Wolf Play : Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | Open
02:05:53 The Naming Empress
02:05:35 SL, SilverLined
All Common. It means the nose, eyes and coat are all common rarity
All common.
02:04:32 The Naming Empress
What is that???
The highest AC you can get is a 59
02:00:30 Kat ?
Dang. I saw their rarity and thought I had finally bred a 62R AC and bam, dynamic coat </3
01:58:34 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Time to do my yearly breeding I guess >:D... 2pm Autumn 3 is the best time
01:54:11 The Naming Empress
Yeah 😔
01:53:35 Kat ?
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
01:52:03 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Welp. XD
01:50:34 The Naming Empress
Its a 5/10
Not really my colors

But its glitched
I think
01:49:04 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
What would you rate it out of 10 XD
I don't actually want to know what it looks like
01:48:17 The Naming Empress
Its really far down DX
01:47:16 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
I don't have See Other Palettes turned on XD it hurts my brain too much

7 Day Gain: 2455 7 Day Loss: 2949 7 Day Profit: -494
01:46:21 Running Dog
Hey Silver
01:45:33 The Naming Empress
Hi Silver
01:45:20 The Naming Empress
Hey Boe
You know the alliance we are battling against?
In Frozens back porch
Its palett is messed up
01:45:16 Dawn sun
Hey Silver
01:44:30 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Hi Silver
01:43:57 The Naming Empress
Hi boe


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Vicuna Wolf : -1
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Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 7, 2021 11:36 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Toppled Kingdom

For years the Ridge Pride has lived on top of the world, known easily as one of the strongest prides in the region. They lavished themselves in food, water, and safety, fully believing nothing could ever topple them. Oh how foolish they were to think that.

Hearing the tales of the formidable pride, their stories caught the attention of none other than the Ukufa Coalition. A tribe of lions, a brotherhood really, who rival the Ridge Pride in strength and ferocity. Nothing scares them, and nothing has ever stood in their way. Everything they have ever set their eyes on they have taken. By force. To them, the Ridge Pride was no different.

They came like a storm one night, completely unnoticed by the pride, prowling into the territory under the cover of darkness. By the time they were on the pride, it was too late. They defeated the King, and his leading lions, banishing them from the territory to lick their wounds. It wasn't enough to leave the pride battered and beaten though, they needed to tear down their spirit so they could be ruled without any worry of an uprising. So they, without hesitation, and no pause, systematically killed every cub within the pride, all but two. The Queen's.

But like everything, there is method to their madness. They knew, with her cubs and lover still alive, they had full control over their new prize. With their lives in their claws, the Ukufa males new there was nothing the Queen would, and could, do to jeopardize that. They also knew that this could create contention between the mothers who's young were murdered and the Queen who was some how spared. After all: What's so special about her?

Now, as the sunrises on their new Reign, the Ukufa Males think nothing can stop them. They should have known that it's best to let sleeping lions lie.


My Co-Leads for this Rp are Polly and Tenebris Umbra.
Enough Said.


This Rp is more of a New Plot for me. So It will be a bit of a WIP even after the Rp Begins. So please, don't be afraid to ask questions.

Edited at August 8, 2021 04:20 AM by Imperial Sands
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 12:46 AM


