

By the way I have 4 ocs Rory, Faye, Ori, Aya

ok! Thanks for telling me, i might make more charcters later but for now i just had Nikki. Also Nikki can be a bit dumb sometimes, she has a slower thinking process.....XD

Sounds like Ori lol XD I think Faye should permanently babysit her XD

XD well i have to go but ill be on later bye!


Name Piper Age 14 Apperance Piper is 5 foot 5 with tan skin. She has long straight black hair with red eyes. Personality Piper can be mean at times due to her home statise but she is over all nice. She dosent trust easily and is usally off in the distants not in the conversation or what ever she is doing with a group. Gift She can change her and anyones age but the effect only last for 2 hours but she can only use it on one person and can only use this power once every 4 hours. Once she changes someones age she can reverse it anytime. Other She lives with her mom and dad but they are abusive and are constantly are drinking and smoking. Her family is very rich witch means she had EVERY thing she wants. (Can she already know your characters and be friends with them)(also i was wondering if i could make a cousin for Rory) Style Piper loves to wear crop tops with a black tank top. She usally wears Skinny jeens or jeen shorts. She usally has her hair up in a pony tail with adidas white tennie shoes. Edited at March 13, 2022 02:30 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Accepted! Aya's the same age as Piper so a friendship between them would be cool, but Aya's my psycho character so Piper will have to put up with that, oh and she's in hospital. And yea, a cousin for Rory would be cool!

yay ok, my plan was she was origanly friends with Faye and she intoduced Piper to the others but your plan us fine too! Also its ok, i think Piper can do it lol

I'm fine with it being Faye, I just thought it would work for age reasons lol, I don't mind.