

My Non-RiderName:Henry Aiden Grayson Age:25 Years Gender:Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Bonded or Unbonded?:Unbonded Resistance Rank:Resistance Member; He's known as a Ranger Among Them Dragon:None; Being a Ranger, his Mount of Choice for Now is his Trusty Steed, Rusty. Appearance: Credit Belongs to Ding Ding [Tinlou_1] on Picrew.
Standing at 6'1", Henry isn't necessarily the tallest man, but he isn't anything to scoff at either. He has a muscular build with a wide set of shoulders, and a set of hips even some women would be impressed by. His legs and arms are both well toned, but he isn't the type to have wash board abs. While he didn't live or work on a farm growing up, his has the kind of muscle that comes from that type of work, only honed through purposeful training. This causes him to weigh around 210 lbs or so. The man definitely is packing a badonk, and while he might get embarrassed when he's being checked out, he does appreciate the appreciation for his physique.
Born with naturally fairer skin, Henrey does tan easily, especially since he's used to being out in the sun since becoming a ranger. He does have his fair share of scars, one obvious one being on the cheekbone of the left side of his face. He has a straight nose that ends in a rounded tip, and a pair of wide lips that are a bit on the thinner side. His eyes, which are deeply hooded, are a shade of dark, dark green, that, in the low light, look almost black. His hair is dark and kept relatively short, though it does hang a bit wavily down over his eyes. His voice is a lower baritone, something that is rich and warm, and usually always welcoming to others.
Personality:Friendly | Saint Bernarnd | Loyal | Nonjudgemental | Protective | Kind | Helpful | A Bit Selfless | Easy Going | Observant | Chatty | Family Oritentated | Self Motivated | Determined | Big Brother Tendencies
Strength/Skills: Weaknesses: Crush:Open Partner:None; He's a Single Pringle Kin:None; Potentially Open Affiliations: Other: Edited at October 30, 2024 09:19 PM by Imperial Sands