
Willow & Dakota are accepted

@ Cinderclaws Warriors are full, so Sage will have to be a Hunter

╔══ ∘ ❀ ∘ ❀ ∘ ══╗ R E I N A Spanish for "Queen" ╚══ ∘ ❀ ∘ ❀ ∘ ══╝ . Age: One and a half Gender: Feminine Rank: Apprentice Desired Rank: Apothecary . Appearance: Reina is an average sized female. She has a lean yet feminine build. Her coat is fairly long that is useful during the cold weather. Her pelt is made up of a cream base coat with certain markings here and there. Her back and the tip of her tail have a black splash to them. She has a face mask of a dark grey coloration along with the edges of her ears. The texture of her fur is very soft and it is slightly flowy. The female's eyes are a golden yellow that hold a soft expression to them. Reina's eyes look rather odd as her pelt is also a very light color. Reina has rather large paws and a long bushy tail. She holds a cunning and mischevious expression that doesn't allow you to know what she is thinking. Personality: Reina is a rather quiet female. She has always been more of an observer and listener rather than a talker. She watches every movement and manneurism that you make. An intelligent female, she is. Reina has a high head on her shoulder that is bursting with confidence. She cannot stand negativity and will instantly disregard it. Most will describe her as cocky, but she is far from that. Reina is actually a very humble creature. She sympathizes more than she feels is necessary and she is very reassuring. . At times, Reina can be quite mischevious. She is a very curious young female and always has to investigate, even if it has nothing to do with her. Hee mischevious ways are often what gets her into trouble the most. Reina is known to be a quite respectful female. She gives respect without thinking twice, all she asks is that you return it. Reina does not tolerate being disrespected whether is for her age, size, appearance. She will tear you up for it. . The female is very independent and can be quite fierce at times. She holds her own against anyone that is trying to get to her. Despite her size, even if she doesn't believe she will win the fight, she will still give it her all. She likes to do things by herself as she feels it will get done faster and in an orderly manner. Reina is fairly overprotective of those that deem close to her. She can sometimes go overboard with being protective but it is simply for their safety. . Kin: Open! Affiliations: Open! Crush: Open! Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A . Other: {Credits for all images go to @Lakela on DA} Edited at April 7, 2022 06:03 PM by M I S E R Y

Okay I'll change that, also did you see my form for my sigma on page 3? I finshed that Spellbound said: @ Cinderclaws Warriors are full, so Sage will have to be a Hunter
Edited at April 5, 2022 10:34 PM by Cinderclaws

Sierra "That is the truth." "How dare you disrespect me?" "Why would you cast out the weak? Would you like to be sentenced to death?" 7 Years and 2 Months|Female|Resource Watcher|Alpha Female ~ Appearance Her eyes are actually hazel and she is a darker orange but thats as close as I could make her. ~ Personality Sierra is blunt, but honest and pretends to not care about anyone but she really does. Her bluntness sometimes hurts others though, she likes to hunt but dislikes rivalry between the pack. She's loyal and will always help someone in need. She is kind but can be rude sometimes. She never ignores anything she needs to do and obeys everyone higher ranked. She will almost never play with anyone unless your her brother or her crush. She will always do duties before goofies though and finds others annoying sometimes more than others. ~ Sierra can be very very kind to others. She's honestly a very complicated wolf. She likes watching others being kind to each other but despises anyone who was born an outsider. She believes all outsiders are going to be traitorous, cruel, and try to ruin everything they've built there. ~ Sierra can be yelly to those who disrespect her for her hard work. She likes not having to yell and everyone just being kind to each other and believes the loners cause all hostility and really votes for them all gone. She likes being alone sometimes to close her eyes and think. ~ Sierra is really against casting out the ones who fail. She thinks from their position what she would feel like if she failed and was sent away from her family, friends, home, and pack entirely. Believes it isn't their fault they failed, it's the nentor's for not training them well enough. She doesn't dare speak to the Alphas about it. ~ Kin A mother maybe if you wanna make her one. Timber (Her brother) ~ Affilations I dont know maybe, The Healer? ~ Crush and Mate TBD ~ Offspring But may have in the future ~ Other Thundabirdyyyy Edited at April 11, 2022 03:51 AM by Isa's Pack

Don't worry Spelly I'm still working on Duman, just having some problems with photos.

Edited at April 6, 2022 02:10 PM by Nikki Afton

I just have to create the paragraphs for Cyra's personality. I have the traits dealt out, but the sentences, they refuse to come.

It's okay Imp. I know how you roll, finish her at your leisure. She's accepted.
