
Name: Natan Age: 4 Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Tribe: Oak  Credits to Wincey on DA This male's blood is a mix of German shepherd, malamute, Northern Inuit Dog, and some kind of pointer. Natan is a relatively tall dog, standing at 30 inches and weighing in around the average margin. He is built without extreme muscling or litheness. His physique is strong but nimble, average yet able. He is not weak in any sense -- he is just a jack of all trades and a master of none. Natan knows this. His thick pelt is a medley of caramels, soft earth tones, deep browns, slate grays, and charcoal blacks etched into patterns across his body. The redder colors are focused along the bridge of his snout, his ears, and his throat. Tanner hues mix with honeys and creams to form a much lighter base coat, and these take up the majority of his fur. Browns, grays, and blacks provide smooth slashes across the sides of his body and around his face. His inner ears are an off-white, a little lighter than the fur of his cheeks and legs. Natan is not exceptionally scarred. The war wounds that he does carry are hidden beneath his coat for the most part. He does have a gradual curve of a smile-shaped scar underneath one of his golden-orange eyes. A nicked ear is most easily noticed -- really, he looks relatively untouched, though he has had his fair share of experience. Personality Natan is an irritatingly calm creature. His smooth voice, well-formulated thoughts, and clear manner of speech can be frustrating when another dog is trying to argue with him. He is great at taking everything in stride and throwing back his retaliations with dignity and amusement. He gets angry, yes, but it is an internal rage. His outward appearance rarely deviates from its smooth, collected state unless he is really -- really -- furious. Natan is smart, and he is tricky. His words are riddles at times, lies laced with truths or truths with important details left out. He will say what benefits him and his causes, and nothing else. His mind is one of a more reasonable creature. He will not jump to conclusions or violence, nor will he be immediately accepting or trusting. He is always one step ahead, one move closer to winning than any opponent. His loyalty belongs to his tribe. He has no family, extended or immediate, and his friends are... well... nonexistent? He only associates with his tribe and has no need for "friends." The title of "packmate" means much more to him than that of "friend." Their needs come before his own or any other creature's. For beneficial qualities, he has a few. He brings rational thought to the table. Natan works cohesively with a team but also fares quite well on his own. He is a capable hunter, tracker, and fighter. He is loyal. His lack of preferential treatment towards any specific wolf allows for all to be under his watchful eye, whether they appreciate it or not. Natan is altruistic, and he is somewhat empathetic. It really depends on the situation. Affiliations Open Crush Emma Mate Emma Pups None Other None 
Edited at March 11, 2022 11:19 PM by Rising Shadows

Name: Frodo Age: 9 Years Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Tribe: Oak Appearance: Frodo is a true mutt looking canine, standing at 13 inches and weighing 21 lbs. No breed can easily be deciphered from his figure, except for miniature pinscher and schnauzer. His frame is built almost exactly like a miniature pinscher with shaggier fur. His tail, like all those of the species he is connected to, is somewhat short and stubby – similar to that of a German hunting terrier mixed with a schnauzer. His fur is shaggy, but holds the same texture as that of a yorkie’s. The male’s fur is a mix of fawn and black fur, with fawn being more dominant most everywhere. Most of the black appears on Frodo's face, covering most everything but his eyebrows. Some fawn is mixed up with the black on his face. Due to his age, some gray hairs can now be seen on his muzzle. On his neck, the black fades and the fawn fur takes over. Some black makes a comeback along his left side and on his paws. A few scars line his skin, mostly hidden by his fur. The schnauzer mix has a very distinguished snout, being the same as that seen on min pins but with a short mustache akin to a schnauzer’s. His ears are also akin to a min pin’s, long and pointed. The warrior’s eyes are a deep brown in color, filled with wisdom and experience. His voice is old, airy, and raspy sounding, much like the famous “get off my lawn” type of voice with a slight southern accent. Personality: Brave || Feisty || Stern || Wise || Friendly || Kind || Jokester || Caring || Good at Reading Others As are many small dogs, Frodo is incredibly brave – standing up to canines much larger than himself. Rarely will one see him back down from a fight, especially if the dog who he’s against insulted him, his family, or his pack. The male can get rather feisty during these times, lunging at the one he is arguing with. His size allows him to maneuver around them easily, making him quite the terror for any who stand in his way. The schnauzer mix is rather stern with those that misbehave, scolding them in a “grumpy, old