Wolf Play : Usurped | Lion RP | Open
 Continental Wolves
07:24:21 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Doodle Dragon
We've tried but its on silent >.>
 Doodle Dragon
07:23:45 Irish Gay Rat
Call* not all TvT
 Doodle Dragon
07:23:31 Irish Gay Rat
Oof, do you live with anyone who can all it?

Hi :3
07:22:19 Bau
Hey chat
 Continental Wolves
07:22:15 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Im going to go crazy if I cant find my phone >.> Sat it down somewhere friday night and haven't been able to find it since
 Doodle Dragon
07:18:04 Irish Gay Rat
Anyways, how have y'all been? :3
 Doodle Dragon
07:17:49 Irish Gay Rat
Y'all, wish me luck with band camp this week TvT it'll be going on for 12 hours a day TvT
07:12:18 Fei the writer
I don't mind ^^
 Destinations End
07:09:11 Toliska, Desti, Coy
Oooh! I'd love to read it when it's done if that would be okay with you
07:08:17 Fei the writer
Also working on a new Squirrel story
 Destinations End
07:06:42 Toliska, Desti, Coy
Oooh. That's really cool ^^
 Moonlit Lake
07:04:49 Sandy
I think I'm starting to get to the point where two wolves aren't going to cut it in explore anymore. Made it to Territory Level 9 though so not bad.
07:01:37 Fei the writer
I'm planning to see about going to the library soon to print out the new poems and more linearts ^^
06:56:04 Fei the writer
06:54:41 Ashen Crow
Hello Fei
06:54:28 Ashen Crow

Understandable. I am glad you feel at least slightly better.

If I can be of service to you then don't hesitate to tell me. I will do all in my power to help ;)
 Destinations End
06:54:08 Toliska, Desti, Coy
Hey Feiella :)
06:53:35 Fei the writer
hey Desti
 Destinations End
06:51:43 Toliska, Desti, Coy
I don't know if sleeping without really wanting to is good sleep, though I do feel slightly more rested.
Thank you

Right now I don't really know what might help.
06:48:12 Ashen Crow

Oh, I hope the rest was good and not tiring. I am sorry about the spacing out.

Is there anything that would help?


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Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 17, 2021 10:14 PM


Posts: 22585
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On the Savannah resides a pride of great strength : the Nguro Pride. For eons they have defended their home from invaders, lone lions, and faces many hardships and trials. The years flew by and it seemed as if this strong pride would stand the test of times. However, lions aren't immortal. And a major event was to face the pride. It was something they knew would come, but they didn't expect it to come so soon. It was the death of the old King and Queen. The pride mourned the death of their great leaders, however they had confidence in their daughter who was now the reigning Queen.

The Pride was doing well within the first week of her reign, and she led with the same regal and fierce energy of her parents. However, soon the Pride elected a King to rule with her. It seemed to be quite a handsome pair when it came to leadership. Soon, the two would have minor disagreements. Him eating before the hunting lionesses , him being overly dominant towards the lionesses , and then something she didn't expect : let lone lionesses within the pride. As a Queen she was to be the one who made decisions , and she was quite livid with the King for doing such a treasonous act and doing her job and overstepping his boundaries.

Trying to not cause any disruption, she tolerated the females he allowed in. However, these females kept pushing her buttons, and she exercised her right to evict them, but the King let them right back in. He even dared to call her cruel and domineering. Apparently he had found them quite facsinating and was hell-bent on keeping them. It seemed the Queen was loosing the grip on her pride. This was her birthright, her pride, and this male was trying to take it from her.

Tensions are rising within the pride and you must chose who's side you are on. The true Queen? Or this power-hungry King.

Edited at August 17, 2021 10:56 PM by Spellbound
Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 17, 2021 10:16 PM


Posts: 22585
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Roleplay Rules

1. All of Eve's Rules apply, obviously

2. Please be active, I don't want you to take a role and not be able to post. Please, if you're going to be gone for some reason , inform me otherwise you'll be removed from the roleplay.

