, sometimes being known to keep an ice pack on her during those times. At worst cases showing the same symptoms as low blood sugar. - Stubborn: She isn't know for her willingness to change, being very difficult to change her mind. As once she's made a decision or set her mind to something, it becomes very difficult to sway her and change her mind. .~. Backstory: ~ WIP ~ Other: She owns an acoustic guitar, and tends to spend her alone time just playing to the forest. Has written 7 of her own songs. Edited at November 10, 2023 09:37 PM by East MountainClan

Of course! Silas said: Can I please reserve a protector role?

Accepted! East MountainClan said: Name: .~ Zana SÍolanroch ~. Age: 24 Role: Protector ~ Abnormality type: Dog(samoyed) Appearance: A fierce yet graceful woman, Zana is a magnificent sight. A heart shaped face with high cheek-bones, and lips with a noticable cubid's bow. Her hair is a beautiful mass of fluffy white wavy strands, which she spends extensive time caring for. Zana is quite pale making her look sick, which couldn't be further from the truth. Green eyes that shimmer with golden flecks, shine with warmth and authority. She's pierced her eyebrows and tattooed a series of dots below her eyes, while a scar cuts across her right eye and a blue star graces her forehead. Often seen wearing basic clothing of darker colors, basic blouses and jeans with sneakers or worn black boots. Zana stands at a surprising 5' 9" and a heafty 155lbs, she is well-built and curvy. Yet a pair of white pointed ears grace her head(not pictured), and a fluffy curled tail make it easy to see her abnormalty. .~. Personality: Zana has a very welcoming and unassuming air about her, yet the grace she carries herself is undeniable. A gentle-natured woman with a kind heart, yet Zana is surprisingly fierce. She is gentle and patient with kids and youngsters, but often is strict and unforgiving with adults. Specially when they make a mistake, or threaten the safety of those she protects. . She has a surprising ability to 'herd' children, while being consistantly found keeping watch for threats. Zana has a difficult time relaxing, from being in her nature to having been through some rough situations in her youth. A think exterior that is rarely fazed, however she does a 180 around those who are under emotional distress. Showing compasion and empathy, while she glares daggers at the cause of such tears. . Zana's trust is not giving easily, but her loyalty to those she trusts knows no bounds. She values respect highly, and is a person of honor. Zana isn't a a person who forgives easily either, while she can be reasoned with. Forgiveness must still be earned, which happens to be quite difficult. If she isn't found keeping watch or quietly observing the others, Zana can be found playing music to nature. Despite her willingness to help in a fight, stepping in to defend her friends. .~. Likes; - Music - Guiet - Winter - Dogs . Dislikes; - Disrespect - Betrayal - Extream Heat - Ignorance . Strengths; - Endurance: Both in part to her own training, but also a side-effect to her abnormality. Zana takes a while to tired or over-exert herself, being able to run for long distances or treck over difficult terrain with ease. - Patience: Zana is know for her patience, being graceful in giving others multiple chances to get something right. While this mainly applys to youngsters she's teaching, there are few adults are given the same level of patience. Weaknesses; - Overheating: Due to her thicker skin and hair, Zana has a dislike for summer with good reason. She often finds it difficult to stay cool and hydrated in higher temperatures, sometimes being known to keep an ice pack on her during those times. At worst cases showing the same symptoms as low blood sugar. - Stubborn: She isn't know for her willingness to change, being very difficult to change her mind. As once she's made a decision or set her mind to something, it becomes very difficult to sway her and change her mind. .~. Backstory: ~ WIP ~ Other: She owns an acoustic guitar, and tends to spend her alone time just playing to the forest. Has written 7 of her own songs.

Name: Staria Lunarious Age: 15 Gender: female Sexuality: Bi, doesn't have a prefernce yet Role: fledgling (if your still taking, if not then a young protector please) ~ Abnormality type: dragon/black panther Appearance: A fierce yet graceful woman, Star is a interesting sight. Her hair is wavy till you get to the ends then it gets curly, and it's black with a single streak of silver and it sometimes turns dark red at the tips, usually when she's mad. She usually has it up in a braid or ponytail but will sometimes do a bun or let it out completely. Star is a bit pale, with hints of a tan, but she ends up getting sunburn a lot. Blue-grey eyes that shimmer with silver flecks, shine with warmth and kindness but also fierce protectiveness. She has a scar over her right eye and a black spot sits over her right eye as well, both of which she usually overs with her eyepatch. Often seen wearing a t-shirt with a loose hoodie over it and jeans with either sneakers or worn black boots. She also has a necklace she refuses to take off as it is special to her. Star stands at a surprising 4' 10" and a semi-light 120 lbs, she is well-built and slim. her panther ears are often out, along with her dragon wings folded on her back and her tail toggles between dragon and panther, usually panther. Personality: Star has a very mysterious but kind energy around her, the kind you would get from a trouble-maker. A gentle-natured woman with a kind heart, yet Star is surprisingly fierce. She is gentle and patient with kids and youngsters, but often is strict and unforgiving with adults. Specially when they make a mistake, or threaten the safety of those she protects. . She has a surprising ability to 'herd' children, while being consistantly found keeping watch for threats. Star has a difficult time relaxing, from being in her nature to having been through some rough situations in her youth. A think exterior that is rarely fazed, however she does a 180 around those who are under emotional distress. Showing compasion and empathy, while she glares daggers at the cause of such tears. . Star's trust is not giving easily, but her loyalty to those she trusts knows no bounds. Star isn't a a person who forgives easily either, while she can be reasoned with. Forgiveness must still be earned, which happens to be quite difficult. If she isn't found keeping watch or quietly observing the others, Star can often be found sketching or drawing. Despite her willingness to help in a fight, stepping in to defend her friends. .~. Likes; - Music - Guiet - all seasons - Dogs . Dislikes; - Disrespect - Betrayal - Extream cold - Ignorance . Strengths; - Endurance: Both in part to her own training, but also a side-effect to her abnormality. Star can take a while to tired or over-exert herself, being able to run for long distances or treck over difficult terrain with ease. Weaknesses; - extreme cold: due to her being a dragon-panther and growing u with heat, she doesn't do well with extreme cold, and struggles warming back up - Stubborn: She isn't know for her willingness to change, being very difficult to change her mind. As once she's made a decision or set her mind to something, it becomes very difficult to sway her and change her mind. .~. Backstory: ~ WIP ~ Other: she usually goes by Star and that's what i used for most of it, not sure what else to put here Edited at November 11, 2023 11:43 AM by Star Tha AOD

Star Sorry, all the roles have been taken. Your reservation expired a few days ago. I'll contact you if any spaces ever open up.

ok, can i keep this oc in reserve then? Crazydayz said: Star Sorry, all the roles have been taken. Your reservation expired a few days ago. I'll contact you if any spaces ever open up.