Posts: 9246
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RP Rules
1. All of Eve's rules, obviously.
2. This RP does have elements of unrealism, but your characters should be realistic. We want realistic coat colors, and semi-realistic sizes.
3. For questions, PM us. Do not clog up this thread with unnecessary talk.
5. Credit your images, or else we will not accept your character.
6. With images also, make sure they are uploaded to an acceptable image hosting site.
7. This is semi-literate. That means we require full sentences for appearance and personality (yes, even if you have an image for appearance. I need measurements and scars/things that aren't shown on the image). Put your favorite colour in other, but hide it in a sentence.
8. This also means that you need at least 2 paragraphs, with at least 5 sentences per paragraph, per post per character, and acceptable grammar. We understand writers block, but we need something to reply to.
9. If you are fighting, allow others to reply, and do not dodge every hit, or land every hit.
10. Be active. At least one post per week, unless you give us a viable reason as to why you can't do that.
11. No godmoding, powerplaying etc. None of that will be tolerated.
12. Don't have your character be "that guy". Don't have them constantly disobey orders, or constantly wander off--doing this sometimes is okay, but c'mon, really? It doesn't make you fun, it makes you annoying.
13. No instant-mates, or being mates with your own character. Put the missing number from the rules in other as well.
14. For the purpose of this RP, there will be no cubs.
15. We reserve the right to deny applications.
16. Three strikes and "you're out". Break three rules, and you will be removed. Get three warnings, and you will be removed. Likewise, if we have to tell you to fix your form three times, we reserve the right to deny your application.
17. No perfect characters!
18. Drama in the RP is encouraged, however, OOC (Out Of OC) drama will not be tolerated. If you have an issue, PM me, and I will sort it out.
19. Reservations last 48 hours!
20. There will be a Four Character Limit! If you want to have more than four characters, you must seek permission from us.
21. Lastly, and most importantly, have fun!

Pride Rules
1. Respect the Leading males at all times.
2. Do nothing without permission.
3. To challenge for King and lose is something punishable by death or exile.
4. Being mates with a Non-Ufuka male is forbidden.
5. Withholding information is punishable.
6. The Queen is below the Leading Males.
7. The only female that is above the Ufuka Warriors is the Queen, but her position can be revoked.
8. The only males that the lionesses are not below is the Lesser Males.

The Queen's Unspoken 'Rules'
1. These males are not our leaders.
2. We are still a family. We are still a pride.
3. Do what you must to survive and remain safe, but stand together all the same.
4. Do not turn your back against the pride.

Edited at August 8, 2021 02:41 AM by Polly
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 12:46 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Ranks and Roles Explanation

Kings/Dominant Males
The Two Leading Males of the Ukufa Coalition who took over. They now lead as Dual Kings, both Equal in Power. To Challenge for King, you Challenge both of them, and you must defeat both of them. Their word is law, and to go against them is treason. The Kings may mate with any female they wish.

Second Male
This is one of the Ukufa Males, and is now the Second in Command beneath the Kings. They help enforce the Kings' Reign, and make sure laws are being abided by. Much like the Kings, their word is law, the only ones who can say otherwise are the Kings. He may mate with any female he wishes, except the Queen, he must get Permission for this first.
** There are some stipulations when taking this character. Please Pm first.**

Temporary Queen
This is the current Queen who was ruling prior to when the Ukufa Male's came. For now she is being held in this position until they find a new female to take it. The Queen, whether she is Temporary or not, is below the Leading Males. One would argue she is below even the Ukufa Warriors, but they have to give her some power so that the rest of the pride listens to her. Think of her as more of a pawn, a mouth piece, for the Leading Males. Ultimately, though, she has no power unless given to her by the Leading Males. She is not allowed to mate with any male without permission, and it has to be an Ukufa male.

Former Second Female

This is more of an Unspoken rank now that Second Female has been desmantled. This belongs to the female who was Second beneath the Queen. She holds no official power anymore, but many of the lionesses will still respect her as such.

Former Third Female

See the description for Second Female. It is the same, since this rank was also dismantled.

Ukufa Warriors
These are the Remaining males of the Ukufa Coalition. They are viewed as above the other males in the pride since they are from the coalition themselves. They act as the primary fighting force for the pride behind the Leading Males. They have more power than the ranks below them, and pretty much get away with things normal males wouldn't be able to in normal prides. They may mate with any female in the pride, but must seek permission to mate the Queen if she wishes.

These are the remaining lionesses in the pride. They basically hold no power, and are there to provide meals for the males and further along their genetics. A lioness will have more dominance than another based on her favor within the Ukufa males. If she holds none of their favor, she holds no power. It's important for lionesses to know, though, that their power is fleeting and limited to what the males decide it is. They may only mate with Ukufa males. A female who mates with a non-Ukufa male will find her offspring killed, and she may be slaughtered as well, exiled, or humiliated.