3. Hate the character, not the player. No OOC drama but RP drama is very much welcomed as long as it's ran by me first.

4. Max of 4 characters. Make sure you're able to handle them.

5. This is a semi-literate RP. I expect at least a minimum of 300+ words per post, per character. I understand writer's block, but we want this to be fun for everyone so please do your best to write.

6. Keep it realistic, we are keeping it realistic when it comes to hunts and fights. While the pecking order is fictional, we are going to keep it realistic as possible. So appearances and height/weight measurements should be accurate as possible. PLEASE do your research. Hide the word mouse in your form.

7. We can have orphaned cubs, but they will need a lioness or Lion to be their designated caregiver.

8.No OP Characters, God-Modding, and etc. Don't be that character that ignores the rules, if you have a character in a higher postion then fine, but no lioness can disrespect the Queen without getting away with it.

9. Reservations last for 48 hours. If you need more time you will be alotted 12 hours to finish your form.

10. You may have up to 2 powerful roles. If one of your characters in a powerful role dies then you'll be able to obtain another one.
11. Please be creative and unique in your character forms. I do not want to see you copying other people's work. Put a random fact about your character in other, state it plainly. Wouldn't it make you mad if your work was copied so why do it to someone else?

12. Pictures are acceptable, but please use proper crediting and useable photos and do not hot-link. Obtain photos from DeviantArt and upload them fo proper image banks.

13. Have fun !

Edited at August 17, 2021 10:17 PM by Spellbound
Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 17, 2021 10:21 PM


Posts: 22585
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She is the ultimate ruler of the pride. Her word is law, and she is to be respected. To disrespect her is treasonous offence. She makes the decisions on who is let into the pride , who is banished/exiled, along with the daily orders. Her punishments are always just and fair as she is the ruler and you shouldn't dare offend her. Her rank is earned through bloodline, forging her own Pride, or even challenging a Queen for it. Her role is stable within the Pride and cannot be removed unless she dies or is defeated in a fight with another lioness. A change in King doesn't mean a change in Queen.
Deputy Lionesses
The two lionesses closest to the Queen. They have a high amount of authority as well, they are to be listened to. Whatever they say goes, and they may punish you as they see fit if you do not obey them. They are the Queen's enforcers of the rules, they keep the lionesses in order and make sure they are obeying the rules. They are handpicked by the Queen, and their role cannot be challenged for unless they have been stripped of their title, which rarely happens. But cases of abuse of power has been reported.
The protecter of the Pride. This male is the most dominant male within the Pride. His word is law and is not to be challenged, the only person who can null anything he says or does is the Queen. He must seek permission from her before doing things such as : allowing lionesses within the pride, organizing hunts within the pride, and settling disputes between lionesses. His job is to protect the pride with patrols of the surrounding area, and to report any sightings of loners to the Queen first and not handle it himself. He must keep his Queen happy, as if she finds him unsuitable for the role she can and will demote him. His role is not stable as it can easily be stolen or replaced, so he must tread lightly.
Second Male
The Second dominant male within the pride. He is to be respected and what he says goes. He is to participate in daily patrols to protect the pride, and if he is found unsatisfactory can be removed from his lofty position. He has the right to breed with the Pride as well.
Third Male
Same as the Second Male, but less dominante. May be younger than him or less experienced.
Kicheche Lionesses
These ladies have been causing an uproar within the pride. They have no respect for authority and believe themselves untouchable from the Queen and Deputies. In a way they are, because they are fiercly proctected by the King, and they whine about the slightest incovience from the other lionesses. They are quite pampered by the King, not having to participate in hunts. And they are expected to eat first, before the lionesses who did the work and before the Queen and Deputies. They are truly parasites and it's quite honestly annoying. Maybe only one of them has a conciense.
These are the hard-working ladies of the Nguoro Pride. They are the mothers, hunters, scouts , cubwatchers, and everything in between. They respect and adore their Queen and her Deputies. They know and follow the rules (some may find the new lionesses behavior appealing and try to imitate it.) They are expected to obey their superiors and remain loyal to them
These are the young adults of the pride. Any lion under the age of 1 year and 11 months. Once lionesses reach two they are expected to actively participate in hunts, and males are expected to participate in border patrols. They are expected to know and obey the rules of the Pride.
The youth, these under one year of age. Must have a sire within the pride. They are well protected by the lionesses, and are trained to become productive members of the pride.