man” tone. He does not take such actions lightly, seeing them as a large threat to the pack. Afterall, one disobedient dog could spell disaster for the pack – even when doing something that most would deam “harmless.” He will be very sure to give them a good talkin’ to, especially if the behavior keeps up. If given permission, the old man may even give them punishments. Though, that does not happen very often. After living for so long, the fawn and black furred canine has gained much wisdom. Whether it be with common life experience, hunting or fighting techniques, or even love advice, this canine can given a good amount of tips. Thankfully, he’s rather easy to understand when it comes to such advise. No cryptic messages from this dog. No siree. To those who actually know how to listen to their piers, Frodo is quite friendly – joking about things he’s witnessed and such. Many dad jokes flow from his jaws, so be prepared. He is easy to get along with, being able to accomidate for many different personality types. He’s just one of those “people” that almost everyone likes to be around. It’s rather hard to find a dog that does not like this male. For those that do, it is likely that Frodo did not like them first. The miniature pinscher mutt is also known to be rather kind, using his jokes as an attempt to cheer others up. He may even try to pull one of those “pranks” the youngins have been going on about. Keeping everyone cheerful and peaceful during the darkest of times is Frodo’s goal. Thus, the male is seen as a caring figure. He never judges those who many see as “odd” or out of place – at least not harshly. He just accepts him for who they are and not what they “should be.” Though, he is a good judge of character which often helps him get along with everyone. Affiliations: Mora - Half-Sibling Crush: N/A Mate: Open Pups: Open Other: -Due to declining health and age, the male is likely to retire and become an elder soon. - 31% Miniature Schnauzer, ~22% Yorkie, 34% Miniature Pinscher, ~13% German Hunting Terrier, ~1% Other -Over the past few years, Frodo has found that his joints are unable to bend as much as they used to, and can give him pain. He often visits the Shamans to get aid in this problem. -The min pin mix despises those who take life too seriously.
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Name: Kyanite Age: 1 Month Gender: Female Rank: Pup Tribe: Ash Appearance: Kyanite is slightly like her sister. Kyanite has the common black and white husky colors. Along with her black back, she has blueish-gray splotches, resembling colors of a common blue heeler. Kyanite also has shorter legs not just of her age. They closely resemble those of a pitbull. Her body is also fluffy and small at a small height of 5 inches. She weighs around 4 pounds. Her tail is fluffy and large, looking closely like a border collies. Kyanite also has a few characteristics of other breeds that she resembles that cannot be seen. Her face is black with her chest, belly, and underneath her chin white. She has blueish-gray speckles around her eyes. Her ears are folded down and covered in black with small white tips that can barely be seen. Her nose is fully black with a dot of pink. Her eyes are colored Dark Kyanite with small bits of lighter blue. This may just be her husky genes. Kyanite has short legs that are mainly black. Her toes on her back left are white, her legs up to her knees on her front legs are white with dots of brown, and her back right foot is dark brown. Very similar to the color of a German Sheperd's coat. Many may not notice the detail on her face but she has a small scratch, about half an inch, from a stick she'd been playing too rough with. Personality: Kyanite is very curious. She loves to watch the adults and always wants to learn more. She would rather do than watch but knows that she most likely cannot. She is also sort of talkative. She likes to ask questions and talk to herself and random insects. Unlike her sister though, she is very outgoing and wants to ask what everyone did when they hunted or what they saw while patroling (again, very curious). She also likes to talk to others and doesn't like to watch or listen. Kyanite can't sit still very well. She likes to try to run and has a ton of energy. Her favorite thing to do is probably play with her family and her packmates. Kyanite may be very energetic but she is also calm when she needs to be. She knows her sister doesn't like their cousins too much because they are too energetic. Kyanite always tries to comfort her sister as much as possible. Kyanite does like to play-fight with her cousins at times. She may look harmless but she has a sarcastic side. She doesn't use it much but if angered, she will. Kyanite is also aggressive when playing and can't wait until the day when she can hunt with the pack. She always dreamt about hunting and protecting the pack. She does think it is unfair how they may have to fight the other pack (Oak) when they were once living in peace. Affiliations: Mother: Sapphire Aunt: Azure Cousins: Alder and River Sister: Tanzanite (Tana) Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Pups: N/A Other: You can call her Kya.