Lesser Males
These are the males of the pride who are not from the Ukufa Coalition. They didn't hold any high ranks in the pride prior to the take over, and have only been allowed to stay as the Ukufas view them as cannon fodder, meat shields, if you will. If a Lesser Male disrespect or disobeys any law or rule, they may be exiled, killed, or worse. They are not allowed to mate. Period. If they are found to have fathered any cubs, their cubs with be slaughtered, and they will be exiled, killed, or humiliated.

These are the couple of lionesses in charge of taking care of the cubs when their mother is out. Since there is only two cubs right now, there are only two cubsitters. More lionesses will be allowed to take the rank once the Ukufa cubs are born.

These are the cubs born to the Kings. Doesn't matter who their mother is, if they are fathered by either of the two kings, they are considered heirs. Once they turn two, their rank will change depending on what the Kings want from them.

These are all the other cubs within the pride who are under two years of age.

These are all the lions who are 10+ years old.

Unofficial Pride Ranks

The Harem
"Favored Lioness"
The Lionesses Dubbed Favored Lionesses by the two Kings are known to make up their Harem. Which are the specific lionesses with whom they will mate with a father cubs with. No other males, Ukufa or not, are allowed to mate, flirt, court, etc. with the females. They are to be looked upon as higher than even the Queen herself, though they still hold no power. This does not include the females for the Second or others males, just the Kings' females. It's important to note that while a female may be favored today, she can lose that favor just as quickly as she earned it. If she is found to be affiliating with any other males, she may be exiled or anything of the sort. Whatever that male desires. If he doubts the cubs are his, and she cannot prove it, he may choose to kill the cubs too. Lionesses within the Harem do get special guarding, and often have one of the Ukufa stationed near by to protect them.

Edited at August 8, 2021 02:36 AM by Imperial Sands
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:10 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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The Hierarchy


Second Male:

Ukufa Warriors:
Max 3

Reth - NPC


Temporary Queen:



Max 2


Max 2


Lesser Males:
Max 3


Non Pride Ranks

Banished King
Shomari - Deceased

Banished Second

Banished Third
Azaan - Deceased

Edited at August 14, 2021 09:54 PM by Imperial Sands
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:11 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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The Application

Desired Rank:
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:12 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Additional Roleplay Information

Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:41 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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This is technically open, a name for the Rp is still in the works.
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:42 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Ridge Pride
Lesser Male
Desired Rank:
He desires to be a Warrior, or higher, again.

Credit belongs to MajcheZmajcheon DA. This is a Stock Image.

While he may not reach the same size and mass of a Kalahari lion, Crixus is the very definition of brute by African Lion standards. Coming in at just barely above 4 feet tall, the sturdy male weighs a solid 500 lbs. He is definitely a creature to behold, and his stature tends to cause others to wonder why he isn't farther up in the Heirarchy.

The male's coat isn't the normal tawny color you would see belonging to other males of his species. Instead his is an unusual coat is a color that is almost grey-brown in appearance. It definitely has an ashy look to it, like he just got done rolling in ash. His underbelly goes from being tan on the sides, to a creamy color on his belly. Which matches his paws, because his legs lighten as his fur goes down them, going from the ashy brown color, to a lighter, almost cream color.

His mane is thick, and lucious, as full as any male would hope his mane would be. Like a true crown, the mane starts as any other mane, and then settles around his shoulders and upper back, and travels down his chest, ending shortly after going between his front legs. It's an ombre of color, a ta around his face and ears, and darkening to a brown that is so dark it's almost black on his belly. His eyes are a golden amber color, almost topaz in appearance. And his scent is something reminiscent of some earthy, but musky, like sandalwood or vetiver, that has the slightest hint of something almost mint, like eucalyptus.

The other, most noticable thin about Crixus is that he is absolutely covered in scars. No stranger to combat, the male wears his scars almost as proudly as he does his mane. The most prominant scar is actually his missing tail tip.
Crixus is a naturally arrogant, cocky male, who has absolutely no shortage of confidence. He's an aggressive and almost over bearing male, who knows what he wants, and is not afraid to simply take it. The male also loves to fight, he is the type to always start fights, or sparring matches. Determined and a bit hot tempered, the male isn't the type to ever back down from a real challenge. If a lion if coming after him, he will meet it head on.