Edited at August 17, 2021 10:54 PM by Spellbound
Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 17, 2021 10:51 PM


Posts: 22585
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1. Reserved
Second Male
Third Male
Kicheche Lionesses
1. Kahina

Edited at August 18, 2021 12:13 PM by Spellbound
Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 17, 2021 10:53 PM


Posts: 22585
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The Application
Where Does Your Loyalty Lie:
King or Queen, and your lion's thoughs
Desired Rank:
Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 17, 2021 11:20 PM


Posts: 22585
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Kicheche Lioness
Preferred Rank:
Queen of a Pride, but being a loyal Deputy is
Kahina is a lovely lioness, bearing a leucism coat defect. It makes her coat creamy in complexion and almost seeming white as well in certain lighting. Her nose is rosy pink in color, and around her muzzle the contrast of the obsidial lines can be seen. Her face is a dainty one, and she has pale blue eyes that can grow icy when irritated and sometimes hold infinate wisdom. Her eyes are outlined by black and can seem to be as some sort of eyeliner, and not to mention the white-blonde eyelashes that frame them. She's long and lean being 5.3 feet long, including her tail, and she stands at 3.4 feet being on the medium size. She is neither big or small, but in her opinon the right size. She is quite swift, and their is grace in her steps, but also she can be quite formidable in battle due to having a equal balance in speed and strength. She is quite versitile when it comes to hunting being able to chase prey or take it down if need be. Her body structure is as muscular with a slight stockiness to it. Her paws are quite large, and her claws are quite sharp. Perfect for clawing males with <3Stock Images. Credits to Elsapret on DA

This female is an odd creature who seems to have many faces. Maybe it's because she's known nothing but the life of a lone lioness. This female has learned to be cunning and manipulative. Why? She doesn't like others having an advantage over her, and so she trys to find ones weakness, before they do hers. She has had to lie to many, because who wants to be thought a weakling? This has lead her to become quite the story teller, with some of it being the truth and other parts fictional. It's hard to trust her words at times, and she inadvertently flicks her tail when she lies. However this life has also left her to be observant and wise. She takes every hunt seriously as if it's her last meal as she knows times she has went days without a simple morsel. She also takes the time to notice the smallest details about others whether it be their apperance, or their mood or personality.She's had to learn to be witty to get annoying lions off her tail. She's hard to please when it comes to a suitable partner, due to the last lion she was with. He failed to protect her daughter from a hyena, and dared to blame the child for her inexperience. She doesn't trust males easily, and if one dared come near, pah , she'd smack him just for thinking he was worthy of being in her prescense. She is a Queen who doesn't need a male to save her all the time, because she can handle her own damned problems. This can lead her to being stubborn when accepting help from others more or less a lion.She's fiesty and bold. Kahina will tell you if you're annoying her in the simplest way, shape or form she can. She can also get irritated if she's awoken from a peaceful slumber, and she's had to learn patience, and when to hold her tounge in speech. She has a big mouth that can spiral out of control if she lets it.

Cubs, especially young ones , hold a dear place in her heart. If she joins a pride and their are cubs, oh expect her in her spare time to be telling stories or entertaining them by playing with them. She is fiercly protective of any cub she comes across even if it's not hers, and if you dare hurt a cub...then she won't see past it. Cubs are young and inexperienced creatures who need to learn the ways of the world.She is very helpful in matters, and when requested [granted even if she isn't asked] she'll offer small words of advice. Her words at time makes her seem older than she is, and they can ring with wisdom.