Name: Quasimodo (Quasi) Age: 5 years old Gender; Male Rank; Warrior Tribe; Ash Appearance; Staffordshire bull terrier | English Mastiff | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Springer Spaniel Standing at around 24 inches, this height is mainly in his legs and he isn’t as stocky as the typical staffie, being more on the thin and lean side. Not sickly thin but definitely more agile looking than strong. He is definitely on the more athletic side rather than one to fight but that doesn’t mean he can’t. The male’s fur texture and thickness alongside his energy is the only thing that gives away the spaniel in his genetics, especially the fur on his ears that falls from his ears in a wavy manner. It is a little thicker than one would think, being soft and warm. The colouration isn’t anything special, his fur is pretty much tan all over besides the underside of his throat and chest which are a bright white that he tends to get quite muddy at times. The fur on his maw and ears are a much darker brown typical to the Rhodesian Ridgeback. The male has a fair few scars scattering across his body, most of which are hidden by his fur. Though he does have one noticeable scar, crossing over his left eye. Clouding it over and making his vision in that eye blurry but isn’t completely blind in it, thankfully. Personality; Quasi is an overly energetic dog, even despite growing older he seems to still have the energy of a pup. He likes to always be doing something and is best when it comes to hunting. He isn’t as good as he used to be, before having been kicked in the face by a deer running away but can still get a good catch in. Now, he is just simply a little more clumsy at times, than he already was anyway. Surprisingly this doesn’t seem to get him down, trying to always look at the good side of things. Quasimodo isn’t his best at knowing what to say in tough situations, despite his energy and overall bounciness he isn’t well versed when it comes to social situations, often saying the wrong things. The male is quite happy with his ranking, he knows most would dream to be a higher ranking like alpha but for him, where he is is perfect. Knowing he is definitely not leader material, he has way too much air in his head. That doesn’t mean he isn’t loyal or one with a need to protect the pack. Those he cares about, he will love unconditionally and will protect the tribe with his life if it depends on it. They raised him and protected him, he will do the same until his last breath. Even with his constant energy, there are times one needs to be serious and focus on the task at hand, as much as he finds such difficult, he will most of the time get it done. As best as he can. Affiliations; Open Crush; Open Mate; Open Pups; Open if mated. - Is also open for older children?


Name Aceso Age 6 Gender Male Rank Warrior Tribe Preferably Oak, but if you’d rather have them switched it would be okay with me. Appearance Cane corso 60% + Border Collie 10% + Pitbull 20% Glossy brown fur and evenly long/short fur length. Amber eyes. With a common collie white markings on their body and face. A thin but long scar along their flank but seemingly has no reason how it had happened. With a heavy walk. Personality For their appearance might be a little intimidating, they don’t have a rude nature {Sometimes}. They prefer to travel at night due to standing out during the day. They tend to lay back until needed and can become snipish if irritated. He had a hard time socializing most of when he was younger so he seems to lay back until approached. He can tend to over hear and become observant if alone. He stands about four feet tall. Crush Unknown or no clue Mate None Pups None Other [ Not about the oc but I did involve the nonsocial trait because I'm also not a social bird and I can't force myself to interact with people online and offline] He enjoys using large words out of nowhere to describe something even if it’s off topic. Edited at March 8, 2022 08:58 PM by Morning Pace


Form Name: Emma Age: 2 Gender: Female Rank: Mother Tribe: Oak Appearance: https://www.deviantart.com/luda-stock/art/Sheperd-Dog-Running-II-526682420 BY:LuDa-Stock Mod Edit: Image removed, hotlinking She is a 50% Border Collie, 10% German Shorthair Pointer, 10%Dalmatian and 30% Golden Retriever. Emma has Brown eyes and brown and black markings with some white. She has fluffy fur like the Border collies. She has light tan sock marking on her legs. She has brown poke dot eyebrows. She has long lean legs and Brode shoulders. She is Very soft and also very comfy at the same time. She has brown markings on her face and has some little white dots on her legs the make it look like a whole marking. She is 3’8 and weighs 90 pounds. Personality She takes more after the Golden retriever in her personality. She is kind and has a lot of maternal instincts. She does become quite aggressive when it comes to her pups do to it being her first litter. Emma does have some social anxiety and is not that great at conversations with dogs she does not know. She is very Loyal and will protect her tribe to the end which includes her pups. She has a light personality and is not too strict on her pups unless it is needed. She adores her pups and pays very close attention to her pups. Affiliations: She has a sister and brother but also her mother. Sister~ Mother~ Brother~ Crush: None Mate: Natan Pups: Open Kai (Hasn't been born yet will be in 3 days time per rp) Other: Her father died so they don't talk about him much. Edited at March 23, 2022 06:18 PM by Charlie