With those in his pride, the male tends to be relatively friendly. He doesn't go out of his way for others, but he doesn't tend to be rude either. It's a weird balance. However, with females, especially if he is in the mood to get under his lady's skin, he can be incredibly flirtatious. If it makes him look good, he will pretty much do whatever he can for them ladies. With strangers, though, he is almost entirely a brute, aggressive and mean, he would kill a stranger without a second thought if it pleased his pride, especially his Queen.

With the one he holds dear, he can be a more gentle male, though still cocky and arrogant to a degree. He is far more attentive, and playful. Basically, the aggressive parts of his personality are toned down, but not the other key parts or it.
His Lady
Does anyone actually know?
Two Daughters
He is the Ridge Pride Queen's Favored Lion; her Paramour.

Credit Belongs to MajcheZmajche on DA. This is a Stock Image.
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:43 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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4 Years
Ridge Pride
Former Second Female
Desired Rank:
She desires to be Second Female again.
And free from the Ukufa Males Again.


Credit belong to EbonyKate on DA. This is a Stock Image.

Neda is a medium to large sized lioness, and, like other females, she isn't the largest lioness in the world, but she certainly isn't someone to ignore. The female is bulkier than she is tall, coming in at just under 3.4 inches, but weighing a hefty 361 lbs. The robust female is really a sight to be held, perfectly created for hunting and fighting, the lioness turns heads for reasons that have nothing to do with attraction.

Her coat is paler than most lions, barely making it to a cream color, though it darkens to a tan along her shoulders and down her back. Her fur lightens as it goes down her sides to her underbelly, ending up in an almost off white color, but it still has some pigment to it. Her eyes are a lighter brown color that are just a bit too cold to be amber, plus they have prominant grey flecks within them, giving them a grey-brown look. Her scent is a subtle thing, a odd mixture of jasmine and something like coriander. It gives her scent a herby smell, with a hint of floral, that ends with a bit of spice.

The female has her fair share of scars, but while she adorns them without shame, the most prominent scar is the notch on the inside right side of her left ear. It was ripped by a claw of a male lion she got in a tussle with. It ended far worse for the male.
Neda is not a lioness many find to be pleasant company. Cold and calculating, the lioness doesn't have a whole lot of tolerance for a whole lot of things. Impatient, especially with anything she considers stupidity, which is a lot of things, Neda can be qute the hot tempered lady. Violent and malicious, the female has never had any qualms with doing the dirty work to ge things done. Truthfully, the female would likely kill anything without even blinking. Oddly enough, the lioness is completely and totally devoted to her Queen, even more so than herself. She isn't the type to question her Queen, and if she finds others doing so, you bet they are going to be met with claws. The lioness was previous a warrior, and that was how she was raised, however, with the pride growing, she switched to hunter, figuring she would be of more use providing food for the pride. However, the female longs for nothing more than to return to her Warrior status.

Confident and completely sure of herself, Neda has a way about her that is much like a prized fighter. She is always trying to think one step ahead, and when she isn't, she is fully prepared to take a beating. The lioness rarely every doubts herself, and if she is, it is for an incredibly good reason. When Neda does actually speak to others, she tends to be one of two ways. Either she is incredibly dry, and would rather throw herself in front of a rhino, or she is incredibly sarcastic, sometimes verging on mean or sadistic.

It is important to note that Neda wasn't always like this. Strong and resilient? Yes. Cold hearted and mean? No. There was a time when she was friendly, open to others, and you could even have a conversation with her. Unfortunately, as some things go, Neda lost the most important thing to her, and it completely broke her, causing her to become who she is today. She may come off as a strong, cold hearted lioness who doesn't care about anyone, however, on the inside she is secretly completely broken.