She even though may lie is suprisingly trustworthy. She'd never betray her Pride and can be trusted with one's deepest and darkest secrets. Another suprising fact is she is quite empathetic, and if you have a load on your shoulder she'll be their if you need comfort. Kahina is very vocal, and expressive about her emotions, and can quite frankly be quite dramatic. She carries herself as if she could rule the word, and at times it may seem she can.


Kahina was born in a distant pride, daughter to a King and Queen. For a couple months she lived a life of luxary, by being doted on and given the best of any food hunted. She was treated like the Princess she was. However, that was all to change when her father found favor in another lioness, and demoted the Queen of his youth for a younger, prettier and inexperienced one. Her mother was humiliated by the newfound Queen who was petty, and banished the Former Queen along with her daughters that could stipulate for the throne.

Her sisters were scattered and some even slain by the bloodthirty Queen. Kahina was only three months when she and her mother ran away, and her mother was formerly a Lone Lioness before she was a Queen so the change was easier for her. However the little spoiled cub had to deal with sleepless nights, her stomach acing due to a lack of food, and uncomfortable sleeping sites. No, she detested this life, and wanted to be back in a Pride. Her mother tried to appease her and tried to join a Pride, but because of the cold reception they recieved they only stayed three days.Her mother determined they would stay without a Pride. This meant life would be hard, and so she prepared and trained her daughter for this. She taught her daughter the basics of nomadic life : hunting, finding suitable shelter, and trust no one.

Kahina looked up to her mother, and stayed with her up until she was three. She fell in love with a lion who wasn't up to her mothers standards. Being the rebellious daughter she was, she left, and became pregnant. She was estatic about have his darling cub! She told her mother, but her mother told her she would have to stay with the male, because she wasn't raising two cubs. Why, Kahina was furious! So she did stay with the male, most of her pregnacy, and soon enough had her only daughter. Four months later she let the father talk her daughter on a little adventure, but the male came running back to tell her they had a run in with hyenas. She was shocked to find, he abandonded their child, because he didn't want any scars on his precious frame. By the time she reached the cub, it was dead. How Kahina mourned the child, and so she grew to detest and neither trust males.

She when she was three years and eight months went back to her mother. This time she would listen, and her mother taught her daughter how to carry herself, and let no one: neither lioness nor lion walk over her. Kahina was the last of her mother's offspring as her mother was old at 14, and nearing her death. Kahina's mother taught her everything she needed to know and what she thought she didn't need to know up until 5 months ago. Her mother died at the ripe age of 14, and Kahina feels it was her fault. A hunting accident it truely was, the wilderbeast kicked her mother's jaw, breaking it , and she was pierced in the shoulder as well. Her mother starved to death, and Kahina will never forgive herself for it.

She had a young daughter, but hyenas killed her

Edited at August 17, 2021 11:24 PM by Spellbound
Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 18, 2021 12:04 PM


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Reserve king and lioness?
Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 18, 2021 12:12 PM


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Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 18, 2021 05:51 PM


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(Credits to Drezdany-stocks on DA for all images)

3 || Lioness || Regular Lioness || Something Higher

Loyal to? Either

Adani is a tawny-colored lioness with bright amber eyes. She stands 3.8 feet at the shoulder, weighs in around 260 pounds, and has a sleek, lithe build. Her tail is long and has an extra fluffy tuft of fur at the end. Her muzzle, tail tip, and ears are all slightly darker in color than her base coat.

She has a proud neck, strong hindquarters, and firm shoulders. Her eyes are framed by darker lashes and fur, making them pop out. Her canines are a little longer than normal, causing her maw to always be partially opened, whether or not it appears to be. She has a slash across her chest from an accident as a cub.

Her mousy fur is short and fine, though it is thick enough that it could be considered coarse. It grows longer around her elbows, chest, ears, and underbelly. She does still have cub spots, much to her embarrassment, that have not faded, though it does run in her family. Her mother, for instance, didn't fully lose her spots until she was about eight.

Adani's dappling will eventually fade to near invisible, and she can't wait for that to occur.


Her gait is smooth and flowing, nearly regal in appearance, and her face always holds a confident, almost mischievous expression. She is somewhat flirtatious, stubborn, and curious. She likes attention, though she does quickly get a little awkward and bashful if a male flirts back. She's a fun-loving lioness, introverted but open, and loves to play around with cubs.

Adani has a manipulative side to her as well, however. She has learned how to twist her words and actions to make others feel certain ways in order to gain some amount of favor with her mother, who was always colder and distant. Since the old lioness's passing, Adani tried hard to block away that part of her, though, as of late, it has begun to show again quite prominently.

She is fairly friendly, extremely loyal, and ready for challenges. She is stubborn and has a dominant streak to her, but she tries to be friends with everyone to avoid hate conflicts. Adani is an excellent hunter and works well in a team.

She was the only one of her siblings to survive past a week old, as her mother had been elderly and sick when they had been born. Growing up, she strove to be the perfect lioness: great hunting technique, an acceptable show of dominance, and completely loyal to her pride. Now, that loyalty is questioned. She is unsure whether she should do what her Queen wills, or if she should listen to the Ukufa males who, all in all, are her rulers.

Her opinions are not voiced to the other lionesses, though she does show respect towards the coalition. Especially towards the two brothers.












Her loyalty is to both the king and queen, and so she is quite torn at the moment.


Usurped | Lion RP | OpenAugust 18, 2021 05:57 PM


Posts: 4898
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Credits to HOTNstock on DA

5 || Lion || King || Content-ish

Loyal to the King, duh

Izem is a large male, weighing in at 530 lbs and standing 4.3 feet tall. His stature is an intimidating one. His body is decorated with scars varying in length and size. His most noticeable are two gashes across his nose, more circular than slice shaped, which have exposed his dark skin and no longer allow hair to grow. He also has several cuts and bite marks on his legs, shoulders, and flanks.

Izem has a cold stare. Actually, everything about him is cold. His refined posture, the soft thuds of his paws making contact with the ground, even the way his fur moves has a dangerous aura to it. His eyes are a hard amber rimmed with dark fur, making them pop out more prominently. His face is nearly always expressionless, or stony in appearance. A smile has not graced his maw in ages; the closest thing to one has been a cruel twist of his upper lips into something resembling a sick grin or a snarl.

When he walks, hard muscle ripples beneath a sleek, tan pelt. Izem holds himself with a cool regality, head high, tail curled slightly. His long, thick mane is a tapestry of dark browns, golds, and honeys that spreads over his shoulders down to the end of his humerus.

Izem is a handsome lion, but he looks unapproachable. Formidable. Dangerous.


He can be as chilly as his appearance would suggest. Izem has a deep, almost calming rumble of a voice that does not fit his appearance at all, but his tone can quickly grow aloof and clipped in nature. His words are curt and to the point; there is no beating around the bush with this one. If the truth is asked for, the truth shall be made known.

This lion holds strength in high regard -- not necessarily physical strength, as he knows full well that it will not always win a fight -- as well as some form of loyalty. Not necessarily loyalty to an individual; rather, the devotion to an idea or the coalition as a whole.

He is a calculating individual, mind always working. While he does have physical strength as an advantage, he prefers to use his head first and come up with a plan of action for whatever task lies ahead. Izem also has a fairly strong sense of vengeance.

He kind of has abandonment issues.

Izem is actually, and secretly, quite fond of cubs, though he would never admit to it. His harsh exterior becomes neutral around them, though his eyes light up.

Lionesses and cubs are the only ones who will ever see a glimpse of kindness in him. For the former, he holds a tone of respect and makes sure that their thoughts are heard thoroughly before he replies -- at least, he does with most lionesses. As of late, the Queen is not among them. He does not ever mean to disrespect the former, though he has no problem quelling disputes with a snide comment or two. That, though, is rare. Izem is his most friendly around his lionesses.




He's waiting for a worthy female.


Mate first




PM me


He takes in lionesses he sees as abandoned by those who should have watched out for them, or those who are more power-hungry than those in his pride. He wants to build a stronger unit, but will the Queen listen? No, of course not.


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