None are brave enough.
She has no desire for goblins.
She is Acantha's cousin. Do you think the bad attitude is genetic?
Toppled Kingdom | Sign Ups | OpenAugust 8, 2021 03:47 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10877
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Means "Blood" in Zulu

5 Years
King or Dominant Male
Preferred Rank:
Content for Now,
but later King of the Lands or Pride;
He Won't Settle for One Pride


At first glance, Gazini doesn't appear to be the most eye catching of males in the world. He doesn't have as big of or as dark of a mane as some males, and that tends to make him look smaller than he actually is. More often than not, the male gets underestimated because of how he looks at a glance. However, those who don't pay mind to the male's actual size are in for a rude awakening when they meet Zi head on.

Standing easily at just under four feet and four inches, Gazini is a tall male, though certainly not the tallest. However, what he lacks in height, the male packs in weight. He's above average in weight for a male his size, easily contending with those taller than him because of his burly mass at, the male comes in at over 550 lbs. One could almost say that his mane making him appear smaller than he actually is could almost be an advantage for him, since it could cause opponents to feel over confident.

Despite his mane not being rather long and full, or anything like some of the other males, it isn't something that is thin and bare like that of a younger male. His mane is still quite dense and full, just shorter and not as heavy and longer. It his mane does start on his head, moving down his chest and shoulders, and then down his belly. It actually travels down his belly so far that it reaches his hind legs. His shoulders and belly are where his mane is it's darkest, though, unlike other males, whos mane might turn black, his had barely gone past a medium brown. His mane ombres from a light blonde, to the medium brown color. The one thing that is noticable is that the tan and brown shades do have a bit of a red hue to them.

Like his mane, Gazini has a more reddish tan pelt, something that is darker than the tawny color of a lioness. He is darkest along his back and flanks, his coat lightening along his face and down his legs where they lighten to a more creamy color at his paws. Even his tail is lightest right before it's tail tip of the darker brown color of his hair. Zini has a pair of dark amber eyes that are a shade or two away from being a dark red in color. His scent is something musky and rich, with the slightest hint of something metallic to it. Almost like blood in a freshly earthed forest.

Gazini is a male who can come off rather charismatic when he is first met, but there is something that is deifinitely a bit off about him. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what until someone gets to know him more, but until then, it's usually just a feeling. Zin is not one to try and prove otherwise, either, being a male with a knack for all things gorey, vicious, and aggressive. If there is someone needing dirty work done, Gazini is one of the first ones to get it done, without any hesitation, in fact, the male may even enjoy it.

While it would be easy to label Gazini as a bit of a brute because of his aggressive and violent nature, the male is oddly calculating, always seeming to be a step or two ahead. Not enough to give it away that he is, but enough to keep others intrigued and keep trying, believing they are just that close to getting the better of him. Volatile and intelligent, Gazini is not someone who's bad side you want to be on, he will have no tolerance for you, and he's not the type of male to ignore things that irritate him. He meets them with teeth and claw to remove them permanently.

The rogue male seems to have no real moral compass, there is nothing he wouldn't do, no one he wouldn't kill in order to achieve whatever it is that him and his brother desire. In fact, one could argue that the only one Zi is loyal to is his brother. No one else is safe with him. The male would like kill his own cousin's cubs if he saw it fitting, which could be something as simple as them being too small, or him wanting that lioness to birth his own cubs. And this is not something the male is ashamed of either, the male has no shame, he wouldn't know it if it slapped him in the face.

Zini is a social male, not shy in the slightest, and can easily be one of the first to strike up conversation if it suits him. However, he can also be like a chameleon when he wants though, able to fade into the background when its needed. Usually, though, Gazini is a dominant male, and won't tolerate anyone, except maybe his brother, coming ahead of him. He'd take a step back and let his brother take the lead, so long as it was understood that they were equals. Other males though? Nope. He could never be their equal, and he is quick to prove it through violence when necessary. He's done it before, and he will do it again.

There is something unpredictable about the male, that it's hard to assume exactly how he will handle a situation. About the only thing that is predictable about Gazini is that he is unpredictable. If met with the same situation twice, there is no guaruntee that he will do the same thing each time. Sometimes the male will make go with a certain decision just because it might be fun. For him. Not for the other lion, but for him. And the male has a wicked sense of what is "fun".


His brother is the other King.


Credits for All Images Belongs to Fotostyle-Schindler on DA. Stock Images.

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